United Way Charlando del Cine y TV Cocina de Tia Yole Page 7 Page 8 Page 15 Victoria College was spring- board for medical school student Victoria College graduate Robert Fultz didn’t really know what to expect when he began medical school at Houston’s Baylor College of Medicine in the fall of 2011. “I didn’t really have a lot of preconceived notions about what it was going to be like,” Fultz said. “I found out it’s a challenge and it’s as exciting and reward- ing as you want it to be. You get Robert Fultz. Contributed photo. what you put in.” After his family moved to Victoria in 2002, Fultz, 32, began his medical career three years later as an emergency medical techni- cian at Citizens Medical Center in Victoria. In the fall of 2006, he decided to enroll at Victoria College to pursue an academic career in medicine. “The best thing I got from VC was mentorship,” Fultz said. “There Top row (left to right): City Council candidates Lucy Herrera and Ricky De La Garza III. Bottom row (left to right): City Council candidates was some great faculty in the Biology Department. They gave me Rufus Diggs and Todd Valdes. Contributed photos. a lot of opportunities. They were really devoted to any student that showed an interest in learning.” Fultz said the encouragement and guidance he received at Victo- ria College helped convince him that medical school was attainable. Early voting for City Council ends “I started college in my early 20s, so I felt like I was already behind,” Fultz said. “But I had some great professors helping me immediately.” July 19; Election Day is July 23 Fultz received his associate degree from VC in 2008. He went on Early Voting in person for the Dodson Public Health Center in the seat are Rafael “Ricky” De La to acquire his bachelor’s degree at Sam Houston State University July 23, 2016 City of Victoria Classroom A. The Health Center Garza, III, Rufus Diggs, Todd Val- in the spring of 2011 after being named to the SHSU Dean’s List Special Election will begin on is located at 2805 N. Navarro. des and Lucy Herrera. Additional and President’s Honor Roll. Fultz enrolled at the Baylor College of Wednesday, July 6, 2016 and end The special election is called hours for early voting will be held Medicine the next fall. on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. Early to fill the vacancy currently exist- on Friday, July 15, 2016 and Tues- In November 2009, Fultz won the Joan Abramowitz Award for voting will be held from 8 am to ing in council member district 1 day, July 19, 2016 from 7 am to 7 See STUDENT, pg. 14 5 pm, weekdays at the Dr. Pattie by Emett Alvarez. Candidates for See VOTING, pg. 12 2 — Revista de Victoria, July 2016 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Six UHV faculty members earn promotions A group of six University of after the UH System Board of Re- The associate professors who Houston-Victoria faculty members gents approved their promotions in will be promoted to the rank of will have new job titles this fall academic rank. professors are: • Yixi Ning, School of Business Administration • Yun Wan, School of Arts & Sciences In addition, Jesica McCue will be promoted from lecturer to se- nior lecturer. All of the promotions will take effect Sept. 1. “These faculty members have built up a long list of impressive accomplishments in classroom and labs, which benefit our stu- dents, our institution and our com- munity,” said Don Smith, UHV Wei-Chih “Danny” Chiang, School of Busi- interim provost and vice president Jesica McCue, senior lecturer. Contributed ness Administration. Contributed photo. for academic affairs. “It’s satisfy- photo. ing to see them being rewarded The assistant professors who with promotions to higher aca- distinguished achievements can will be promoted to associate pro- demic ranks.” warrant earlier consideration. fessors and receive tenure are: Faculty members hired as assis- The promotion review process, • Wei-Chih “Danny” Chiang, tant professors at UHV have five which takes almost a year to com- School of Business Administration years to apply for promotion and plete, begins with evaluations by • Massomeh Hajilee, School of tenure. Associate professors may the school deans. Their recommen- Business Administration be considered for promotion to dations are sent to the university’s • Mark Ward, School of Arts & professor after six years, although promotion and tenure committee Sciences for evaluation. The committee’s recommendations go to the pro- vost, and his recommendations go up the chain to the university pres- ident, UH System chancellor and the UH System Board of Regents. Chiang has taught account- ing classes at UHV since 2010. In 2013, he was named the UHV School of Business Administration Partnership Professor of Account- ing. Chiang’s research interests focus primarily in the area of tax accounting. He has received a re- search award at the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines and a Massomeh Hajilee, School of Business Ad- best paper award at the American ministration. Contributed photo. See UHV, pg. 16 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2016 — 3 Vacation security tips Contributed art. by Officer John Turner aforementioned friend or neighbor lot more stuff in your cars than you park their vehicle in your drive- normally would and little to no Summer is finally upon us and way to make it appear that some- room left in the trunk. There are with that comes thoughts of relax- one is home. If they’re a really criminals that will target vacation- ing and taking a break from the ers for just this reason, so don’t daily grind. forget to keep your vehicles locked Unfortunately when we’re on Therefore, in with your valuables hidden as best vacation, criminals are hard at you can. An even better plan is work, looking for their next vic- addition to to take only what you’ll need for tim. Therefore, in addition to plan- your trip and leave the rest secured ning for fun and excitement, we planning for fun elsewhere. This also goes for large also need to plan for the security amount of cash and credit cards. of our homes when we’re away. and excitement, we Carry only what you need. Before you rush out the door, I know it’s no fun to think about make sure that you have locked also need to plan security when planning a vaca- all of your doors and windows. I tion but it’s much less fun being know this seems like a no-brainer for the security of the victim of a crime. Just a few but sometimes in our haste to be- simple steps can ensure that you gin our adventure, we may forget our homes when and your home will be safe while about an unlocked door or win- you’re away and it will give you dow; so always plan to double we’re away. one less thing to think about while check. And, don’t forget about the enjoying your time away. garage door. If you’re going to be John Turner is a Crime Pre- away for any length of time, it’s good friend, you might even be vention Officer with the Victoria not a bad idea to disable your au- able to talk them into maintaining Police Department. If you have tomatic door opener (if you have your lawn while you’re gone. questions regarding home security one) and add a secondary lock. A Here’s another thing to consider or other crime prevention topics padlock inserted through one of when enjoying your time away. he may be contacted at (361)485- the holes in the track works per- You will more than likely have a 3808. fectly for this. Always have a relative, friend or trusted neighbor keep an eye on your house for you. Tell them when you’re leaving and when you’ll be back and make sure they can contact you in an emergency. They can pick up newspapers and mail, and watch for suspicious ac- tivity. Nothing lets a burglar know a house is empty quite like an overflowing mailbox and a drive- way full of newspapers. Give your house the lived in look. Have a few interior lights on timers set to come on at random intervals. Maybe you can have the 4 — Revista de Victoria, July 2016 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com por Santos Raya sacerdotal. El Papa Francisco le dijo, “Ust- VATICAN – El 30 de Junio, el ed continua sirviendo a la Iglesia, Papa “Eméritas” (Benedicto) cele- nunca se deja de contribuir a su bro sus 65 años de su ordinación crecimiento con un vigor y la sa- Prince Harry. Contributed photo. biduría.” carlo. de descuentos! Benedicto Ratzinger le dijo al MEXICO – México ha deportado Tiene la misma sonrisa que su Papa Francisco, “Su bondad es 2,842 menores de Honduras. Los madre, la que fue Princesa Diana. el lugar donde me siento seguro. menores tenían planes de pasar a ESTAMBUL – Se anuncio que Continua por este camino de la los Estados Unidos. hay 39 muertos del ataque en el misericordia.” ENGLAND – El Príncipe Harry aeropuerto. Los 239 heridos que RUSSIA – Una montaña en Ru- ¡fue visto recientemente en com- estaban en hospitales, 109 ya fuer- sia dejo 11 heridos cuando se dis- pra de alimentos congelados y los on dados de alta. Detienen a 13 sospechosos re- lacionados con el ataque al aero- puerto. Se incluida 3 extranjeros. VICTORIA COUNTY VENEZUELA – Los Estados Unidos y Venezuela comenzaran TAX SALE pláticas como se puede resolver la situación en Venezuela.
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