Absinthe Material found via Internet and ‘‘Re-digested” by Puppet. Ver 1.3 Puppet A-AAVV-001 _______ 0DWHULDOIRXQGYLDWKH,QWHUQHW )URPDQLGHDE\3XSSHW *UDSKLFSURMHFWE\3XSSHW 3DJLQJE\3XSSHW 'HVLJQG\3XSSHW )URQW&RYHUE\+5*LJHU /DVW3DJH&RYHUE\+5*LJHU _______ No copyright! Copy and diffuse it in any way! Via software, paper, word and any other way you know. Maybe inside this book something is under copyright, but we don’t know what or why, so don’t be afraid. Use it as you want but, please, do not change or manipulate it, we like it just as it is! Verses (pg.122) are taken from: “Memory Gardens” by Allen Ginsberg. Images (pgg.3-122) by H.R.Giger. All this stuff is reproduced and reproducible with(out) kind permission of the authors. 3 (NO)COPYRIGHT 3XSSHW 1995 Summary Introduction: What kind of stuff is this? 9 Marijuana: Prejudice VS Science 11 A little bit of all… from the beginning… 13 The Plant in Question 14 Criminalized, Decriminalized, Recriminalized 15 Role of the international narcotics control board 16 Mandate 16 Membership 17 Secretariat 17 Scope of international drug control 17 Control of narcotic drugs 17 Control of psychotropic substances 17 Control of precursor and essential chemicals used to illicitly manufacture drugs 17 Evaluation and support national efforts 18 Dialogue with Governments 18 Training programmes 18 Annual report 18 Legalization of Marijuana long overdue 19 An act to amend the Health and Safety Code of California: 20 Telephone interview with Laurence McKinney 22 Medicine man, inside the story 26 Amotivational Syndrome 30 Literary fonts 30 The opinion of a psychiatrist 31 Medical Marijuana, the last smoke… 32 Marijuana miths 33 1. Marijuana causes brain damage 33 2. Marijuana damages the reproductive system 33 3. Marijuana is a ‘‘gateway’’ drug, it leads to hard drugs 33 4. Marijuana suppresses the immune system 33 5. Marijuana is much more dangerous than tobacco 33 6. Legal Marijuana would cause carnage on the highways 33 7. Marijuana ‘‘flattens’’ human brainwaves 34 8. Marijuana is more potent today than in the past 34 9. Marijuana impairs short-term memory 34 10. Marijuana lingers in the body like DDT 34 11. There are over a thousand chemicals in Marijuana smoke 34 12. No one has ever died of a Marijuana overdose 34 What is the ICLU drug task force? 34 Sources 34 Three things Marijuana doesn’t do 36 No brain damage seen in Marijuana-exposed monkeys 36 Pot found not to cause fetal alcohol syndrome 36 Pot doesn’t lower testosterone 36 References: 36 Cannabinoids and appetite stimulation 37 Just what WERE the conditions? 37 1.Acute Oral Study 37 2.Multiroute study 38 3.Chronic Study 38 4.Satiety Study 38 Selected Results/Discussion 38 Experiments on monkeys 39 Pot research lid about to blow open 41 The forbidden medicine 42 The health effects of Marijuana on humans 43 Introduction 43 5 Absinthe Physical Effects 43 Psychological Effects 43 Conclusion 44 References Cited 44 About Cancer 45 A comparison between Marijuana and tobacco 45 Sources: 47 More Reasearch 47 Interactions between Marijuana and other drugs 48 What is THC 49 Latest research about Marijuana 49 The Joy of Growin’ by Yourself 51 The joys of an herb garden at home 53 Statement of Intent: GROW POT! 53 Table of contents: 53 Overview 53 Genetics and the plant 53 Indoor and outdoors constant harvest strategy 54 Planting indoors 54 Shelf growing 55 Light 55 Sea of green 57 Germination 57 Vegetative growth 58 Hidroponic vegetative solution, 58 Flowering 59 Hidroponic flowering solutions 59 Hidroponics 60 Recycling 61 Planting outdoors 62 Guerrilla farming 63 Soil growing 63 Subterfuge 64 Plant food and nutrients 64 Ph and pertilizers 65 Folair feeding 65 CO2 65 Venting 67 Temperature 67 Pests 68 Transplanting 68 Early sexing 68 Regeneration 69 Prunung 69 Harvesting and drying 69 Cloning 70 Breeding 71 Sinsemillia 72 Sinse seeds 72 Odors and negative ions 72 Oxigen 73 Safety and privacy 73 Distilled water 73 Birth control pills 73 Seed and bud storage 73 A final comment: 73 Lamps for the best growing 74 Introduction: 74 Flurescents 74 High Intensity Discharge Lamps (HID’s) 74 When to harvest 75 Maturity and THC 75 Plant Size 75 Photoperiod: The Key to Maturation 75 Male Versus Female 75 Different Varieties 75 Time of Year 75 6 Summary Monitoring Buds 75 Nomadic, hydroponic gardens on a limited budget 76 Introduction: 76 Disclaimer: 76 Materials: 76 Comments: 77 Starting Seeds: 77 The grower’s guide 78 Light 78 PhotoperiodD 78 Light cycle chart for flowering 78 Temperature 78 Tertilizer 78 Humidity 78 Co2 78 Pruning 79 Leeching the soil 79 Cloning (Cutting plantlets) 79 Stress 79 Simple steps for outdoor growers 80 About the Authors 80 Table of Contents 80 Acquiring Good Seeds 80 Finding a Site 80 Making a Trail 81 The Mechanics of Growing 81 The Harvest 83 When to Harvest 83 Sinsemilla Tips 85 Use & Abuse 87 Marijuana Smoking Guide 89 Joints: 89 Bowls: 89 Water Pipes (or bongs): 89 Gravity bongs: 89 How to roll a Joint. 90 How to avoid cancerogenic effects of smoking Marijuana 91 How to build a Death-star 91 Instructions: 92 Tips: 92 Reasons for vapourizing: 93 Vapourizer plans: 93 Materials: 93 Procedure: 93 Blender vaporizor 93 Vaporizer Principles 94 Introduction 94 Introduction: 94 Phase I: The Parts 94 Phase II: The Tools 94 Phase III: Construction 94 Phase IV: Operation 95 Miscellaneous: 96 How to make Hashish 96 Isomerization 97 Disclaimer 97 Overview and Theory 97 For further reading on the subject of alchemy: 97 Why Bother Doing All This? 97 Initial Extraction 98 Purification Stage 98 Isomerization 99 Expected Yield and Consumption Methods 99 Dosage 99 Pertinient references (for completists): 100 Bathtime for Billy! 101 7 Absinthe How to prepare a BHANG !! 101 The Green Dragon 102 Let’s cook it ! 102 Cannabutter 102 Carrot Cake 103 Frosting 103 Pizza Pot 103 Happy Cookies 104 Smoke it, Drink it, Eat it! 104 Smoking 104 Joints 104 Bongs 105 Pipes 105 One-hits 105 Gas Pipes 105 Gravity Bongs 105 Tilt Pipes 106 Eating & Drinking 106 Eating 106 Drinking 106 Brownies 106 This & That 107 What we want: Legalization! 109 A little of History 110 Cannabis 114 How much do we know? How little do we know? 114 The Assassins 114 The tale of two Hashish-eaters 115 Pete the Happy Homegrower 117 1) Amsterdam Sprouts 117 2) The Earth 117 3) Can You See The Light? 118 Bibliography: 118 A Tale of Two Gardens 119 Part 1 119 Part 2 119 Part 3 120 Part 4 120 Part 5 120 Part 6 120 Smoking Etiquette 121 ‘‘Oops! Sorry, wrong house!’’ 122 Drug raid at wrong slo house leaves woman ‘shaken’ 122 ‘‘Apology Doesn’t Make It: Couple’s Home Raided by Police With Wrong Address’’ 123 ‘‘Cops were at fault in busting up home’’ 123 Former NASA Official Mistakenly Arrested for Drug Offense 124 D.A. Says Drug Raid Lacked Legal Justification 124 Untitled 124 Untitled 125 Quotable Quotes 126 The Plantem. 126 Alexander Trocchi. 126 Genesis ( the Bible) 1:29. 126 Ecclestiastes 3:1-2. 126 Thomas Jefferson. 126 George Washington. 126 Ken Kesey. 126 Tim Leary. 126 ? 126 Bill Clinton, 1992. 126 Jimmy Carter, 1977. 126 H.E.M.P. 126 Smokin’ Slang 126 Projects 127 8 Introduction: What kind of stuff is this? Introduce yourself right now!! This book is not an invitation to smoke, eat or use in any way Marijuana or its extracts, this is mainly a document “assembled” to inform people on what is and what could be the cul- ture and the motivations that stay behind the consumption of Marijuana and the political struggles embarked on by lots of artists (mainly musicians) to legalize its consumption and its growing. Ah, one more thing: I am not responsable of any kind of grammatical or orthographic mis- take it would be really impossible to me to clear all the errors pushed inside here, I’ve found someone (luck!) but I really am not going to look for them all… I am not a teacher and I’m not emnglish, forgive me!… WE DO NO WANT IN ANY CASE TO FORCE ANYBODY TO USE IT, ONLY BE TOLERANT! O.K., after these clarifications… …WHAT it with alcohol, pasta, chocolate and ap- KIND OF STUFF IS THIS? ples. There are also a lot of plans (draw- This is a really tiny book assembled ings are at the end of the book) of some with some files we found “surfing” the sea instruments you can use to get the higher of Internet. So we really are not the au- smoking satisfaction avoiding most of the thors of anyone of the articles, texts, undesirable carcinogenic effects con- drawings or stories you may find in there, nected. Anyway… keep smoking tobacco except for this introduction and the cover (really more dangerous) and getting high of this book. with alcohol (really really really more This book is divided in four parts: dangerous and with a lot of connected side-effects like headache and nausea)… Marijuana: Prejudices VS Science: This is the most interesting part of all the book. This and That: A little chapter inside Inside this chapter you may find a little which you can find two funny and curious introduction about Marijuana legalization, stories, a big text with an historical a big part about physical and psychologi- treatment of the argument, the story of cal effects on humans, and, most of all, a the assassins, a groups of terrible warri- lot of stuff about medical applications of ors, really existed, enslaved by their the THC (the main active principle) in the sultan with a chronic use of Marijuana, treatment of AIDS, anorexia, nausea caused and a vocabulary of the slang used by the by the use of some medicines used to cure Mj-users.
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