Furthering a Tradition of Grassroots Giving 2010 Annual Report Arts For Humanity! and Michael Franti, recipients of the 2010 Jerry Garcia and Ralph J. Gleason Awards (see page 2) Supporting Grassroots Non-Profits was a year of continuing challenges for As you read through this Report you will see examples 2010 the country, as the sluggish economic of the positive spirit and energy that surrounded the recovery and divisive political environment impacted Rex Foundation throughout the year. August brought available funds for charitable giving, generated ongoing a major burst of this energy, unquestionably to remem- cuts to business and government agency budgets, and ber the contributions of Jerry Garcia. The San Francisco cast a cloud of discouragement and cynicism. In July Giants made its August 9th game a night of tribute to 2010, just a year ago, we were working on the newsletter him, and designated Rex as the recipient of charitable Perspectives on Generosity of Spirit as part of our tribute SURFHHGV:HSXWWRJHWKHURXUÀUVWEHQHÀWFRPSLODWLRQ to Jerry Garcia’s vision and leadership in matters of of music called Jerry Jams for Rex thanks to the generosity creativity and acts of generosity, so as to highlight the of musicians who wanted to support Rex as part of their core values surrounding the Grateful Dead concert com- tribute to Jerry. And, we began planning the December munity that gave rise to the Rex Foundation. WKPXVLFDOEHQHÀWDW7KH)LOOPRUHFDOOHGThe Wheel – A Musical Celebration of Jerry Garcia that brought together I believe it is this very Spirit – a level of generosity that musicians who had played major roles in Jerry Garcia’s H[WHQGVEH\RQGDVSHFLÀFDFWRUPRQHWDU\FRQWULEXWLRQ musical career since 1962. – demonstrated by so many people across our extended community of supporters, that made it possible for Rex, We are hopeful that the Rex Foundation’s continued ef- even while experiencing the same challenges as many IRUWVWRIXQGHVVHQWLDOZRUNRIJUDVVURRWVQRQSURÀWVDQG RWKHUQRQSURÀWVWRFRQWLQXHLWVJUDVVURRWVJUDQWPDN- be a catalyst for positive social change, even amid the ing, albeit far less than desired, as well as expand The broader challenges still in play, honor the spirit of Jerry World As It Could Be Human Rights Education project, Garcia, the caring values of the Grateful Dead concert and help generate creative and positive connections community and the generosity of spirit of all who carry along the way. these forces forward. – Sandy Sohcot Rex Foundation Awards ,QDGGLWLRQWRUHJXODUJUDQWVWKH5H[)RXQGDWLRQJLYHVWKUHHDZDUGVDQQX- DOO\7KH%LOO*UDKDPDZDUGZDVQRWGHVLJQDWHGLQWLPHIRUWKLVUHSRUWDQGZLOO EHDQQRXQFHGVHSDUDWHO\ 7KH%LOO*UDKDPDZDUGLVLQPHPRU\RISLRQHHULQJSURGXFHU Furthering a Tradition of Grassroots Giving DQGIRXQGLQJ5H[ERDUGPHPEHU%LOO*UDKDPKLPVHOIDUHIXJHHIRUWKRVHZRUNLQJWR DVVLVWFKLOGUHQZKRDUHYLFWLPVRISROLWLFDORSSUHVVLRQDQGKXPDQULJKWVYLRODWLRQV BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bob Weir RALPH J. GLEASON AWARD JERRY GARCIA AWARD Tim Walther In memory of music journalist Ralph J. Gleason, a major ,QPHPRU\RI*UDWHIXO'HDGJXLWDULVWDQGIRXQGLQJ5H[ Brad Serling ÀJXUHLQWKHDGYDQFHPHQWRIPXVLFLQ$PHULFDLQWKH ERDUGPHPEHU-HUU\*DUFLDWKLVDZDUGLVGHVLJQHGWR Cameron Sears KRQRUDQGVXSSRUWLQGLYLGXDOVDQGJURXSVWKDWZRUNWR John Scher 1960s, whose openness to new music and ideas tran- Nadia Prescher VFHQGHGGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQJHQHUDWLRQVDQGVW\OHV HQFRXUDJHFUHDWLYLW\LQ\RXQJSHRSOH Cliff Palefsky Marc Morgenstern Michael Franti Arts for Humanity! Nick Morgan Arts for Humanity! empowers low- Roger McNamee Michael Franti has been bringing our Rosalie Howarth world exceptionally powerful, deeply income at-risk youth, and youth with Mickey Hart Freddy Hahne felt music in a wide range of genres disabilities through participatory per- Trixie Garcia for twenty years. He has traveled forming and visual arts programs. In Carolyn Garcia Andy Gadiel extensively to war torn areas to learn partnership with local artists, student Tim Duncan about the cost of war from the people interns, and community organiza- Stefanie Coyote Barry Caplan on the front lines and his observations tions, the programs cross genera- Matt Butler tional, socio-economic, physical, and Diane Blagman and cultural experiences have been Dennis Alpert translated into his music and became developmental divides to make the Dennis Alpert Bill Graham (1984 – d.1991) a basis for his award winning docu- arts accessible to all. Arts for Human- Jerry Garcia (1984 – d.1995) mentary “I Know I’m Not Alone.” Mi- ity! believes in a world where the arts Hal Kant (1982 – d. 2008) chael created an annual, free “Power are integral to our lives, where we ADVISORY BOARD Bill Walton to the Peaceful Festival,” exposing celebrate diversity and commonal- Sage Scully ity through the power and beauty of Jon McIntire thousands to music and poets of many John Leopold cultures while providing funding to the arts. Programs are at no charge Michael Klein Larry Brilliant charities that focus on health, edu- to participants and support existing Bernie Bildman cation, youth and the environment. QRQSURÀWVHUYLFHVDQGWKHLUFOLHQWVE\ Steve Bernstein John Perry Barlow Michael has partnerships with CARE going into their centers and shelters EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and Soles4Souls Shoe Charity. He has and providing an expressive outlet for Sandy Sohcot written children’s books in an effort those who are most in need. Arts for ADMINISTRATION Chris Meharg COMMUNICATIONS Mary Eisenhart, to educate children about believing Humanity! expands the world view David Large, Casey Lowdermilk in themselves, exploring diversity and of student interns, preparing them for EDITORIAL Alan Trist respecting the planet. careers in social service and the arts. The Rex Foundation is ÜÜÜ°V >ivÀ>Ì°V 819 W Pedregosa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 named after Rex Jackson, näxÈnÇÈÈ£xÊUÊÜÜÜ°>ÀÌÃvÀ Õ>ÌÞ°V a Grateful Dead roadie and later road manager until his untimely death in 1976 Mission Statement The Rex Foundation continues to embody the spirit of generosity and concern that evolved in the HOW REX WORKS culture of the Deadheads and the Grateful Dead, aiming to help secure a healthy environment, The Rex Foundation has no promote individuality in the arts, provide support to critical and necessary social services, assist paid board members. Virtually others less fortunate than ourselves, protect the rights of indigenous people and ensure their cul- all of our grant recipients are tural survival, build a stronger community, and educate children and adults everywhere. selected through the personal knowledge and outreach of our Guiding Principles and Values decision makers – as a result, grant requests are not solicited. UÊ7iÊÀiëiVÌÊÌÀ>`Ì>ÊÜÃ`ÊVÕÌÕÀið We have no application forms UÊ7iÊÀiëiVÌÊ`Û`Õ>ÊÀ} ÌÃÊ>`Ê`vviÀiVið and no published guidelines. UÊ7iÊ>ÀiÊÜ}ÊÌÊÌ>iÊÀÃÃÊ>`ÊÌÀÕÃÌÊ«i«i° Grants are made once or UÊ7iÊ i«Ê«i«iÊÜ Ê>ÀiÊ i«}ÊÌ iÀÃÊ>`Ê>ÀiÊÌÀÞ}ÊÌÊ>iÊ>Ê`vviÀiVi° twice a year, and our report UÊ7iÊ i«Ê«i«iÊ`iÛi«ÊL`ÊiÜÊÃÕÌÃÊÌÊ«ÀLið is published annually. UÊ7iÊLiiwÌÊÌ iÊLÀ>`iÀÊVÕÌÞÊ>`ÊÌ iÊLÀ>`iÀÊ}`° REX FOUNDATION UÊ7iÊ«À>VÌViÊVÕÃÛiiÃÃÊ>`Ê«i`i`iÃð P.O. Box 29608 UÊ7iÊÃÕ««ÀÌÊÀ}>â>ÌÃÊVÌÌi`ÊÌÊ}À>ÃÃÀÌÃÊ>VÌ° San Francisco, CA 94129 UÊ7iÊÃiiÊÌÊ`iÌvÞÊiÌÌiÃÊ`}Ê}`ÊÜÀÊÌ >ÌÊ} ÌÊÌ iÀÜÃiÊLiÊÛiÀi`°Ê (415) 561-3134 UÊ"ÕÀÊÃÕ««ÀÌÊ i«ÃÊLiÞ`Ê`ÀiVÌÊvÕ`}ÊLÞÊLÃÌ}ÊÌ iÊÛÃLÌÞÊvÊÌ iÊÀiV«i̽ÃÊÜÀ° www.rexfoundation.org UÊ7iÊÜ>ÌÊÌÊLiÊ>Ê>}iÌÊvÊV >}i]ÊÌÊ i«ÊiÛiÀ>}iÊ}Ài>ÌiÀÊ«>VÌ° Federal ID # 68 0033257 UÊ7iÊ>ÀiÊ«>ÀÌÃ>° PRINTED ON UÊ7iÊ«ÀÌiÊ>Ê>VÌÛi]ÊvÀi`ÊVÌâiÀÞ° Sakura Silk 71# text UÊ/ iÊÕ`>ÌÊÃÊ>ÊivwViÌÊV`ÕÌÊvÀÊÃÕ««ÀÌ}ÊÌ iÊVÕÌÞ° 100% Post-Consumer Waste UÊ i}Ê«>ÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊ,iÝÊÕ`>ÌÊÃÊiÞ>Li° New Leaf Paper Company UÊ7iÊV>ÀÀÞÊÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊvÊÌ iÊëÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊÈä½ÃÊÌÊVÀi>ÌiÊ>ÊÀiÊ >ÀÕÃÊÜÀ`. 2 / iÊ7À`ÊÃÊÌÊ Õ`Ê i Human Rights Education Program 2010 The World As It Could Be Human Rights Education Pro- gram is an outgrowth of a series of successful initiatives carried out since 2006. With the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as its guide, the Program involves collaborations with community arts programs and schools to use creative arts-based learning models and youth-led original dramatizations to inspire youth and adults to value the importance of human rights for all people, as well as to be engaged members of their local and global communities to help make the words of the UDHR a reality for everyone. *>ÀÌV«>ÌÃÊvÊÌ iÊÕ}°ÎxÊÃÌÌÕÌiÊ,i i>ÀÃiÊvÀÊ/ iÀÊ Õ>Ì}Ê*ÀiÃiÌ>Ì working with different creative arts disciplines, and In 2010, following two years of successful pilot work, produced an original presentation that far exceeded Rex published a curriculum geared to, though not expectations. Three of the participants were teachers limited to, high school teaching of the UDHR. The from Mandela High School, who went on to implement curriculum uses different creative arts disciplines and the curriculum during the fall semester. On December a celebratory culminating presentation to engage and 10th, Mandela students put on their culminating pre- inspire students, and to nurture the kind of “human sentation that had such a positive impact, the school is rights thinking” that promotes mutual respect and now planning to use the UDHR as its focus for 2011/12 peaceful problem solving, whether in their most im- Project Based learning. mediate circles or in dealing with global initiatives. 2Q$XJXVWZHFDUULHGRXWWKHÀUVW,QVWLWXWHLQ In addition to introducing the curriculum, we commis- collaboration with the International and Multicultural sioned the collaboration between Rex grantees Destiny Studies Department of the University of San Francisco
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