THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON by David Dence 1 developed a keen interest in this subject when I discovered to my surprise how little my friends know about the Battle of Armageddon. I Many great men have suffered because their view of Armageddon differed from their superiors. Sad. Armageddon is NOT a salvation issue. I will not be saved or lost based on my understanding or misunder- standing of this subject. Thus I should never disparage those who hold a different view. Some have argued that the Battle of Armageddon will be a spiritual battle, while others have insisted that it will be fought with real weapons and armaments. Some have taught that the focus of the battle will be literal Israel. And of course the exact location of the battle has always been a point of contention. So, does it really matter? Perhaps not. But if indeed the battle of Armageddon is imminent, we might be well advised to upgrade our understanding. Let me put it to you like this: The FAA has designated traffic lanes in the sky. When a plane is high in the sky and 150 miles out, air controllers are not going to be concerned if it is flying a hundred feet above or below its assigned altitude. When the plane is 15 miles from the airport it better not be more than a few feet above or below its assigned altitude. And when it is less than a mile from the runway it better be within a few inches of its assigned altitude. Folks, we are lined up with the runway now. We will be on the ground momentarily. We cannot afford to be off course any more. A proper understanding of the battle before us is critical. The word “Armageddon” only occurs in Revelation 16:16, "Then they [the demons] gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” This text has puzzled Bible students for almost 2,000 years, but I think the meaning is quite simple. The word harmegiddon is mentioned only once in the Bible, so a word study is not practical. However, in Old Testament times it is well known that the Hebrews would join words together to create names as circumstances warranted. For example, when God called Abraham to offer his son Isaac on Mount Moriah, the Lord intervened. The Lord interrupted the 2 sacrifice of Isaac because He provided a ram that was caught in a thicket. Abraham named that place "Jehovahjireh" by putting two Hebrew words together. Jehovahjireh means "Jehovah will provide [the sacrifice]" or "Jehovah will see to it [that the sacrifice will be provided]." (Genesis 22:14) The word Megiddon refers to a battlefield where kings Ahaziah and Josiah died. (2 Kings 9:27; 23:30) The interesting thing about Josiah’s death is that he foolishly went against God’s command. He went to war with Pharaoh Neco who was passing through the land, and was need- lessly killed. (2 Kings 23:29; 2 Chronicles 35:21,22) The reference to Megiddo depicts a battlefield where kings die. The kings of Earth will foolishly make war with Almighty God at the mountain of God and they will be destroyed. In the end, "the King of the mountain" will be Almighty God. The kings of Earth will have all perished. Primarily “Mageddon is from mo‘ed meaning a place of assembly. Secondarily “Magedon is derived from the Hebrew word gadad which means ‘to gather in troops or bands.’ The Hebrew way to make a noun from a verb is to add the prefix ma. Thus we have maged –‘a place of gathering in troops.’ Then the suffix o meaning ‘his’ is added, yielding ‘his place of gathering troops.’ As far as we know, no geographical location ever bore this name. But because Megiddo is similar to Armageddon, all eyes are focused on the plain of Megiddo which stretches out around the city of Megiddo in northern Palestine. More than two hundred battles have been fought here. Two of the most famous victories in Israel’s history are: 1) Barak’s victory over the Canaanites (Judges 4:15) and 2) Gideon’s victory over the Midianites (Judges 7). The plain of Megiddo is also the site for two great tragedies: 1) the death of Saul and his sons (1 Samuel 31:8) and 2) the death of King Josiah (2 Kings 23:29-30; 2 Chronicles 35:22). Hence it signifies a place of great slaughter. Because of this history, the plain of Megiddo has become a symbol of the final conflict. The word “Armageddon” has become synonymous with a future battle at the end of the world. It is "the battle 3 of that great day of God Almighty" (Revelation 16:14). Hence Armageddon primarily signifies an event rather than a place. This is not an unheard-of concept. Consider the well-known word waterloo. A student might say, “It was in speech class that I met my waterloo.” Waterloo is actually a battlefield where Emperor Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington in 1815. But since that decisive battle, the word waterloo has come to represent a crushing defeat. Thus we see the similarity between Armageddon and Waterloo. They are both names of places but have transcending importance as special events or conditions. Another indication that Armageddon is symbolic is noted in the word “place.” “And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.” Rev 16:16 The Hebrew word for “place” is “topos.” This can refer to a place in a book, or a situation, without attributing geographical significance to the term Armageddon. Notice how “topos” is used in Hebrews 12:17 “For you know that afterward, when he (Esau) wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.” Here again “place” refers to a condition not a geographical location. Who are the contestants? And what are they fighting about? Every Bible scholar should know. But you would be surprised how few people know the answers. The most common answer is, “Well, it is a battle between good and evil.” Sounds a bit nebulous, no? Might have been adequate 150 years ago, but not now. The most frequent misconception is that God’s people are involved. The first thing to be said about the battle of Armageddon is that it is one of the seven last plagues. In fact it is the sixth. “The enemy’s last great conflict will be a most determined one. It will be the last battle between the powers of darkness and the powers of light. Every true child of God will fight bravely on the side of Christ.” {E. G. White – Pamphlets 135, 5.1} 4 Does this mean you and I will be actively involved? Yes, but our involvement will end when the plagues begin. The Battle of Armageddon does not begin until the sixth plague. So battles between good and evil occurring before the sixth plague should not be called Armageddon. This term has been carelessly applied to various conflicts. The focus of Armageddon is not Israel nor is it the saints, it is the coming of Christ in the sky. Remember that the saints have been glorified BEFORE Armageddon begins. The saints will simply be spellbound spectators during the battle. We will likely be urging Him on, “Bare Thy holy arm O Lord ‘It is time for thee to work: for they have made void thy law.’” (Isa 40:10, Ps 119:126) “John beheld an angel flying through the midst of heaven, warning men of the final judgments of God. He proclaimed the position of those who heeded his warning, and who would escape the seven last plagues. He announced them as God’s people, and called attention to their peculiar character: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” The time for the fulfillment of this prophecy has come.” The Review and Herald, January 31, 1888. How can the children of God, who keep the commandments, be involved in spiritual fighting and at the same time escape the sixth plague? “Then I saw that the seven last plagues were soon to be poured out upon those who have no shelter; yet the world regarded them no more than they would so many drops of water that were about to fall. I was then made capable of enduring the awful sight of the seven last plagues, the wrath of God. I saw that His anger was dreadful and terrible . Then I realized, as never before, the importance of searching the Word of God carefully, to know how to escape the plagues which that Word declares shall come on all the ungodly who shall worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in their foreheads or in their hands. It was a great wonder for me that any could transgress the law of God and tread down His holy Sabbath, when such awful threatenings and denunciations were against them.” {EW 64.2} 5 “A book has been given us to guide our feet through the perils of this dark world to heaven. It tells us how we can escape the wrath of God, and also tells of the sufferings of Christ for us, the great sacrifice that has been made that we might be saved and enjoy the presence of God forever. And if any come short at last, having heard the truth as they have in this land of light, it will be their own fault; they will be without excuse.
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