BBC Radio Sheffield South Yorkshire Police Poll METHODOLOGY NOTE ComRes interviewed 500 adults living in the South Yorkshire Police Force area by telephone from 5th to 10 th October. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all of adults aged 18+ living in the South Yorkshire Police Force area. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. All press releases or other publications must be checked with ComRes before use. ComRes requires 48 hours to check a press release unless otherwise agreed. Page 3 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 3 Q.1 As a result of the publication of the Hillsborough Independent Panel Report, and since the release of the publication, has your confidence in South Yorkshire Police increased or decreased? Base: All respondents Sex Age Area Don- caster/ Barns- City Of ley/ Shef- Don- Barns- Rother- Rother- Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ field caster ley ham ham (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) Unweighted base 500 242 258 136 166 198 213 107 84 96 287 Weighted base 500 245 255 152 172 177 213 109 84* 94* 287 Increased 60 33 28 20 15 26 28 7 15 9 32 12% 13% 11% 13% 9% 15 %d 13 %g 7% 18 %Gj 10% 11% Decreased 121 67 54 37 47 38 43 36 17 25 78 24% 28 %b 21% 24% 27% 21% 20% 33 %Fh 20% 27% 27%f No change 253 125 128 80 85 88 112 50 45 46 141 51% 51% 50% 53% 49% 50% 53% 46% 53% 49% 49% Don't know 66 20 46 14 26 26 30 16 7 13 36 13% 8% 18 %A 10% 15% 15% 14% 15% 8% 14% 13% Proportions/Means: Columns Tested (5%, 10% risk level) - A/B - C/D/E - F/G/H/I/J * small base Prepared by ComRes Page 4 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 4 Q.1 As a result of the publication of the Hillsborough Independent Panel Report, and since the release of the publication, has your confidence in South Yorkshire Police increased or decreased? Base: All respondents Someone should have been Confidence Police Force reputation damaged Trust in Force Criminal proceedings dismissed At Both Neither To a least Force Force In- De- No great To some Not at to some Yes No Yes Of- No Of- and of- nor of- Total creased creased change extent extent all extent More Less Force Force ficers ficers ficers ficers Yes No (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) Unweighted base 500 61 120 252 106 284 82 390 128 183 106 284 128 183 16 97 259 160 Weighted base 500 60* 121 253 107 282 83* 389 128 186 107 282 128 186 16** 99* 260 159 Increased 60 60 - - 8 29 19 37 38 15 8 29 38 15 6 7 25 28 12% 100 %BC - - 7% 10% 23 %DEG 10% 30%I 8% 7% 10% 30 %JKMO 8% 35% 7% 9% 17 %P Decreased 121 - 121 - 61 56 3 118 8 100 61 56 8 100 4 41 101 12 24% - 100 %AC - 58 %EFG 20 %F 4% 30 %EF 6% 54 %H 58 %KLO 20%L 6% 54 %KLO 26% 41 %KL 39 %Q 7% No change 253 - - 253 30 158 49 189 65 57 30 158 65 57 4 40 110 99 51% - - 100 %AB 28% 56 %Dg 59 %Dg 49 %D 51%I 31% 28% 56 %JMO 51 %JM 31% 26% 41 %jm 42% 62 %P Don't know 66 - - - 7 38 12 45 16 14 7 38 16 14 2 11 24 21 13% - - - 7% 13%d 14% 12% 13% 7% 7% 13 %jM 13% 7% 13% 11% 9% 13% Proportions/Means: Columns Tested (5%, 10% risk level) - A/B/C - D/E/F/G - H/I - J/K/L/M/N/O - P/Q * small base; ** very small base (under 30) ineligible for sig testing Prepared by ComRes Page 5 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 5 Q.2 To what extent, if at all, do you think that the reputation of South Yorkshire Police has been damaged by the publication of the Hillsborough Independent Panel report? Has it been damaged. Base: All respondents Sex Age Area Don- caster/ Barns- City Of ley/ Shef- Don- Barns- Rother- Rother- Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ field caster ley ham ham (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) Unweighted base 500 242 258 136 166 198 213 107 84 96 287 Weighted base 500 245 255 152 172 177 213 109 84* 94* 287 Net: At least to some 389 190 198 105 145 139 160 79 73 75 228 extent 78% 78% 78% 69% 84 %C 79 %C 75% 73% 87 %FG 80% 79% To a great extent 107 62 45 27 47 33 43 27 17 19 63 21% 25 %B 18% 18% 27 %Ce 19% 20% 25% 20% 21% 22% To some extent 282 128 154 78 98 106 117 52 57 56 165 56% 52% 60 %a 51% 57% 60% 55% 48% 67 %fG 60 %g 57 %g Not at all 83 45 38 37 16 30 44 18 7 14 39 17% 18% 15% 24 %De 10% 17 %D 21 %HJ 17 %h 8% 15% 14% Don't know 28 10 18 10 10 8 8 11 4 5 20 6% 4% 7% 7% 6% 5% 4% 10 %F 5% 5% 7% Proportions/Means: Columns Tested (5%, 10% risk level) - A/B - C/D/E - F/G/H/I/J * small base Prepared by ComRes Page 6 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 6 Q.2 To what extent, if at all, do you think that the reputation of South Yorkshire Police has been damaged by the publication of the Hillsborough Independent Panel report? Has it been damaged. Base: All respondents Someone should have been Confidence Police Force reputation damaged Trust in Force Criminal proceedings dismissed At Both Neither To a least Force Force In- De- No great To some Not at to some Yes No Yes Of- No Of- and of- nor of- Total creased creased change extent extent all extent More Less Force Force ficers ficers ficers ficers Yes No (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) Unweighted base 500 61 120 252 106 284 82 390 128 183 106 284 128 183 16 97 259 160 Weighted base 500 60* 121 253 107 282 83* 389 128 186 107 282 128 186 16** 99* 260 159 Net: At least to some 389 37 118 189 107 282 - 389 91 171 107 282 91 171 16 99 232 107 extent 78% 61% 97 %AC 75 %A 100 %F 100 %F - 100 %F 72% 92 %H 100 %LM 100 %LM 72% 92 %L 100% 100 %LM 89 %Q 67% To a great extent 107 8 61 30 107 - - 107 16 73 107 - 16 73 16 - 81 14 21% 13% 51 %AC 12% 100 %EFG - - 27 %EF 13% 39 %H 100 %KLMO - 13 %KO 39 %KLO 100% - 31 %Q 9% To some extent 282 29 56 158 - 282 - 282 75 99 - 282 75 99 - 99 151 93 56% 49% 47% 63 %AB - 100 %DFG - 73 %DF 59% 53% - 100 %JLM 59%J 53 %J - 100 %JLM 58% 58% Not at all 83 19 3 49 - - 83 - 29 15 - - 29 15 - - 23 48 17% 32 %BC 3% 19 %B - - 100 %DEG - 23%I 8% - - 23 %JKMO 8%JKO - - 9% 30 %P Don't know 28 4 - 15 - - - - 7 - - - 7 - - - 4 5 6% 7%B - 6%B - - - - 6%I - - - 6%JKMO - - - 2% 3% Proportions/Means: Columns Tested (5%, 10% risk level) - A/B/C - D/E/F/G - H/I - J/K/L/M/N/O - P/Q * small base; ** very small base (under 30) ineligible for sig testing Prepared by ComRes Page 7 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 7 Q.3 As a result of the publication of the Hillsborough Independent Panel Report, do you trust the South Yorkshire Police more or less to be honest and transparent? Base: All respondents Sex Age Area Don- caster/ Barns- City Of ley/ Shef- Don- Barns- Rother- Rother- Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ field caster ley ham ham (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) Unweighted base 500 242 258 136 166 198 213 107 84 96 287 Weighted base 500 245 255 152 172 177 213 109 84* 94* 287 More 128 67 61 41 36 50 57 27 25 19 70 26% 27% 24% 27% 21% 28% 27% 24% 29% 20% 24% Less 186 104 82 63 73 50 75 39 35 38 111 37% 42 %B 32% 41 %E 43 %E 28% 35% 36% 41% 40% 39% Don't know 186 75 112 48 62 77 80 43 25 37 106 37% 30% 44 %A 32% 36% 43 %C 38% 40% 30% 40% 37% Proportions/Means: Columns Tested (5%, 10% risk level) - A/B - C/D/E - F/G/H/I/J * small base Prepared by ComRes Page 8 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 8 Q.3 As a result of the publication of the Hillsborough Independent Panel Report, do you trust the South Yorkshire Police more or less to be honest and transparent? Base: All respondents Someone should have been Confidence Police Force reputation damaged Trust in Force Criminal proceedings dismissed At Both Neither To a least Force Force In- De- No great To some Not at to some Yes No Yes Of- No Of- and of- nor of- Total creased creased change extent extent all extent More Less Force Force ficers ficers ficers ficers Yes No (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) Unweighted base 500 61 120 252 106 284 82 390 128 183 106 284 128 183 16 97 259 160 Weighted base 500 60* 121 253 107 282 83* 389 128 186 107 282 128 186 16** 99* 260 159 More 128 38 8 65 16 75 29 91 128 - 16 75 128 - 16 - 54 60 26% 63 %BC 7% 26 %B 15% 27 %D 35 %DG 23 %d 100%I - 15 %MO 27 %JMO 100 %JKMO - 100% - 21% 38 %P Less 186 15 100 57 73 99 15 171 - 186 73 99 - 186 - 99 132 35 37% 25% 83 %AC 23% 68 %EFG 35 %F 18% 44 %EF - 100 %H 68 %KL 35%L - 100 %JKL - 100 %JKL 51 %Q 22% Don't know 186 7 13 130 18 108 39 126 - - 18 108 - - - - 74 64 37% 12% 10% 52 %AB 17% 38 %D 47 %DG 32 %D - - 17 %LMO 38 %JLMO - - - - 28% 40 %P Proportions/Means: Columns Tested (5%, 10% risk level) - A/B/C - D/E/F/G - H/I - J/K/L/M/N/O - P/Q * small base; ** very small base (under 30) ineligible for sig testing Prepared by ComRes Page 9 South Yorkshire Police poll Fieldwork : 5th-10th October 2012 Absolutes/col percents Table 9 Q.4 The families of the people who died in the Hillsborough disaster are pressing for criminal charges to be pressed against South Yorkshire Police Force.
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