, THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1962. ·-- ·- -·----- ----- SecretParleyon .~ew Guinea Opens in U.S. Today THE HAGUE, the -Nether-l fthat J. H. van Roisen, Dutch i;n~onesia:;n move toward f~~ lands, March 19 (Reuters)-The Ambassador to the United mal negotiations. Dutch Government announced States, and Adam Malik, Indo- President Sukarno.has threat- today that it would begin nesian Ambassador to the So- ened to use force to win the secret talks with Indonesia viet Union, would meet at a territory. The Netherlands in the United States tomorrow private house within thirty feels that the Papuan inhabi- on the Dutch-Indonesian dis- miles of Washington. tants should be granted the pute over western New Guinea. Mr. Malik, designated as the right to decide their own fate The Government said it hoped Indonesian negotiator, is ex- through a referendum or some the preliminary talks "might pected here tonight or tomor- other form of consultation. lead to negotiations on a peace- ful solution of the dispute on row. 99 9501 VOTED IN SOVIET control of the territory, admin- The talks, described as a pre- • 10 istered by the Netherlands. liminary session that will last The talks will be held in the a few days, were arranged by 139,947,206 Were Eligible to presence of a third person, an the United ~tates ~ a resu_lt Elect One List of Candidates American, who was Invited to of a long diplomatic effort m attend by U Thanl, Acting Sec-~ The Hague, Jakarta and Wash- MOSCOW, March 19 (Reu- l'elary General of the United ington. This effort was aided ters) - The turnout for elec- Nations. · · by conversations in the first tions in the Soviet Union yes- A Dutch commun1qu6 said the two capitals by Attorney Gen- terday was only a fraction un- parties had !lgreed to hold the eral R.Ql:le.[t_ F. J{e!Uledy during der 100 per cent, according to talks in secret and not to pub- his visits ~nth. Viktor V. Grishin, chairman of Ush the names of the partie!- Bunker to Attend the Electoral Commission. pants, or the place where the . He said that 139,947,206 per- talks would be held. Ellsworth Bunker, a retire sons were entitled to vote and "The Government continues United States Ambal!sador, will of these 99.95 per cent had voted earnestly to seek a solution by conduct the talks. Mr. Bunker -a fraetion less than the 1958 means of these talk!!.'' the com· will appear as a private citizen, turnout of 99.97 per cent when muniqu6 said. "However, con- but he will have the assistance the electorate was smaller. fronted with a new and open Ellsworth Bunker, a form· of the State Department and The ballot offered a single threat of aggression, it finds er U. S. Ambassador, who will keep the Administration in- slate of ·approved candidates. itself compelled to review the will conduct the parley formed. Unofficial calculations showed situation at short notice In view ' Mr. B'unker was suggested by that just under 2,000,000 voters of its responsibility for the in- the Administration to the registered disapproval spoiled habitants of the territory." as a delegate to a United Na. Dutch and Indonesian Govern- their ballots. Full listS f can- The threat, the commun iqu~ tions Trusteeship Council meet- menta. didates will be p lished said, was made by President ing ln New York next month. The hope here is that If the Wednesday and the first eet­ Sukarno of Indonesia "on the 1t was the first time a Pa- preliminary discussions show (Parliament) - will be eld eve of the preliminary talks." puan had been nominated. He progress, the Netherlands and "soon," Mr. Grishin said. President Sukarno said in a was identified as Nicalaas = =========== ===== =:::-- - ----- radio broadcast yesterday that Jouwe, vice chairman of the his order of Dec. 19 tor the New Gui,nea Council the terri­ f "liberation" of western New tory's first elected body. Guinea should be "Intensified." --· Indonesia was sti11 prepared to Site of Talk Near Capital take the terri tory by force, he SJ>oolal lo The New York Tlmos. said. WASHINGTON, March 19- A Dutch spokesman said that The secret negotiations between President Sukarno's speech Dutch and Indonesian dlplo­ made the problem of Indonesian mats In the dispute over West­ aggression more acute, and t hat ern New Guinea will open to­ it would therefore require more morrow afternoon at a place urgent atten\lon. near this capital. - - Neither party to the tallts Papuan Is Delegate to U. N. nor t he Department of State THE HAGUE, March 19 would reveal exactly •rrhe~ the - 'Q:e DM'eh. Foreign Ministry conference will take place. •I named a Papuan official today It was understOod, however, .r THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, INDONESIA HALTS NEW GUINEA TALK 2 Negotiators With I Withdrawn From U. S. JAKARTA, Indonesia, 26 (AP) -President Sukamo + withdrew Indonesia's represen­ tatives today from the negotia­ tions with the Dutch on west­ em New GUinea. But he did not rule out future talks. A m1lltary spokesman for President announced that U. S. Hopes tor Be5umpUon Soeelal to The Nt1f York Times. W GTON,. March 26 The nlted States ·hope today that the Dutc Indonesian negotiations )Ver estern New Guinea would N DUTCH PRESS PLEA were said t~nt reports the United States ~cusse d the Bunker plan with President Sukarno ot Indonesia before the FOR PAPUAN VOTE Dutch were informed. The Dutch also feel that, con- ) Would Yield New Guinea Rule trary to its own loudly pro­ claimed po!Jcy of democracy for if U.N. Pledges Plebiscite all, the United States has disregarded the legal rights of the 800,000 Papuans. In addi­ THE HAGUE, The Nether- tlon, the Dutch are annoyed be- cause Mr. Sukarno Is to make lands, April 14 (UPI)-Dutch an official visit to London soon. officials are prepared to trans- Some Government sources fer· Netherlands New Guinea to1: said Queen Elizabeth hac1 ac­ Indonesia If the United Nations !, cepted an Invitation to attend will guarantee the right • f 1 "tlddiiD&" Juliana's selt-determination for the - 1Dl'V41l'llalr.F.:. puan population and send strong observer corps to t area, well-informed sout·ces s today. The sources said the Dutch Dutch Protest Troop Order expected U Thant, acting Secre­ AMSTERDAM, the Nether­ tary General of ~he United Na­ lands, April U (Reuters)-Sev­ palgn to "liberate" the territory tions and the United States to eral thousand persons marched as long as the butch continued show understanding for the here today in protest against to encourage Papuan hostility Dutch view that the Nether­ toward Indon Ia. lands must l{eep het· promise to the dispatch of troop reinforce­ the Papuans to give them a free ments to Netherlands New Soviet Indonesia Aid Guinea, which is claimed by In­ JAKARTA, April 14 (Reu­ choice on independence. donesia. The Cabinet met for twelve ters)-The · viet Union is The opposition labor party, stepping up milltary and civil hours yesterday and decided which organized the march, said late last night not to reject the ald to Indonesia as tension mediation proposals drafted by a))out 15,000 persons had pa­ grows in this country's dispute Ellsworth Bunker, former United raded with banners declaring with the Netherlands. "No war over New Guinea" and Shipments of war equipment,' States Ambassador to India. "Let lhe Bunker plan be suc­ But the Cabinet made it clear few and tardy in the months it was not ready to accept all cesstu1." directly following the signing of of Mr. Bunker's proposals. The plan was submitted to a milltary agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia Indonesia and the Soviet Union s plan suggested a transfer! by Ellsworth Bunker, former etherlands New Guinea lol at the end of 1960, are now nesia within two years dur· United States Ambassador to believed to be arriving at a an interim period of United India. It calls for a two-year faster rate after Indonesian ons administration. The United Nations supervision of pleas. Dutch object because the plan Netherlands New Guinea dur­ Two new supersonic MIG-19 does _n ot contain specific guar­ ing which the Indonesians would jet fighters were shown on In­ antees that the Papuans wm · take over gradually from the donesian Air Force Day early Dutch. After that there would this week. The number of long-I determine their own futti. be a United Nations-supervised range TU-16 bombers now !nl self-d etermination referendum Change Ruled Out servJce is believed to be about fot• the Far East territory's Pa­ twenty and the navy is under- ~ Official sources said th gov­ pauan population. stood to have new Soviet des­ rnment would not change ~ts Australia Renews Plea troyers, submarines and patrol­ osition on this even at the m­ torpedo boats. I istence of President Kennedy JAKARTA, Indonesia, April Jand Prime Minister Macmillan, 14. (UPI)- Australla, concerned Paper to Move Plant who have been active in trying that the Netherlands New Guinea dispute might spread to The Journal of Commerce to get the dispute sett!ed. said yesterday It would trans­ Instructions on lhts were her borders, renewed. today an appeal to the Indonesian Gov­ fer Its printing facilities from given to the Netherlands Am­ New York City to Phillipsburg, bassador to Washington, Dr . .:r . ernment to settle the issue In peace. N. J ., when a new building there H. Van Royen, the sourc~ s~1d. is finished. Eric Ridder, pub­ At the same time an invrtatlon The new appeal was con- · tained in a message delivered lisher of the 135-year-old busi­ was sent to Papuans of the New ness newspaper, said the move Guinea Council, the Netherlands to Foreign Minister Subandrio New Guinea Parliament, to by the Au s~alia Ambassador would be made because of the attend a meeting here.
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