IJECES 6 (2) (2017) Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/ijeces Management Character Education in Kindergarten Ayi Sobarna , Arif Hakim DOI 10.15294/ijeces.v6i2.20188 Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia Article Info Abstract Received September 2017 Experts agree that character education should start at an early age. However, im- Accepted October 2017 plementation is often found irregularities. The Ministry of Education and Culture Published November 2017 has appointed a number of kindergarten as a pilot project for the implementation of Keywords: character education. This article reports how the management of character educa- Planning; Implementa- tion in kindergarten to be the pilot project. By using a qualitative approach, which tion; Assessment Character attempts to understand the specific situation with the case study method, it was Education found that kindergarten pilot project has been implemented in an integrated charac- ter education in learning through the development of habituation and specialized in the development of a learning theme. Planning the character education program is integrated in the weekly planning (RKM) and daily planning (RKH) and not in the form of an independent program. Implementation of the the character education program conducted through the internalization of the values of the characters in the learning activities using the model in groups with children as a center of learning (student centered). Assessment being applied on character education programs in kindergarten pilot project have not been using special instruments, but still com- bined with the assessment of child development in general (moral and religious, physical and motor, cognitive, linguistic, social and emotional child). One of the recommendation of this study is the kindergarten should start developing assess- ment instruments which are specialized in assessing development of learners. How to cite Sobarna, A., & Hakim, A. (2017). Management character education in kinder- garten. Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies, 6(2), 65-73. doi: 10.15294/ijeces.v6i2.20188 © 2017 Semarang State University Corresponding author: p-ISSN 2252-8415 Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia e-ISSN 2476-9584 E-mail: [email protected] Ayi Sobarna & Arif Hakim / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 6 (2) (2017) INTRODUCTION question is about the planning, implementation, and asessmen character education in kindergar- Many experts say that character education ten. should start from early childhood. Why is that? According Moleong (2007) based on a At the early age of 0-6 years, the brain develops combination between the opinions Bogdan & very rapidly up to 80 percent. That is the peri- Biklen by Lincoln & Guba, characteristics or od in which physical, mental and spiritual child traits qualitative research can be described as fol- will begin to form. Therefore, many are calling lows: (1) natural background (naturalistic); (2) this period as the golden period of children and human beings as instruments / tools; (3) quali- the future is very appropriate for the cultivation tative methods (interviews, observation and do- of values (character education) for children. Bra- cuments); (4) inductive data analysis (general to zelton (Wibowo, 2012) mentioned that children’s specific) (5) of the basic theories (grounded theo- experiences in the month and the first years of ry) from bottom to top; (6) descriptive (ie data in life is crucial ability to face challenges in life and the form of words, pictures and illustrations); (7) success in the job. is more concerned with process than results; (8) Instructions implementation of character to limits set by the focus; (9) the specific criteria education has been developed by the Kementrian for the validity of the data (defining the validity, Pendidikan Nasional in 2010 the Guidelines for reliability and objectivity) (10) design that is tem- the Implementation of Education Culture and porary; (11) the results negotiated and agreed.. National Character. Then how its implementati- on have been outlined in the “Technical Guideli- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION nes for the Implementation of Character Educa- tion in Early Childhood Education”. The character education program is not Often is suppose that the conditions of a program that is separate from the Teaching learning in kindergarten is now deviated from the Learning everyday but has been integrated in Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP), it. In each curricular activities, character values which is in accordance with the age (age Ap- must be contained in it. Actually, Kindergarten propriate) and in accordance with the develop- have done habituation manners, independence, ment of the child as an individual (individually responsibility in the context of social and reli- Appropriate). Muiz (quoted from Sue Bergkamp, gious moral habituation emotional for students. 1989). Most institutions of Early Childhood Edu- However, with the character education structured cation now has to apply some sort of subjects co- formal learning, then managerially, it needs to be vered in the thematic learning, but in reality such implemented with a stronger management. as the provision of material that is partial, for Planning Education Learning Values Cha- example there are mathematics, English language racter uses its own time. in preparing a lesson plan, we need a refe- Addressing the problems of these condi- rence as a guideline. References used are hand- tions, then the Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional book implementation of character education in through Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung has be- kindergarten issued by the Kementrian Pendidi- gun implementing karkter education at the unit kan Nasional by Direktorat Jendral of PAUDNI level of Early Childhood Education, among ot- and other supporting books that are relevant, hers in kindergarten pilot project in the city of such as a book by Ratna Megawangi. Bandung. Researchers are interested in exami- Furthermore technical preparation of ning the extent to which the implementation of lesson plans related to character education in character education programs in kindergarten schools, principals with the teachers held a mee- because this program is a pilot project then in- ting at the beginning of the school year to discuss stituted contained in the ‘development of culture what values are to be prioritized and national character’. Development of learning activities require planning called syllabus. Syllabus in kindergarten METHOD manifested in a half of planning, planning week- ly and daily planning. This research used a qualitative approach that seeks to understand the specific situation with Character Education Planning the case study method that is a research conducted Preparation of annual kindergarten pro- intensively, detail, and depth to an organization, grams using curriculum Permendikanas No. 58 institution or certain symptoms. Symptoms in th. 2009. In the Permendiknas, there is a general 66 Ayi Sobarna & Arif Hakim / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 6 (2) (2017) design of the curriculum in kindergarten, while The document was drafted at the beginning of development is adapted to the needs and social the new school year by teachers and principals. conditions surrounding communities.The con- RKM is an elaboration plan that contains a se- tents of the annual plan includes components: mesters, theme, sub-themes, and the scope of the standards of competence / competencies, lear- development to be achieved in students and lear- ning outcomes, development of indicators, the- ning activities mes, and the estimated time of the week. Weekly planning serves as a direction to Annual planning elaborated in planning teachers to be in developing learning activities. the semester is the first semester and semeter II, With this document, the determination of lear- prepared jointly between the principal and teach- ning media can be more easily and precisely tar- ers at the beginning of the new school year. There geted. are some added according to necessity or social Here looked completely form of matter and cultural conditions around the school, for are integrated activities. One theme can cover the example when stepping Ramadan, the theme is entire scope of children’s developmental aspects “Ramadhan”. All activities related to Ramadan. of the development of the religious and moral In preparing the semesters kindergarten values, emotional social aspects, aspects of lan- program, created translation of charged Indica- guage, physical aspects, cognitive, plus with local tors Arts and Character. This description is made content aspects of the English language and tera- together principals and teachers at the beginning kahir aspects of the character values. of the school year. This guide is intended as the Daily planning units arranged in the form basis for the teachers when preparing the Draft of daily activity (RKH). This document is a trans- Daily Activities (RKH) so the teacher just stay lation of the Weekly Activity Plan (RKM). Daily moving from the start of the indicators and the Action Plan contains learning activities, whether character values developed into RKH. (For de- carried out individually, group, or classical in one tails attached) day. Differences that occur in each class in RKH prepared by teachers every day for group B only in development activities and media one day to the next, which
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