Weather Distribution 7 MLteapcratv*. <l ttfrct*. Today *6 n+umw RED BANK * Afrm. tfigb 19,175 tew la W%. SttMtey, 1 Independent Daily f Chaaet «f shower* in late tfter. I wowfl4rrwoticwwmMr-««r.iw y Dial SH L00IO .Set weather, page 2. limed d»Hjr. Mond»7 tlim|b Frtdiy. taeond cim Poitic* VOL. 84, NO. 214 Paid it Red Bank «od u Additional UiUini OIUcu. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Rusk, Dobrynin Meeting Macmillan Urges West | Discuss Berlin Today Be 'Firm But Patient' Despite Tests Dispute NEW YORK (AP)—British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Dean Rusk and urges the West "to be firm but patient; never to yield and never to Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin scheduled a new meeting give ground; but never to take provocative action ourselves." :>n Berlin today in spite of the angry dispute between Moscow and He says he believes that if the free world follows this policy Washington over U.S. resumption of nuclear atmospheric tests. the Russians—in "maybe one, maybe two generations, maybe more" I As the two prepared to meet, there was speculation that the —will be ready for a better second test in the new U.S. peace than one "preserved series might be touched off t>y mutual fear." today or tomorrow. The Calling President Kenne- irst was fired Wednesday dy's decision to resume nu- over the Pacific testing INTO ACTION — Volunteer firemen in Middletown iwing Into action, running lines clear tests in the atmosphere "a> area. to a fire which caused an estimated $25,000 damaga to the Pokus Auto Body Shop, ragedy," he says "the world] Soviet readiness to continue the must realize the responsibility for] Rt. 35, yesterday. search for a Berlin settlement the tragedy is not Kennedy's. It plus Soviet failure to walk out s Khrushchev's." of the Geneva Disarmament Con- Macmillan. says the test re- ference was interpreted here as Flash Fire Guts Auto Shop sumption is tragic because "it evidence that Premier Khrush- means the nuclear arms race is chev has decided to limit Russian again in fuli spate." reaction to the new U. S. tests Static Electricity Blamed; Proprietor Injured He says Britain and the United to a propaganda fight. U. S. States "maintained a voluntary officials found this encouraging MIDDLETOWN — A flash gasoline burns on his arm and face. He was moratorium of three years, which for the future course of U. S.- was rudely broken by the Rus- Soviet relations. fire caused by static electricity re- treated at Riverview Hospital and sians last autumn." One of the limiting factors In sulted in an estimated $25,000 damage released. ANPA Meeting Khrushchev's decision, it was to the Pokus Auto Body Shop on The fire burned out the entire in- The British Conservative Party said, may also be his own plans, leader discussed the present state assumed here, for the Soviet Rt. 35. terior of the building. of the world and looked into the Union to hold new nuclear tests According to Fire Chief Norman Edward Pokus, the other owner of future last night in addressing n the near future. Long, the fire started when Max the shop, said the firm would con- 1,800 ocrsons at the annual din- Reds Roar ner of the Bureau of Advertising In Moscow the Soviet Union's Pokus, one of the owners, and an- tinue operations. of the American Newspaper Pub- press, radio and television con- other employee were draining gas Besides the building itself, two lishers Association. tinued to pour out a steady from the tank of a car in the shop. cars were damaged, along with equip- Newspaper executives and their stream of strident denunciation guests joined in toasts to the of America's nuclear test in the Chief Long said the gas suddenly ment and stock. health of President Kennedy and Pacific. In London 2,000 anti- ignited, spreading flames throughout Firemen from Middletown, River Queen Elizabeth II. The toasts bomb demonstrators massed at the shop. Plaza and Old Village Fire Companies were led by Russ Stewart, retir- CHRISTMAS ISLAND BARRACKS — These South Seas huh serve as barracks for the U. S. Embassy to protest th« ing board chairman of the ANPA test. Police arrested 192 sit- Mr. Pokus suffered first degree answered the alarm. Bureau of Advertising and execu- tome of the 12,000 men of Task Force 8 who are participating in the U.S. nuclear down strikers. ive vice president of the Chicago test series on Christmas Island in the South Pacific. The first shot of the teriei The Rusk-Dobrynin meeting Sun-Times and Chicago Daily dropped from a plane near the island Wednesday was announced a success. was set for midaftcrnoon. It Work Starts Today News. |AP Wirephoto) will be the third such session The dinner ended the city's an- within a two-week period—and nual Press Week events. he last for about two weeks. Goes to Washington Rusk is scheduled to leave Red Bank Manor Apartments Macmillan goes to Washington Sunday for Allied consultations today for formal discussions Busy Day in Space abroad, including a NATO foreign with President Kennedy tomor- ministers' meeting in Athens. To Build40Luxury-Type Units row. His trip also will take him to The prime minister was ap- Scientists Plan Joint Launcliings London, Australia and New Zea- RED BANK — Philip J. Bowers Entrance to Manor East wil plauded warmly several times The Winner land. & Co., Red Bank and Newark, be through Red Bank Manor or, during his dinner speech—espe- The NATO gathering will give itarts preliminary work today to- directly, from William St. cially when he blamed Premier Rocket to Venus Boost Hope For Rusk an opportunity to make a ward the construction of a three- This is the first major addition Khrushchev for this country's re personal report to British, building, 40 - apartment luxury- to Red Bank Manor since the sumption^ of nuclear tests in the French and West German allies type addition to Red Bank Manor. 178-apartment garden; develop- atmosphere. Macmillan was given This Summer East-West Effort who along with the United States The new apartments, expected ment was completed In .1949. The a standing ovation at the end of PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - En- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) (See BERLIN. Page 2) to be ready for occupancy Nov. 1, Manor is Red Band's Urges his address. couraged by success of the crip- —The successful launchings of a Macmillan noted yesterday's will be called Manor East, and apartment complex. : _ pled spacecraft Ranger 4 in hit U.S.-Britlsh satellite and an wUl be a complex of one-and two- launching of a Thor-Delta rocket ting the moon, U. S. space 6Cien American-Japanese probe have 'The enlargement has been from Cape Canaveral, and said: Fires Wane bedroom units situated on Wi made possible by our acquisition tists today disclosed plans to given rise to hopes the United acres of property. All will be "You may have heard of the launch a similar rocket • called States and Russia will eventual- of new land," Mr. Bowers said successful launch this afternoon «ir conditioned, and each will '"Hie new program is considered Mariner toward Venus this sum ly combine their great resources But Threat have a dining room. Important because of the con- (See MACMILLAN, Page 2) mer. for an all-out assault on space Philip J, Bowers, 87 Grange tinuing growth of the Red Bank Mariner will be boosted into An American Thor-Delta rocke Ave., Fair Haven, the builder, area as a residential center.' Clocks to Go space by the same Atlas-Agena yesterday blasted a packet ol Continues taid leading features of the new B combination that aimed Rang- British experiments into orbit as By The Associated Press apartments will be "large rooms- AHEAD Sunday er 4 so accurately it landed on the world's first international sat —19 and 20-foot living rooms—in- the moon even though electronic ellite. Its purpose is to study the The number and size of for- est fires declined sharply In dividual air conditioning for each Parking Ban Another sign that summer Is failures prevented mid-flight cor- Ionosphere nnd cosmic radiation bedroom and for the living and RUMSON — An ordinance pro- on the way, comes Sunday rections. Earlier, at Wallops Island, Va., a New Jersey in the last 24-hour morning at 2 o'clock. p?riod, but the weather con- dining room areas; personalized hibiting parking on the west side Ranger 4's 233,000 mile jour U. S. Nike-Cajun sounding rocket >heat control and a generous use That's when residents of IS ney which ended on the far side boosted a small bundle of Jap-tinued dry and dangerous in the of the land." Philip J. Bowers of Forrest Ave. from Narumson states, Including New Jersey, of the moon at 4:47 a.m., PST, anese instruments on a brief 75- state's woodlands. St. to Black Point Rd., and on switch from standard to day- yesterday, took 64 hours. Mar mile-high trip to take readings In The Weather Bureau forecast Broad Lawns the west side of Blngham Ave. light saving time. iner will take four months to the upper atmosphere. continued dry weather today and Garden landscaping and broad Abandoned Car Come 2 a.m., all clocks will tomorrow. from Ridge Rd, to South Cherry reach Venus, 26 million, miles British Prime Minister Harold . lawns are planned, as well as an be pushed ahead one hour, with away.
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