Architecture and Engineering Volume 2 Issue 4 FUTURE OF THE OBVODNY CANAL — THE MAIN LINE OF THE SAINT PETERSBURG GREY BELT Leonid Lavrov 1, Fedor Perov 2, Raffaele Gambassi 3 1,2 Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Vtoraja Krasnoarmejskaja ul. 4, St. Petersburg, Russia 3 Via Salceto 87, Poggibonsi,Siena, Italy 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected] Abstract The study looks at the issues of the development of territories in the Obvodny Canal area. These issues, which are of great interest as related to the planned transformation of the Grey Belt, become more aggravated due to the increase in traffic load after the Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) opening. A significant decrease in the housing quality and cost of apartments facing embankments is observed, which can be explained by an extremely high level of noise and contamination with exhaust gases. Options for the improvement of environmental conditions, based on the conversion of territories allocated for the canal water area, are proposed. It is being noted that the Obvodny Canal has lost its functional purpose and can be converted as dozens of (nowadays former) canals in the historic center of Saint Petersburg. Keywords Grey Belt, Saint Petersburg transport infrastructure, Obvodny Canal, ecology of living environment. Introduction The canal was abandoned and for a long time it served The Obvodny Canal was constructed in 1803–1835. as a waste canal for local enterprises and residential In 1766, a drainage ditch was dug from the Ligovsky Ca- blocks. In the 1960s, a proposal to fill up the canal was nal to the Ekateringofka River; the western part of the Ob- debated. Nowadays, its banks are one of the most signifi- vodny Canal was developed along this ditch. The canal cant transport routes distributing traffic flows in the central length is 8.08 km, its width is 21.3 m (in the eastern part — part of the city. Currently, the possibilities of canal conver- up to 42.6 m). The canal was designed to drain water from sion to ensure its use in modern conditions, solving ur- the Neva River in case of flooding, but mainly for transport gent transport, environmental, architectural and planning needs of enterprises located along its banks. The canal issues facing the studied area of Saint Petersburg, are was developed along the border of the city as of the first considered. half of the 19th century and "enclosed" it from the south. From the second half of the 19th century till the mid-20th Materials and methods century, the Obvodny Canal was actually an open waste The following research methods are used in the article: water sewers for wastes of industrial enterprises. In 1835, a historical analysis of the development of the Saint Pe- the first ship navigated the canal, but at the beginning of tersburg system of waterways and canals, a comparative the 20th century the shipping traffic through the canal was analysis of the experience in laying and operating of ca- closed. nals, and design modeling. 34 Leonid Lavrov, Fedor Perov, Raffaele Gambassi — Pages 34–41 FUTURE OF THE OBVODNY CANAL — THE MAIN LINE OF THE SAINT PETERSBURG GREY BELT DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2017-2-4-34-41 Figure 1. Territories along the southern bank of the canal, allocated for pilot designing Results are not typical for Venice. The embankments became the When Saint Petersburg is compared to Venice, it is favorite places of townspeople for walking and nowadays often pointed out that our city is located on 42 islands, they attract lots of tourists. crossed by approximately 90 rivers and canals with more The Obvodny Canal plays a special part in the system than 500 bridges (Frolov, 2005). The historic part of Ven- of large waterways of the Neva Delta. It has become a wa- ice includes 118 islands, 398 bridges and 175 canals. ter main that can determine the appearance of new urban Such correlation does not take into account funda- blocks which are planned to be constructed in the Grey mental differences in architectural and planning designs Belt of the city (see http://spb-projects.ruzsdsch2.jpg). In of canals: particular, the territories along the southern bank of the - in Venice, a lot of canals lack embankments, houses canal are allocated for their pilot designing (Figure 1). rise directly from the water, and only several areas have It is the longest waterway of the Neva Delta (its length narrow passages for pedestrians; is 8 km), unlike the Fontanka River, Griboyedov and Moy- - in Saint Petersburg, roads for urban transport are laid ka Canals which were formed as a result of the sewage along the banks of all waterways. In the 18th–19th cen- collection system development at the place of the ex- turies, all main cargoes (food, firewood, hay for horses, isting rivers (see http://spb300.osis.ru/vek20/F20/1971- raw materials for industrial use) were delivered by barges 1980/1978.shtml). The Obvodny Canal is a 100% engi- navigating in the water area of rivers and canals. Nowa- neering structure, its routing and design were determined days, embankments play the key role: the main routes of following pragmatic considerations. It was laid along the passenger and freight transport are laid along the Neva border of the city of those days and partially outside it. River and other waterways of the Neva Delta; At the first stage of development it was constructed as - only one Venetian canal — the Grand Canal — fol- a part of the military fortification system on the southern lows a natural channel, preserving its meanderings. In approaches to the city. In 1769–1780, a sheet of water Saint Petersburg, rivers of the Neva Delta form the system stretched from the Ekateringofka River to the Ligovsky Ca- of waterways. Their natural routing was fixed at the end nal, and embankment protection was installed along the of the 18th century, when the banks of the Moyka River, banks. To the north of the canal, the Izmaylovsky Guards Fontanka River and Catherine Canal (the former Krivu- Regiment compound was situated; and at the beginning of sha River) were stabilized with granite embankments and the 19th century, the Nikolai Cavalry School campus was fenced with highly-artistic cast-iron grilles. built in the neighborhood. At the time the canal was ex- Local landscapes give the city a peculiar charm: gran- tended to the Neva River, and in its eastern part near the ite embankments, green trees, water shine, gently sloping Nevsky Monastery, the Alexander Military Parade Ground bridges, and austere facades of buildings merge togeth- and barracks were built, where the Cossack and Ataman er. This picture set an image of Saint Petersburg as the regiments, Don and Black Sea battalions were located. Northern Venice, although such comfortable promenades It was decided to use the waterway for the procurement 35 Architecture and Engineering Volume 2 Issue 4 to these military units, and, therefore, to start cargo traf- with the French boot basin for transfer of goods was con- fic through the canal (Sementsov, 2012). In 1819–1821, structed. Three railway stations were constructed along supply warehouses were built by outstanding architect V. the route (Lisovskiy, 2004). According to the European P. Stasov on the northern bank (Administration of Saint urban-planning terminology, territories with such use of Petersburg, 2003). plots are defined as "areas of mixed-use development” The second stage of the Obvodny Canal development (Mischgebiet), while in the modern domestic professional is related to Saint Petersburg industrialization in the 19th language they are designated as the Grey Belt. century. At the time, shipbuilding in the center slowed At the beginning of the 20th century, the Obvodny down, the Particular Shipyard was closed, the Admiralty Canal became narrow for vessels with increased draft, was transformed into a military chancellery. Canals that and navigation through the canal basically ceased. The provided industrial communications and a protective ca- canal changed its function; it became an open waste wa- nal around the Admiralty were filled up (see http://www. ter sewers for wastes of industrial enterprises located in spb-guide.ru/page_465.htm). the neighborhood. Its unattractive banks were formed by The Obvodny Canal lost its value as a fortification, but earth slopes with wooden reinforcements at the water it was not filled up at the time unlike numerous canals in edge (see http://polypipe.info/history/93-drainagehistory- the center of the city which became useless. It took on ofstpetersburg.html). new significance as it was expected to be able to reduce The 1937 master plan of Leningrad was meant to re- the risk of flooding and become a new way for the trans- verse the situation. It was offered to convert the Obvodny portation of bulky cargo round about the central part of Canal following the example of canals and rivers of the his- the city. In 1835, shipping traffic was opened throughout toric center (Kamenskiy, Naumov, 1973). However, those the entire canal; barges with cargoes were transported great plans were not fulfilled. The plan was implemented to the internal elements of the city waterways along the only partially. Permanent embankments and several new Tarakanovka River and the Vvedensky Canal. bridges were constructed, and old bridges were recon- The established communication promoted the fast de- structed in two stages (in 1930s and after World War II). velopment of the entire southern part of Saint Petersburg The current stage of situation development along the of the time. In contrast to the central part of the city where Obvodny Canal route is characterized by the deindustriali- residential areas prevailed, the landscape of the Obvod- zation of the area.
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