DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Title Registered in U. S. Patent Offlce. Copyright, 1910, by the Sporting Life Publishing Company. Vol. 54-No. 23 Philadelphia, February 12, 1910 Price 5 Cents RULE CHANGES FINAL! The Action of the Meeting, Is Con Joint Committee clusive, and Not on Playing Rules, Subject to Any As Formulated at Review by the Recent Pittsburg Two Big Leagues PROPOS to the discussion of the ers will manage the Jacksonville team and Ed. powers of the Joint Playing Rules Seivers the Elgin Club. It was voted to Committee President Murphy, of schedule 140 games, the season to begin oa Chicago, was in error when he May 10 and close around September 25. criticized the action of the Com mittee and thereby elicited the recent rebuke from President CONGRESSIONAL PLAYERS. Lynch, of the National League, who< stated that the action of the Joint Rules Committee Another Noteworthy Contest Is Being was final and not subject to review by either major league. This finality President Mur Arranged for This Year. phy in a subsequent interview denied, in Special to "Sporting Life." sisting that the club owners must be the Washington, D. C., February 7. The base final judges. Said he: "I beg to differ with ball fever has spread again among the mem President Lynch on the authority of the bers of the House, and plans are under way Rules Committee. He claims that body has for another contest of Republicans and Demo final authority. I refer him to Section 7 of crats on the diamond. As soon as the weather the Peace Compact, which was adopted by permits both sides will put two teams in the the representatives of the two major leagues field for practice. From these four tentative at Cincinnati, on January 19, 1903. This teams the real nines will be chosen. Repre says that the president of each league on sentative Tener, of Pennsylvania, who used or before February 1 of each year shall ap to twirl for the Chicago Nationals and play point a committee of three to draw up a ed professional base ball from 1885 to 1890, schedule; that these committees shall report probably will be shortstop on the Republican to their respective leagues within three weeks side. The line-up probably will include. after their appointment and that the leagues Republicans Tener (Pa.), shortstop; Burke (Pa.), shall have final say as to the adoption or catcher; Gaines (W. Va.), pitcher: Cole (Ohio); rejection of the rules." Dawson (Iowa): Rowland (Ohio): Vreeland (N. T-); THE SUPERSEDING RULE. Longworth (Ohio): Ames (Mass.). Democrats Oldfield (Ark.), catcher: Webb (N. C.). Mr. Murphy is in error in regarding this and McDermott (111.), pitchers; Hughes and Kinkead rule as of binding force and effect now. This (N. J.): Daniel A. Driscoll (N. Y.); Garrett (Tenn.); rule was in force from January 10, 1903, un McHenry (Pa.); Craven (Ark.); Carter (Okla,); til September 11 of the same year, when it Cox, (Ohio); O©Connell (Mass.). was superseded by the adoption of Na * tional Agreement, Article III of which is as follows: COMISKEY©S ESCAPE. "On or before March 1 of each year a committee of three from each of the major leagues to this From Arrest at the Hands of a Zealous agreement shall meet and adopt a code of rules to regulate the playing of the game of base ball for the Game Warden. ensuing season, a majority vote being required to Special to "Sporting Life." adopt, revise or repeal a rule." HENRY ZIMMERMAN, Mariana, Ark., February 7. Possession This article does away with the preceding of a written invitation to hunt has saved clause in the Peace Compact. At the meeting Substitute Infielder of the Chicago National League Club. President Charles Comiskey, of the Chicago Americans, and his guests aboard the little at which the National Agreement was adopt Henry Zimmerman. substitute inflelder of the Chicago National League Club, is one of the ed the question of rules was taken up and few native New York <players in the major leagues. He was born in the Bronx, February 10, craft White Sox from arrest at the hands freely discussed. It was 1886, and acquired his early experience as a ball player with the Metropolitan semi-professional of a game warden. Preparation had been, clubs. He made his regular professional debut with the Wilkes-Barre team, of the New York made by Warden Wisart to take the hunters THE UNANIMOUS VOTE State League in 1907. and in short order became a star of such magnitude that several major into custody when his attention was called of the J6 clubs interested that the Rules league flubs bid eagerly for him, the Chicago National Club finally securing the prize for $2,000. to a recently enacted statute which makes it Committee should be supreme, and that, their Ziminerrnan has since been a valued member of the Chicago team. He made good in all ways permissible for a resident of another State action should not, be subject to review by and only remains a substitute because there is no way of placing him regularly without displac to hunt in Desna County if he had a written the leagues. Each president appoints men on ing a man just as good. invitation. It happened that the party was his committee whom he feels to be well in the county specified and they had the fitted for the task, and their report is final. invitation. The hunt was permitted to; con As a matter of courtesy the committee reports tinue without molestation. Besides Comiskey its action to both the major leagues at the in the party were B. B. Johnson, president; Spring meetings, but such report is not sub of the American League; William Chappella, NORTHERN ASSOCIATION. the town which offered the best backing. "Ed" Hurl hurt, Charles Shield and other ject to review or ratification. President Cedar Rapids, Sterling, La Salle, and Beards- Lynch was right about this feature and base ball players. The New Organization Is Searching for an town are either applicants or©being consider -*- MR. MURPHY WAS WRONG. ed. E. M. Kehoe, of Clinton, was elected A Tale of Pitcher Pfeister. The changes in the Playing Rules adopted Eighth City. vice-president of the league. The Clinton by the Joint Rules Committee at, Pittsburg Special to "Sporting Life." franchise has been offered to Ted Sullivan, Here is a brand new one on Jack Pfeister, are already a part of the official playing rules Chicago, 111., February 7. Seven clubs the veteran manager, magnate and raconteur, the left-handed pitcher of the Cubs. Ona day last Summer he was in bed with ma of the country. ,None of the changes will were on hand at the meeting of the newly- and he is considering the proposition. It in hfriously affect the play in any respect, and volves giving him the franchise and a bonus, laria and the doctor paid him a visit. He most of them are merely verbal and adopted organized Northern Association at the Grand in return for which Sullivan is to provide took the pitcher©s temperature, and said "one for the sake of making clearer the meaning Pacific on February 0, but the choice of a players and secure his own manager for the hundred and four." A few of his team- of th$ rules for the benefit of amateur play- city for the location of an eighth franchise team. He will leave today for Texas and mates stood around. "Is that official?" «rs. There is nothing in any one of the re- was not made. It was left to a committee expects to close the deal on his return if asked the pitcher. "Why I thought I hit Visions worth starting a ruction about. of three, with power to fill the racancy with the promises are made good. Con Strouth- better than that." SRORTIINQ L4FE FEBRUARY 12, 1910 the league, when properly organized, would Hough, of Galesburg, made an addition to his be admitted and receive the protection of team in pitcher Dan Kelly, of Mechanicsville, the National Association. James McCor- O. Kelly stands over six feet in height and mick was elected president; Walter Ransom, weighs over 175 pounds. Hough .is rfla©kins vice-president; Ed. Crolic, secretary, and arrangements for securing the Knox College George M. Ward treasurer. The officers pro Gymnasium for early training work. pose to make it the only base ball league THE EASTERN LEAGUE READY i « : in existence that will©play the national game the year round. This feature alone will bring THONEY©S ILL LUCK. the organization before the public, and it is FOR THE SEASON, expected that many an aspiring half tosser will be given his start up the rungs of the The Boston Red Sox Outfielder Dislocates ladder leading to the big leagues. a Shoulder. The Recalcitrant Player, After a Holds a Two-Days© Meeting at Special©to "Sporting Life." -- A NEW ILLINOIS LEAGUE. Cincinnati, 0., February 7. John ("Bul Year of Idleness, Applies to the Di^oh, 111., February 1. A new league© is Montreal, at Which the Schedule let") Thoney, star outfielder of the Boston; to be organized in this part of the State .Aoaerican team,-may not be able to play ball National Commission, for Rein and Southern "Wisconsin. The© towns con Is Adopted, and Important Con for some time. He slipped and fell while sidered are Janesville and Beloit, i©ft ©Wis walking on. Fort Thomas avenue. Fort Thomas, consin and Sterling. Dixon, Freeport, >nd stitutional Changes Are Made* Ky., Saturday, and dislocated his right, shoui- .
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