City of Cocoa 65 Stone Street Cocoa, FL 32922 Meeting Agenda - Final Tuesday, February 9, 2016 6:00 PM Cocoa City Council Chambers City Council City Council Meeting Agenda - Final February 9, 2016 I. OPENING MATTERS: CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: AGENDA: II.1 16-25 Approve the Agenda for the Regular meeting of February 9, 2016, as presented or with amendments. Attachments: 02-09-16.pdf MINUTES: II.2 16-24 Approve the Minutes for the Regular meeting of January 12, 2016, as written or with amendments. Attachments: Minutes 01-12-16.pdf EXHIBIT A: WASTE MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION.pdf EXHIBIT B-Notes provided by Brad Whitmore.pdf III. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS: III.1 16-30 Proclamation: Proclaiming the month of February 2016 as Black History Month. (City Manager) Attachments: Black History Month-Feb.pdf IV. DELEGATIONS: In accordance with the City Council's rules and procedures, residents or tax -payers of the City (upon any subject of general or public interest), City employees (regarding his/her employment), and water and sewer customers (on matters related to the City's water and/or sewer system), may address the City Council under Delegations on items not on the printed agenda by filling out a speaker card. Speaker cards are located outside the Council meeting room and should be provided to the City Clerk . Please observe the time limit of five (5) minutes while speaking under Delegations. Delegations shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes unless extended by Council. V. CONSENT AGENDA: City of Cocoa Page 2 Printed on 2/4/2016 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final February 9, 2016 V.1 16-28 Approve award of the Riverfront Park Sod and Drainage Improvements (SW16RD) Bid # B-16-04-COC to All Terrain Tractor Service Inc. which was the lowest qualified bidder; approve a Resolution to amend the FY 2016 budget; and approve a Resolution to authorize the City Manager to approve any change orders necessary up to 5 percent (5%) of the contract amount ($ 8141.05). (Public Works Director) Attachments: Bid Form Bid Tabulation Resolution No. 2016-11 (amending budget).pdf Budget Amendment Form.pdf Resolution No. 2016-12 (contingency).pdf V.2 16-29 To Approve Task Order 2016-1 with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. to Provide Conceptual Design and Definition Requirements for RFQ 15-24-COC, Dyal Chemical Conversion and Reliability Improvements, Project WS1404. (Utilities Director) Attachments: Task Order Form - T.O. 2016-1.pdf T.O. 2016-1 Proposal.pdf Fee Breakdown CCRIP Conceptual Design.pdf 1_26_16 Agreement for Engineering Services for Design Permmitting and Services during Construction.pdf V.3 16-32 Approve the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Cocoa (City) and the Cocoa Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the Florida Avenue Streetscape Project. (Community Services Director) Attachments: Cocoa RDA Florida Avenue Contribution Agreement.pdf V.4 16-34 To Approve Task Order 2016-72 with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. for SCADA Surface Water Automated Reporting in Support of Continuing Development of the Wonderware Archestra SCADA System, Project No. WS1117. (Utilities Director) Attachments: TO-UT-CH2M-2016-72 (1-27-16) $72556.92.pdf Cocoa SCADA Surface Water Reports SOW 012616 (2).pdf VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VI.1 16-27 Conduct a Public Hearing to amend the FY 2015-2016 CDBG Action Plan to add the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program in accordance with the City’s CDBG Citizen Participation Plan. (Community Services Director) Attachments: Legal Ad for Public Hearing 2-9-16 001.pdf City of Cocoa Page 3 Printed on 2/4/2016 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final February 9, 2016 VI.2 16-31 Public Hearing to obtain citizen input and comments on housing and community development needs; approve recommendations on FY2016-2017 CDBG and HOME program funding; and provide notice to solicit public comment and notice of final public hearing scheduled for April 26, 2016. (Community Services Director) Attachments: Legal Ad Notice of Public Hearing FY 2016_2017 CDBG and HOME funding.pdf VII. COUNCIL BUSINESS: VII.1 15-623 Council Direction for Collection of Solid waste and Recycling Materials Contract with Waste Management. (Public Works Director) Attachments: Annual 15 Review Report.doc VII.2 16-37 Approve the revised and updated Community Services Department Housing Program Policies and Procedures as required by the 2013 HOME Final Rule and in accordance with the proposed draft of the SFY2016-2019 SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan. (Community Services Director) Attachments: Housing Policies and Procedures 2-9-2016.doc VIII. CITY BUSINESS: City of Cocoa Page 4 Printed on 2/4/2016 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final February 9, 2016 VIII.1 15-570 Council approval of a Resolution amending the FY2016 Budget, using $27,029.00 from Restricted Fund Balance Reserves, to the Police Confiscated Operating Account to trade/purchase firearms and duty gear. (Police Chief) Attachments: Resolution No. 2016-10.pdf Budget Amendment form.pdf Sig Sauer, Safariland, & Streamlight Quote 1 Sig Sauer Sole Source Letter Safariland 573 Quote 3 Safariland 6360 High Gloss Quote 2 Safariland 6360 High Gloss Quote 3 Safariland 6360 Quote 2 Safariland 6360 Quote 3 Safariland 6378 Quote 2 Safariland 6378 Quote 3 Safariland Quick Kit 4-2 Quote 2 Safariland Quick Kit 4-2 Quote 3 Silencer Quote 2 Silencer Quote 3 Streamlight Quote 2 Streamlight Quote 3 Safariland 77 High Gloss Quote 2 Safariland 77 High Gloss Quote 3 Safariland 77 Quote 2 Safariland 77 Quote 3 Safariland 573 Quote 2 VIII.2 15-601 Approval of the Clearlake Isles Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat with conditions. (Community Services Director) Attachments: Legal Description affidavit.pdf Clearlake Isles Final Plat Rev 2-2-16.pdf US1 RDA Declaration of Easement 2-3-16.doc Site Location Map.pdf VIII.3 16-26 Accept an Easement from Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC (AT&T) and to Authorize the related payment to permit the City to utilize AT&T property for Stormwater Treatment. (Public Works Director) Attachments: ATT Factory St Easement Agmt.pdf BAF-PW-3570-Factory St. Easement ATT (2-9-16) 16-026.pdf City of Cocoa Page 5 Printed on 2/4/2016 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final February 9, 2016 MULTI-YEAR CONTRACTS: IX. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA: IX.1 16-15 Cocoa Police Department District Events for Council Information. (Chief of Police) Attachments: December Council Report by District .pdf November 2015 Council Report by District .pdf IX.2 16-33 New local business tax receipts. (Community Services Director) Attachments: 2-9-16 New local business tax receipts.pdf IX.3 16-35 Monthly Incident Fire Report Summary. (Fire Chief) Attachments: December 2015.pdf IX.4 16-38 2015 Year End Fire Department Summary Report. (Fire Chief) Attachments: 2015 Summary Report.pdf X. REPORTS: XI. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: City of Cocoa Page 6 Printed on 2/4/2016 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final February 9, 2016 Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, the City hereby advises the public that: if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or hearing, that person will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, affected persons may need to assure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, and such record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission into evidence of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals otherwise not allowed by law. City Code Section 2-54 requires that an affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum present shall be necessary to enact an ordinance or adopt any resolution; except that two -thirds of the membership of the Council is required to enact an emergency ordinance. All ordinances require two readings, entitled first reading and second reading and public hearing, prior to adoption. Members of the public speaking on public hearing items, though entitled to be heard by the City Council, are not entitled to an immediate response by either administrative staff members or Council once the public hearing is closed; however, Council discussion may or may not include a response . No question by the public should be addressed directly by the Administrative staff. Public debate by individual speakers from the audience on public hearing items shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Representatives of recognized groups shall be limited to ten (10) minutes; and total debate on a single issue shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes. Only one presentation per person per issue shall be allowed. A Council member may add an item to the agenda during the meeting only at the time the agenda is approved. If the item requires action by the Council, then it may be added to the agenda by an affirmative vote of the Council, and written documentation must be submitted at the time the item is added to the agenda. This agenda is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board and at the Central Brevard Library and Reference Center in Cocoa for public review. A Council member may add an item to the agenda during the meeting only at the time the agenda is approved If the item requires action by the Council then it may be added to the agenda by an affirmative vote of the Council and written documentation must be submitted at the time the item is added to the agenda. This agenda is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board and at the Central Brevard Library and Reference Center in Cocoa for public review.
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