674 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. falls into Bala Bay, on the western side of miles south of Hannah Bay, at the foot of Lake Muskoka. James Bay. It gives rise to the W^est River. MUSKOSUNG LAKE, in Badgerow t'p., Ni- MUTRIE, a post and good farming region, lying to south pissing dist., north Ont., the of inhabited largely by French Canadians, in the Sturgeon River, and to the north of Cache Province of Saskatchewan (formerly Assa. Bay Station, on the C.P.R., on the north shore E., N.W.T.), 6 miles from Lake Chapleau, and of Lake Nipissing. 16 miles from Fillmore Station, on the Moose MUSKRAT, a lake near the head of Lac des Mountain section of the C.P.R., 48 miles north- AUumettes. Pontiac co.. Que., has its outlet in west of Areola, and 65 miles south-east of Re- the Ottawa River. gina. MUSKRAT LAKE, a small lake in Renfrew MiERS CAVE, a post settlement in Fron- CO., Ont.. near Forester's Falls. tenac co., Out., 15 luiies from Kaladar on the MUSKRAT RIVER, of Chlcoutimi co., Que., C.P.R. a branch of the River Perlbonca. MYERS POINT, a post office in Halifax co., MUSQUARRO, a river of Saguenay co.. Que., N.S., 34 miles from Dartmcutn oa the Dart- falls into the north shore of the Gulf of St. mouih branch of the l.C.R. Lawrence, 4 1-2 miles west of Washshecootai MYRTLE, a post village in Ontario co., Bay. Ont., on the" G.T.R., between Whitby and MUSQUASH, a post village in the western Manilla Jets., 9 miles from Port Perry. It section of St. John co., N.B., on the Musquash contains 1 Methodist church, 1 store. Pop. River, and a station on the N.B. Southern 50. RR.. west of St. John City. The village, in MYRTLE, a post office in Lisgar CO., Man., June, 1904. was almost totally destroyed by and a station on the Canadian Northern RK., fire, but is now largely rebuilt. It has 2 21 miles west of Morris and 18 miles east of churches (R.C. and Epis.), 1 general s.ore. Miami. 1 hotel, 2 rotary saw mills, besides telegraph MYRTLE STATION, a settlement in Ontario and telephone offices. In the vicinity, on the CO., Ont., on the line of the C.P.R., 36 .miles Lancaster waters, there are fine fishery pre- eafct of Toionto and 10 miles west of Burketon serves. Pop., about 200. Jet. It has 1 general stoie and 1 hotel, witii xViUbQUArfJri LAKE, Westmoreland co., N.B., express and telegraph ottices. noted for trout. MYSTIC, a poat village in Missisquoi co., Que., MUSQUASH, or MUSKOSH RIVER, a river on the C.P.R. (Farnham & Stanbridge div.). 10 miles south c|.. Simcoe co., Ont., in which are found plenty of Farnham, and 4 miles north of Stanbridge. or! Ifj-eshwater fish. It falls into the Georgian It contains 2 churches (Epis. Bay, north of Midland. and Methodist), 1 store, foundry and machine shop and butter factory, besides express MUSQUODOBOIT, a fine river of Halifax co.. and telephone offices. Pop., 300. Nova Scotia, rises near the head waters of the Stewiacke, and discharges itself into the NAAS HARBOR, a post office in Comox- Atlin Atlantic a short distance east of Lawrence- dist., B.C., at the mouth of the Naas River, dn town. It produces very good timber, and has Portland Inlet. Lat. 54° 56' N.; Ion, 129° 56' some thriving settlements on its banks. W. It is alx»ut 650 miles by steamer MUSQUODOBOIT HARBOR, a port and post north of Vancouver. village in Halifax co., N.S., on the Atlantic NAAS RIVER, a stream in northern B.C., coast, 30 miles south-east of Halifax. It con- which has its outlet on the Pacific, at the foot tains several mills, 3 churches (Epis.. Pres. of Observatory Inlet, adjoining the Portland and Meth.), 4 stores, 4 hotels and telegraph canal, a few miles north-east of Port Simpson. office, and has a good trade in lumber and NABESIPPI, a river of Quebec, enters the shipbuilding. Two quartz mills are employed at north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the gold mines here. In the lakes of the region 17 1-2 miles north-west of the mouth of the there is good fishing and hunting. Pop.. Natashquan, in the Eastern section, of Sague- 1.400. nay CO. Nabesippi is an Indian word signify- MUSSELBURG, a small settlement in Perth ing "man." CO., Ont., 3l^ miles from Milverton, on the NACKAWICK, a rlvfr of Yok co., N.B., en- G.T.R., 14 miles from Stratford. It contains ters the northern bank of the St. John, a few miles 1 store. Pop., under 50. above the mouth of the Keswick. It MUSSEL HARBOR, a fishing settlement on affords good water-power, drains a fine agri- Long Island, Nfld., 15 miles from Little Pla- cultural portion of the province, and is fre- centia. Pop. (1901), 53. quented by salmon and other fish. set- MUSSEL HARBOR ARM (SOUTH Side), a NACKAWICK, a post settlement in York co., district of Placentia and St. station tlement in the ^:^' ^J?^ ^ on the Woodstock branch Mary's, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 68. of the C.P.R., 20 miles from Woodstock. MUSSEL HARBOR ARM (North Side), a NAGAGAMI RIVER has its source in the settlement in the dist. of Placentia and St. height of land, north of Lake Superior, Ont. Mary's, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 143. It flows north-westerly, and being joined bv a post settlement in Placen- the Kenogami and MUSSEL POND, Little Current Rivers it tia and St. Mary's district, Nfld., 49 miles from joins the Albany River, and finally empties St. John's, 4 miles from Salmonier. Pop. (1901), into James Bay at Fort Albany. 75. NAHUN. a post settlement in Yale-Cariboo MUSSELVILLB, a post settlement in Bon- ^l^^^l^^;, ^•^•' ^^^^ Sicamous Jet., a station on aventure co.. Que., 6 miles from Caplan River, the C.P.R. a station Atlantic, Quebec and West- on the NAIL POND, a farming and fishing settle- ern Ry. ment in Prince co.. P.E.I., on the Gulf of St. a lake of Northern Ontario, ICO MUSUGAMA, L&wrence, 55 miles from Summerside and 3 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 675 miles from Tignish. It contains several lobster which employs some 500 to 600 miner.'^, has 5 canning factories, mills, stores, hotels and 1 churches (2 Meth., 1 Epis., 1 Pres. and 1 Bap- telegraph office. Tignish, on the Prince Ed- tist), about 60 stores, 22 hotels, 1 saw ward Island Ry., is the mil, nearest station (3 milea 1 iron foundry, distant). 2 banks (Royal and Bank of Commerce), 2 printing and newspaper offices NAIL POND, a sheet of water in Prince cc, ("Morning Herald" and "Evening Free P.B.I., about 2 miles long, with an average Press"), besides express and telegraph width of about 300 offices. yards. It is well shocked Pop., 5,500. with trout and other fish. NANAIMO RIVER, rises in the south-eastern NAIRNE, a post village in Middlesex co., part of Vancouver Island, B.C., flows an east- Ont., on the Aux Sables River, 3 miles from erly course, and enters into the Strait of Geor- Ailsa Craig Station, on the G.T.R., 7 miles gia. It receives the waters of the Harlem. west of Lucan, and 48 miles east of Sarnia. NANTEL. a lake in Argenteuil co.. Que,, in It has 1 Presbyterian church, 1 store, 1 hotel the township of Wolfe. and 1 blacksmith shop. Pop., 50. NANTICOKB, a post village in Haldimard NAIRNE CENTRE, a post village in Algoma CO., Ont., on Nanticoke Creek, 7 miLs from district, Ont., on the Spanish River, and a Jarvis and 7 mile^ from Port Dover, on the station on the "Soo" branch of the C.P.R., G.T.R. It contains 1 store, grist and saw 33 miles west of Sudbury and 63 miles east mills, 2 churches, 2 carriage factories, furni- of Algoma. It has 3 churches (R.C., Anglican ture, undertaker and harness shops, besides and Methodist), 5 stores, 2 botels, an ex- telephone and telegraph offices. Pop., 200 press and telegraph office. Pop., 300. NANTICOKE CREEK, in Norfolk co., Ont. NAJOUALANK, a lake of Quebec co. (north- NANTON, a post settlement in the Prov. of east part), Que., which forms a large bay on Alberta, and a station on the Calgary & Mac- the west side of Portage Dore, out of which leod div. cf the C.P.R., 58 miles sou;h of Cal- runs the Bostonnais River. Length lOJ miles. gary. It is situated on Mosquito Its banks are well timbered. Creek, a tributary of the Little Bow River, and is in ^NAKUSP, a post village in Kootenay dist., a fine wheat growing region. It has 16 B.C., on Upper Arrow Lake, and on the Nakusp stores, 2 hotels, 2 banks (Commerce and Hamilton), & Slocan Ry. It contains 1 church, 3 stores, 3 2 lumber yards, 2 grain elevators, besides 5 hotels, 1 saw mill and 1 newspaper; also fruit churches and a public school and telegraph lands. Steamers connect daily with the main and express offices. Pop., 500. line of the C.P.R. A smelter is to be built NANT'S COVE, a settlement in the distriQit next season. Silver and gold are found in the of Burin, Nfld.. Pop. (1901), 20. vicinity. Pop., about 750.
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