Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 16 11/30/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 11/27/1968 Form Telephone list for Nixon. Two copies included. 12 pg. 22 16 11/27/1968 Form Papers Re: Nixon's Telephone List. 4 pg. 22 16 11/13/1968 Memo To Chapin Re: call to be made to Clarence Chapman. 1 pg. 22 16 n.d. Form Telephone lists for Nixon. 7 pg. 22 16 n.d. Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 1 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 16 11/11/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 11/12/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 11/13/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 11/14/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 n.d. Form Telephone List for Nixon. 3 pg. 22 16 n.d. Form Telephone List for Nixon. 4 pg. 22 16 11/11/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 16 11/12/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 11/13/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 11/14/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 n.d. Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 16 n.d. Form Telephone Lists for Nixon. 3 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 3 of 3 NOVEMBER 30, 1968 PRESIDENT-ELECT R M N TEL E P H 0 N ELI S T ------------------------------------------------------------- SENATOR GORDAN ALLOTT Recommended by: Bryce Harlow • ; • NOVEMBER 27. 1968 PRE SID E N T - E LEe T R M N TEL E P H 0 N E LIS T --------------------------------------------------------- WALTER JUDD Recommended by: Bryce Harlow. Bryce talkeO to Judd and reeommended a phone eall in place of a private appointment. JUDD WISHED TO DISCUSS: 1. The appointment of Ne180n Rockefeller (which he opposes). 2. Support of Ray Bliss. 3. Use of Governor John Chaffee in signir10ant post. 4. Aesignment for Tom Curtis. CONGRESSMAN US ARENDS Called RMN on 11/22. RMN returned oall on 11/22 and the Congressman was out. CONGRESSIONAL CALLS: Majority Whip Hale Boggs Minority Conferenoe Chairman Melv1n La1rd (thanks for tr1ps 1n the campaign) AGRICULTURAL COMMITI'EE Allen Elander and Geor~e Aiken Bob Poage and Page Baloher • , • • • •• PAGE TWO CONGRESSIONAL CALLS CONTINUED: APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Mil t Young Frank Bow (thanks ror help along the way) ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Margaret Smi th Mendel Rivers and Bill Bates BANKING AND CURRENCY CCto'.MITTEE John Sparkman and Wallace Bennett Wright Patman and Bill Widnall LABOR COMMITTEE Ralph Yarborough Carl Perkins and Bill Ayers FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE George Aiken Tom Morgan and Ross Adair INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS Henry Jackson and Gordon Allott Wayne Aspinall and John Saylor , .' -. PAGE THREE CONGRESSIONAL CALLS CONTINUED: COMMERCE COMMITTEE Warren Magnuson and Norris Co~~on Harley Staggers and Bill Springer JUDICIARY COMMITTEE James Eastland and Roman Hruska Manny Cellar and Bill McCulloch GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Karl Mundt Bill Dawson and Flo Dwyer MERCHANT MARINE COMMITTEE Eddie Garmatz and Bill Maillard POST OFFICE COMMITTEE Ralph Yarborough and Hiram Fong Thad Dulski and Bob Corbett PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Jennings Handolph and John S. cooper George Fallon and Bill Cramer RULES CCMMITI'EE Alletl Sm! th • . '. .. PAGE FOUR CONGRESSIONAL CALLS CONTINUEDl SPACE COMMITTEE Cl1nton Ander50n George M1ller and J1m Fulton VETERANS COMMITTEE T1ger Teague and Ross Ada1r , • • NOVEMi:JO:R 27, 1968 PRE S r D R N T ~ S L E C T jj M N TEL E P H 0 N E L 1 :.; 'I' ~--------------~----~~-----------~--~------------------ -- ',o/ALTF:R JUDD Re~ommended by: Bry~e Harlow. Bn"ce talked to J'ldd and recomrr.ended a phone call in place ell' a private appointment. JUDD WISllED TO DISI~USS: 1. 'rhe appointment or Helson Rockefeller (whi~h he aopases). 2. Su~port of .'l.ay BUss. 3. Use of Governor John Chaffee In signif1c"nt post. 4. Assignm",nt for Tom Curtis. ,.<-----­ ~ESSMAN LES ARENDS ~ Called RMN on 11/22. RMN returned call on 11/22 and tl',e Congressman was out.. CONGRESSIONAL CALLS: Ma,lori tJ Whip Hale Boggs /'" Minorit'i COf,fel"ence Chairman Melvin Laird (thanks for trips in the c"mpalgn) AGR rCULTITRJ\" COMtH'rT££ Allen Elander and ~r j311 .. ihllll. BOD Poage and Page Belcher PAGE TWO CONGfl.ESS:QNAL CALLS C0NTJNIJr:D: APPi1,OPRIATJONS C(1MMJT'!'r:E: Mil t; Yaunl\ _PlaIL~ Bow (thanks for hel0 along the way ) ARMED SERVICES COK~TITEE 1 Margaret Ollila:, , Mendel Rivers and Dill Bates BANKING AND CURRRNCY COMMITTEE fohn C)par'cman and ;,rnllace Bennet;; ~rlght Patman and Bill Wldnall LABOR GOMMTTTRR Ralph Yarborou!,,:h Carl Perkins and R111 Ayers FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTRE GeOige AilfER­ 'rom Morgan itnct Ross .Adair INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS ','layne Aspinall 'lnci ,fohn Saylor PAGE "WillE C0NGf\ESS"!:CJNAL CALLS CONTINUED, ~OMMEf\CE COt~ITT~~ Vla!'!'en Magnuson and Norris Cotton Harley Staggers an~ Bill 3prinler ,J1JDI::IARY COI'lMT'rTF.E __- c\"m~s Eastlwd and ~ Manny cellar and Bin lllcClI] l.QGR GOvEnN~ENT OPERATTONS COM~rTTF.E --WIlt'rrlt :3111 D;J.wson and Flo Dwyer MERCHANT ;.tA RINE COM~~ r nEE Eddie GarmaLz and Bill Maillard POST OFFICE COMMITrES halph Yar'oor:>l.lgh and HIram Pong Thad Dulski 3.nd Bob Corbett PUDLfC WORKS ::;OMMIT'!'/!;', Jennings Ran~olph and John S. Cooper G'O:>:-:;'O Fal.l·::m and Bill Cram"t' RUUCS C(lMMI'1"T<:F', Allen Smi th PAGE !"OUB CONGRE3SIONAL C~~LS CONTINUED: SPACE COMMITTEE GeDrO;f> Miller and Jim Fulton VJ::tERANS COMMT'l'Tr.F: Tiger Tea~~e and Ross Ad~ir / NOVEMBER 27, 1968 PRESIDENT_ELECT R M N TELEPHONE LIS T WALTER JUDD Recommended by: Bryce Harlow. Bryce talked to Judd and recommended a phone call in place of a private appointment. JUDD WISHE.D TO DISCUSS: 1. The appointment of Nelson RocKefeller (Which he opposee). 2. Support or Ray BliSS. ]. Use of Governor John Chaffee in significant post. 4. Assignment for Tom Curtis. CONGRESSMAN toES ARENDS Called RMN on 11/22. RMN returned oall on 11/22 and the Congressman waa out. CONORESSIONAL CALLS: Majority Whip Hale Boggs Minority Conference Chairman M~lvin Laird (thanke for trips in the campaign) AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Allen Elander and George Aiken Bob Poage and Page Beicher . .' ,. PAGE TWO CONGRESSIONAL CALLS CONTINUED: APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Milt Young Frank Bow (thanks for help along the way) ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Margaret Smith Mendel Rivers and Bill Bates BANKINO AND CURRENCY COMMITTEE John Sparkman and Wallace Bennett Wright Patman and Bill Widnall LABOR COMMITTEE Ralph Yarborough Carl Perkins and Bill Ayers FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE George Aiken Tom Morgan and Ross Adair INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS Henry Jackson and Gordon Allott Wayne Aspinall and John Saylor • .. • •• PAOE THREE CONORESSIONAL CALLS CONTINUED: COMMERCE COMMITTEE Warren Magnuson and Norrls Cotton Rarley Staggers and Bill Sprlnger JUDICIARY COMMITTEE James Eastland and Roman Hruska Manny Cellar and Bl11 McCulloch GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Karl Mundt Bill Dawson and Flo Dwyer MERCHANT MARINE COMMITTEE Eddie Garmatz and Bl11 Maillard POST OFFICE COMM1TTEE Ralph Yarborough and Hiram Fong Thad Dulski and Bob Corbett PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Jenn1ngs Randolph and John s. Cooper George Fallon and Bill Cramer RULES COMMITTEg Allen Smith .. PAGE FOUR CONGRESSIONAL CALLS CONTINUED: SPACE COMMiTTEE Clinton Anderson George Miller and Jim Fulton VETERANS COMMI'ITEE Tigsr Teague and RosS Adair . , .. • • • PRESIDENT ELECT R.M. N. TELEPHONE LIST \ . , HALE MINORITY CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN MELVIN (LAIRD (thanks for trips \: in campaign) ~ . cy ehai:rma AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE an Bob Poage and Page Belcher APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE ~. J Ik I anks f or help along the way) ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE ,lp t¢:ti1 . BANKING AND CURRENCY COMMITTEE and Wallace Bennett .:...:...=..:::...;;~::-.....::..====Patman and Bill Widnall LABOR COMMITTEE ~ aQd *!!i!!~~~--- Carl Perkins and Bill Ayers FOREIGN RELATIONS vt,- . Tom- Morgan and Ross Adair INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS Kuchel) COMMERCE COMMITTEE Norris Cotton Bill Springer JUDICIARY Dirksen) Celler GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS... COMMITTEE MERCHANT MARINE Eddie POST OFFICE COMMITTEE ) Dulski PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Je Cramer RULES COMMITTEE SPACE COMMITTEE ---- VETERANS COMMITTEE Tiger Teague s ~ j e hn 1'5ii4 (tb""f&rtfor ~:x o ~-essma-n=13on==±mH\:S:£:e:;l.,:d:-H:: l ~ arrk j G El f?'!::tre+r ) Novorrbl2/l 13, 1968 ~HliT: Pfe.a.le. CJLU Cw'tV'lc.e ChtIP"'1l11 o~ Pvet11l11d, ')~teg[''' -- )ie, r1pp~~_n,p"w.t 60!l ;iIi!. Set:'.JtIi.tJ1/ty d "'gt~c~ w~lf, II.fO. 01'. i4 Pc,uland - 6JI-1Ij~ PRESIDENT ELECT/ / RMN TELEPHONE CALLS ~-~~---- McGOVERN (Mary) (516) RO - .. CLEM STONE 0 - (312) 728-1000 GR 5-1729 V--~::~{C J ---~.. ...--­ ?:!: L----­ The following Senators and Congressmen can be reeached through the Capitol switchboard (202) CA 4-3121. ~SSELL LONG J;fiG~Y MINORITY WHIP LES ARENDS -­ M NORITY CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN MELVIN LAIRD RHODES RUSSELL----­ ~RESS~N GEORGE MAHON ~OR JOHN WILLIAMS ~ SSMAN WILBUR MILLS ~ SSMAN JOHN SY RNES - ~R BILL FULBRIGHT SENATOR HENRY JACKSON SENATOR GORDON ALLOTT SENATOR ROMAN HRUSKA---­ AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE --------- / Allen Elander GeOrg;(Aiken sob Poage and Page Selcher APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Milt Frank Bow (thanks £or help alQng the way>r----­ ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Margaret Smith Mendel Rivers and Bill Bates BANKING AND CURRENCY COMMITTEE / John Sparkman and Wallac~ B~nnett Wright Patman and Bill widnall LABOF COMMITTEE and Jack ~--- Ralph Yarborough
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