Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1991-92 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 4-2-1992 The thI acan, 1992-04-02 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1991-92 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1992-04-02" (1992). The Ithacan, 1991-92. 26. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1991-92/26 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1991-92 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. :>w~o~s 1aughl~g nQw:. mock Politically speaking: IC elections -Every~ody dance.now: Theatr~ <---1ttiacan ·prl~ed as prank reflect natl_onal ones department hosts _Da~ce Concert '92 ••• page 3 ... page 11 ••• page 12 The ITHACAN The Newspaper_'For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 59, No. 25 Thursday, April 2, 1992- 28 pages Free The search Quick on the draw Students present for a solution platfQfIDS Art department vents concern 'Vision' party and By Tom Arundel the first two phases of renovations 'Last Call for Since change is often accompa- that have already taken place. 1993' describe nied by pain and frustration, art RaymondGhirardo,anassociate faculty and students are hesitant to professor of art who teaches all of their plans for the praise the ongoing renovations his classes on the renovated side, taking place on the first floor of the said the west side still has rooms future of IC Ceracche building, home of the art where ventilation is poor. By Jeff Selingo department. "The desired ventilation ele- Candidates for the Student Gov­ All seven art majors and faculty men~ were removed from whatever emmentExecutiveBoard and senior interviewed expressed a need for phaseswe'vegonethroughbecause class presented their platforms furth(?r improvement of the art de- of money," Ghirardo said. 'That Tuesday night, March 31, at student partment, which is likely to occur does not mean that it will not hap­ congress. this suinmer. ac<:Qrding to Harry pen when I retire." There is only one official party McCue,chairoftheartdepartment As a result of uncompleted running in both elections which will be held on Wednesday, April 8. According to ~ srudents and . renovations, Ghirardo said, "The faculty, among the most desired department is buying stand alone The_ VISION party is running improvements to Cerrache, for- dust collection units out of the for the Student Government. Ex­ merly a parking garage for the -general department's budget." ecutive Board. It consists of PhysicalPlant,arebetterventilation, Ghirardo, who has taught at IC for Samantha Stein, president; Pete lower noise level, longer hows and ·eight years, described this budget Kolp, vice president of communi­ more space. as small. cations; Ben Lawrence, vice presi­ --. Students said that the lack of - ."They could have just done dent of business and finance; ventilation in many· places in. th... ventilationandwewouldhavebeen Victoria Sadowski, vice president building has caused,minor p~ysical happy," Barthelmess said ...A lot of of campus affairs; Lore Hunsicker, vice l)lesidentof academics. ailments to those working, in the money has been put into it but I _ Toe VISION platform mc\udes building. Nobody has been sent to don't think it's been-well spent, _ increasing . siudent _go.veroment the health center because of fumes, :8ill Hastings, a senior art major awareness. ~creasing financial aid, McCue said. who often works in the wood and expanding diversity issues, "Everyday. I leave here sculptingshopontherenovatedside, Ithacan I Tor Seemann according to Stein. lightheaded, "Leo Barthelmess '92, said the only way to ventilate that Steve Melchiorre '92, works on an animated film entitled According to Lawrence, VI­ said, about the east side of the de- J'Q()mnowisbyproppingtheoutside "Time Pieces," In the Park Animation Lab. Melchlom~ was SION is interested in starting a new partment, which is designated for door open. awarded sn animation film grant last year. student government scholarship painting and drawing. ~lasses. "There's a lot of dust that gets See "Platforins," page 8 ''There are so ~y different types generated. There's nothing to get of materials and paints that we u~. the dust out of the air, so we prop This whole .area becomes one big the door open," Hastings said. He turpentine fume." said that ventilators were placed in . Budget benefits f acuity The last of a three-phase, three- some of the new rooms on the west summer program, this summer's side, such as the computer room, renovation priorities will be to iin- but not others. By Jeff Selingo Tenure and Promotion . prove heating, ventilation and air McCue said Burkeman Associ- Faculty and staff members will "The question you have According to Whalen, the Board conditioning, according to Howard ates,a safety engineering company, gain a number of bonuses from the to ask is how much you of Trustees approved seven faculty Erlich, dean of. the School of Hu- submitted the necessary ventilation 1992- I 993 operating budget have in the pot. You members for tenure and promotion manities and Sciences. plans to the art department. Mem- Faculty Salaries to associate professors, while ap­ But other necessary additions, hers of the company met with fac­ Most associate and full profes­ have to pe prudent, proving one for promotion only, including the construction of walls ultyanddiscussedthetypesofpaints sors will receive a salary adjustment, because. then they [ ten­ and one for tenure only. _ inplaceofpartitionsforclassrooms and chemicals· used, so that which follows a similar adjustment ured f aculiyJ are always The following were granted both to reduce noise level and increase Bw:kemancouldgiveareporttothe to assistant professor's salaries last tenure and promotion: LaurieArliss, privacy, will not definitely talce ·architect, McCue said. fall,PresidentJamesJ. Whalensaid. here." speech communication; Katherine place this summer, Erlich said. McCue said the vice president The adjustments are made to bring -President James J. Whalen Beissner, physical therapy; Frank TI!e amount spent on the first oflthaca College was going to fire salaries up to par with other uni­ Campos, music; John Hochheimer, _two phases of renovations to the art the architect. Salm said he was not versities. of the data is based on figures com­ television/radio; Megan Roberts, department. so far, was anywhere fired, but had completed plans for --"When you become a teacher piled by the American Association television/radio; Susan Rosenthal, from $274,000 to $340,000, Erlich the three phases of the renovation you go into a profession that has of University Professors. management and Michael Stuprich, said. However, according to Tom project and was no longer needed. never been as highly paid as other Beyond the adjustments to the English. Judith Koch, chemistry, Salm, vice president of business Whatever happened to the ar­ work, however, teaching is one of salaries of associate and full pro­ was promoted to associate profes­ affairs at IC, the amount spent for chitect. McCue said, he left behind the most important, and should be fessors, all faculty and staff salaries sor and Kent Scriber, exercise and the first two phases was approxi- some flaws which are tough to fix. more rewarded," Whalen said. are increasing as part of a five per­ sports sciences, was granted tenure. mately $350,000 to $375,000. The- He cited an art department request According to Whalen, the ad­ cent salary pool. "The question you have to ask total amount expected to be spent for more tackable space to hang ministration makes facuJty salary "We .call it a pool because not is how much you have in the pot after completing all three phases is students' work, which was ignored comparisons to other univerisities everyone ~illgetfivepercenL Some You have to be prudent, because $450,000 to $500,000, s• said. by the architect most associated with IC, and tries· will get seven percent and· some then they [tenured faculty] are al­ 'Howeverm~mo~y~nt · Thesrudentswhoworkintheart to remain in the high part of the lisL willgetthreepereent,"Whalensaid. ways here," Whalen said; on renovations, art students and facility every day have other com­ The faculty also ·publishes a list According to Wbalel'l,increases are He said there are four ranks of faculty sill.have c~pJain~ about See "A~" page 9 of comparable schools. According dependent on supervisor recom· professors at IC. The fustrankisan to Whalen, the adj1,1stments are mendatioas. instructor, who has no tenure and based on a compromise between Also included in the budget is a usually is not on the tenure track. the two lists. Qnepercentincn:ase in the school's The second rank is an assistant pro­ "You could take any group of contribuli°'1 to faculty retirement fessor who is usually on the tenure schools and compare us, and you The individual contribution is now track. cool~ look good or bad," Whalen five percent and Whalen said that When assistant professors are said. Size, age of faculty, and size both he and .the faculty want to promoted to associate professors of the endowment are factors used decrease the faculty contibution in they receive tenure and a $3,000 in comparing schools, he said. Most future years. See "Budget," page 9 •' ~· . ' . ·' .. I, . April ;zi 1992 2 TilEltHACAN . ,... ' • 1 ~ • • Deuling :... .counselor's ·c·orner - .. The lthClcan: lh(IUiref ·w1th · . a ~~a-_1.. By Tor Seemann -loneliness rAWlllff "When :do you thirik spring. wilf. arrive?" By Dr. Rosemary Clarke · . Short-te~ loneliness· is pan When we ·feel lonely it's a of the normal range of human very real problem! experience. It's experienced as an emp~ -Whatever the reason for it, feeling- a kind of ache and 1t s though, there are ways we can not always easy to figure out control feeling lonely: what's bothering you.
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