Pqo M hlle-Detetailson the ox To Help~Mr. G arvey~ - ---- -- -Lead Us toViet_~or_y/~ t tt Case, Thrilling, Instructive ILl as Worthy Examples to be free people¯ Y To Urge Wide Change Trachoma Tests Begin Florida’s Ureen lltings THIRD INSTALLMENT penedon the24th ol May?A. The (Continuedfrom last week) 24th,yes. Copiedby 1Negroes Mr.J. M. Hazehvood IU IndianSupervision Clinic Vs~ Monkeystn Effortto UnitedStates Is White BY MR.LASH: LIBERTYHALL, New York City, Theabove named speaker drew to FindDisease’s CauSe Q. On May24th 1930 what was Q. Yousay that tile defendant N.Y., Feb. 15¯ 1931,--A very inter- the attentionof the audiencetile con- WASHINGTON.--Drasticchanga~ yourcaoacitv of emuloyment?A. Knoxwas an.honorary omcer oz tne estingmeeting of theGarvey Club, trast of leaders that the Hen. Marcus in theadministration of Indian Aslocal’circulati0a manager, concernrunmng the Negro World? Inc.,was held at Liberty Hall, 2667 Garvey left behind to carry on the affairswill be recommended to Con- Q. Howlong had you known Knox?! A. Yes,he wasappomteu oy Mr. gthavenue, New York City, Those work of thn U. N. I. A. to the kind of gressby thesubcommittee of the Garvey-- whoattended were greatly benefited leaders that Gandhi left behind when SenateCommittee onIndian Affairs, bylistening toa very impressive pro-he too was taken to prison. Our headedby SenatorFrazier (R., N. leader was double-crossedby his own Dak.),which is preparing to submit gramof the evening. cabinet and associates. They failed Theritualistic services andselec. itsreport before the close of the tionsfrom the band and choir were to carry out the instructionsthat he presentsession asthe climax to an gave them to execute. That is why exhaustiveinvestigation. ablyrendered, alsoa pianoselection we have been handicapped in our byMr. George Maynard brought much Althoughitis not anticipated that applause.The President-Generara )lans as was outfined. And in the legislationwill be enactedbefore case of India we find the instructionsCongressadjourns, those who are messagewas read and hymn sung. of Gandhi have been carried out to At3 p.m,, the baby son of Mr. and theletter. His cabinet has been true makingthe investigation declare that Mrs.A. Edwards was christened into andhonest minded men, men who conditionswerefound deplorable, and thefolds of the Garvey Club, Inc., wantfreedom for themselves andfor llope isexpressed that the Bureau ot MasterHerbert Alonzo August Ed- theirrace, men who expect to suffer IndianAffairs will take steps to clean wards,six months old. Rev. C.P. as Gandhihimself, without housebefore the next session ofCon- Greenand Miss E. M.Collins offi- double-crossingorsaving themselves, gress. elated. Untilwe, the Negro race, can pro- SenatorFrazier said tonight’ he Extraordinarymassmeeting every ducesuch men to help the Hen, Mar- wasnot prepared toreveal the recom- Sundayat 3 p.m. and 9:30 p. m. All Garvey,we willnot prove our- mendationsto be madeby thesub. arewelcorae¯ selvesworthy of freedom, committeepending the printing ot Thechairman ofthe evening, Roy. Rev.A. C. Dalrymple thereport and its submission toCon- C. P.Green in his opening remarks Somevery striking facts were gress.He previouslyexpressed the advisedhis hearers not to wait until broughtto lightby thespeaker beliefthat the Interior Department theywere presented with the beast throughhis timely discourse. He had taken the attitude that the "only thatwill crush them out of existence said,"Know the truth and the trutb goodIndian is a deadIndian." fora secretsystem was being worked shallset you free." One cannot hope outupon the race of which he is a tothrow off the knotty problems that member,because we havebceg so us exceptwhen we knowGold Star Pilgrimage dependentupon other races. Wc were thetruth. Nothing isdone by chance. Officers Are Named nowbeing thrown upon our own re- Ourtroubles came from England sourcestofind ourselves jobsof our 115years ago. England then was WASHINGTON.--The War De- om~.The U. N. I.A. has .sponsored faced@ith a problemof21 millions partrnentlast Monday set up its or- sucha programlong ago for inde- tofeed, and could only produce five millionper year. If life was allowed ganizationfro’superv.ising thepil- pendence,forits leader saw this con- grimageof theGold Star Mothers ditioncoming in the distance. Yet togo on, then the world could not takecare of its inhabitants. Onebil- toEurope ths yearfor visits tothe therewere many of us whowere gravesof thedead World War sol- blindto the best interests of lionof the Negro race has been de- andinstead o£helping ourselves, we stroyed by thesword, and in their diers. mineswhere it was impossible for A staffof 27 officersincluding defeatedourselves¯ anyhuman life to exist. Some were Col.Francis Hope, in charge of the Hethen called on the other speak- sentto the cold regions and were : Pilgrimageswill sail from New ersof the evening asfollows: frozento death.Some from lack of ; York,April 8, to make final prepara- MissE. M. Collins foodand clothing. TheWall street tions,for the visit. Of the officers Ourresident secretary spoke on the crash is only another means to work namednone were colored. useof "Propaganda." Shesaid we are outan issue without being observed. Itis expected that a groupof col livingina highlycivilized worldset- I wouldadvise you that you get m’edMothers from the various states entiflcallyarranged, and having historyofyourselves andlearn the willalso make the pilgrimage this thingsdone through system and or- truth,and the truth shall set you year.Those who failed to make ganizedmethods, even through prop- free. thetrip last year and those who do agenda. Hen.St. Blsllop notmake it this year will have the Propagandaha.q done more to de- Theabove named speaker who is chancenext year, the final trek to featthe good intentions ofindivid- nostranger tous paid a visitto the the historic fields ofFrance. uals,races and nations than even club’ fro m Washington " , D¯ ’,C andre "[The segregation issue in thep’l- i openwarfare. Unfortunately we,the freshedour memories ofthe glorious rims c Negrorucc, are suffering more than last carcausedseveral pastwhen the President-General,. ~Mo~g "l~o’s g w’he y" nerwlse’ oul-w u have ambitionsanyother andrace our in confidence theworld infromour, hkieksn:nWHen. ’Marcusd th:rheWva:Garvey n n:was ° OoOdtom ourm othn:!¯tric t. ofColumbia .andFour more propagandato destroy our hopes, our midst and in this country. Hesaid J g°~,Cou~°l~e?Pth:nttfrPom theDis selves.Mr. J. H. Miller God,one aim and one dgcstiny was[ areeligible togo this year. Mr.Miller, our former vice-prcsi- embodied in our leader, and God[ ..... dent,paid a visitto tile city and movedhim on thescene ’Soviet Russia Seeks broughtgreetings from the Garvcy E¯ZL COLLINS,Reporter. I "" Clubin Philadelphia, Ha.,where he Harlcni Negro Business hasbeen residing for sometime, He I)OOMEDNEGROES SING Harlemis being canvassed byCom- expressedthegreat pleasure ofhav- munistsseeking business among the ingthe opportunity of speaking again Six Chant They Soon "Won’t Be variousgro’cery stores ofthe district, tothe members of theGarvey Club, . TroubledNo More" Especiallyisthis done in stores con* Inc,,of NewYork City, and those ductedby Jewish prOprietors. Candy amongwhom he hadworked in for-c()Lu~iX/’s. C.--From a squat, manufacturedbythe, Soviets isfea- merdays as colleagues of this great red-bricked building atthe statc’s turedat an extremely lowprice and ol’ganization.Thetopic of his dis- penitentiary todayfloated strains ofI thccandy is of excellent quality. coursewas, "The Survival ofthe Fit- a plaintiveNegro spiritual. The Marmaladcsand candied fruits are text."ile said men may come and singers were six Negroes condemned alsobeing sold exclusively mennlay go, but tbo program ofthe to die, and the song was: Accordingtothe storekeepers, the U. N.I. A. ofAugust 1929 of the "I’min troubleabout my soul, moneysrealized onthe sale of these Worldwill go on forever, Gandhi to- I’min trouble about my soul, productsisntilized forthe purchase dayis displaying thefittest among Assoon as my feet strike Zion ofmachinery. Harlcm thus .contri- hisrace. He refuses to acceptany t won’tbe troubled nomore," [bntesto tho’U. S. S. R. Every wrap- hypocrisyinbehalf of his mfffering perenntaining candy is stamped with people,and prepares for more They were ¯spending their first day theofficial mark, U; S, R, R, (Soviet fireif it isnecessary. Leadership frominthe today death they house. must Nineteengo one by daysone Russia). toan adjoiningchamber where the electricchair awaits them. AssenddyA1)l)lands E N G L I S ]1 Prayer for Few Laws / at the injormationif/anted .t’ ANYONExNOWlN,0 TI,,=wn,:nE AI,BANY.--Thc Assembly furious- aFRICAN,ann~TSoF ,,~Nn,.EAST hEARDWlI,,A.,IS. OF wasNA’rl,: aT lyapplauded theopening prayer to- ~ p"oo-erSeholo 2S5 anAMS STHEET. nEOOKLYN. N. Y* dab,.Both the applause and the KINDLY COMMCNICATE Ills ADDRESS AUd 3-5470 TO ME. VERy IMPORTANT. L. prayeroffered by theRoy. Kenneth 316 ~,¯. 139th ST. TnREATT. 2909 ~’| GARNETT ST.. B.Welles, pastor of the Westminster Catalogueon Request Pllll,.~tDELPIIIA. ca. TIIANHS. PresbyterianChurch of Albany, were withoutprecedent. Theprayer, in itsentirety, was: R JAMES~OOHER Physicianand Surgeon "t,oLns pray:Almighty and Director announcestheopening ofhis Ofl~Ce for dlag- EverlastingGod, from whom alone iiIllDR. lloseshAROLD and treatment~.eO~s at comewisdom s.nd power, grant 217 WEST 135TH STREET untous wiselaws and fewer of NEW YORK CITY them,and to Thee shall be all the Telephone.EDgecombe4.8690 gloryand all the praise, Amen." The Monumental Progressive Division NO, ~t~ OF THE Universal Negro lmprovemetttAssociation August,1929 o/ theIr/orhl requestthc honor of yonr prescncc atthc Unveilingof TheirCharter to be heM.t WatersA. M. E. Church OLDER PEOPLE AisquithBctwccn Orleans and Jcffcrsmt Streets Mustwatch bowels 3 P. M., Sunday,March Constantly! ASWC grow older the bowels l c::~,m~ moresluggish. Theydon’t gel i:td r~; allthe waste. Some days theY ~.:~ : ,~ moveatall. 13o older peopie i~,:::(1 i~ watchtheir bowels constar~H:,. Onl~ bydoing this can they hope to :l;’~td themany forms of oickRe,¢~ ,~m.,e0 byconstipation.
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