July 20, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6065 King (NY) Nethercutt Sessions b 1618 (2) commends the astronauts and other Kingston Ney Shadegg men and women of the National Aeronautics Kirk Northup Shaw So the bill was passed. and Space Administration (NASA) whose ef- Kleczka Nunes Shays The result of the vote was announced forts assured the success of the Apollo 11 Kline Nussle Sherman as above recorded. Knollenberg Oberstar Sherwood mission; and Kolbe Obey Shimkus A motion to reconsider was laid on (3) supports the continued leadership of the Kucinich Olver Shuster the table. United States in the exploration of space. LaHood Ortiz Simpson f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Lampson Osborne Skelton ant to the rule, the gentleman from Langevin Ose Slaughter REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Lantos Owens Smith (NJ) AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 857 AND Texas (Mr. HALL) and the gentleman Larsen (WA) Oxley Smith (TX) H.R. 1078 from Texas (Mr. LAMPSON) each will Larson (CT) Pallone Smith (WA) control 20 minutes. Latham Pascrell Snyder Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask The Chair recognizes the gentleman LaTourette Pastor Solis Leach Payne Souder unanimous consent to have my name from Texas (Mr. HALL). Lee Pearce Spratt removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 857 and Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Levin Pelosi Stark H.R. 1078. self such time as I may consume. Lewis (CA) Pence Strickland The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, on this day 35 years Lewis (GA) Peterson (PA) Stupak Lewis (KY) Pickering Sullivan objection to the request of the gen- ago, two Americans stepped onto the Linder Pitts Sweeney tleman from Oklahoma? surface of the Moon and ushered in a Lipinski Platts Tancredo There was no objection. new era in space exploration. The as- LoBiondo Pombo Tanner f tronauts of Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, Lofgren Pomeroy Tauscher Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, not Lowey Porter Tauzin ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Lucas (KY) Portman Terry only made history, they also fulfilled Lucas (OK) Price (NC) Thomas PRO TEMPORE an American dream. Their successful Lynch Pryce (OH) Thompson (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Moon landing was the culmination of Maloney Putnam Thompson (MS) Markey Radanovich Thornberry ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair years of preparation by hundreds of Marshall Rangel Tiahrt will postpone further proceedings thousands of people in government, in Matsui Regula Tiberi today on motions to suspend the rules industry, and universities. And they McCarthy (MO) Rehberg Towns became heroes to all Americans in the McCarthy (NY) Renzi Turner (OH) on which a recorded vote or the yeas McCollum Reyes Turner (TX) and nays are ordered, or on which the process. McCotter Reynolds Udall (CO) vote is objected to under clause 6 of In 1961, President John F. Kennedy McCrery Rodriguez Udall (NM) rule XX. laid out a goal of landing an American McGovern Rogers (AL) Upton on the Moon and returning him safely McInnis Rogers (KY) Van Hollen Record votes on postponed questions McIntyre Rogers (MI) Vela´ zquez will be taken tomorrow. to Earth. On July 16, 1969, NASA McKeon Rohrabacher Visclosky f launched the Apollo 11 spacecraft into McNulty Ros-Lehtinen Vitter orbit to fulfill this quest. The success- Meehan Ross Walden (OR) RECOGNIZING 35TH ANNIVERSARY ful mission demonstrated the United Meek (FL) Rothman Walsh OF APOLLO 11 LUNAR LANDING Meeks (NY) Roybal-Allard Wamp States’ technological and economic Menendez Ruppersberger Waters Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I move to power, and it established our Nation as Mica Rush Watson suspend the rules and agree to the reso- the leader in space exploration from Millender- Ryan (OH) Watt that moment to the present. McDonald Ryan (WI) Waxman lution (H. Res. 723) recognizing the 35th Miller (MI) Ryun (KS) Weiner anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar land- During their walk on the Moon, Neil Miller (NC) Sabo Weldon (FL) ing, and for other purposes. Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took pic- Miller, Gary Sa´ nchez, Linda Weldon (PA) The Clerk read as follows: tures, planted an American flag, and Mollohan T. Weller gathered rocks, tangible items to take Moore Sanchez, Loretta Whitfield H. RES. 723 Moran (KS) Sanders Wicker back to Earth for posterity. They also Whereas President John F. Kennedy set a gave the world a sense of wonder and Moran (VA) Sandlin Wilson (NM) goal of landing Americans on the moon and Murphy Saxton Wilson (SC) returning them safely to Earth; awe and an enthusiasm about future Murtha Schakowsky Wolf space travel. Astronaut Neil Arm- Musgrave Schiff Woolsey Whereas the National Aeronautics and Myrick Schrock Wu Space Administration (NASA) created the strong’s first step on the lunar surface Nadler Scott (GA) Wynn Apollo space program to fulfill the goal set was indeed a ‘‘giant leap for mankind,’’ Napolitano Scott (VA) Young (AK) by President Kennedy; but it was also a first step toward a Neal (MA) Serrano Young (FL) Whereas on July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 mis- new era of discovery and innovation. sion launched into space to attempt the first The next three decades witnessed NAYS—54 manned lunar landing; enormous strides in space exploration Bartlett (MD) Goodlatte Norwood Whereas on July 20, 1969, at 10:56 p.m. east- and research. Experiments conducted Berry Goss Otter ern daylight time, astronaut Neil A. Arm- on the Space Shuttle and International Biggert Graves Paul strong ushered in a new era in space explo- Boehlert Gutknecht Peterson (MN) ration when he stepped onto the lunar sur- Space Station expanded health re- Boswell Hayworth Petri search into our most threatening dis- Coble Hefley Rahall face and declared, ‘‘That’s one small step for Cubin Hensarling Ramstad man, one giant leap for mankind.’’; eases. Microgravity experiments helped Davis, Jo Ann Herger Royce Whereas Neil Armstrong, the mission com- scientists fight infections, produce Deal (GA) Hostettler Sensenbrenner mander, and fellow astronauts Michael Col- medicines to treat patients who have Deutsch Jones (NC) Simmons lins, the command module pilot, and Edwin suffered from strokes, and combat Duncan King (IA) Smith (MI) E. ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin, Jr., the lunar module osteoporosis. From the development of Etheridge Manzullo Stearns pilot, exemplified bravery and determination Evans McDermott Stenholm MRI technology to microchips, the sci- Everett McHugh Taylor (MS) in successfully completing the mission; entific partnerships between NASA and Whereas the Apollo 11 mission dem- Flake Michaud Taylor (NC) American universities and companies Fossella Miller (FL) Tierney onstrated the technological abilities of the Franks (AZ) Miller, George Toomey United States and established the United continue to ensure our Nation’s viabil- Goode Neugebauer Wexler States as a leader in space exploration; ity, increase our Nation’s competitive- Whereas the Apollo 11 mission inspired fur- ness, and help drive our economy. NOT VOTING—8 ther exploration of the universe and led to As Buzz Aldrin said before Congress, Carson (IN) Ferguson Matheson more than three decades of continued voyage the footprints on the Moon ‘‘belong to Collins Isakson Quinn and discovery; and the American people, and since we Dunn Majette Whereas the Apollo 11 mission continues to came in peace for all mankind, those inspire exploration as NASA envisions re- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE footprints belong also to all people of turning to the moon and eventually landing the world.’’ Michael Collins told Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. a person on Mars: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representa- gress, ‘‘Man has always gone where he KLINE) (during the vote). Members are tives— has been able to go. It is that simple. reminded that there are 2 minutes re- (1) recognizes the 35th anniversary of the He will continue pushing back his fron- maining in this vote. Apollo 11 lunar landing; tier, no matter how far it may carry VerDate May 21 2004 02:01 Jul 21, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JY7.086 H20PT1 H6066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 20, 2004 him from his homeland. Someday, in two grandchildren to my office to take national discord, it is good to remem- the not too distant future, when I lis- a tour of this Capitol. In passing the ber that brief moment in history when ten to an earthling step out onto the statue of Apollo 13 astronaut Jack the entire world, together, collectively surface of Mars or some other planet, I Swigert downstairs, Mrs. Lunney said, held its breath and watched as human hope to hear him say: ‘I come from the ‘‘There’s Jack.’’ They knew who Jack beings stepped for the first time onto United States of America.’’’ was because Mr. Lunney had been a the surface of the Moon. We are the keepers of this dream. As flight director on Apollo missions, in- One sign of the success of the Apollo we celebrate today’s anniversary, we cluding Apollo 11. The Lunneys are just mission is that it is hard to conjure can also rekindle this vision. Ven- a few of the many individuals in Texas’ now just how strange and wondrous turing to the Moon, Mars and beyond is Ninth Congressional District whom I and awe-inspiring that moment was. challenging, but our citizens have salute today. Neil Armstrong’s and Buzz Aldrin’s never shied away from a challenge. As The Lunneys’ son started a company steps were the culmination of mil- a democratic people who look to the that took one of those spin-offs from lennia of human dreams and aspira- future for inspiration and solutions, we the space exploration efforts to create tions. Whatever else the Apollo pro- have a destiny to continue to lead in a vagus nerve stimulator which saves gram did, it fundamentally changed space travel.
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