United States Patent [191 [111 3,935,854 Troncosco, Jr. [451 Feb. 3, 1976 [54] ARCHERY BOW AND ARROW SUPPORT the rest for shooting from the how. The rest is dis posed in the arrow-receiving space or window of the [76] Inventor: Fernando Troncosco, Jr., 1851 S. bow, and comprises a base portion secured to the bow Orange Ave., Monterey Park, Calif. ‘handle and at least one resilient, vertically depressible, 91754 elongated, free-standing, upwardly projecting arm ris [22] Filed: Dec. 4, 1974 ing above the base support and secured to it adjacent its lower end. The arm extends generally along the for [21] Appl. N0.: 529,444 ward-rearward axis of the bow, a portion of the arm providing a fork, tines of which are adapted to support [52] US. Cl. ........................... .. 124/24 R; 124/41 A opposite sides of an arrow below the midline thereof [51] Int. Cl.2 .......................................... .. F41B 5/00 when the arrow is disposed for shooting from the bow. [58] Field of Search ....................... .. 124/41 A, 24 R In one embodiment a pair of spaced arms are utilized in the rest and the fork has an open center, thus per [56] References Cited mitting an arrow vane to pass freely therethrough UNITED STATES PATENTS without touching the fork. The arm or arms are adjust able preferably both vertically and laterally so that the 3,372,686 3/1968 Losh ........................... .. l24/41 A X 3,504,659 4/1970 Babington ................... .. l24/41 A X height and position of the arrow in the window can be adjusted. the open centered fork can also be adjusted Primary Examiner—Richard C. Pinkham 7 to accommodate arrows of various diameters. The Assistant Examiner—William R. Browne same rest can be used with both right handed and left Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Donald E. Nist handed bows and is particularly adapted to be used in conjunction with a mechanical string release to pro [57] ABSTRACT vide essentially perfect arrow ?ight with full arrow Improved archery equipment comprises an archery clearance from the bow. bow with an improved reversible arrow rest. The equipment may also include an arrow supported on 11 Claims, 10 Drawing Figures US. Patent February 3,1976 Sheet10f2 3,935,854 / US. Patent February 3, 1976 Sheet 2 of2 3,935,854 3,935,854 1 . 2 in the archer’s hand, controlled by the ?ngers and fea ARCHERY BOW AND ARROW SUPPORT tures essentially point contact with the bow string, resulting in the latter being released more uniformly BAC KG ROUND from shot to shot, and more in a plane along the longi 1. Field of the Invention tudinal axis of the arrow. Essentially the same advan The present invention generally relates to archery tages are obtained with certain other types of mechani equipment and more particularly relates to improved cal releases, such as certain rope and strap releases. archery equipment comprising a bow with an improved Consequently, more propulsive force is imparted to the arrow rest attached thereto, with or without an arrow arrow, it travels faster and more accurately and archers on the rest. paradox is substantially eliminated. 2. Prior Art However, dif?culties in having the arrow and its Arrow rests for archery bows, such as the longbow, vanes clear the arrow rest ledge are usually encoun modernly the recurved bow, usually includes a ledge . tered when using mechanical release aids because ar connected to the sidewall of the bow in the so-called chers paradox has been largely eliminated. If a vane of window of the bow above the bow shelf. The bow shelf the arrow strikes the ledge during ?ight of the arrow, de?nes the lower margin of the window, the latter being disposed in the handle or middle portion of the the vane rapidly becomes worn, does not properly sta bow between the bow limbs and above the hand grip. bilize the arrow and must be replaced. Moreover, such The arrow rest ledge usually projects generally horizon striking causes the arrow to be knocked out of the tally out into the window and can be fabricated of any 20 desired trajectory and to be slowed down, resulting in suitable material such as metal, plastic, leather, bristles, reduced accuracy of the shot. The problem is most feathers, paper or the like. pronounced when relatively in?exible hard plastic The purpose of the arrow rest is to form a support for vanes are used in place of feathers. Such hard vanes are the arrow shaft so that it can be accurately aimed and weather resistant, more uniform and have less wind shot from the bow. In order to shoot the arrow, its rear 25 resistance than feathers and so are more accurate. or nock end is nocked on the string, and the shaft is However, if any of them on the arrow touch the arrow placed on and supported by the arrow rest“ ledge. The rest ledge during ?ight of the arrow, the shot is thrown bowstring, which is attached to the limb tips, is then well off line and accuracy is sharply reduced. drawn towards the archer, either with the ?ngers of one Some shaft positioning devices have recently been hand or with a mechanical release attached to one or 30 used to position the arrow shaft on the rest ‘far enough more of those ?ngers or to the-wrist, while the other away from the bow side wall and the main portion of hand of the archer holds the bow at arms length in the rest to reduce the problem of vane interference. about vertical alignment. The drawing ?ngers, when However, when such devices are uncollapsable, a new used instead of a mechanical release, are usually pro problem is introduced in that the arrow frequently is tected by a ?nger tab or glove. When the string is fully 35 misaligned, that is, it is not initially parallel with the drawn back, the arrow is aimed and then the string is bow sidewall and is not disposed directly along the released. The bent bow limbs force the released string forward-rearward axis of the bow. Consequently, it ?ies and nocked arrow rapidly forward, the string reaches off line. Moreover, the transmission of force from the its forward limit of movement, constrined by the limbs, string to the arrowis at an angle, with consequent re and the arrow launches forward, free of the string and 40 duction in arrow speed and accuracy. If on the other directed to the target. I hand, the shaft-positioning device is collapsable, such In moving forward from the string, the arrow vanes, as the so-called plunger, arrow vane clearance is again attached adjacent the rear of the arrow shaft, for stabili encountered because archers paradox is further sup zation of the arrow, usually clears a well constructed pressed and the arrow shaft tends to swing towards the arrow rest ledge if the archer’s ?ngers rather than a sidewall before the‘vanes clear the rest. mechanical release have been used to draw the bow A further complication has been introduced through string. This is due to the phenomenon known as archers the use of most mechanical release aids. Thus, slow paradox. This phenomenon is characterized by a bow motion pictures haverevealed that arrows shot with ing or bending of the arrow shaft around the arrow rest 50 mechanical releases, especially those featuring single ledge, and consequent clearing the vanes, due to the point contact with the bowstring, undergo substantial sudden propulsive force delivered by the string to the and rapid vertical oscillations due, probably at least in rear end of the arrow shaft in a plane other than along the exact longitudinal axis of the shaft. This misalign part, to the fact that the arrow must be nocked on the ment of string force imparted to the arrow is caused by string well above the arrow rest level in order to aid in the side torque naturally given to the string as the string 55 clearing the arrow vanes. Such oscillations can ad rolls or slides across the ?nger tab or glove ?ngers at an versely affect accuracy in shooting. Although they are angle from the described plane during release of the minimal when a ?nger tab or glove is used in place of string. During ?ight, the arrow so released goes through the mechanical release, since the tab or glove dampens a series of diminishing alternate ?exing and bowing the oscillations, the substantial improvement in overall motions, all of which tend to reduce its accuracy. accuracy otherwise afforded by mechanical releases Moreover, not all of the propulsive force possible is points out the need for a way of overcoming such verti imparted by the string to the arrow, nor is all that which cal oscillations. is so imparted directed towards the target. Conse Accordingly, there is a need for improved means for quently, arrow speed and accuracy are further reduced. assuring, during archery bow shooting with all types of In recent years, the described de?ciencies have been 65 mechanical release aids, proper arrow shaft and vane largely overcome through the use of mechanical re clearance, suppression or elimination of vertical arrow lease aids. One type of such release aids usually com oscillation and archers paradox and improved accuracy prises a hook of metal, plastic or the like which is held from shot to shot. 3,935,854 3 4 FIG. 6 is a schematic rear elevation of the rest of FIG. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 4; The present invention satis?es the foregoing needs.
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