Document generated on 09/30/2021 2:57 p.m. Géographie physique et Quaternaire Phylogeny and Geographic History of Annonaceae Phylogénie et histoire géographique des Annonaceae Phylogenie und geographische Geschichte der Annonaceae James A. Doyle and Annick Le Thomas Volume 51, Number 3, 1997 Article abstract Whereas Takhtajan and Smith situated the origin of angiosperms between URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/033135ar Southeast Asia and Australia, Walker and Le Thomas emphasized the DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/033135ar concentration of primitive pollen types of Annonaceae in South America and Africa, suggesting instead a Northern Gondwanan origin for this family of See table of contents primitive angiosperms. A cladistic analysis of Annonaceae shows a basal split of the family into Anaxagorea, the only genus with an Asian and Neotropical distribution, and a basically African and Neotropical line that includes the rest Publisher(s) of the family. Several advanced lines occur in both Africa and Asia, one of which reaches Australia. This pattern may reflect the following history: (a) Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal disjunction of Laurasian (Anaxagorea) and Northern Gondwanan lines in the Early Cretaceous, when interchanges across the Tethys were still easy and the ISSN major lines of Magnoliidae are documented by paleobotany; (b) radiation of the Northern Gondwanan line during the Late Cretaceous, while oceanic 0705-7199 (print) barriers were widening; (c) dispersal of African lines into Laurasia due to 1492-143X (digital) northward movement of Africa and India in the Early Tertiary, attested by the presence of fossil seeds of Annonaceae in Europe, and interchanges between Explore this journal North and South America at the end of the Tertiary. Cite this article Doyle, J. A. & Le Thomas, A. (1997). Phylogeny and Geographic History of Annonaceae. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 51(3), 353–361. https://doi.org/10.7202/033135ar Tous droits réservés © Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1997 This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 1997. vol. 51, n° 3, p. 353-361, 3 fig. PHYLOGENY AND GEOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF ANNONACEAE James A. DOYLE* and Annick Le THOMAS, respectively, Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, California 95616, U.S.A., and École pratique des Hautes Études, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 16, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. ABSTRACT Whereas Takhtajan and Smith RÉSUMÉ Phylogenie et histoire géographi­ ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Phylogenie und situated the origin of angiosperms between que des Annonaceae. Alors que Takhtajan geographische Geschichte der Annonaceae. Southeast Asia and Australia, Walker and Le et Smith situaient l'origine des Angiospermes Wàhrend Takhtajan und Smith den Ursprung Thomas emphasized the concentration of entre le Sud-Est asiatique et l'Australie. der Angiospermen zwischen Sùdostasien primitive pollen types of Annonaceae in South Walker et Le Thomas ont souligné la concen­ und Australien ansiedelten. haben Walker America and Africa, suggesting instead a tration des types polliniques primitifs und Le Thomas die Konzentration primitiver Northern Gondwanan origin for this family of d'Annonaceae en Amérique du Sud et en Pollen-Typen von Annonaceae in Sùdam- primitive angiosperms. A cladistic analysis of Afrique, laissant plutôt supposer une origine erika und Afrika hervorgehoben und so Annonaceae shows a basal split of the fam­ nord-gondwanienne pour cette famille d'An­ stattdessen einen Ursprung in Nord- ily into Anaxagorea, the only genus with an giospermes primitives. Une analyse cladisti- Gondwanaland fur dièse Familie primitiver Asian and Neotropical distribution, and a ba­ que des Annonaceae révèle une division Angiospermen vorgeschlagen. Eine kladis- sically African and Neotropical line that in­ basale de la famille en Anaxagorea, seul tische Analyse der Annonaceae zeigt eine cludes the rest of the family. Several genre de répartition asiatique et néotropicale, Basis-Aufspaltung der Familie in Anaxa­ advanced lines occur in both Africa and Asia, et une lignée fondamentalement africaine et gorea. die einzige Gattung mit asiatischer und one of which reaches Australia. This pattern néotropicale qui comprend le reste de la fa­ neotropischer Verteilung und in eine may reflect the following history: mille. Plusieurs lignées évoluées sont parta­ grundsâtzlich afrikanische und neotropische (a) disjunction of Laurasian (Anaxagorea) and gées entre l'Afrique et l'Asie, dont une atteint Linie, welche den Rest der Familie ein- Northern Gondwanan lines in the Early Cre­ l'Australie. Ce schéma pourrait traduire l'his­ schliesst. Mehrere entwickelte Linien treten taceous, when interchanges across the toire suivante : (a) la disjonction des lignées sowohl in Afrika wie Asien auf und eine davon Tethys were still easy and the major lines of laurasienne (Anaxagorea) et nord- erreicht Australien. Dies Schema kônnte die Magnoliidae are documented by gondwanienne au Crétacé inférieur, alors que folgende Geschichte spiegeln: (a) Trennung paleobotany; (b) radiation of the Northern les échanges à travers la Téthys étaient en­ der laurasischen (Anaxagorea) und der Nord- Gondwanan line during the Late Cretaceous, core faciles et que les grandes lignées de Godwanaland-Linien in derfrùhen Kreidezeit, while oceanic barriers were widening; Magnoliidae sont établies par la paléobota­ zu einer Zeit als der Austausch ùber das (c) dispersal of African lines into Laurasia due nique ; (b) la radiation de la lignée nord- Tethys noch einfach war und die Hauptlinien to northward movement of Africa and India gondwanienne pendant le Crétacé supérieur, von Magnoliidae durch die Paieobotanik in the Early Tertiary, attested by the presence lorsque les barrières océaniques s'élargis­ dokumentiert sind; (b) Radiation der Nord- of fossil seeds of Annonaceae in Europe, and saient ; (c) la dispersion de lignées africaines Gondwanaland-Linie wàhrend der spâten interchanges between North and South en Laurasie due au mouvement de l'Afrique Kreidezeit, als die Ozeanbarrieren sich America at the end of the Tertiary. et de l'Inde vers le nord au début du Tertiaire, verbreiterten; (c) Verbreitung der afrikan- attestée par la présence de graines fossiles ischen Linie ùber Laurasia aufgrund der d'Annonaceae en Europe, et des échanges Nordwàrts-Verschiebung von Afrika und entre l'Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique du Indien im frùhen Tertiâr, welche durch das Sud à la fin du Tertiaire. Vorkommen fossiler Samen von Annonaceae in Europa bezeugt wird, und Austausch zwischen Nord- und Sùdamerika am Ende des Tertiârs. Manuscrit reçu le 13 mars 1996 ; manuscrit révisé accepté le 9 janvier 1997 * E-mail address : [email protected] 354 J.. A. DOYLE and A. Le THOMAS INTRODUCTION whereas others, such as Winteraceae, are instead Australa­ sian, South American, and African-Madagascan (thus With about 200 genera and 2500 species, Annonaceae Gondwanan). The high number of primitive angiosperm fami­ are the most diverse family of primitive angiosperms. They lies between Assam and Fiji can thus be explained as a re­ have therefore played an important role in discussions of the sult of later juxtaposition of two floras, each containing different origin, evolution, and dispersal of angiosperms as a whole. primitive angiosperms. This suggests that there is no reason In this paper, we first review previous ideas on the geographic to assume that either of these areas was the cradle of the history of Annonaceae, then compare present geographic angiosperms; they could have originated in some quite dif­ distributions in the family with phylogenetic analyses of mor­ ferent intermediate region, for which Raven and Axelrod phological characters, the geologic history of the continents (1974) favored "West Gondwana" - i.e., Africa plus South on which Annonaceae are found, and the fossil record. It is America. our hope that this discussion will illustrate the value of a phylogenetic framework in constructing biogeographic sce­ Palynological studies of Annonaceae provided important narios in general. Most of these considerations have been support for this general hypothesis. Based on a survey of presented in another article (Le Thomas and Doyle, 1996b), pollen morphology in the family, Walker (1971 ) noted that the but here we take into account the results of a more recent monosulcate pollen types that he considered most primitive phylogenetic analysis (Doyle and Le Thomas, 1996) and ad­ (in his "Malmea tribe") are concentrated in South America, ditional insights gained in an examination of the Annonaceae where almost all the other main lines of pollen evolution are of Madagascar (Le Thomas and Doyle, 1996a). also present, whereas most Asian taxa have highly derived echinate or inaperturate pollen (some actually disulculate, based on more recent data). From this he inferred that the PREVIOUS CONCEPTS family probably originated in South America, or possibly Af­ Annonaceae are an almost entirely tropical family, except rica plus South America before the two
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