
GEOLOGICA BALCANICA 23. 6, Sofia, Decemb. !993, p. 3-24. Middle Tithonian to Berriasian praecalpionellid and calpionellid zonation of the Western Balkanides, Bulgaria Iskra Lako va Geological Institute, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., 24, 1113 Sofia lReceived 25. 05. 93; accepted 07. 06. 93) H. JlaKoaa - 3oHupoaaHue 6 uumepaa,1e om cpei>ue<o mumoua i>o 6eppuaca 6 3anaOHbiX /ia.1Kauui>ax, /iOi/,cOpU/1 , no npeKa!lbnUoHeii!IUOaM u KO!IbnUoue,1.1UOaAt. B HaCTOHmeil pa6oTe npe.ucTasneHI.r 6HocTpaTHrpa<jJH'!ecKHe .uaH­ H&re, KacaiOmHe pacnpOCTpaHeHHll npeKaJJbill!OHenJIH,ll, H KaJJbfiiiOHeJJlT11,!1, B HJBeCTHllKaX rl!HCKOH H rnoJKeHCKOH CBHT BOJpaCTOM OT Cpe,ll,Hero THTOHa ,!1,0 6eppHaCa, HaXO,ll,lllii,HXC.!i B Jana,li,HbiX l>anKaHH.UaX. )l,eTaJibHO HCCJie· ,llOBaHbl, OOHCaHbl JIIIJJJIIOCTpoBaHbl CTpaTHrpa<jJH'ICCKOe pacnpOCTpaHeHHe,a TaKJKe a6COJJIOTHall H OTliOCHTCJlb· Ha.II 'laCTOTa BH.D.OB B .usyx paJpeJax. YcTaHosneHbl H OnMCaH&r JOHbi Chitinoidel/a, Praetintinnopsella, Crassicol­ laria, Calpionel/a u Ca/pionel/opsis H no.D.JOHbi Chitinoidella dobeni, Chitinoidella boneti, Tintinnopsel/a remanei, Crassicol/aria massutiniana, Calpione/la alpina, Remanie/la,Calpionella elliptica u Ca/pionel/opsis simplex. Cra!.'­ sicollaria massutiniana llBJJlleTC.II HOBbiM HaHMeHoBaHHeM no.uJOHbi, KOTopoe asTop npe.unaraeT B Ka'lecTBe Ja­ MCCTHTCJJ.II fiO,ll30Hbl fntermedia, KaK sepXH.!Ill fi0,!1,30Ha CTaH,ll,apTHOH 30Hbl Crassicol/aria. llpeKaJibiDIOHeJIJIH,li,­ HOe H KaJJbfiHOHeJlJIH,li,HOe 30HIIpoBaHHe B Jana,!UibiX baJlKaHM,ll,aX COfiOCTaBneHo C JOHHpOBaHHjJMJI .D.PYTHX aBTO­ pOB B Me,ll,HTepaHCKOH o6naCTH. ABTOpoM BOCOpl!HjJTO KJJaCCH'!eCKOe OOH.I!MaHHe OTHOC.I!TeJJbHO HaxOJK,ll,eHBSI rpaHHl.lbi ropbi-Mena BHYTPH JOHbl Calpionella, HeCKOJJbKO H.I!JKe OCHOBbl noJI.JOHbi Remaniel/a. Abstract. This paper presents the biostratigraphic data on the praecalpionellid and calpionellid occurren­ ce in the Ginci and Glozhene Limestone Fonnations of Middle Tithonian to Berriasian age in the Western Bal­ kanides, West Bulgaria. The stratigraphic ranges, frequency and relative abundance of the praecalpionellid and calpionellid species in two sections have been studied in detail and illustrated. The Chitinoidel/a, Praetintinnop­ sel/a, Crassico/laria, Calpionella and Ca/pionellopsis Zones and Chitinoidella dobeni, Chitinoide/la boneti, Tintinnopsella remanei, Crassicol/aria massutiniana, Calpionel/a alpina, Remaniel/a, Ca/picnel/a el/iptica and Calpionel/opsis simplex Subzones have been established and described. The Crassicol/aria massutiniana Sub­ zone is a new name here proposed as an upper subzone of the Crassicolaria Standard Zone instead of Inter­ media Subzone. The praecalpionellid and calpionellid zonation of the W. Balkanides has been correlated to the zonations of different authors in the Mediterranean region. The classical definition of the Jurassic-Cre­ taceous boundary has been accepted and it has been placed within the Ca/pionella Standard Zone a little lower than the base of the Remaniel/a Subwne. Introduction In the area of the West Balkan Mountains in West Bulgaria the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous carbonate deposits are of wide occurrence. Several formations composed of diverse limestones of Callovian to Barremian age have been jointed into the so-called Westbal­ kan Carbonate Group (Sap uno v, 1976, p. 18). The Glozhene Formation of the West­ balkan Carbonate Group is of particular interest for the calpionellid biostratigraphic study. This formation is characterized by grey micritic pelagic limestones and is of early Titho­ ~ian to Berriasian age (H H K o n o B, Can y HoB, 1970, p. 1398). The Glozhene micritic hme~tones have yielded rich and diverse calpionellid associations. Representatives of the prae­ calp10nellid genus Chitinoidel/a Do ben have been found in both the Glozhene and Ginci For­ m~tions, the latter underlying the former. The Ginci Formation has been introduced by Ntkolov and Sapunov (H H K o n o B, C a 11 y H o B, 1970, p. 1398) and is represented by grey to pink clayey nodular limestones of late Callovian to middle Tithonian age. The Ginci 3 0 5 10km SVOOE 1@1, 02 tlSOFIA 1-% Fig. I. Main outcrops of the Westbalkan Carbonate Group (incl. the Glozhene and Gintzi Formations) in the study area and location of the sections studied 1 - outcrops of the West Balkan Carbonate Group (af­ ter Gelogical Map of Bulgaria, 1989); 2- Komshtit­ za section; 3 - Barlja section Formation is similar in its lithological features and the presence of praecalpionellids in its upper part to the "Rosso Ammonitico" sequence of the Venetian Alps as desribed by G ran­ d e s s o (1977). The calpionellid biostratigraphic investigation of the Tithonian-Berriasian carbonate sequence in Bulgaria has been pioneered by D. Bakalova (E aKa noB a, 1977). In the widely known Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval section at the village of Ginci (Wes­ tern Balkanides) all standard calpionellid zones from Crassicol/aria to Calpionellites have been established (B a k a 1 o v a, 1977). Later, the same author has divided the Calpionel/a Zone into three subzones: C. alpina, Remanie/la and C. e!liptica (B a k a I ova - Ivan o­ va, 1986). Calpionellid zonation m the Mediterranean regwn Remane (1963, 1964, 1971) and Remane in Le Hegarat, Remane (1968) has proposed the first calpionellid zonation of the Upper Tithonian, Berriasian and Valan­ ginian in SE France. After the Second Planktonic Conference in Rome, 1970, a standard calpionellid zonation has been established of the Western Mediterranean province (A 11 e­ m ann et al., 1971) which has soon been widely accepted and proved by a number of authors. The Rome standard zones serve now as a basis for the calpionellid zonation and correlation of the whole Mediterranean region. Reman e (1985, 1986) has presented a summari­ zed correlation of calpionellid zonations (Fig. 2). The present author has completed it with some recent zonal schemes in different countries mainly of the Southern Mediterranean pro­ vince, e. g. Western Carpathians in Slovakia (B o r z a, 1984; B o r z a, M i c h a 1 i k, 1986), Southern Carpathians in Romania (P o p, 1986; P o p, M e 1 i n t e, 1992), North­ Western Anatolia in Turkey (A It in e r, 0 z k an, 1991) and Western Balkanides in Bulgaria (B a k a I o v a, 1977; B a k a 1 o v a - I v a n o v a, 1986). Data on the calpionellid occurrence in the two sections studied in WesternBalkanides made it possible to establish praecalpionellid and calpionellid zones from the Chitinoidella 4 T/111/M"'J- .1#/11 (Tint inn~- .1#//11 CI/JI/0 Cl lp lt~- fCI Ipio- Clllp io- 11 ~ 11114$ 11 ~ 1/iUs n1111ruJ 11~ 1/lt~s A3 , . ~ Cr. ,;,v- Cr1s.11- Cr1u1- i~ t/hil/11 Cressio lf1rl1 ctllllr/11 ~i ~;~; H~ COilN/I ca- ~~- ~ Al t~ a r. "_,., r~m111' 1 "1"11 I - ~~i,, 111f1MH!/I ~~ llon'rl Chi tlntJ- CllltlntJ- ~ ~ C!J. b.1Nti l d,/11 /dillI ~~- ~ ~~~ ~ ... en. do!J4nl i Fig. 2. Correlation of calpionellid zonations from recent publications (after Reman e, 1986, completed by the present author) Zone in the Middle Tithonian to the Calpione/lopsis Zone in the upper part of Berriasian and to prove eight subzones. Description of the sections Two sections of the Tithonian-Berriasian carbonate succession in the Western Balkanides have been studied. Komshtica section is situated at the northern end of the village of Kom­ shtica on the right bank of Visochica river. Barlja section is located some 2-3 km north of the village of Barlja. Both sections, together with the earlier investigated Ginci section (B a k a- 1 o v a, 1977), belong to the stripe-like exposure of the We stbalkan Carbonate Group north of the town of Godech (Fig. I). In Komshtica section 48 m of grey micritic limestones (Glozhene Formation) are ex­ posed whereas in Barlja section the thickness of this formation is 38m. In both sections the Glozhene limestones are underlain by the Ginci Formation and overlain by the Salash Formation (N i k o 1 o v, 1969, p. 60) which represents aphanitic and clayey limestones with intercalations of marls. In Godech area the Salash Formation is of Berriasian to Bar­ remian age (H K K o JI o B, U a H K o a, 1971). The whole thickness of the Glozhene For­ mation and the top of the Ginci Formation have been sampled at each I m and thin sections have been prepared. Quantitative study of the calpionellid associations has been carried out. Counts have been made on an area of 1 cm2 of each thin section using 25 x and 12,5 x objectives and lO x eye pieces of Jenaval transmitted light microscope. The number of spe­ cimens of praecalpionellid and calpionellid species and the total number of specimens have been determined for each thin section. These data on Komshtica and Barlja sections are shown on Figs. 3 and 4 respectively . This study has provided also data on the relative abundance of each species in percentage of calpionellid faunas. The last results are shown on Fig. 5 (Komshtica section) and Fig. 6 (Barlja section) and they have allowed to make biostratigraphic conclusions and to illustrate the taxonomic content of the zones and sub­ zones. Similar study has been undertaken earlier by Remane (L e H e g a r a t, R e m a­ n e, 1968). 5 Komshtica section Sa1ash Formarion (upper part of Berriasian-Barremian) Aphanitic and clayey limestones intercalated by marls sharp lithological boundary Glozhene Formation (samples No No 247-0201) (48 m) (Middle Tithonian, p.p. -upper part of Berriasian, p.p.) Grey micritic pelagic limestones Calpionel/opsis Standard Zone (p.
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