THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 4, 1883. 6263 Furness, in the county of Lancaster, as lies house, thence along the highway leading to within the following boundaries, that is to say, Fosdyke Wash on the north, thence the said from a point' on the north side of Salthouse Wash and the river Welland on the east; ex- Railway Bridge along the north side of Salthouse- clusive of all boundary roads and the Suttertoii road to the corner of Rawlinson-street (near the Railway-station Yard (both Cattle and Pas- Large Chimney), and thence along the east side senger Department) but inclusive of all inter- of Rawlinson-street and the boundary fence secting roads. on the south-cast side of Abbey-road to Manor (4.) So much of the parish of Crowland (in- farm, thence along Manor-road (road leading to cluding Postland), in the petty sessional divi- Furness Abbey) over the Line of the Furnesa sion of Elloe, in the Parts of Holland, Lincoln- Railway (near the Guide's House), and thence shire, as lies to the east of the main-road from along the new-road which abuts on the South Brotherhouse Bar to the Guide Post at Hull's Lodge of Abbotswood to the point where it Drove Corner, and thence to the north of joins the road from Billin^cotc, and thence in Hull's Drove and of the highway to Wbap- an imaginary straight line due east to the Muni- lode Drove ; exclusive of all the said boundary- cipal boundary, thence following such boundary roads. past Old Hole Beck to where it joins Dungeon- (5.) So much of Crowland Common, in the lane leading to Roosecote Marsh-lane (near the petty sessional division of Elloe, in the Parts Rifle Cottage), and along the Pie! Line to Sand- of Holland, Lincolnshire, as lies to the north gate Public-house, a*id thence along Salthouse of Deeping High Bank leading from Deeping Old-road to the starting point. St. James Railway-station to the Bridge Hotel (SO So much of the borough of Barrow-in- and to the west of the Common-road from the Furness, in the county of Lancaster, as lies Bridge Hotel to the Forty Feet Drain; ex- within tlic following boundaries, that is to say, clusive of the said boundary-roads. - from the north corner of Dungeon-lane and (6.) In Holbeach Fen, in the petty sessional thence along the Municipal boundary to where division of Elloe, in the Parts of Holland, it joins the coast near Whitehall, thence follow- Lincolshirc, comprised within the following ' ing the coast line to the Rampside-road near boundaries, that is to say, the highway leading the Old Lime Kiln and Bay View, and thence from Holbeach Railway-station to Hurdle Tree nlong the north-east side of such road past the Bank ou'the west, Mr. William Bailey's arable Church, Moor Head, to Roosecotc, and thence field on the north and east, and Mr. Martin up the south side of Dungeon-lane to the start- Coward's grazing field on the south ; exclusive ing point. of the said highway. (7.) In Holbeach Fen, in the petty sessional Lincolnshire (Holland}. —(\.} So much of Sur- division of Elloe, in the Parts of Holland, fleet Feu and Gosberton Fen, in the Parts Lincolnshire, comprised within the following of Holland, Lincolnshire, as lies to the south boundaries, that is to say, the Little South and 'west of the following boundaries, that Holland Drain from Saturday Bridge to Hil- is to say, the highway from the Bridge that lianvs Bridge on the south, thence a gravel-lane spans- the South Forty Foot drain, near Mr. in a northwardly direction to and along the Casswell's house in Surfleet Fen, to the highway to the Rod Lion Public-house at Hammond Beck drain, and along it to Gos- Hurdle Tree Bank Corner on the east, thence berton Clough, and along the highway in an Hurdle Tree Bank to Holbeach St. Johns-road easterly direction to the New Schools, thence on the noith, and thence Holbeach St. Johns- by the Silt-lane, passing Mr. Brown's Rigbolt road to Saturday Bridge on the west; exclu- farm-house, and the highway to the Horse and sive of all boundury-ro;\ds. Jockey Public-house at Pinchbeck West; exclu- (8.) In Sutton St. Edmund, in the petty ses- sive of all boundary roads but inclusive of all sional division of Elloe, in the Parts of intersecting roads. Holland, Lincolnshire, comprised within the (2.) So much of the parish of Donington, in following boundaries, that is to say, Sutton the petty sessional division of Kirton and Skir- Gate from South Eau Bank to Kingston Hall beck, in the Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, Chase on the west, thence along such Chase and as lies to the south and west of the following 8 an imaginary line across two of Mr. Pearson's boundaries, that is to say, the highway from fields to Hall Gate on the north, thence "Hall George Wray's farmhouse on the North Forty Gate to South Eau Bank on the east, and the Foot Bnnk to Cowbridge and to the Bottle and said Bank to Sutton Gate on the south ; ex- Glass Public-house, thence the public footpath clusive of all the said boundary-roads. to Donington Church, thence a public footpath (9.) In Sutton St. Edmund, in the petty ses- in a westerly direction to the Great Northern sional division of Elloe, in the Parts of . and Great Eastern (Jriai) Railway, thence Holland, Lincolnshire, comprised within the along such Railway in a southwardly direction following boundaries, that is to say, Hall Gate passing Doningtott Railway-station to Lee's from Mr. Howard's eight acres grazing field to Crossing; exclusive of all boundary roads but the southern boundary fence of his farm on the inclusive of all intersecting roads. cast, the said southern boundary fence on the (3.) So much of the parishes of Fosdyke, south, thence Sutton Gate to the said eight Algarkirk, Sutterton, Kirton, and Frarnptou, in acres field on the west, and the said field on the the petty sessional division of Kirton and Skir- north; exclusive of the said boundary-roads. beck, in the Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, as (10.) hi Suttoir St. James, and Sutton St. lies within th« following boundaries, that is to Mary, in the petty sessional division of Elloe, say, the direct highway from Fosdyke Bridge in the Paris of Holland, Lincolnshire, com- to S'-tttcrtou Great Northern Railway (Loop prised within the following boundaries, that is Line) station on the south, thence the said to say, the Sutton St. James and Long Sutton Railway Line to Kirton Railway-station on the highway from St. James village to Ropers- west, thence the highway to Mrs. Robinson's lane on the west and nort.li, thence the said lane •farmhouse hi Frampton, thence by a Green-lane to Draw dyke road on the east, and Draw dyke- running from near such house to the Skeldyke- road to St. James village on the south ; exclusive road and along it to the Boat and Gun Public- of all the said boundary-roads..
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