![Ktloiul 'B Lu E Coal'](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
AVERAGE JIAILY ClRCULA’nON THB WEATHER for the Month of Febmary, 1086 Forecast of D. S. Weather Boraan, ■Monday, March 16, haa been M ary Buahnelt Cheney ouxiUary, The Rev. Henry B. .Olmstead of Guild of S t M ary’s Hartford Dance to— - •elected a* the date fo r the annual U.8.W.V. will meet' tomorrow eve­ S t John’s church, RockvUIe wfu Eptacopol church wdll m M t Thura- entertainment and cord party to be ning at S o’clock at the State Ar­ apeak at the Lenten lendce Wed* day afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Clondy probably fonowed by light held in St. Bridget’a boll sponsored mory. Plans wdll be mode fo r the needay evening at 7:80 at St. M ary a Martha Cone Butler wlU be chair­ 5,793 rain tonight; Thursday fair and Royal Arcadians Orchestra by a committee from the dramatic annual birthday party of the'auxil­ Episcopal church. x Member of the A n «t ItlM EUxabcth Shlelda anaounC' man of the hostess committee. T h e CORK much colder. club of the church and the Boiy iary and the Inspection, March 18, Members o f the Guild and the J W H A U Bureau of Circulations ed today that her application for School St. Kec Name society. Lawrrence Moonan is by Mrs. Eva Ward of Danbury, de­ The Salvation Army bind reunion Ladles ' auxiliary are requeited to ... .MANCHBSTZR COHN- MANCHESTER-A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM a beer permit for the reataurant FRIDAY EVG. MARCH 6 chairman of the general comnUttee. partment president Mrs. Inez Bat­ and supper wiU take/|uace tonight meet in the. Guild room tomorrow tha conducts on Oak street haa been AD.'inSSUMif'Mo son, president o f the auxiliary re- at the citadel, beginning at 6 night at 7:16 and attend the Lenten Double Green Trading Stamps Given" approved and was filed yesterday In -quests the members to be prepared o’cldck. The W omen’s League will VOL. L V , NO. 132. Adverttaing oo Foge U .) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4. 1936. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTE The Friendly Bridge club wdll service in the church auditorium In Superior Court. Miss Shlelda hat The monthly chest clinic will be to take care of their dues tomorrow prepare and aerve the meal. a body. In All Departments; Wednesday. left her employment at Cheney meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. evening. held at the health center on Haynea Joseph Bchrend of 411 Center Brothers to assume full-time charge street at 9 o'clock tomorrow mom-, s treet o f the restaurant. She expects to be Thb cast for the comedy, ‘The tng. The well children’s conference Blue B ag” , which the Epwrortb ready for the sale of beer by this wlU be held at the Y. M. C. A. at 3 Saturday. The restaurant win be Mrs. Walter .Saunders of 82 League of the North Methodist Wednesday Specials AS ELEVATOR STRIKE SPREAD o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Chestnut street, returned last night church wdll present on Friday eve­ FEAR N. Y. STRIKE open as Usual. after • two* .Weeks’ visit with her ning, March 18, wdll have a rehearsal RUSSIA WILL FIGHT Shoots *fcm Up The opening game in the setback son Earl and bis fam ily In Balti­ tonight at 7:30. Lunch Didn’t Floor This Group The monthly meeting of the tournament between the Charter more, Md. 36” Fast Color Printed Northern Italian society will be Oak Street Tavern and the Park ’blue coal' MAY SPREAD ALL held tomorrow night at 7:S0 o'clock Tavern will be played tomorrow Center Church Profeaslonal Wom­ at the Italian club on Norman night at the Park Tavern. en’s club will meet tonight with I Buy All Kinds of Street. All members are urged to be TO PROTECT MONGOLS, Mrs. Jennie B. Abdm, the church BATISTES rfi 9c present. Preliminary plans for conducting organist as the speaker. UVE POULTRY A beautiful range of small neat florsLl designs for sheer OVER THE NATION the anntiaJ summer carnival will be , There will be a meeting tonight dresses, aprons, draperies, etc. Guaranteed fast color. discussed this evening at v meeting Wm. Ostrinsky a t 7 o’clock in the Red Men's social of the Manchester Veteran, asso­ club rooms on Bralnard place of the Odtertalnment committee planning ciation at 7 o’clock In the State Tel. 5879 Another Shipment! STALIN DECURATION Armory. Cholrmar. Lawrence Con­ MEN Chicago Labor Leader An* iPRlNCE KONOYE ^ r observing the 24th anniversarj' of the Improved Order of Red Men verse of the association deslreg all You Benefit By It! Regular 79c 36” Woven Colored in Manchester on March 13. All delegates from the local poats to Watch Tomorrow's Herald. Hi. Worker. W ^ fQjy^ attend the meeting tonight. members please atteri'd. Flowers and Plants PLAID Q Q The Toggery Shop for nil occasionn. Woman Hitch Hiker Talks With DHI^errd anj-where! SEERSUCKERS HelplheCssse. A JAP^ABINET Our first lot of these sold out altnost completely and wa Holds Up Motorist: Amerkan w r e flortunate In securing a few more pieces of new daaigns. These are all regularly 79c yard and the pattema are atunnlnr. New York, March 4—(AP)— A Pleads Poor Health When Orange, March .— (A P ) — Mrs.i.wns unable to furnish the bond re- Walter N. Leclerc r/mTT/ ^ get U from A ll color combinations. 4 . ______________ »' __________________ threat of a Nation-wide strike of EdlUi Nichols, 25, of Wakelce Court, quired for her liberty pending trial. Torrance quoted Mrs. Nichols as building service employes was add- Stratford, was arrested today by Dictator Says If' Japan At­ Funeral Director Commanded by Emperor saying she remembered nothing of ktloiul ed today to Indications by atrlke Chief Carl Peterson of the Orange the incidents which led to her 289 No. Main 8t Manchester TNC TLOR/ST 'c5 ;l S ' g l e n n e y CO Ladies* Stretch Top leaders that the walk-out of build­ arrest. 17 Oak Street ing workers in New York might be to Head Government; 1400 police and held in bonds of $1,000 tempts to Seize Onter extended to other labor fields. for arraignment March 9 In'thc town She was found early today hy ^ b i n o W P a re Silk Chief Peterson and Constable Joseph Hmehcrtttt George Scallse, international vice court on a tcclintcal charge of idle­ Soldiers in Death Plot Cummings near where the motorist Mongolian Capital, S o viets'! president of the building service ness. FOR YOUR BUILOINO AND employes union, annoimced receipt said ho had been held up. The po­ Chief Peterson said Mrs. Nichols lice officials said aho attempted to REPAIR JOBS CALL from international headquarters of Will Act; Thinks Gennaiqr the organization in Chicago qf the Tokyo, March 4.—(AP)—The was taken into custody on complaint run when she saw them but was Flattering Spring Hats HOSIERY following triegfam: of a motorist, whoso identity was overtaken. Peterson added he aristocratic Prince Konoye declined WM. K A N E H L " I t necessary, and at your dls- not dlsclo.scd, after the latter had found her to be clutching an unload­ Menace to Russia; A lio today an opportunity. to become Oeneral Building Contrsetor cretlon, we will call out every build- complained to him that a woman ed .22 caliber revolver In her right “Homburg^” - “Gibsons” SNOW BROS. New Spring Shades ing Service employe in the United Japan’s youngest i-remler, sending hltch-btkef had held him up at the 810 Center St Phone 7778 hand. MECHANICAL SERVICE JCHKHALCcori! States.” Emperor Hlroblto and his advisers point of a revolver on the 'Milford Questioned by Torrance about the Talks About U. S. CO. M a n c h e s t e r C o h n * The development came shortly on a new search for a man who will Turnpike near the West Haven town revolver, she was quoted as aaylng Picturesque be able to head the government in Machine Shop Work after Majror LaGuardla voiced be­ line. she had carried the gun ”aa I do my Adaptations lief that the strike would be termin­ Its crisis. Prosecutor David Torrance assert­ lipstick” for the past six months... New York, March 4__ (AP)- Repairs on any kind of ated today and James J. Bambrick, Indications from the imperial pal­ ed that he had ordered Mrs. Niche Is Torrance said: of Pari.sian | ace tonight were that the aged sla under Joseph Stalin is ready J|9( mechanical equipment, in­ WEDNESDAY SPECIALS local head o f the union, expressed a remanded to the New Haven county "She told a disjointed story of Pri ico Salonji, having advised the war with Japan If necessary to prS> JQ Novelties. j Bridge-Whiat cluding washing machines, In The less optimistic view o f the matter. jail to await court hearing when she events.” ”If the real estate board don- nomination o f Prince Konoye unsuc­ seive Outer Mongolia's Indep^d-^ vacuum cleaners, etc. cessfully, would not make another Setback tinues to show the same rotten ar­ enee, the Soviet dictator said In aa',4 \ Pedaline Knives and Scissors Self Serve lind Health rogance, I’m going to say ‘let’s fight attemp to find a new premier be­ TOMORROW NIGHT fore tomorrow. Interview given Roy Vt. H o w a ^ ; ! \ Braids Ground. DRUG DEPT. it out in the streets’,” Bambrick as­ 8:30 P. M. serted. The capital became greatly excit chalrnlan ot the board' of Scri{^^ ^ .Welding and Brazing.
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