— Sewing Scotch Plains ami Fanwood Since 1959 — THE TIMES SCOTCH PLAINS of Scotch Plains - Fanwoc USPS4M2IKI Published OUR 37th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 39 I'friixlical - Postage Paid at Scolch Plains, N.J. Thursday, September 26,1996 Every Thursilny 232-441 FIFTY CUNTS AGREEMENT WITH TCG ON CABLE OPTICS MAYBEh WNSHIP Township Council Agrees to Move Ahead On Upgrade of Sewer Station Pumpers; Cable Television Committee to Be Created By JE/VNNK WHITNEY Teleport Communications, known allel sewer lines" where new pipes -S'/n-i in/A Written fnr The Weslflelil Leader Another measure allows munici- as TCG, all but had an ordinance are installed next to old ones, in- palities to appropriate 26.25 percent At a conference meeting Tuesday allowing them the right-of-ways to stead of replacing them. Older sewer oftheprevious year's appropriations, night, the Scotch Plains Township install 96-strand cables along five linescontinue to serveas back-up to on a temporary basis, pending budget Council was told by its legal counsel, township streets, when the council the new, and it is less expensive to Ms. Judith A. Babinski thatTeleport adoption, instead of 25 percent. Re- acted on the advice of a newly-cre- install, he said. funds from Joint Insurance Funds CommunicationsNewYork.thecom- ated Technology Advisory Commit- In other business, the council ob- pany thai asked for 10-year right-of- (JIF) may be appropriated before ac- tee and withdrew the ordinance. served the September 5 passing into tual receipt of (he funds. ways to township public roads for Councilman William F. McClintock, Nevv Jersey State law of a 1996 man- William A. Burke for The Times fiber optics cable installation, wants Other measures allow municipali- Jr., who had moved to withdraw the dates relief act, authored in part by ties to designate their own traffic FANNY WOOD DAY SATURDAY...The first Fanny Wood Day will be celebrated to meet with council members next ordinance, said the council needed Mayor and State Assemblyman Au- this Saturday, September 28, in Fanwood. This banner announcing the event hangs week. ordinances without prior state ap- over Marline Avenue. Activities for children and adults will be featured. more time to study the issue. gustine. The law addresses at least 15 proval and allow police officers to act Ms. Babinski said she spoke to different issues that return a greater as crossing guards. TCG's lawyers and they sounded measure of "home rule" to munici- Mr. Augustine said work has al- positive. The Technology Advisory palities, according to William G. First Annual 'Fanny Wood Day' Set Dressel, Jr., Executive Director of ready begun on a similar mandate Committee has indicated that the relief act for 1997. township may benefit from an agree- the New Jersey State League of Mu- nicipalities. In other business, the council ment with TCG, in exchange for the agreed the township will participate For Saturday From 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. right-of-ways. This is the second such act passed i n a study by the Suburban Municipal In other action, the council agreed in 14 months, officials said. Free raffle drawings will also be tionsandcommunity residents in rais- JIF, to consider creating a Health By SUZETTE STALKER to move ahead with plans to upgrade "We've been begging for this kind Insurance Fund (HIF). The township Specialty Written for The Times held at noon and 3 p.m., with the top ing funds for the vests, which cost fourtownship sewerage pumping sta- of thing," said Councilman An array of exhibits, food and ac- prizes being a two-nightcruiseaboard between $700 and $800 each. recently agreed to a three-year health tions by looking into a bond issue for McClintock. insurance policy with CIGNA. The tivities will fill the center of Fan wood Dolphin Cruise Lines, courtesy of The Fanny Wood Day Committee, the proposed $1.5 million project. Several of the measures will save on Saturday, September 28, between Village Travel on South Avenue, and which includes the mayor, Fanwood JIF 1997 budget will be revealed in Referring to the study for the pro- the township money, according to October, Mr. Atkins said. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the commu- dinners for two at Terraces at Police Chief Anthony J. Parenti and posed work by consulting engineers Mr. Atkins. Public contracts can be nity holds its first annual "Fanny Trackside Restaurant, compliments Department of Public Works In a separate move, the council Killam Associates, Councilwoman awarded for up to 24 months, reduc- decided to create a Cable Television Wood Day"celebration along Martine of the Meadowlands. Raymond Mantra, along with local Joan Papen said, "I like the plan. I ing the frequency of the bidding pro- and South Avenues and at the south For the children, there will be merchants, professionals and resi- Franchise Committee. Council- thought it was good." cess for continued services. Munici- woman Papen, who will be on the side Fanwood train station. The rain clowns and face painting between dents, is hoping the event will boost Referring to the plans to upgrade, pal budgets for some towns will be date for the event is the following 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; a moon walk business in the downtown by ac- committee, along with another coun- Mayor Alan M. Augustine said, reviewed by the state every third year, cil member, recommended a nine- Saturday, October 5. ride between 10 a.m. and noon; quainting patrons with the various instead of every year. The dog census commercial establishments which "We've got to do it." member committee. Visitors will be welcomed to the "Balloonamation" hats made be- Township Manager Thomas E. will become a bi-annual event, in- comprise the business district. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 festival, which will be closed to ve- tween 11 a.m. and 2p.m.; a petting Atkins said the plan called for "par- stead of an annual requirement. hicular traffic, by approximately 25 zoo between noon and 3 p.m. and "What we're trying to do is con- local merchants displaying arts and hay rides between 1 and 4 p.m., nect them, to let everyone know who's crafts, refreshments and other wares; with a special visit by El vis the Pig. in the area," explained committee performersofferingentertainmentfor Tee-shirts and games will also be member Neil Schembre, a certified Orthodontist Receives Variance all ages, and members of the Fanwood part of the fun. public accountant with an office at Police and Fire Departments and the There will also be educational ex- the corner of North and Martine Av- Rescue Squad, who will present in- hibits such as a pictorial presentation enues. He said the organizers' goals To Add Son to Fanwood Practice formation and demonstrations. by Burgdorff Realtors on South Av- are to "promote the downtown, to "It's nice to have family fun events enue of fire hydrants in Fanwood focus on what's available and bring a Parking Recommendations to Be Referred to Fanwood Borough Council in Fanwood, and this is an opportu- which were painted last year in honor presence to the downtown area." By SUZK'ITE STALKER for a deficiency of three or tour on- nity for people to come downtown to of Fanwood's centennial, and several Mr. Schembre commented that would also remain the same, there municipal departments and volun- Sfeiiatlv Written for The Time* site parking spaces. was no anticipated increase in pa- shop, eat and have fun," remarked • people travel i ng through the borough The Fanwood Board of Adjust- teerorganizations will have booths at may not be aware of all the different Dr. Besson testified during the tient load and no need to lift the Mayor Maryanne S. Connelly, who ment gave the green light September board's first public hearing on the conceived the idea for "Fanny Wood the festival from which they will pro- shops which make up Fanwood's existing parking waiver. vide health and safety information. 19 to a use variance application by matter July 18 that his original vari- The attorney also maintained that Day" as both a show of community downtown, adding that the commit- Dr. Francis and Mrs. Mary Ann The Fanwood Police Department, tee hopes "Fanny Wood Day" will ance had allowed two professionals because orthodontic work is differ- spirit and a way to promote the Besson of Watchung for the addition to practice on the site but that he borough's current campaign to revi- in conjunction with the Union County give them a closer look at the indi- ent from general dentistry and typi- of a professional to Dr. Besson's orth- opted not to have a shared practice cally involves children, appointments talize the downtown. Sheriff's Office, will present its child vidual stores. odontist practice at 232 North Martine identification system using vided "We're trying to create more of an because it would have required him are usually scheduled during day- "Everyone has been working on Avenue, and also approved submit- to install a paved parking lot for time hours rather than evening. He this to ensure a successful day," the identification and fingerprinting of atmosphere of strolling in a prom- ting a plan to the Borough Council youngsters. The Fanwood Volunteer enade-type area," he observed. patient cars, which he did not feel said Dr. Besson's office hours also do mayor continued, noting that the designed to ease parking conditions would be aesthetically pleasing to not begin before 7:45 a.m., adding Fanny Wood Day Committee, made Fire Department will offer fire pre- "Hopefully, it will create more of an on the street.
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