Easter Time—. Time For Eggs— Time For Eggs Easter Time l 776 Sl± Established 1922 Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, March 31, 1939 Volume $¥»" Number 2 N.E. A. Editor Carr Chosen Queen Of Annual May Weinrich Stars * Speaks In Fete; Arnold Maid - of- Honor InPalmSunday y Assembly Organ Recital Old English May Day Morgan Urges Establishment Festivities Depicted Wellesley Instructor of Future Teachers of in Program Presents Varied America Clubs Lafayette Carr, retiring president Program of the Student Government Associa- "Democracy is still a dream and tion, and Agnes Arnold, former Carl Weinrich, one of the great- it is for you to carry it forward or chairman of the Social Committee, est American organists today, will let it slip backward," Joy Elmer were annpunced as queen and maid- appear in an organ recital on Palm Morgan, editor of the Journal of the of-honor, respectively, for the an- Sunday, April 2, at three o'clock in National Education Association, told nual May Day festival by the tra- Wilson Auditorium, as the next Madison College students, Monday, ditional tapping ceremony during the Lyceum number. during chapel hour. Wednesday assembly hour. Addi- Mr. Weinrich has studied the or- "We need in America moral pur- tional members of the court also gan since he was six years of age. pose and intelligence to combat "tapped" on Wednesday were: Dor- During his four seasons of touring, power and brutal pagan forces," con- othy Grubbe, Olive Johnson, Jane he has won praise in this country tinued the speake/. "We must adopt Logan, Judy Uhlin, Elizabeth Rawles, and in Canada. He has given recitals love and democracy as our way of Agnes Craig, Tish Holler, Billie in leading universities, churches, life." Powell, Peanut Warner, Mildred Ab- and concert halls. He also has played Mr. Morgan, prominent educator, bitt, Elizabeth Brown and Dorothy three times at the Library of Con- Agnes Arnold, Nassawadox, for- author, editor, and lecturer, is com- Day. gress in Washington, and has ap- mer chairman of the Social Commit- pleting a two weeks' tour of south- Lafayette Carr, Galax, retiring In the annual fete to be held on peared with leading orchqrtras. tee, who will serve as maid of honor ern states, during which he has en- president of the Student Government Saturday afternoon, May 6, Old Eng- In his recitals, Mr. Weinrich pre- in the annual May Day festival on gaged in a number of conferences in Association, who was announced as lish May Day festivities will be re- sents classical, romantic, and modern June 6. behalf of the Future Teachers of May Queen at the tapping ceremony enacted for the approval of the queen organ music with great popular suc- America. This movement is spon- in assembly on Wednesday. and her court. Dancers in elaborate cess. He has gained rapid fame as sored by the National Education As- old English costumes will perform Latin Contest an interpreter of Bach. During the sociation, and grew out of the recent the stately minuet, or pavanne. A past season, he gave four Bach re- observance of the Horace Mann Cen- Virginia Youth touch of humor will be a^ed by the Held Here citals at Saint George's Church in tennial. court jesters and their fWfe Aid- New York, one at the Library of Speaking of Horace Mann, Mr, Will Convene ers on hobby horses (also human) Congress in Washington, and two Morgan said, "He had a vision and are scheduled to go through a rout- High School Students Compete series at the New York University. a prophetic view of the future. He tine, replacing the usual tumblers. in Tournament April 15; Governor Expected to Speak; The Bach numbers on the pro- saw intelligence as the basis of de- A distinctive feature of this year's Luncheon Planned gram, Sunday, are three chorale pre- mocracy. Political democracy means All Colleges in State Invited May Day presentation will be the To demonstrate their knowledge ludes: "O Man, Thy Grevious Sin nothing except as it is built into the to Send Delegates i simultaneous performance of two or of the classics, about 18 high school Bemoan," "Awake! The Voice is Call- ideals and aspirations of a people." three dances. These will take place ing," and "As Jesus Hung Upon the For the purpose of promoting dis- students, representing 8 high schools, Secondary schools, colleges, and on the terrace in front of Wilson Cross." Other numbers are by such cussion of Virginia citizenship and will come to Madison College April universities, are invited to form Hall as well as on various levels be- well-known organ composers as Bux- economic problems, the general Inter- 15 to participate in the state-wide future Teachers' Clubs under the low that of the queen's throne on tehude, Cleramhoult, Sweelinck, Han- denominational Virginia Youth Con- Latin tournament. Virginia is di- guidance of able teachers. All col- Wilson steps.. The Morris, May Pole, ference composed of five or more vided into about 12 groups and a del, Honegger, James, Vierne, Jep- lege and university chapters are stu- and English Country Dances are to son and Mulford. delegates from every college in the college from each division is selected dents or junior units of the National be presented in this way. The usual state will meet at the University of as the center where the exam for Mr. Weinrich is leading instructor 'Education Association. balloon and scarf will also occur Virginia, Friday and Saturday, April that group will be held. Madison is of organ at Westminster Choir Col- simultaneously. The program of the groups is to be 21 and 22. These delegates, repre- the center for the local division lege and is also head of the depart- devoted to learning about opportuni- senting various youth clubs and col- The music will be provided by the which includes points as far distant ment at Wellesley College for ties in teaching, studying the lives of lege organizations, will form the first Hammond organ, the band, and the as Winchester, Hot Springs, and Women. great teachers, cultivating the char- conference of its sort held In Vir- Glee Club. Staunton. On Monday at 9:30, Weinrich will The queen and her court were acter qualities essential to a good ginia, and which, it is hoped, will From the four Latin classes in broadcast a half an hour program elected by the student body from teacher, and fostering the develop- meet every year. Representatives every high stfiool, the two students from the Westminster Choir College ment of student leadership^. from Madison's organizations to the fifty candidates nominated by the with the highest average selected by over the National Broadcasting Sys- A. A. Council and representatives The Future Teachers of America meeting are to be selected in the previous elimination exams will tem. is based upon the belief, "that the near future. from each class. come on the 15th, accompanied by future of mankind is in the youth of Tentatively, Governor James H. their instructors, to take the final HonoraryMusicClub today—in the purpoee, intelligence, Price will be one of the four main Five Graduate At competitive test. and excellence of their lives. It offers speakers of the Conference for Fri- The examination is made up each Will HolcTTryouts an opportunity for pioneers who wish day evening. The other three are End Of Quarter year by a different group of author- to perform a service for their coun-: Thomas Lomax Hunter, Richmond ities on Latin and this year the test Monday Night Five students received their di- try and humanity." Times-Dispatch columnist; Senator for the freshmen was drawn up plomas at the end of the winter quar- o Pepper of Florida, proposing a pro- under the direction of Dr. John A. Examinations for entrance' in ter. The three in the home economics gram for young Southerners, and Sawhill of the Latin department of Aeolian Music Club will be given in department were: Elizabeth Alexan- Stratford Begins (Continued on Page Four) the college. Wilson Auditorium on Monday night, der, Waverly Hall, Georgia; Virginia J o at 7:30, according to Geraldine Burton, Saxe, Virginia; and Nancy As a reward, the student from Work On Season's Douglas, president. Examinations will LaFayette Carr Roberts, Abingdon. each of the four years who make the highest average in the state will have be given in violin, piano, and organ. Last Play Those graduating in the elemen- Sings Tonight his name engraved upon a plaque Requirements for the classes are: tary curriculum were: Marjery which will be placed in the keeping For violin: one piece of applicant's Work on the commencement play, Stoutamyre, Mount Solon, and Fran- Madison College presents LaFay- of his high school until it is recap- choice, one movement of a sonata The Fortune Teller, by Dr. Argus J. cene Hulbard, Albany, N. Y. ette Carr, Galax, In the first voice re- tured by another student next year. Tresidder of the English Department, by Handel, scales in first and third cital of the year tonight at 8 o'clock Alexander is teaching with the positions. will begin soon after Easter, accord- in Wilson Auditorium. N. Y. A. group at Farmville, while For piano: one piece of applicant's ing to an announcement made early Assisting Carr will be the Glee Hulbard remains at the college on Juniors Complete choice, one movement from a sonata in the week. The play is a fantasy Club, under the direction of Miss the staff in the office of the dean of of Beethoven or a Chopin Nocturne, divided into 15 scenes. Each scene Edna Shaeffer, head of the music women.
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