7T7 D4be Wl8j2 Dielvtk . U

7T7 D4be Wl8j2 Dielvtk . U

MXQVL NOTICE STATE BANK OF BIKANER & JAIPUR -7T7D4BEWL8J2DIELVTK .UJRK Head Office, Tilak Marg, 'C'-Scheme, J[ÉLLVELL;Z>GSZEFLY;>?MI -EIF> Jaipur-302 005 UJRK SO_^LKL MXQVL OI ULSI H4B GE -7T7 D4BE WL8J2 DIELVTK NOTICE is hereby given that the Fifty-second Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of State Bank . UJRK ET WBLÉLLKELTB EI PI PLGL;E MLÉLLKL M)LL of Bikaner and Jaipur will be held in the Maharana FHLKLLL J[SLJ W8LG.7LTGKF> )LLKSI GP]L )LPV> ET Pratap Auditorium, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, K. M. FFRBLIFLY;>WLT7I METMLFVT>UJRK Munshi Marg, Opp. O.T.S., Jaipur - 302015 on FTBLR¹PLKGOVLBEUXV ELTJXPL;6HDUT Friday, the 7 th June, 2013 at 11.30 A.M. (Indian Standard Time) to discuss and adopt the Balance )LLKSIFLVEMF WLLTGUSEIULPTYIGUMFTBWJ[4Z> Sheet and Profit & Loss Account of the Bank, the report MTFLQ;>SEEIWPGÉLETSRZVJL PB of the Board of Directors on the working and ZL)LWL4KHLGV<LLSL>CMIWPGÉLFTBD4BEETEL;EKL PB activities of the Bank and the Auditors' Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts for the period 1 st April, G¹LEZLJLTBJKGVOTLEFB.ZETJ[GSPTOVS'LLSRZVJLP 2012 to 31st March, 2013. ZT<LLTBETM&D6ÉLFTBMBJKI\LELTBETJ[GSPTOVJKGPQLKEKJLGKS GELULTYL" The register of shareholders of the Bank shall remain closed from Friday, the 31 st May, 2013 to Thursday, the D4BEETWBLÉLLKELTBELKGU-7KLR¹PLKGOVBLEFC;> 6th June, 2013 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of st MTYRPLKGOVBLEUXV>SE OLTVLTBGOVGFZLEK Annual General Meeting for the year ended 31 March, 2013. FLQ;>ELTMFL*SPL;EIPLGL;EMLÉLLKLM)LLHTSR D6OKHTYL" By Order of the Board F.ZETWLOTLLVRMLK GO:ZI DI+IKLF Delhi B. Sriram GOVLBEFC;> J[D6ÉLGVOTLE Dated: 06th May, 2013 Managing Director 1 GPLMXQI CONTENTS N:ZT<LVIS' Highlights 03 GVOTLEF.Z 04 Board of Directors 04 GVOTLEF.ZELJ[GSPTOV Directors' Report 07 DLMTZII J[E7IEKL Basel-II Disclosures 79 ZT<LLJKI\LELTBELJ[GSPTOV Auditors' Report 117 SRZVJL Balance Sheet 120 ZL)LHLGV<LLSL Profit & Loss Account 122 WVRMXGQLB Schedules 124 FH3PJXL;ZT<LLVIGSLB Principal Accounting Policies 137 <LLSLTBJKG7*JGLL Notes on Accounts 151 N6VGSEL EOLE A Decade of Progress 2004-2013 ` EKLT. FTB (`in Crore) MBETSE JXUI PB PR2Z JGKQLZVZL)L GVPZZL)L LL<LLWLTBEI J[GSEF;QLKI J[GSEF;QLKIGVPZ Indicators WLKG\LGSLB 0PML Operating Net Profit MB<L WL4MS0PML ZL)L `ZL<LFTB Capital & Total Profit No. of Average Net Profit per Reserves Business Branch- Business per Employee es Employee (`In lakh ) FLQ; March 2004 1148.57 25457 681.35 301.52 812 1.70 2.44 FLQ; March 2005 1297.68 31294 729.64 205.65 824 2.20 1.69 FLQ; March 2006 1405.66 37790 481.03@ 145.03 832 2.77 1.20 FLQ;March 2007 1653.71 49246 679.20@ 305.80 844 3.56 2.57 FLQ;March 2008 1713.21 59427 661.18@ 315.00 850 4.45 2.73 FLQ;March 2009 2046.47 69312 892.84@ 403.45 860 5.55 3.55 FLQ;March 2010 2417.40 81622 903.73@ 455.16 861 6.28 3.96 FLQ;March 2011 2850.81 95596 1140.25@ 550.88 902 7.51 4.84 FLQ;March 2012 4164.88 111558 1489.61@ 652.03 950 8.27 5.42 FLQ;March 2013 4764.13 130590 1712.87@ 730.24 1037 9.00 5.91 @ GVPTLLTBETFX:LBEVETGZ )LLGKD4B^LKLULKIJRVKIG\LSGOLLGVOT;LLTBELTOAG7YSEKSTHR " Keeping in view revised RBI guidelines on valuation of investments. 2 N:ZT<LVIS' HIGHLIGHTS `EKLT. FTB (`in Crore) 2011-12 2012-13 PR2Z0PMLW6SKD4BEUFLWLTBMGHSTotal Business including inter-bank deposits 111558 130590 UFLKLGLLDeposits 61572 72116 PRR2ZWGY[FTotal Advances 49986 58474 WGY[F GVPZ Advances (Net) 49244 57535 GVPTL GVPZ Investments (Net) 16669 20146 GVPZZL)LNet Profit 652.03 730.24 UFLWLTBEIZLYSCost of Deposits 6.85% 7.13% WGY[FLTBJKWLYield on Advances 11.51% 11.64% GVPZ$LUW6SKNet Interest Margin 3.70% 3.62% J[OºLJXUI PBWLKG\LGSLPaid-up Capital & Reserves 4164.88 4764.13 J[GSWBLWL `FTB Earning per Share (in `) 95.05 104.32 J[GSWBLJR-SEFX: ` FTB Book Value per Share ( in `) 594.98 678.74 DLMTZIETWVRMLK As per Basel-I 12.81% 11.81% JXUIJL;*SSLWVRJLSCapital Adequacy Ratio DLMTZII ETWVRMLK As per Basel-II 13.76% 12.16% ZL)LLBLOKDividend Rate 145% 161% MEZY4KGVJLGOSWLG-SLBGross Non Performing Assets 1651.47 2119.49 MEZY4KGVJLGOSWLG-SLBJ[GSLSGross NPA % 3.30% 3.62% GVPZY4KGVJLGOSWLG-SLBJ[GSLSNet NPA % 1.92% 2.27% J[L'LGFESLJ[L*S\LTLELTWGY[FAdvances to Priority Sectors 17690 20807 ²GL\LTLELTWGY[FAdvances to Agriculture 9032 9188 MX\F PBZ LRN]FLTBELTWGY[FAdvances to Micro and Small Enterprises 6478 8127 GVL;SGPºLExport Finance 1931 2334 LL<LLWLTBEIPR2ZMB<LTotal number of branches 950 1037 EF;QLGKLTBEIMB<LNumber of Employees 12866 12831 J[GSEF;QLKIWL4MS0PMLAverage Business per Employee 8.27 9.00 J[GSEF;QLKIGVPZZL)L ` ZL<LFTB Net Profit per Employee (` in lakh) 5.42 5.91 3 GVOTLEF.Z FLQ;>ELT BOARD OF DIRECTORS (AS ON 31 st March, 2013) +IÈSIJQL4ÉLKI )LLKSI-7T7D4BE MFVRLBYID4BE WGÉLGVF Shri Pratip Chaudhuri Chairman, ex-officio under clause EIÉLLKLEINJÉLLKL ET<L. Chairman (a) of sub-section (1) of section WÉ\L> State Bank of India, Corporate Centre 25 of the State Bank of India )LLKSI-7T7D4BE> ETWÉLIVJOTVWÉ\L Madame Cama Road, (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959. ELKJLTKT7MT67K>FT.FELFLKLT. > Mumbai-400021 FR&DC; WGÉLGVFEIÉLLKLEINJÉLLKL ET Shri B. Sriram Nominated under clause (aa) of +IDI+IKLF Managing Director sub-section (1) of section 25 of ÈD6ÉLGVOTLE> <L. ETWÉLIVFVLTVIS State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur the Act. -7T7D4BEWL8J2DIELVTK .UJRK> Head Office, Tilak Marg ÈÉLLVELL;Z>GSZEFLY;> Jaipur - 302 005 UJRK Smt Malvika Sinha Nominated by the Reserve Bank +IFSIFLG:PELGM6HL WGÉLGVFEIÉLLKLEINJÉLLKL ET Chief General Manager, of India under clause (b) of sub- FR<FHLJ[D6E <L. DI ET WÉLIV )LLKSI GK5 LP; D4BE Deptt of Non-Banking Supervision, section (1) of section 25 of the Y4KD4BGEBYJ;PT\LLGP)LLY PB ^LKLFVLTVIS Issue Deptt and Foreign Exchange Act. GPOTLIGPGVFGP)LLY> Deptt, Reserve Bank of India, New )LLKSIGKU P;D4BE Delhi VC;GO:ZI Shri Rajeev N. Mehra Nominated by the Reserve Bank +IKLUIP VFTHKL WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Chief General Manager (A & S) of India under clause (b) of sub- FR<FHLÈD6ÉLE> ET<L. DI ETWÉLIV)LLKSI-7T7D4BE State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, section (1) of section 25 of the PB M > ^LKLFVLTVIS Mumbai-400021 Act. )LLKSI-7T7D4BE>ELKJLTKT7MT67K> FR&DC; Shri Pradip Kumar Sanyal Nominated by the Reserve Bank +IJ[OIJERFLKML6LZ WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Dy. General Manager (A&S) of India under clause (b) of sub- NJFHLÈD6ÉLE> PB M > ET<L. DI ETWÉLIV)LLKSI-7T7D4BE Associate Banks Department section (1) of section 25 of the MHLTYID4BEGP)LLY> ^LKLFVLTVIS State Bank of India Act. )LLKSI-7T7D4BE>ELKJLTKT7MT67K Corporate Centre, Mumbai-400021 FR&DC; Shri Rajesh T. Manubarwala Nominated by the Reserve Bank +IKLUTL7IFVRDKPLZL WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL 9, Amijadav Bunglows, Near Hotel of India under clause (b) of sub- >WFIULPDBYZLTB ET<L. DI ETWÉLIV)LLKSI-7T7D4BE Ashish, ABC Chokdi, section (1) of section 25 of the WLGLLHLT7ZETJLM> ^LKLFVLTVIS Bharuch -392001 Act. MDIMIQL4E. I )LQ Shri Bharat Rattan Nominated by the Reserve Bank B. Rattan & Associates, of India under clause (b) of sub- +I)LLKSKSV WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Shop No. 408-409, section (1) of section 25 of the DIKSV . MLTGMT7_MORELVMB ET<L. DI ETWÉLIV)LLKSI-7T7D4BE Mahak Tower, Kailash Cinema Road, Act. >FHE7LPK>E4ZLLGMVTFL ^LKLFVLTVIS Civil Lines Ludhiana-141001 KLT.>GMGPZZLCM>ZXGÉLLVL Shri Arun K Saraf Elected director under clause (d) +IWLERFLKMKLJ2 WGÉLGVFEIÉLLKLEINJÉLLKL ET Managing Director,, of sub-section (1) of section 25 of ÈD6ÉLGVOTLE>5XGVJKHLT7ZM_ÈLGZ><L. .I ETWÉLIVQGVSGVOTLE Juniper Hotels Pvt Ltd., Grand Hyatt the Act. Y[LB.HLSFR&DC;>LL6SL¹XU Mumbai, Santacruz, FR&DC; MUMBAI-400005 +IERLLZ.LZGFL WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Shri Kunal Dalmia Elected director under clause (d) GZ6.MT7L8PK>VPFSZ>> ET<L. .I ETWÉLIV)LLKSI-7T7D4BE Lindsay Tower, 9th Floor, of sub-section (1) of section 25 of VTZIMTVYR*SLMLKVI> ^LKLFVLTVIS 13, Nelisen Gupta Sarnee, the Act ELTZELSL Kolkata-700087 WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Shri Mihir Kumar Nominated by the Central +IGFGHKERFLK Director, Govt. of India, Ministry of Government under clause (e) of GVOTLE>)LLKSMKELK> ET <L. C; ET WÉLIV ET6ÇI MKELK Finance, Deptt. of Financial Services sub- section (1) of section 25 of GPºLFBLLZ>GPºLIMTPL BGP)LLY> ^LKLFVLTVIS (Banking Division), 3rd Floor, Jeevan the Act. D4BGEBYÈ)LLY SASISZ>UIPV^IJ Deep Bldg., Parliament Street, New GDG:.BY>MBMOFLY;>VC;GO:ZI Delhi.-110001 WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Shri Sunil Dutt Bali Nominated by the Central +IMRVIZOºLDLZI Government under clause (cb) of ?FR-ELV !GP]LKVYK> ET ML'L JG#S ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Muskan, 4/83, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur sub-section (1) of section 25 read UJRK ET<L. MIDI ETWÉLIVET6ÇIMKELK with sub section (2A) of section ^LKLFVLTVIS 26 of the Act. Shri D.K. Jain, Nominated by the Central +I.IETU4V WGÉLGVF EI ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL S. W. O. State Bank of Bikaner & Government under clause (ca) PZG<L. EIJGKQLZE ET ML'L JG#S ÉLLKL EI NJÉLLKL Jaipur, Z. O., Patel circle, of sub- section (1) of section 25 -7T7D4BEWL8J2DIELVTK .UJRK ET<L. MI ETWÉLIVET6ÇIMKELK Udaipur-313001 read with sub- section (2A) of WBELJ7TZMGE;ZNOJRK ^LKLFVLTVIS section 26 of the Act. 4 GVOTLEF.Z FLQ;ELT BOARD OF DIRECTORS (AS ON 31 st March, 2013) +IJ[SIJQL4KI +IDI+IKLF +IKLUIP VFTHKL WÉ\L J[D6ÉLGVOTLE Shri Rajeev N Mehra Shri Pratip Chaudhuri Shri B. Sriram Chairman Managing Director +IJ[OIJERFLKML6LZ +IFSIFLG:PELGM6HL +IGFGHKERFLK Shri Pradip Kumar Sanyal Smt. Malvika Sinha Shri Mihir Kumar +IKLUTL7IFVRDKPLZL +I)LLKSKSV +IERVLZ.LZGFL Shri Rajesh T. Manubarwala Shri Bharat Rattan Shri Kunal Dalmia +IWLETMKLJ2 +I M.IDLZI +I.IETU4V Shri Arun K. Saraf Shri S.D.Bali Shri D.K.

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