New Cuban Shrine Plan Announced Plans for the erection in Miami of a permanent shrine honoring Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, patro- ness of Cuba, were announced this week by Bishop Cole- man F. Carroll who said that the proposed edifice "may well become a national shrine" symbolic of the gratitude of the thousands of Cuban refugees welcomed by the Un- ited States. The shrine, which will be completely financed, designed by and developed by Cubans "as an indication of the depth of their faith and as a definite contribution to the community," will be located on land overlooking Biscayne Bay and made available by the Dioce?e of Miami. It will be constructed on 10 to 15 acres of ground, adja- cent to Vizcaya and in front of Immaculata-LaSalle Academy in Miami's southeast section. The shrine may serve as a meet- ing- place for 15 or 20,004) persons, Bishop Carroll said. Manolo Reyes, Spanish News Editor of WTVJ-CH. 4 and associate editor of the Spanish section of The Voice, heads a committee of Cuban laity who have volunteered to direct the unique undertaking. Bishop Carroll disclosed that requests for such a shrine had come to his attention several times and stated that the erection of the shrine ivill provide "an opportunity for Cuban people to express in a very concrete way their gratitude and thanksgiving for the power of the intercession of the Mother BISCAYNE BAY site of the proposed shrine of Mary Emmanuel, S.S.J., administrator, Mercy Hos- of God" in aiding them in their flight from communism to the Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre is located in front pital, Mother Louis Edwin, S.S.J., Mother General freedom and welcome they found in the United States. of Immaculata-LaSalle Academy adjoining Vizca- of the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine; Mano- "The shrine will also serve to remind them of their obliga- ya. Bishop Carroll points toward Cuba from the lo Reyes, chairman of the shrine committee; and Continued on Page 5 site during a recent visit to the area with Sister Father Patrick Slevin, Mass Wednesday Opens Huge NCCW Convention ^VOICB Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami By MARJORIE L. FILLY AW of the 33rd national con- tion, will be the principal Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida Concelebrated Mass at vention of the National celebrant of the Votive noon, Wednesday, Oct. 5 in Council of Catholic Wom- Mass of the Holy Spirit. SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy VOL. VIII, NO. 29 the grand ballroom of the en. Archbishop Leo Binz of St. Hotel Fontainebleau will Bishop Coleman F. Car- Paul, Episcopal Chairman mark the formal opening roll, host to the conven- of the National Council of Catholic Women, will preach the homily. Concelebrants will be spir- New Human Relations Board itual moderators of NCCW affiliations in various arch- dioceses and dioceses of the Seeks To Solve Community Ills United States including Msgr. Joseph T. Donelan, The words of Pope John one in South Florida has ery board chairman and Judge Boston ACCW; Msgr. John XXIII at the opening ses- much to be thankful for. Richard Hickey, South Dade D. Toomey, Savannah Deanery board chairman. DCCW; Msgr. Paul Connel- sion of Vatican II, "Divine "Thanks to the dedicated Providence is leading us to efforts of so many, both Father Martin A. Walsh. ly, Des Moines DCCW; Msgr. Eugene P. Geary, El a new order of human rela- white and Negro. Thanks to was named executive direc- Paso DCCW; Msgr. Sylves- tions," keynoted the first the enlightened leadership of tor of the board. ter W. Staud, Wheeling meeting of the reconstitut- people like our Bishop we In alerting the board to its have, on the whole, been responsibilities, Bishop Cole- DCCW and Father Parnell ed Human Relations Board spared the explosions which McCarthy, Oakland DCCW. man F. Carroll pointed out Bishop Leo Bim Archbishop John Deardon of the Diocese of Miami have dominated the headlines the board must win the confi- St. John Vianney Semi- this week. during the summer." dence of all people in its nary Choir will sing during Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh, work in the area of human the Mass under the direction first chairman of the execu- Other officers of the execu- tive board named at the relations and social justice. of Father John Buckley, tive board, pointed out in his "The board may have to CM. opening remarks that every- Tuesday, Sept. 27 meeting were: Edwin Tucker, first prove itself," the Bishop stat- KEYNOTE ADDRESS ed. "Once the board has es- •lllliilll vice chairman; Mrs. Athalie Archbishop John F. Dear- Range, second vice chair- tablished itself, it will be den of Detroit, a member of Concelebrated man; Judge C. Clyde Atkins, able to accomplish this formi- the Vatican's Commission on recording secretary; Mother dable task." Population and Family, will Masses Slated de la Croix, corresponding CONVINCE PEOPLE give the keynote address at Concelebrated Masses 1 secretary; Stedman Stahl, Describing the problems 3 p.m. during opening ses^ will be offered each day treasurer; sions of the four-day meet- confronting the board as of the NCCW convention Father Hugh Flynn, East ranging from apathy to that ing which has as its theme, in the Hotel Fontaine- | "The New Pentecost." Coast Deanery board chair- of often overwhelming hous- bleau grand ballroom. man; Father Rene Gracida, ing and economic conditions Results of Vatican Council Father John Nevins, 1 West Coast Deanery board facing the migrants and ur- II as related to the lives of moderator of the Miami j chairman; Father Laurence ban poor, Bishop Carroll women and to the objectives DCCW, will be the princi- | Conway, Broward Deanery said: "We must convince of their apostolate will be pal celebrant of the Mass | board chairman; Msgr. Dom- people that there are prob- developed during four gener- of the Holy Family at 5 inic Barry, North Dade Dean- lems." al sessions. Concurrent fo- p.m., Thursday, Oct. 6. rums following general ses- Auxiliary Bishop Jo- 1 sions will provide for partici- seph L. Bernardin of | pants' comments, questions, Atlanta will be the princi- j discussion of issues, and ac- pal concelebrant of the | VOICE tion proposals on the Vati- Mass of the Holy Rosary | at 5 p.m., Wednesday, | THE VOICE, P.O. BOX 1059, Miami, Fla. 33133 can Council topic as they RETURN REQUESTED relate to the subject of the Oct. 7. respective general session. The closing Mass of the j four-day convention will "Vatican Council II be offered by Auxiliary 1 Speaks to Church Commu- Bishop Stephen A. Leven nities," will be the topic of of San Antonio, assistant FINAL PLANS for the NCCW convention are dis- Archbishop Dearden, who episcopal chairman of the I cussed by Father John Nevins, Miami DCCW will present the broad scope NCCW, at noon, Satur- moderator, with Mrs. Thomas F. Palmer, conven- of the first area of apostolic day, Oct. 8, Feast of St. j activities as described in the tion chairman; and Mrs. Lou Unis, right, presi- Briget. dent of the Miami DCCW. Continued on Page 8 niniiitiiiii! Exterior View of New Gymnatorium Recently Completed Aquinas High School's New Gymnatorium Was Blessed At St. Thomas A quinas High School In Fort Lauderdale By Bishop Coleman F. Carroll During Ceremonies Last Saturday Legality Of Nun Wearing Habit NCCJ Director To Talk On 'Relevancy Of Religion1 Richard Horchler, pro- ''The Relevancy of Reli- Jersey and Fordham Univer- gram director of the Nation- gion Today" will be the topic sity, N.Y. Mr. Horchler has also been On U.S. Job Again Challenged al Conference of Christians of the former associate edi- tor of The Commonweal who a contributor to Ave Maria, and Jews will speak at 7:30 Interracial Review, The A new court challenge was raised by Jack Gordon, Feder, however, disagreed has held teaching posts at board member of Dade Coun- p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 5 in Lamp, Worldview, and The to the constitutionality of with this view and said that the . Barry College Auditori- Regis High School, New New York Times Book Re- a nun wearing her reli- ty's EOPI who objected to using government funds "to the principle at stake is gov- um. York; St. Peter College, New view. g i o u s habit while ernmental approval of reli- employed on a Federal propagate a religious faith." In answer to the EOPI's gious symbolism, not reli- government project is board's request for a ruling being planned by the Amer- gious belief, noting-that this on the legality of spending is a "distinction between be- ican Civil Liberties Union public funds to hire a teach- of Florida. *" - er wearing religious garb, lief and practice." Boulevard the U.S. Office of Economic He added that in 1951 the i . For Sister Marie Infanta, Opportunity in Washington, ACLU adopted a national | an Oblate Sister of Provi- D.C. this week announced police statement expressing dence, employed by Dade that Sister Marie Infanta the view that "no teacher in National County's Economic Oppor- may continue her position. a public school should be tunity Program, Inc. as direc- Donald Baker, legal coun- permitted to wear religious tor of Brownsville Day Care sel for the OEO stated that garb." GIVES FAST Center in one of Miami's "OEO does not object to WILL RECOMMEND Negro districts, it is the sec- members of religious orders The ACLUF's legal panel ond time in three months wearing the garb of their will present its recommenda- ACTION ON that the legality of her wear- orders while teaching in pro- tion on the case to their ing the religious garb of her grams assisted under the board of directors next AUTO LOANS! order has been questioned.
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