MAY 6, 2008 The Board of County Commissioners, Manatee County, Florida, met in REGULAR SESSION in the Administrative Center, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida, Tuesday, May 6, 2008, at 9:06 a.m. Present were Commissioners: Jane W. von Hahmann, Chairman Gwendolyn Y. Brown, First Vice-Chairman Carol Whitmore, Second Vice-Chairman Donna Hayes, Third Vice-Chairman Ron Getman Joe McClash Amy Stein Also present were: Ed Hunzeker, County Administrator Tedd Williams, Jr., County Attorney Susan G. Romine, Board Records Manager, representing R. B. Shore, Clerk of Circuit Court Invocation by Major Tony Barrington, The Salvation Army. All witnesses and staff giving testimony were duly sworn. AGENDA Agenda of May 6, 2008, and agenda update memorandum. BC20080506DOC001 CONSENT AGENDA Motion was made by Mr. McClash, seconded by Mr. Getman, and carried 7 to 0, to approve the Consent Agenda incorporating the language as stated in the recommended motions in the agenda memorandum (as may have been amended in the supplemental agenda), with the deletion of Surplus Vehicles and Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Program (separate actions), and Tom Bennett Park (deferred). Items APPROVED: BC20080506DOC002 CLERK’S CONSENT CALENDAR BC20080506DOC003 BONDS Accept: Sheriff’s Public Employees and Deputy Sheriff’s Blanket Bonds (17 additions, 9 deletions). REFUNDS BC20080506DOC004 SMR Communities Joint Venture – Impact Fee Refund $24,955.31 Utilities Customer 110717-121377 – Refund/Fee Waiver $783.35 Utilities Customer 130441-113140 – Refund/Fee Waiver $683.54 Utilities Customer 39090-38592 – Refund/Fee Waiver $1,573.11 Utilities Customer 51965-133791 – Refund/Fee Waiver $7,745.00 WARRANT LIST BC20080506DOC005 Approved: May 1, 2008 through May 5, 2008 Authorized: May 6, 2008 through May 19, 2008 BC20080506DOC006 AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN Department of Revenue – Application for Revenue Sharing State FY 2008-09. BC20080506DOC007 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PROCLAMATIONS 1. A Proclamation designating May 10-18, 2008, as Tourism Week was accepted by Elliott Falcionne and Larry White of the Manatee Convention Center. BC20080506DOC008 2. A Proclamation designating May 12-18, 2008, as Salvation Army Week was accepted by Salvation Army Major Tony Barrington. BC20080506DOC009 3. A Proclamation designating May 2008 as Older Americans Month was accepted by Meals on Wheels representatives. BC20080506DOC010 JUDICIAL CENTER Execution of Owner Contingency Adjustment 26 to the agreement with Balfour Beatty Construction LLC, for providing Construction Management Services at Risk for development of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) and schedule for construction of a Manatee County Judicial Center, authorizing use of the County’s contingency within GMP for specific work with no change to GMP or project schedule. BC20080506DOC011 PERSONNEL STAFFING LEVELS R-08-127 A RESOLUTION OF THE MANATEE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING STAFFING LEVEL CHANGES FOR THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND UTILITIES OPERATIONS DEPARTMENTS (Financial Management Department from 139 to 39; Utilities Department from 278 to 378). BC20080506DOC012 MANATEE GLENS Authorization to publish Notice of Hearing (TEFRA) to be held June 10, 2008, for the City of Bradenton Equipment Lease Purchase obligation for the Manatee Glens Project, not exceeding $1.5 million. BC20080506DOC013 LAWSUITS 1. Northwest Loop Area Utility Main - Approval of the proposal for settlement in DeJonge Excavating Contractors, Inc., vs. Manatee County Case 2003-CA-3507, $20,001. BC20080506DOC014 BCC MB 48/2900 MAY 6, 2008 (Continued) 2. Workers Compensation Settlement - Approval of settlement of Attorney’s fees for workers’ compensation claimant, Jack Barrett, $26,801.29. BC20080506DOC015 COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY 1. Execution of Amendment 1 to FY 2007-08 Non-Profit Agency Funding Agreements with Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee, Inc., for: a. Facility Based Respite Service for the Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative Program; decrease of $33,171, adjusted total $17,932; BC20080506DOC016 b. Adult Daycare Program for Community Care for the Elderly; decrease of $8,153, adjusted total $39,997; and BC20080506DOC017 c. Home Delivered Meal Program for Community Care for the Elderly; decrease of $5,372, adjusted total $99,085. BC20080506DOC018 2. Execution of Addendum 1 to FY 2007-08 Community Care for the Elderly Service Agreements with: a. ADT Security Services, Inc., for Emergency Alert Response Services; increase of $1,703, adjusted total $15,429; BC20080506DOC019 b. Approved Home Health for Homemaker Services; increase of $29,124, adjusted total $149,738; BC20080506DOC020 c. Home Instead Senior Care for Homemaker Services; increase of $8,032, adjusted total $57,995; BC20080506DOC021 d. Utopia Home Care, Inc., for Homemaker Services; decrease of $5,717, adjusted total $56,283; BC20080506DOC022 e. Approved Home Health for Personal Care Services; increase of $14,020, adjusted total $102,625; BC20080506DOC023 f. Utopia Home Care, Inc., for Personal Care Services; increase of $7,915, adjusted total $59,915; and BC20080506DOC024 g. Approved Home Health for Respite Services; increase of $18,677, adjusted total $58,897. BC20080506DOC025 WEST COAST INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT 1. R-08-125 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MANATEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING WEST COAST INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT (WCIND) PROJECTS AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE APPLICATIONS FOR: City of Anna Maria – Lake LaVista Inlet Maintenance, $50,000; Gulfcoast Wonder and Imagination Zone – Water Workshop, $21,000; Florida Wing Civil Air Patrol – Civil Air Patrol, $10,500; USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 81 – Boating Safety and Education, $2,266; USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 83 – Boating Safety through Education, $1,200; USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 84 – Safety Patrols and Education $2,266; USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 85 – Boating Safety and Education, $2,266; and Manatee County – Reserve Countywide Navigation Improvement, $876,333. (FY 2007-08; execution of project applications and letter to WCIND). BC20080506DOC026 2. Execution of FY 2007-08 Project Applications to WCIND Projects for Manatee County Government Reserve Countywide Navigation Improvement Projects with: Conservation Lands Management – M193A Highland Shores Boat Ramp, $269,725; Conservation Lands Management – M193B S.R. 64/Braden River Boat Ramp, $206,928; and Public Safety Department, Marine Rescue – M193C Weather Spotter Equipment Program, $900. (Execution of project applications and letter to WCIND) BC20080506DOC027 RECREATIONAL CHANNEL MARKING GRANT R-08-128 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MANATEE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION’S FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR RECREATIONAL CHANNEL MARKERS (authorizing submission of a grant application to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Boating Improvement Program; State $75,000, County $25,000; and authorization for execution of all documents related to the application). BC20080506DOC028 TAMPA BAY ESTUARY PROGRAM Execution of a funding agreement with the Tampa Bay Estuary Program for Federal Fiscal Year 2007-08, $32,217. BC20080506DOC029 BASEBALL TOURNAMENT Approval of expenditures for an AAU 13u and 14u State Baseball Tournament (using Parks and Recreation fields) to be held May 30 – June 1, 2008, $4,000. BC20080506DOC030 WATER MAINS Execution of (Final) Change Order 1 to the contracts with Kuxhausen Construction, Inc., for: 1. 99th Street Northwest Water Mains; decrease of $88,930.97, adjusted total, $704,882.03; and an additional 27 calendar days for a revised completion date of April 11, 2008. BC20080506DOC031 2. Kay Road Force Main Extension; decrease of $6,071.07, adjusted total $104,078.93. BUDGET AMENDMENT BC20080506DOC032 Various Departments B-08-023 Transfer of Funds; Unanticipated Revenue Appropriations Supporting Description and Detail Attached BC20080506DOC033 BUSES Authorization to purchase three hybrid, diesel-electric buses for the Transit Division from Gillig Corporation, utilizing the San Joaquin Regional Transit District Contract MSE-2005-021; $538,462 each, total $1,615,386. BC20080506DOC034 BCC MB 48/2901 MAY 6, 2008 (Continued) CARDIAC MONITORS/DEFIBRILLATORS Execution of agreement with Phillips Medical Systems to provide 28 Biphasic Defibrillators with Capnography ($425,044.64) with a five-year service agreement ($76,660.92) for the Public Safety Department, $501,705.56. BC20080506DOC035 EDACS MAINTENANCE SUPPORT Execution of a limited competition agreement with M/A COM, Inc., for maintenance support for the Information Services Department, Radio Shop Division, $145,973.76. EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATORS BC20080506DOC036 Award IFB 08-0675OV to Lovin Construction, Inc., for generators for five lift stations, Option “B” 240-day completion; and execution of contract, simultaneous dating of performance/ payment bonds, and acceptance of insurance certificate, $830,758. BC20080506DOC037 EMPLOYEE TRAINING Execution of Addendum 1 to agreement with Manatee Community College for “Business Process Mapping and Quality Management” training, increase of $46,500. MATERIALS AND SERVICES BC20080506DOC038 1. Environmental Services - Purchase of services from Cross Environmental Services, Inc., on an as-needed basis utilizing pricing, terms and conditions of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) term agreement DOT 03/04-8117EH, $200,000. BC20080506DOC039 2. Software Maintenance - Limited Competition purchase order
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