A meeting of the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Integration Joint Board will be held on Wednesday 28 March 2018 at 2pm - 4pm, in Kildean Suite, Forth Valley College, Stirling Campus Please notify apologies for absence to [email protected] LUNCH 12 noon – 12.30pm IJB Development Session –12.30pm – 13.45pm Primary Care, GMS and Prescribing Lesley Middlemiss/Scott Williams/Scott Mitchell/Jillian Thomson AGENDA 1. NOTIFICATION OF APOLOGIES For Noting 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES For Noting 3. DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST For Noting 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON 5. MINUTE OF THE CLACKMANNANSHIRE & STIRLING INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING HELD ON 13 DECEMBER 2017 For Approval 6. MATTERS ARISING 7. TRANSFORMING CARE 7.1 CHIEF OFFICER REPORT For Noting & (Paper Presented by Shiona Strachan) Approval 7.2 MENTAL HEALTH REDESIGN For Approval (Paper Presented by Jim Robb) 7.3 LEARNING DISABILITY REDESIGN For Approval (Paper Presented by Jim Robb) 8. PERFORMANCE 8.1 PERFORMANCE REPORT For Noting & (Paper presented by Elaine Vanhegan) Approval 9. FINANCE 9.1 FINANCIAL REPORT For Approval (Paper Presented by Ewan Murray) 9.2 BUDGET FOR 2018/2019 For Approval (Paper Presented by Ewan Murray) 9.3 PARTNERSHIP FUNDING For Approval (Paper Presented by Alan Milliken) 10. PLANNING 10.1 PARTNERSHIP PLANNING APPROACH For Approval (Paper Presented by Lesley Fulford) 10.2 UPDATE REPORT: DEVELOPMENT OF AN For Noting INTEGRATED STRUCTURE (TO FOLLOW) (Presented by Cathie Cowan) 11. GOVERNANCE 11.1 CHANGE OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICECHAIRPERSON OF For Approval INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD, AUDIT COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON & Noting AND PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH A FINANCE COMMITTEE (Paper Presented by Ewan Murray & Elaine Vanhegan) 11.2 THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) For Approval (Paper presented by Fiona Wilbraham) & Noting 12. PAPERS FOR NOTING 12.1 REVISED INTEGRATION SCHEME For Noting 12.2 LOIPS For Noting 12.3 CLACKMANNANSHIRE & STIRLING INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD For Noting AUDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING 140917 12.4 JOINT STAFF FORUM MINUTES OF MEETING OF 030817, 051017, 071217 For Noting 12.5 STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP MINUTE OF MEETING OF 071117 For Noting 13. EXEMPT ITEMS 13.1 COMMISSIONED SOCIAL CARE SERVICES RATE INCREASES 2017/18 For Approval (Paper Presented by Jim Robb/Caroline Cherry) 13.2 CARE HOMES For Noting (Verbal Update by Caroline Cherry) 14. ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 13 June 2018, 2.00pm – 4.00pm, Boardroom, Forth Valley College, Alloa Campus Lunch 12noon - 12.30pm, Development Session – Self directed Support, 12.30pm - 1.45pm Agenda Item 5 – Draft Minute of the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board 13 December 2017 Clackmannanshire & Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board 28 March 2018 This report relates to Item 5 on the agenda Draft Minute of the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board Meeting 13 December 2017 (Paper presented by Shiona Strachan) For Approval Approved for Submission by Shiona Strachan, Chief Officer Author Date: 28 March 2017 List of Background Papers / Appendices: The papers that may be referred to within the report or previous papers on the same or related subjects. Page 1 of 11 Draft Minute of the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board meeting held on Wednesday 13 December 2017, at 2.00pm, in Boardroom, Forth Valley College, Alloa Campus. Councillor Farmer welcomed all members to the meeting. He advised that there was one exempt item on the agenda and those members of the public would be asked to leave for this item. The Chair noted that this is Tom Hart’s last Integration Joint Board due to his imminent retiral. On behalf of the Board the Chair thanked Tom for his contribution to integration and the Integration Joint Board. Present: VOTING MEMBERS Councillor Scott Farmer, (Chair), Stirling Council John Ford, (Vice Chair), NHS Forth Valley Joanne Chisholm, Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley Councillor Dave Clark, Clackmannanshire Council Councillor Ellen Forson, Clackmannanshire Council Dr Graham Foster, Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley Fiona Gavine, Non Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley Alex Linkston, Chairman, NHS Forth Valley Councillor Bill Mason, Clackmannanshire Council Councillor Susan McGill, Stirling Council Fiona Ramsay, Interim Chief Executive, NHS Forth Valley NON-VOTING MEMBERS Anthea Coulter, Business Manager, Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface Celia Gray, Head of Social Services, Chief Social Work Officer, Clackmannanshire Council Tom Hart, Employee Director, NHS Forth Valley Teresa McNally, Service User Representative for Clackmannanshire Morag Mason, Service User Representative for Stirling Natalie Masterson, Third Sector Representative for Stirling Paul Mooney, Third Sector Representative Clackmannanshire Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley Elizabeth Ramsay, Unpaid Carers Representative for Clackmannanshire Abigail Robertson, Joint Trade Union Committee Representative for Stirling Pamela Robertson, Chair, Joint Staff Forum Marie Valente, CSWO Advisor to the IJB (Chief Social Work Officer, Stirling Council) Professor Angela Wallace, Director of Nursing, NHS Forth Valley In Attendance: Shiona Strachan, Chief Officer, Clackmannanshire & Stirling HSCP Lesley Fulford, Programme Manager, Clackmannanshire & Stirling HSCP Kathy O’Neill, General Manager, Community Services Directorate Page 2 of 11 Ewan Murray, Chief Finance Officer, Clackmannanshire & Stirling HSCP Alan Milliken, Senior Manager, Communities & People, attended on behalf of Stewart Carruth, Chief Executive, Stirling Council Margaret Robbie, PA to Chief Officer, (minute taker) Presenting Papers Caroline Cherry, Service Manager, Stirling Council Janette Fraser, Head of Planning, NHS Forth Valley Viv Meldrum, Performance Management, NHS Forth Valley Jim Robb, Service Manager, Clackmannanshire & Stirling HSCP Member of the Public Phillip Gaskill, Member of Public 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Stewart Carruth, Chief Executive, Stirling Council Councillor Graham Houston, Stirling Council Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed, Unpaid Carers Representative for Stirling Elaine McPherson, Chief Executive, Clackmannanshire Council Dr Scott Williams, NHS Forth Valley 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES None for Integration Joint Board members. 3. DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST Elizabeth Ramsay declared an interest in Item E12.1 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON There was no urgent business brought forward. 5. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 30 AUGUST 2017 5.1 The minute of the meeting held on 18 October 2017 was approved as an accurate record. 6. MATTERS ARISING There were none. Page 3 of 11 7. FINANCE 7.1(a) FINANCIAL REPORT Ewan Murray, Chief Finance Officer gave a presentation on the current financial position within the Partnership. This was appreciated by the Board Members. The Chief Finance Officer also provided an up to date report which gives an overview of the financial position of the Health and Social Care Partnership. This report has been prepared based on information supplied by the finance teams from the constituent authorities including financial projections. The Integration Joint Board: Noted that, based on financial performance to date and known issues, an overspend of £3.316m on the partnership budget is projected. Noted the changes to the Partnership Budget. Noted the significant variances and financial pressures within the Partnership Budget. Noted & approved the budget recovery management actions, additional non-recurrent opportunities to reduce costs and impact of review of Partnership Funding commitments and that these will reduce the projected overspend to £2.852m Noted the projected overspend after application of useable reserves and requirement to discuss further to reach and document agreement on the risk sharing implications with the constituent authorities. Approved utilising capacity from the IJBs 2017/18 Internal Audit Plan to conduct an urgent review of the relationship and processes between the Social Care Cline Information System and forecasting in Clackmannanshire. 7.1(b) FINANCIAL REPORT: Part B 2018/19 Budget Update and Service Delivery Options Ewan Murray, Chief Finance Officer, presented this report. The purpose of this report is to set out the financial and economic outlook, and how this is likely to affect the resources available for the Integration Joint Board and outline the Options for Service Delivery going forward. This report should be read in conjunction with the Financial Report to the December 2017 meeting. The Integration Joint Board: Noted the Financial and Economic Outlook for 2018/19 and beyond. Noted the assessment of the Financial Gap in 2018/19 including the key planning assumptions and the impact of the current 2017/18 projected Page 4 of 11 overspend. Noted the Options for Service Delivery and Approved the further development of the Business Cases for these. Noted the key risks . Approved a period of public consultation to run from 30 January to 27 February2018 as outlined in section 13 of this report and involving a combination of general information, questionnaire response and face to face engagement. 7.2 PARTNERSHIP FUNDING REPORT Alan Milliken presented this report. This was a follow up paper to the paper that had been presented to the Integration Joint Board on 27 June 2017. Partnership Funding Streams have been allocated to the Partnership to enable
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