STATE ELECTION COMMISSION, ODISHA TOSHALIBHAWAN, B-2,1ST FLOOR, SATYANAGAR BHUBANESWAR-751007 E-mail ID :[email protected] Fax No. 0674-2573494 No. 4534/SEC dtd. 18-11-2016 ORDER Sub:- Scrutiny of nominations for seats reserved for S.C./ S.T. /Backward Class of citizens-Procedure regarding. Seats have been reserved for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Backward Class of citizens under the Odisha Grama Panchayat Act, 1964, Odisha Panchayat Samiti Act, 1959 and Odisha Zilla Parishad Act, 1991 in pursuance of Article 243-D of the Constitution of India. The list of Scheduled Castes for Odisha as per the Constitution ( Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 and of Scheduled Tribes as per Constitution ( Scheduled Tribes) Order 1950 are indicated in Annexure I & II, respectively. The list of Backward Class of citizens have not been even in the three State Acte and Rules. (2) The Commission, therefore, in exercise of its power under Article 243-K of the Constitution and such other enabling powers in that behalf, has directed that the list of Socially and Educationally backward classes, notified by the Government of Odisha, in ST and SC Development Department from time to time will be adopted for purpose of filling up the seats reserved for backward class of citizens (BBC). The up-to-date list of such Socially and Educationally backward classes obtai ned from the Government of Odisha, is given inAnnexure III. (3) The Commission has further noted that in the Nomination Forms prescribed under the three election Rules, there is space for the candidate to declare that he/she is a member of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes or Back Ward Classes of the State of Odisha. (4) In the three State Acts and respective election rules framed there under there is no provision or prescribed procedure as to how the claim of a candidate that he/she belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe or backward class of citizens should be substantiated or verified. Since large number of seats have been reserved for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and Backward class of citizen in Grama Panchayats/Panchayat Samities/Zilla Parishads it is necessary that candidates belonging to the reserved categories for which the post is reserved contest the election. In this regard, the following guidelines which are being issued in consonance with the relevant guidelines on nomination, scrutiny, withdrawal and allotment of symbols (Instruction SI. No.17) issued by the Election Commission of India in their letter No. 4/3/2008/JS-1l/Vol.III, dated 2nd July 2008 addressed to the Chief Electoral Officers of all States and Union Territories may be adopted while scrutinizing nominations for reserved seats of Ward Member, Sarapanch, P.S.Member and Z.P.Member. (a) All those contesting to the seats reserved for SC/ST/BCC shall have to submit the caste certificate of that category issued by the competent authority along with nomination form. 365 (b) Xerox copy of caste certificate shall be enclosed with nomination form and the candidate or his representative may be asked to submit the original certificate for verification during the time of scrutiny. Non submission of caste certificate by a candidate shall lead to rejection of candidature. (c) Caste certificate issued from the competent authority anywhere in the State of Odisha is acceptable but caste certificate issued from outside the State is not acceptable. (d) If a candidate has declared in the nomination form that he/she belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes or Backward Class of citizens, the same should first be verified with reference to the enclosure at 1,11, and III of this order, as the case may be. (e) On verification, the Election Officer is to satisfy himself that the candidate contesting for reserved seat belong to SC/ST/ BCC as the case may be. (f) Where the certificate produced by the candidature is challenged that the certificate produced is forged or is not issued by the competent authority, the Election Officer should get the position cross checked with the authority which purportedly issued the SCI ST/ BCC candidate in question, before deciding the validity of the nomination paper of the candidate concerned. If on such cross checking /verification the Election Officer is satisfied that the certificate in question is not genuine, he shall not only reject the nomination of the candidate concerned but also initiate criminal proceeding against the candidate for adducing forged documentary evidence before him. (g) If the Election Officer receives information in connection with change of religion of a person belonging to Scheduled Caste by which he has ceased to become a Member of Scheduled Caste or any objection filed with concrete evidence stating change of religion through which the concerned person is no more a member of the Scheduled Caste, the Election Officer after such summary enquiry shall decide the issue. As a measure of abundant caution, the Election Officer will urge upon the candidate where caste certificate is under challenge to file an affidavit duly sworn in before the Executive Magistrate or before Notary Public stating that he continues to be a Member of the Scheduled Caste indicating his/her sub-caste. In case candidate declines to file affidavit during the period of scrutiny the Election Officer shall record the fact and take appropriate decision in the matter of acceptance of the nomination on the basis of his summary inquiry. Earlier instructions regarding scrutiny of nominations for seats reserved for SCI ST/ BCC issued by the Commission in Order No. 4048, dtd 6-11-2006 shall be deemed to have been modified to the extent as may be necessary to confirm the directions contained in this communication, from the date of it’s issue. By the order and in the name of State Election Commission Sd/- Secretary ■ ■ . O w v : 366 QltfH 99\99 3I6£U9, <3§€ll 60191® ©00, 0- 9, gafl 0S“QI, 904 09® §060^Q-9#?oo§) ag 9°SI4l 4534 /QI.0.SI. 0118.11.2016 9® 2ll€Q€1S?lfll ®®3 : — aggoo 010, aggo© 00010 ^0° agai®® gidi© ai® 9o®a©ai© aia ggai 0303 i ®i®oia 03310® sg6g0 243-D agaiai g§®i gia asiao® a<y©a0, g®€ii asiao 000® 34*030, eese g gosh 0®j a®a®® 34*030, eece 6® aggoo 010 (Scheduled Caste), Sgg©0 00010 (Scheduled Tribe) G agsi®9© (Backward Class of Citizens) 01® ai® 9°®sa€l 0N®ai ®®iai®sg 1 G9«ii ai® agqoo 010® 01001 ®aai© (aggo© 010) ai6®-§i, eeso agaiai '<10° agqoo 00010© ©i®0i 03310 (aggoo 00010) ai60®, e c#o agaiai a®«<s - 1 ^©° 11 aaig06® 9®iai®ag 1 ®l®0ia 93310® 3IQI 243-K G G061I 08130 3l®©g©06® 300 0001006® ®I0H 00100 31631® 060® 0a® 60 08ia© 0©i®06® agaioaoi®© 01® ai® ®°®«® g§®i 9®®i®w agqoo 00010 <iq ° 3gC|09 010 ®«a© ©01® (ST & SC Development Department) <$l®l 0®« ©036® g®l£i0 010100 G ®si®0 a®g®® 01001$$ ®i§® 040010® gi®i g®® 00100 1 g§®i 9®©iq© gji®i 304103. g©i® 019301 01010© g ®ai®0 a©g9® 6«|®1 010010© 01001 a ®«3 1116® g®® ©siaiaas 1 ai6ai® gga ®g®i ®®g§ 6a ti© ai® 00100 ©306® 0101©® ag 01®® 0006® 023$ giai/gd©i aggoo ©1 o/aggo© 00010 ®ai agaio®® ©i®®® 6®i® 6ai®€ii®i0i ©®®iaia ©4091 as 1 06® g©®4* 90$ agqoo 01 o/aggoo 00010 ©ai agai®®® ®i®®o 6©i® ©$301 010$ goat®© 0®®i ai® ®i04® «n© ai® 33030 g 0306® ©g ©4©ai ©®iai®©ig 1 6®60g $10 asiao/aaiao 000/ ogj a®®0 ©01006® ©go g©4 a®©i aggoo oio/aggo© 00010 ®ai a§3i®® 6^1010© ai® a°®a®® ©4©ai ©aiaiaag 60s 010® giai/giai®i0i6® 602 0°®®© 3100 ai® 001006® gog&oi 096© I ©03 9104 G 6©g®l00 380® 0|®4 00100 330191010$ ®l®0® 00100 316319© ag 9°®4I 4.3.2008-JS-ll-Vol. Ill, 01. 2. 7. 20086® 0601030, 918, g04ISI® ^O0 ®g 31©$® 93013 06®®0I0I 0°. 17 agaiai g§®i ®i©4 00100 3i63i® 9°®a© (310603®, 9®as, asiao 000 g®4/ogj aaa© 994® 918 9306® ©g®90 06090101 039 I (®) aggoo ©lo/agqoo ®0®i0 ®3i a§ai0® ai® q®3 9°®ao 31906® gogooi 0gg©l 003 giai 060103© ag 09 0001a® 330101© gi®i g©Q oioa© gai®ag 01®® ®®6® i (a) 060I030 ag ©I®® 9036® 0I090 g0l®ag® 3©©® 0®® (Photocopy) 606© ^©° ais 9036® gidl 03I 0I©9 gO®3 39® (original) 0I090 g0l®ag 0l®Q 096® I 0I090 / 1. - gfii®ag 019® © ®6® 060103© ag ®i®o ®®ia® 1 367 (6l) 00611 90910® 900109 82)0101® 2I0I g9® 9I000 g0!6l0g 296160191 2160 I 0§ 8010101© 01000 g0l€10g 296160101 g69 I ( a ) gien 00 0601000 age© 6Q1001 0020 60 69 ©66i agsJ§© 010/82200 00010 001 0^21190 6^6110 2109 0191 g i2l00 91060 9 °® 2 0 I, II & III (0191 g q © l) 9 9 600 ©0100 I (0 ) 018 90060 00100 82)9101 9060I8 699I 000I0 60 9°099 2II9060 g0990l 922)©l giai 210^00 ©19/212^00 ©©©'© §ai 0 § a i0 0 0 (0191 g q © i) 2100 1 ( 0) giai ©is® 0O2I9I g 0 i6iog 00 0102110 901 000100 32)0101® gi®i 3©® 6910019 6910 2196010 J4, 9°q® gi81® 0691000 0§0 92)010101 9060 0$9 6091 q9$ 09190 82)9101 g0l6iog g© 9 002i0l 82)0I01®OI§ 00010 (cross-cheeking)/90ig0l61 (verification) 60 09100 32)9101 9g$ £3® 60 g0i6i ag© 899 (genuine) 269, 69 0I0I®0 og 0I00 009I 99 9°09 gi81 0I9 g0l6IQg 909100 002191 60iq 019 9601860 60100101 09001 0100 0091019 09600 6969 I ( 2 ) 0 0 32^©© 0!90 9H§ 80 00990 0 0 32%©© ©199 9QH§! 0 0 0 6901 00100 82(9101 %00l 0I8I® 0fil 90$ g0l€199 80 009900 896010 g'S, 0191^101 0 69 91$ 32%90 0190 99H 991960 969001 90109019, 69 60260 09100 82)0101 9 09q 9 l9 09® (summary enquiry) 90 9$9 6069 I 609Oi60 0l0g0l61®22 609 8960I9 J4 §9100 82)0101 96-si® 9I98I00I 9 9 9 °q $ gi81g 9Q0I9 0*1 69 0661 32%9© 0100 99H 6919 00$ 0100 010 9 9 4 0 90H 010 910® 90912 06961 6969 4 9 ° 491 0661 010109191 9«I2)9I01 (Executive Magistrate) 0ftl 99® 82)-g 0 16199101 (Notary Public)® 9%06Q g9l619 69I9210I 3196119 I gi81 09 9°q® 901010 018 90060 69012 001 9 0 9 , 0191 696® 09109 82)0101 699 9300^,2 0600 0 0 6 9°®g9i0 (summary enquiry) 2 31810 0 0 010190 02© 29611001 9060 819-511010 09630 6969 I 010109100 816010® 0g9°01l 4084,01.
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