FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2007 Vol. 33 | No. 12 | 3 Sections |32 Pages INSIDE: ATLANTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS FOR PEOPLE & PETS Brentwood N | East Kingston | ExeterEWS | Greenland | Hampton | Hampton Beach | Hampton Falls Kensington | Newfields | North Hampton | Rye | Rye Beach | Seabrook | South Hampton | Stratham 26,000 COPIES Connelly Communications LLC | www.AtlanticNews.com | 893 Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH, 03842 | (603) 926-4557 |FREE • TAKE ONE Food for thought Pet food recalled with possible ties to pet deaths Cyan Magenta Yellow Black BY SCOTT E. KINNEY ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER recent recall on pet foods source. 01-March-07" through “Best By 11-June- from manufacturer Menu Dawn Price, who owns The Natural 07” were pulled for bearing the deadly A Foods Inc. last week has sev- Dog, a holistic and natural pet supply chemical. eral Seacoast residents looking toward store in Newburyport, Mass., with her Price said these recalls can occur as what they’re feeding their animals, husband, Jeff, said the incident is not a often as two to three times per year. while one local business owner said the unique happening, but only the most Although Price said she was not incident is not a new one. pronounced one to date. certain what the cause of the illnesses The recall followed a number of “This is a more prevalent occurrence from the latest incident was, she said reports of kidney failure in both dogs than people think,” she said. these recalls occur in general because and cats. The recall was on wet pet food Price holds a degree in nutrition, of the quality of products utilized in only, made between the dates of Dec. has taught canine and feline nutri- their foods. 2006 and early March falling under the tion throughout the region, as well as “The companies that this happens to category of “cuts and gravy”-style food worked for the largest distributor of are using a very poor quality of grain,” sold in cans and pouches. holistic and premium pet foods in the said Price. In total, the recall encompassed 48 country. Because of improper storage or brands of dog food and 40 brands of Price said the noteworthiness comes handling of the grain, the introduc- cat food; among them, such names as from the fact that, this time around, a tion of molds called vomatoxins can Eukanuba and Iams, as well as several more broad range of foods was affect- occur, according to Price. Vomatoxin WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE OF store brand varieties. ed. is a chemical compound produced by According to the pet food company, “It’s just more widespread than it fusarium molds and can prove fatal its investigation has found that the tim- has been,” she said. to pets. VOLVOS, JAGUARS ing of the production associated with In Dec. 2005, Diamond Foods, a Price said she recommends a more the reports of suspect food coincides company distributing pet food to much premium brand of pet food to her & HONDAS with the introduction of an ingredient of the U.S. this side of the Mississippi, customers. BRING THIS AD 10% YOUR FIRST from a new supplier. The company held a similar recall after discovering “You’re going to pay for it,” said IN & RECEIVE OFF SERVICE!!! stopped using that ingredient short- aflatoxin in its food. Foods produced Price, “but they’re healthier and a better ly after the discovery and since then in its Gaston, South Carolina plant quality. I feel the consumer needs a lot 603.772.8233 *10% good up to $50.00 in service has used an ingredient from another bearing best used by dates of “Best By FOOD Continued on 6A• Client: Gary Blake Motorcars File Name: GBlakeMC3.3x3AN_121506 Paper: Atlantic News Size: 3.3 x 3 Run Date: 12.15.06 Artist: lj Proof: Color: 4c Sent: Confirmation: PAGE 2A | ATLANTIC NEWS | MARCH 23, 2007 | VOL 33, NO 12 ATLANTICNEWS.COM . WEATHER THE WEEKEND FRIDAY, MARCH 23 SATURDAY, MARCH 24 SUNDAY, MARCH 25 MONDAY, MARCH 26 CHANCE OF THAW CHANCE OF GREEN GRASS CHANCE OF FLOWERS CHANCE OF SHOWERS HIGH: 58° LOW: 35° HIGH: 53° LOW: 34° HIGH: 50° LOW: 30° HIGH: 50° LOW: 30° Tides provided by www.MaineHarbors.com Cyan NEWBURYPORT’S HAMPTON HARBOR’S PORTSMOUTH HARBOR’S DOVER POINT’S Magenta 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM Yellow 23 FRI 2:48 3:29 9:36 9:49 23 FRI 2:56 3:37 9:39 9:52 23 FRI 3:04 3:45 9:24 9:37 23 FRI 4:15 4:56 10:34 10:47 24 SAT 3:43 4:30 10:35 10:48 24 SAT 3:51 4:38 10:38 10:51 24 SAT 3:59 4:46 10:23 10:36 24 SAT 5:10 5:57 11:33 11:46 25 SUN 25 SUN 25 SUN 4:59 5:53 11:28 11:42 25 SUN 4:43 5:37 11:40 11:54 4:51 5:45 11:43 11:57 6:10 7:04 - 12:38 Black 26 MON 5:51 6:48 - 12:50 26 MON 5:59 6:56 - 12:53 26 MON 6:07 7:04 - 12:38 26 MON 7:18 8:15 12:52 1:48 27 TUE 7:03 7:58 1:06 2:00 27 TUE 7:11 8:06 1:09 2:03 27 TUE 7:19 8:14 12:54 1:48 27 TUE 8:30 9:25 2:04 2:58 28 WED 8:13 8:59 2:17 3:04 28 WED 8:21 9:07 2:20 3:07 FIRST QUARTER 28 WED 8:29 9:15 2:05 2:52 28 WED 9:40 10:26 3:15 4:02 29 THU 9:14 9:52 3:21 3:59 29 THU 9:22 10:00 3:24 4:02 SUndaY, MARCH 25 29 THU 9:30 10:08 3:09 3:47 29 THU 10:41 11:19 4:19 4:57 30 FRI 10:07 10:36 4:15 4:46 30 FRI 10:15 10:44 4:18 4:49 FULL MOON 30 FRI 10:23 10:52 4:03 4:34 30 FRI 11:34 - 5:13 5:44 31 SAT 10:52 11:15 5:02 5:26 31 SAT 11:00 11:23 5:05 5:29 MOndaY, APRIL 2 31 SAT 11:08 11:31 4:50 5:14 31 SAT 12:03 12:19 6:00 6:24 1 SUN 11:32 11:49 5:43 6:02 1 SUN 11:40 11:57 5:46 6:05 1 SUN 11:48 - 5:31 5:50 1 SUN 12:42 12:59 6:41 7:00 Charming Year Round Studio Condo! 454 Winnacunnet Rd, Hampton - $82,900 1/2 Inground pool, basketball court, nice picnic area for grilling. Steps to ocean! OFF LUNCH OR DINNER ENTREE OFFER EXPIRES 3/30/2007 buy one lunch or dinner entree receive 1/2 off 2nd entree of equal or lesser value Call David at The Hamptons Real Estate 1 Coupon Per Table Please Present Coupon when placing order o: 603-926-1400, x29; c: 603-828-3813 Not valid with other offers email: [email protected] .M. Hebert’s 1 P NLY AFTER O BUY Restaurant BEGIN LESSONS UNDAY and Pub IN MARCH S ONE DINNER And bring in this ad for FREE registration! 431-5882 Karaoke Nightly A $15 Value expires: 3/31/07 GET THE The seacoast’s very 2ND FREE own music school. Sunday Only through April 1, 2007 822 Lafayette Rd ● Hampton NH ● 603.929.2952 MARKET BASKET PLAZA • LAFAYETTE ROAD • PORTSMOUTH ATLANTICNEWS.COM VOL 33, NO 12 |MARCH 23, 2007 | ATLANTIC NEWS | PAGE 3A . NEWS LOCAL NOTES OffICE CLOSED FOR WORKSHOP NORTH HAMPTON | North Hampton Town Clerk/ Tax Good news for rescued beagles Collector Susan Buchanan has announced that her office will BY SCOTT E. KinneY who would enjoy cuddling be closed on Thursday, March 22 and Tuesday, March 27 for ATLanTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER all day long. So Mariah is training in Concord for new clerks. Buchanan regrets any SEACOAST | Two going to be a therapy dog for inconvenience this temporary schedule change may cause the public. Her normal office hours are Monday from 8:30 a.m. to beagles saved by Beagles this gentleman. She’ll have 6:30 p.m., and Tuesday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. of New England (BONES) someone to hang out with For more information, call (603) 964-6029. from a group of animals all day, and Mariah would rescued earlier this year in like nothing more than hav- Limington, Maine, have new ing that undivided atten- homes. tion. Mariah also has a 17 Sophistocated Fashions Both Hudson and Mariah year-old human sister who Grand Opening were adopted over the last is looking forward to taking week and are enjoying their her on walks in their rural March 25th new homes. area. She’s going to bring a DESIGNER JACKETS Hudson, the first to be lot of joy to that family, and DRESSES adopted, sent a letter to the they will spoil her greatly. TOPS | BOTTOMS beagle rescue group telling Hudson and Mariah TRIBAL SPORTSWEAR of his adventures with new were among 19 beagles and JEWELRY owner, John. one hound mix that were ACCESSORIES The letter reads as fol- discovered in a dilapi- HAND BAGS lows: dated house in Limington, SHOES Hey, it’s me, Hudson Maine, where they were liv- GIFTS I’ve had fun on my first trip KING OF THE ROAD — Hudson (behind the wheel), the first ing in squalor.
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