www.ukrweekly.com InsIde: • Top presidential candidates decline TV debates – page 3. • Analysis of Germany’s case against Demjanjuk – page 11. • Vera Farmiga hailed by critics for latest role – page 13. THEPublished U by theKRA Ukrainian NationalIN AssociationIAN Inc., a fraternal Wnon-profit associationEEKLY Vol. LXXVIII No.2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2010 $1/$2 in Ukraine Ukrainian government exploits Ukraine’s leaders greet nation fears of a new winter gas crisis with optimism for the new year by Roman Kupchinsky of inaction is greater than the cost of Eurasia Daily Monitor action and may aggravate the situation in the wider region.” Apparently the IMF In December 2009 Ukrainian officials had a number of good reasons to stop descended on Washington with one over- lending money to Ukraine. riding mission: to convince the Obama According to an article by analyst administration that without the financial Tammy Lynch on the Jamestown help of the International Monetary Fund, Foundation blog on Eurasia, on December Ukraine might be unable to supply the 10, 2009, in the wake of the freezing of European Union with Russian gas this IMF and World Bank funding, and fol- winter. This badly disguised attempt at lowing repeated statements by President blackmail on the part of both Petro Yushchenko calling for the renegotiation Poroshenko, the confectionary oligarch of a Russia-Ukraine gas deal supported and a member of President Viktor by the EU, there was little to discuss. It Yushchenko’s inner circle, and recently seems EU leaders believe Ukraine has not appointed foreign affairs minister and Hryhoriy Nemyria, Prime Minister Yulia lived up to its side of the negotiated bar- Tymoshenko’s right-hand man, was so gain. This is true – but the EU has not transparent and brazen that few in been in a collaborative mood itself (www. Washington were inclined to believe isria.com, December 10, 2009; www. them. ukrainianjournal.com, November 19, 2009). In a further sign of disenchantment and Official Website of Ukraine’s President frustration with the current Ukrainian The EU’s refusal to even mention the leadership, EU leaders speaking at the far distant possibility of EU membership President Viktor Yushchenko delivers his New Year’s Eve greetings to the 13th EU-Ukraine summit in Kyiv on for Ukraine has consistently irked the Ukrainian nation. December 4, 2009, blasted the lack of country’s leadership, who several years promised constitutional reforms in the ago needed some hope on which to devel- KYIV – In his New Year’s Eve address is a piece of energy that renewed the coun- country, its erratic gas policies and placed op its reforms. More recently, the EU and to the nation, President Viktor Yushchenko try, gained freedom and aspires to create part of the blame for past breakdowns in Ukraine signed a joint declaration at the underscored his pride in being a Ukrainian new life,” Mr. Yushchenko said. supplying Russian gas to Europe on EU-Ukraine International Investment and stated that “a new Ukrainian person… In her greetings for 2010, Prime Minister Ukraine. Conference on the Modernization of is being born in hard trials, and even maybe Yulia Tymoshenko stated, “Ukraine lives. Jose Barroso, the head of the European Ukraine’s Gas Transit System. Among in times of unrest.” Ukraine can be proud. Our sacred land Commission, was blunt in his criticism of other things, the declaration commits “We together – all the people from the unites us and we can take on the world if we Mr. Yushchenko: “Mr. President, I will Ukraine to ensure transparent operation Donbas to the Carpathians – are capable of have a little peace and quiet. Peace will speak honestly with you. We are often led reaching great goals. The new Ukrainian is to believe that Ukrainian promises about (Continued on page 3) our personal dignity, faith and confidence. It (Continued on page 11) reforms are only partially fulfilled and that words are not followed by deeds” (Kommersant, December 7, 2009). Mr. Yushchenko hastily rejected these UNWLA announces new initiative to aid Ukraine’s elderly charges and placed the blame for the lack by Ulana Musij Zinych of reform on the government of Yulia Tymoshenko and the Parliament. He also NEW YORK – The year 2010 marks defended Ukraine’s record as a reliable the 85th anniversary of the Ukrainian transit country for Russian gas and National Women’s League of America assured the summit that there would be Inc. (UNWLA), the largest and oldest no disruptions in gas supplies this winter Ukrainian women’s organization in the (www.unian.net, December 17, 2009). United States, which works independent- Despite President Yushchenko’s calm- ly as a charitable and cultural organiza- ing words, Foreign Affairs Minister tion. Poroshenko sang a different tune during To mark its anniversary, the organiza- his later visit to Washington: “Ukraine is tion has announced a new initiative to confident Europe will not see another help needy elderly in Ukraine, thus con- winter of gas supply disruptions, but there tinuing one of its long-standing missions. will be a higher risk if the IMF does not The UNWLA was established in 1925 resume lending to its distressed econo- by five existing Ukrainian women’s asso- my,” Mr. Poroshenko stated (www.unian. ciations in New York City and vicinity net, December 13, 2009). His use of the following the exclusion of the National words “higher risk” in describing the situ- Council of Women (NCW) of Ukraine ation was deceptively close to blackmail. from the International Council of Women. The same can be said of Vice Prime The NCW of Ukraine had been a member of the ICW since 1920, but was excluded Minister Nemyria’s statement reported in UNWLA Chicago Regional Council volunteers who completed the arduous the Financial Times on December 11, from the ICW as a direct result of Ukraine’s loss of national independence – but satisfying task of packing over two tons of goods that will be shipped to 2009. “The next three months are cru- nursing homes for the elderly in Ukraine. With them are UNWLA national cial,” he claimed. One day after returning a prerequisite for ICW membership. The new centralized organization was officers Iryna Rudyk, social welfare chairwoman (second from left); Marianna from a mission to the IMF’s headquarters Zajac, president (fourth from left); and Ulana Musij Zinych, vice-president in Washington, Mr. Nemyria asserted: (Continued on page 8) (ninth from left). “Wait and see is not an option. The cost 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2010 No. 2 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS The disintegration of Ukraine’s armed forces Russia, Ukraine OK energy pact Lviv region completes anti-flood project by Roman Kupchinsky Ukraine were in NATO, it would rank third WASHINGTON – Russia and Ukraine KYIV – The Lviv region has completed among NATO’s 26 countries in terms of size, Jamestown Blog on Russia and Eurasia have agreed to new terms for the trans- anti-flood construction projects, it was but 127th out of 150 countries worldwide in shipment of oil to Europe, it was reported reported on December 31, 2009. Dams that The Ukrainian military has apparently expenditure per serviceman.” on December 30, 2009. The deal, together comply with modern drainage system tech- become a victim of the country’s fierce polit- Former Defense Minister Yekhanurov with an existing natural gas transit con- ical infighting and might well be on its way once noted that “The Ministry of Defense nologies will protect the population of Staryi tract, appears to have averted another year- to disintegration. For nearly half a year has a very long way to go in the area of Sambir, Drohobych, Mykolaiv, Stryi and Ukraine has been without a Defense defense, because a systematic transformation end European energy crisis. Neither other districts from natural disasters. These Minister, an unprecedented situation in the of the Ukrainian Armed Forces requires Moscow nor Kyiv have released full were the areas where floods caused much country’s history. enormous efforts, clear coherence in actions, details of the oil deal. But the Russian damage in July 2008. Thousands of persons In June Defense Minister Yurii and heavy daily routine.” Energy Ministry says it covers only the lost their housing, property and means of Yekhanurov was forced out of office after The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been year 2010. Ukrainian official Valentyn support. The head of the Lviv Regional charges of illegal land sales were leveled struggling with insufficient financing for Zemliansky said the new pact calls for State Administration, Mykola Kmit, said against him by Prime Minister Yulia many years, which has been the main imped- Moscow to pay 30 percent more in transit work will continue in 2010-2011 as facilities Tymoshenko. These charges were upheld by iment to reform. The current economic crisis fees than last year. He said the volume of will be constructed to protect not only the the powerful opposition Party of Regions, has resulted in drastic cuts in the defense oil piped into his country will remain at Lviv region, but also the Ivano-Frankivsk which at the time was in an erstwhile coali- budget, and left the army in a state of de 2009 levels. A dispute one year ago over region. (Ukrinform) tion with Tymoshenko. natural gas pricing led to a cut-off of facto financial collapse. In 2005-2008, the 759 deaths from flu, AVRI Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko proportion of defense spending decreased Russian gas supplies to Europe. Those disputed the accusations against Mr. from 1.3 percent of GDP to 0.99 percent (the shortages in Eastern Europe led to KYIV – The Health Ministry of Ukraine Yekhanurov and stated: “I can see no signs 2005 armed forces reform program stated European and U.S.
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