The Rotary Club THE HUB of Park Cities Volume 68, Number 38 www.parkcitiesrotary.org June 16, 2017 Serving to Make a Difference Since 1948 TODAY’S PROGRAM Program Chair of the Day: Valerie Pelan Robert S. Kaplan, President and CEO Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Robert Steven Kaplan has served as the thirteenth president He became a partner in 1990. Upon joining Harvard in 2006, Kap- and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas since September lan became a senior director of the firm. 8, 2015. He represents the Eleventh Federal Reserve District on He serves as chairman of Project A.L.S. and co-chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee in the formulation of U.S. the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, a global venture philan- monetary policy and oversees the 1,200 employees of the Dallas thropy firm that invests in developing non-profit enterprises dedi- Fed. cated to addressing social issues. He is also a board member of Kaplan was previously the Martin Marshall Professor of Man- Harvard Medical School. agement Practice and a Senior Associate Dean at Harvard Busi- Kaplan previously served on the boards of State Street Cor- ness School. poration, Harvard Management Company, Bed Bath & Beyond He is the author of several books, including What You Really and Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. He was also a trustee Need to Lead: The Power of Thinking and Acting Like an Owner; of the Ford Foundation, founding board chair of the TEAK Fellow- What You're Really Meant To Do: A Road Map for Reaching Your ship, co-founder and chairman of Indaba Capital Management, Unique Potential; and What to Ask the Person in the Mirror: Criti- LP and chairman of the Investment Advisory Committee at cal Questions for Becoming a More Effective Leader and Reach- Google, Inc. ing Your Potential. Kaplan was appointed by the Governor of Kansas as a mem- Prior to joining Harvard in 2006, Kaplan was vice chairman of ber of the Kansas Health Policy Authority Board. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. with global responsibility for the Born and raised in Prairie Village, Kansas, Kaplan received a firm's Investment Banking and Investment Management Divi- bachelor of science degree in business administration from the sions. Previously, he served as global co-head of the Investment University of Kansas and a masterʼs degree in business adminis- Banking Division. He was also a member of the firmʼs Manage- tration from Harvard Business School. ment Committee and served as co-chairman of the firmʼs Partner- A link to his most recent speech/essay is at- https://www. ship Committee and chairman of the Goldman Sachs Pine Street dallasfed.org/news/speeches/kaplan/2017/rsk170213.aspx Leadership Program. A link to a recent Op-Ed and an accompanying video are at- During his 23-year career at Goldman Sachs, Kaplan served OP-Ed- https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-04-12/ in various other capacities, including head of the Corporate Fi- america-has-to-close-the-workforce-skills-gap nance Department, head of Asia-Pacific Investment Banking as Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUr1IeQ8WY& well as head of the high-yield department in Investment Banking. feature=youtu.be IN THE NEWS! REMINDERS! Congratulations! 1. Register now on the RCPC website for June UP Citizen of the Year 23 at 6 pm. Club Award and Installation of Officers 2017 at Lakewood Country Club. ($55) 2. Register on District 5810 website for June 29 at 6 pm. Rick Amsberry's Installation at Dallas Country Club. ($60) 3. Pay your RCPC Dues for 2017-18! You donʼt want to be left out! Jerry Washam 4. Contribute for the Rotary Foundation Cen- Past Grand Marshals In Atten- tennial. Make RCPC 100 Percent! $100 EREY or dance at the June 9th Meeting $24.60 Founders Level. Be a Vibrant and Visionary Model of Service Above and Beyond Self June 16, 2017 THE HUB The Rotary Club of Park Cities Page 2 LAST WEEK Please remember ... Our Mission Presiding: Tracy Gomes Shawn Fosterʼs mother who is having Building a legacy of good works and Invocation: Roy Washburn cancer surgery today. fellowship, we strive to: Pledge: E. G. McMillan Please let us know your Joys or Concerns REACH those in need in partnership Introductions: Nolan Duck at- [email protected] with others Photographer: Phillip Bankhead with many thanks to Mary Bishop for these Notes INSPIRE tomorrow’s leaders with Chair of the Day: Cleve Clinton high ethical standards Program: Kirk Dooley Interviewing FOSTER lives of service above self 4th of July Grand Marshal Brad – A supporting member of Rotary Bradley and Past Grand Marshals International The 43rd meeting of the year The Hub is the weekly newsletter of was called to order by Pres. Tra- the Rotary Club of Park Cities (Dallas) cy Gomes with Roy Wash- Betty Dawson, Editor burn giving the invocation and E. Harris Fellow with the certificate and recogni- Shutterbug Committee G. McMillan leading the music. tion being given by Greg Pate. Fred Speno, Chair Herb Ziev introduced Mark Prior Grand Marshal Kirk Dooley inter- Bulletin/Internet Advertising Neace and his amazing marketing group as Shawn Foster, Chair this weeks “Market Place Advertiser”. We had one visiting Rotarian from Mexico City. PP Cleve Clinton introduced many of the Past Grand Marshal's for the July Fourth Parade. It was mentioned that Brad Bradley's daughter (in attendance) had helped organize some of the early parades even before Kirk Dooley and viewed Brad Bradley about some of the high- OFFICERS and DIRECTORS his wife became involved. The 4th of July par- lights of his life. Being from a farm family, Brad 2016-2017 ade was led for many years by the Exchange attended a rural school between Mansfield and Tracy Gomes, President Club of Dallas before the Rotary Club of Park Arlington then graduated from Arlington H.S. Pam Carvey, President Elect Cities stepped into lend its help and expertise. and a small agricultural college that we now John Gilchrist, Vice President Drum Roll Please: The 2017 Grand know as UT Arlington. While serving in the air Barb Jeffries, Secretary Marshal will be Brad Bradley who at 94 force, he met and married then moved to Dal- Jeff McNaughton, Treasurer years young has photographed the las to join the Sports Photography business John Whaley, Institutions community and its many activities with his father-in-law. They became one of the Tom Rhodes,, Club Operations since moving to the Park Cities after nation's largest and most innovative sports George Burrell, Community World War II. The parade is dedicated photography businesses. Brad Bradley was Kathy Schatz, Humanitarian in loving memory of Jan Pruitt, the known for inventing live action photography. Tom Swift, Membership longtime director and visionary of the North He shared a story about a football player that Tom Swift, Marketing Dallas Food Bank. Our Rotary in a joint effort he had fly in the air while taking his picture, Lisa Amsberry, Youth with our corporate sponsor (US Bank and but unfortunately this “all-star” broke a bone Fred Brown, At Large Trust) bought the first mobile food truck for the when he landed. But it was a great shot! He Karen Farris, city of Dallas and the North Dallas Food Bank. traveled all over the country and was gone Immediate Past President Our special guests today were from Jan Pru- most weekends. Even when his wife delivered, Kathleen Klaviter, Sgt-at-Arms itt's family and accep-ted our heartfelt regrets Brad was on the road making a living…a living Fred Speno, Parliamentarian at the that he loved. When asked about some of his Daniel Jacob, Webmaster loss of favorite college schools, he mentioned Clem- this son and Purdue and most of the agricultural Laurie Aldredge, Club Administrator dy- schools as being friendly and enjoyable places 6704 Snider Plaza namic and amazing woman. to work. He met and photography not only Dallas, Texas 75205 Brad Bradley was made an honorary Paul High School and College (continued on pg. 3) Office Phone: 214-739-4170 Office Fax: 214/363-6980 Email: [email protected] EVENTS CALENDAR Get Involved! In- Interact at Hillcrest H.S, A=Agape Health Service Days 8 am. See Bart Noble www.parkcitiesrotary.org June BD = Board of Dirs. Mtg, 7am M = Meals on Wheels (Differ- LaMadeleine, 75 & Mockingbird ent teams on each day) John Germ S M T W Th F S Cn = PCR Connect Event. See Patsy Watson M M M M Chattanooga, TN 2 Mtg CP = ChildsPlay Work Mtg MM-Mentoring at Hillcrest HS CC = Core Clubs Event Mc = Ronald McDonald President, 4 M M M M Mtg D = District 5810 Event House-See Jina McDaniel Rotary International DH = Dentistry with a Heart NM = New Member Event 11 M M M M Mtg FR = Family of Rotary Event FT=NTFB Truck-Stan Wright www.rotary.org FT F = Fellowship Event FB-NTFB Event M M M M Instal- Bill Dendy, E-Club 18 Mc BD FF = RCPC Foundation Fund Pr = Program Committee Mtg F lation Mtg. See Cleve Clinton RU = Rotary University Governor, District 5810 25 M M M M FH = Fisher House. See Rob E SpE = Special Service Event D In -Interact Special Project Web = For New Members www.rotary5810.org June 16, 2017 THE HUB The Rotary Club of Park Cities Page 3 UPCOMING PROGRAMS ROTARY CONNECTED June 23 RCPC Awards and Installation- EVENING Mtg Tweet with Tracy! Follow him at NO Noon Meeting [email protected] http://bit.ly/RCPCfacebook June 30 NO Noon Meeting http://bit.ly/RCPCtwitter Celebrate at Rickʼs Installation June 29! #parkcitiesrotary Join the Parade on July 4! http://bit.ly/RCPCyoutube http://bit.ly/RCPCgoogleplus July 7 To Be Announced http://bit.ly/RCPCvimeo RCPC has its own channel.
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