m es/lad/OR (frsth'i &p&io#tI A BILLBOARD SPOTLIGHT IN THIS ISSUE 08120 1:-17. a.n tiva z1 D a at SEPTEMBER 18, 1971 $1.25 Zwa nwater 25 ot:koa, - Nederla A BILLBOARD PUBLICATION Tl., 1 727 -47/5 SEVENTY-SEVEN 1H YEAR The International Music -Record Tape Newsweekly CARTRIDGE TV PAGE 14 HOT 100 PAGE 66 O ® TOP LP'S PAGES 70, 72 South Fs Midwest Talks on Rock Store -Opening Retail Sales Spurt Fests Planned By EARL PAIGE By BILL WILLIAMS MINNEAPOLIS - Midwest Spree Underway promoter Harry Beacom, fol- By BRUCE WEBER CHICAGO-Record/tape re- NASHVILLE - Tape sales lowing the cancellation of his tailers and wholesalers here re- have zoomed in Tennessee in third Open Air Celebration rock LOS ANGELES - Proof of tape -electronic retail stores. port increased sales of 10 or the past three months, actually festival in St. Paul by civic renewed vigor at retail can be Pickwick International is 20 percent over a comparable skyrocketing in some areas, due authorities, is planning to hold a seen in this: At least four com- planning to open about 15 re- period a year ago and an up- not only to the economic thrust conference in New York in late panies, including two rack mer- tail stores during 1972, accord- surge over normally draggy sum- but to the strongest tape -thiev- (Continued on page 8) chandisers, are opening music- ing to a company prospectus. mer months just passed. How- ery law in the land. Each store will require an in- ever, reports on singles, albums Distributors, rack jobbers and vestment of about $100,000, and tapes are not uniform. buyers in many areas told of the report stated. Montgomery Ward buyer Al this surge of tape sales. And, UK. RCA Beats Unofficial Sometime this year or early in Giegel said volume is up 40 per- while admitting that the econ- 1972 Rational Tape Distributors cent "since April, and, in fact, omy is a strong factor, a great Importers to 'Bark' Punch will open two retail stores, one running all the way hack to Feb- deal of the credit is given to the in the Midwest and the other on ruary." He said disks and tapes law passed by the state legisla- By ROB PARTRIDGE the East Coast, said Jim Tied- are even but credits much of the ture which makes pirating a Staff Member, Record & Tape Retailer jens, chairman. Both outlets will felony punishable by stiff fine it to release be full-time stores, carrying tape rise to accessories which offer LONDON - - Following a produce in time 45 to 50 percent profit. Ward's and imprisonment. growing concern about unoffi- simultaneously with the Ameri- and record accessories, tape also opened 25 new stores this The fact that record sales also cial importers benefitting from a cans," explained Geoff Hanning- player equipment, records and year for a total of 389. are up considerably (although delay in the British manufacture ton, RCA marketing manager. tapes, instruments, among other Singer One - Stop president nothing compared to tape) is an of major U.S. albums-a con- "It's difficult enough to pro - items. page 4) Fred Sipiora credits his 15 to optimistic outlook, however. cern which is being felt through- (Continued on page 58) (Continued on 20 percent jump in volume to Hutch Carlock, president of out the British record industry, (Continued on page 74) Music City One -Stop, credited RCA has imported 5,000 copies the new law on the books for of the Jefferson Airplane album Mil in Counterfeit Tape sending tape sales soaring in the "Bark" from the U.S. $3 L.A. Is Off past three months. So does Sam "The sleeve on the Jefferson LOS ANGELES Southern Morrison, of Knox Racks in Airplane album is complicated Grabbed in N.Y.; 12 Arrested - (Continued California's combination of rel- on page 74) and it is virtually impossible to By RADCLIFFE JOE atively high unemployment and In what is lion worth of product in a series the ever-growing number of ag- NEW YORK - believed to be the biggest single of raids carried out in New gressive retailers utilizing price York City and on Long Island. leaders to lure record buyers R'n'R Revival Rides High; seizure of allegedly counterfeit in The raids, undertaken Sept. 8, cause this area to be the only recordings ever made this the resulted in 12 arrests and a rec- one nationally to report busi- country, detectives from 24 -City & Foreign Tours New York district attorney's ord haul of more than 400,000 ness off generally since April. 8 -track tapes, and equipment be- By IAN DOVE office seized more than $3 mil - All other areas report a pattern lieved to be pirated and coun- over the past 90 days, with the NEW YORK-The rock re- brings the total number of rock terfeited. Investigations leading basic graph showing a steady vival up to the arrests had been upward trend. continues to thrive. Rich- revival concerts we have pro- ard Nader. whose Music Produc- moted to just over 100," going on for several months. (Continued on page 74) said TO RADIO tions Consultants. Inc. started Nader. "The Madison Square NOTE According to Jules Yarnell, the Rock and Roll Revival Garden dates alone over the & RECORD COS special counsel to the Recording Shows, is celebrating his second last two years - the October Industry Association of America New York: Up anniversary with a Madison concert is volume seven-have LOS ANGELES-All records (Continued on page 74) NEW YORK - How has Square Garden concert in Octo- grossed $750,000. Not had for (singles and LP's) for review business been? "Exceptionally ber and has had a rock revival something that was called a should be sent to Record Review good," said Dave Rothfeld of package picked up by Columbia flash in the pan when we first Dept., Billboard, 9000 Sunset Korvette's, "By the very fact Artists Management for a 24 - opened." Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. Salute to that we've spent a lot of money city tour in November. The revival show picked up All radio stations, please send on our own and plugging rec- Nader is also planning a by CAM marks the first ven- station lists to the Charts Dept., Dick James ords on prime time TV. This is European rock revival tour ture into rock by that organiza- Billboard, at the same California address. something no other retailer has headed by Jerry Lee Lewis. tion. They have previously con - see page 15 (Continued on page 74) "The 24 dates set by (Continued on page 4) CAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (Advertisement t\ I aek.son "GOIN' BACK TO INDIANA" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 ire 7:00-8:00 P.M. E.D.T. (6:00-7:00 P.M. C.D.T.) ABC-TV M 742 L M 742 L MOTOWN RECORDS MOTOWN RECORDS www.americanradiohistory.com 21 0 « 1 FROM THE ALBUM "FIRST PULL UP. THEN PULL DOWN" (ELECTRIC AND LIVE) ISP-4550; P8S-1962; PM -1782 L J NEW SINGLE 94-0528 www.americanradiohistory.com General News IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIlII111111111I111111 Vanguard in 50G RAZED STORE Grass Roots' Mgr BACK IN ACTION Push on Baez Disk FLUSHING, N.Y.-The Records Pays in Key Rule Spectacular Shop has been com- NEW YORK Vanguard Rec- LP. Heavy emphasis is being By NAT FREEDLAND ords has allocated $50,000 for an placed on radio commercials in pletely rebuilt and put back into all-out promotion and publicity key FM markets across the coun- operation following a major fire LOS ANGELES-A major new Arthur Stahl ruled that the Grass campaign for the new Joan Baez try and on dealer co-op advertising. that destroyed the old shop. The ruling by the California Labor Roots contracts with companies newly built store handles stereo LP, "Blessed Are ...." They have Upon her return from Europe, Commission spotlights once again operated by Joel Maiman are void components, instruments and post- further proclaimed the month of Miss Baez will appear at San Diego how shaky is the legal status of the because Maiman did not have em- ers as well as a complete line of September as Joan Baez Month. State College, Sunday (19), and in personal manager in this state's ployment (booking) agency and records and tapes. artists' Dealer incentives, including con- New York at Carnegie Hall Sept. huge entertainment industry. manager licenses as re- attorney quired by the state's Labor Code. tests for best displays and local 27. 11111111111I1HII181HHIII8111811111NI11111118HIII81181181IIIIIIl111111NIIIH L a b o r Commission promotions have been set up across Maiman did business with the the country. Also included in the Grass Roots group under the cor- extensive merchandising campaign porate titles of Macilious Melodies are special posters and in-store dis- Publishing, Cobbler Publishing A&M Meeting Draws Int'l Reps .tnd New London Investment Corp. plays. Under the Labor Commission's According to Herb Corsack, vice LOS ANGELES Rec- by A&M although Buddah han- terfeldt, Far East; Colin Hadley, ruling, which Maiman has the right president of sales and promotion, - A&M ords held its annual international dles distribution nationally. to appeal in court, the manager "the enormous success of Miss England; Miss Luce Staleng, affiliates meeting Wednesday A&M international personnel and is required to return to the Grass Baei s single, with sales now near France; Monti Lueftner through Friday (8-10) here, with who also made presentations were: Naschke, Germany; Jan Roots $70,454 he collected from 1 million mark, has created George the them in commissions and song the largest advance order of any representatives from more than 30 Larry Yaskiel, European director; Van Schlkwijk and Robert van countries participating.
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