John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 2-15-1990 The aC rroll News- Vol. 78, No. 4 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 78, No. 4" (1990). The Carroll News. 954. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/954 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ( Serving the John Carroll University Community ) The Carroll News Vol. 78, No. 4 John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio 44118 February 15, 1990 Heldring to Schlegel calls for balance in speak tonight pursuit of Jesuit education by Alice Carle 1ncom 10g f reshmcn who havcdis­ Asst. News Editor by Elmer Abbo research by mamtain111g a balance News Editor between the two. play<.·d an aspect of commumty Woodrow Wilson Fellow, "John Carroll's expantltng servtcc 111 the past and arc com­ Fredrick Heldnng has been at Rev John P. Sch legel, S.J., reputation -; hould not be achieved rnHtcd to conunurng lhetr service John Carroll th1s week sharing academlt v1cc prcs1dcnt, spoke to atlhc expense of our Jesuittratll­ cxpcnenl:es whtlc at Carroll. w1th studcnLc; h1s opimons on the the John Carroll Un1versity fac­ tons, of personal concern of fac­ Second, starling in the 1990- United States ac; a debtor nation. ulty yesterday <luring th e ann ual ulty for stud enLc;, and of an educa­ 9 1 academic ye<lf, the establish­ He wi II be spcaki ng to the Acadcnllt Sune of the University tion that blends the intellectual ment of an endowed visiung fel­ public on the dangers to banking address m the new con ference and the moral," he SaJd. lowship wrll bnng a noted Jesuit nationally and 1ntcmat1onally room of the Rccplcx addition. In furthcnng this educational te<tcher scholar to JCU for a se­ tonightat5:30 p.m. in the Jardine tiona! department and eventu­ His speech focused on the need goal, he mentioned three steps mester to help 1n assessing teach- Room. He will also address the ally became chief executive. He to uphold Jesuit education at JCU bemg taken. The li rst is the crea­ effccLc; of Europe 1s president of the Global Inter­ Continued un page 5 1992. as well ao.; improve teaching and tion of 10 S3h<Xl scholarships for He has been speaking to buSI­ dependence Center and is a ness classes throughout the week member of the Council of For­ Group formed to romote black unit on top1cssuch aseorporatepublic eign Relations in New York. .n~~r-~~--r------.~-----, responslbility,corporatcmanage­ He is called a "banking mav­ by Marcellus Nealy ment and the world economy. erick" and is considered an eco­ Staff Reporter Heldring began his career at nomic authority throughout the the Philadelphia Nat.ional Bank, The 131ack Un1tcd Students advanced to head of the 1nterna- Ac;sociauon (B.U .S.A),an organl­ tallon lor rmnortt) \tudents, was SU elections ready to go off1ually chartered with the Stu­ not a unton," s~ud Rurkc. The dent l nHHl ~ eh 6 with over- by Elmer Abbo d.hS<'S am. 1.! XCC UliVC of II<.Cf\ 011 ' h~,; 11110g "Ufljll. It I lOIII L,,, '-- News Editor nol work together nor support one 11) c ml": r , Nom1nauons for the Student another.'" Accorcllng to freshman An­ l.Jmun off 1ces dosed Tuesday as Jcannme Ctamey ,_JUnlorcla-.s thon v Pres 1dcnt. one of thl' I oun<l­ fmal nommauons were taken for trca-.urer, \\as the onl\ one to he crs ol B L .S.A 'Our t\\O main the of J ll:C~ of secretary and treas­ nominated for the of I u::c or Lrea\­ conungenLs arc to prom >IC black urer urcr. Mike Schtlltn g, S U trca-;­ <.ulture and black unity. The re<l­ For the office of secretary. Jen urcr, nom mated her and wao.; sec­ son why we came about is bccauo.;c 'I he lema Maple Elementary School Chuir performed in the Rntcr. presently sophomorecla-;s onded b) Jell Sttltncr, sophomore there arc only a lew hlad sat JCU Atrium on Feb. 9. The event was sponsored by the Orricc of sec retary, ac­ class prcsrdent. and we fccl1t1s trnportant that we Minority Affairs a\ part of Black H is tory Month. rt•*' tty \1..,\.CIIw' :-..~ally cepted last Elections for these off1ccs w11l have some type ol unity." ~ week's nomma­ be held at the S U mceung on Feb The B. U.S.A. thartcr mcludcs In add1Uon, the group Intends last week's i-;sue ol the Carroll uon by Randy 20. Smce RlliCr and c~.amcy arc maktng provistons for tutonng to con tnbute tO the cl forts or or­ New.1 that addressed th e problem \iS/ Hamilton. lhconlycand1clates runmng in their scrv1ccs to inner ctty sch<x>l chtl­ g<JJlllaliOJl'i such a<; the Sickle-Cell or preJUdice on campus. He be­ Stwknt 'llnwn Sophomore respective races, thctrclcction 1sa drcn and conducung flnanc1al a1d Anem m A ssot1ation, Lmlc Buddy/ ltcves the B.l.J.S.A. can help to 'Efuuon Suits Rob Daum moot pomt. semmars forinnerc1ty high school B1 g Buddy, th e Amcncan Red confront the problem. ...._ ____-'n ominated Julie Elections for the off 1ccs of S U studeOLs throughout the Cleveland Cross,thc Salvation Army and the " We need this organizauon so Burke for the position. Burke prcstdem, v1cc prestdcnt, and ch icl area. The group also arms to work Urban League. that we can come together, make dccltned the nom1nation, criucrz­ j usuce arc to be held Monday and with the Office of Minom y Af­ The new group also hopes to sense ol what's going on, chip ing the election process as too Tuesday ol next week. fairs to recruit qualified m1nority promote the awareness of black away the btL'i and the p1cces, so polit1cal andtheSU fornotfulfill­ Dave Avcnll, SU ch1efjusticc, studcnL'>. culture throughout the John Car­ that we can take this negative mg its role 10 represent.ing the and junior Drew Rabkcwych arc Through these efforts, the roll community by sponsonng energy and redtrect 1t," s<ud Presi­ student body. running for the office of president. B. U.S.A. hopes to educate these activities -;uch ac; speakers, rilm s, dent. "The Student Union needs a Junior Frank Borally, and Stiltner children about the values of a col­ art cxh1b11s, dance groups and According to President, many commntmem to the students. It arc vying lor\ 1cc prcs 1dcnt. Tam lege educat10n and clear away theater companies at least once psychologtsl'i and soc1olog1s ts should be a un1on of students who Q'~eJII, JUniOr da\S VICe presr some of the amb1gutty that col­ each seme\lcr. around the world believe that ra­ work together and support one dent, and sophomore Joe Cimpcr­ lege life has for young high sch<x>l President referred to a Forum cial tensiOn CXISt'> becau se of a another. But this Student Union 1s man arc runnmg for chrcfjustice. studenL'i. art1clc by )toll Till public;hcd 10 Continued on page 5 WHAT'S INSIDE... (...___F_O_RU_M___ ) ( ENTERTAINMENT ) (..___P_Ro_ F_IL_Es_ __,) ( ___SP_ O_RT_S ~-) ~ew stadium needed Bizarre cha racters Director of 'True Blue Streaks swim­ to maintain big of 'The Simpsons' West' ex plains pas­ mers take past two league status, p. 3 analyzed, p. 12 sion for theatre, p. 14 meets, p. 16 Page 2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News, February 15, 1990 Student input should be used to fullest potential Thccx1sungsystemofstudcm's s1dcs both pos1t1,.e and negative, that we can ' t get any other way." should be 1mplcmcntcd. and en­ \.ash docs reel that student sur­ teacher cvaluauons, or lack wh1ch contr1hutes great I} to hoth :vtanr unl\·ers111 es such as couraged departments to test the veys could be useful lor tc~tchcrs. thereof, IS of questiOnable accu­ part1es. <;tudcnt evaluauons can C\\. R L have unplcmcntcd a stan ­ system. Some departments and "It has to pro\'1dc thoughtful racy. At present there is no uni­ prov1dc valuahlc ms1ghtmto what dardllcd method oltcachercvalu even inc! I\ ldu.llla<.ulty memhcrs (;Omments, though," ~ud :'\ash. versity w1de method of evalu­ IS bemg ass1milatcd 111 the class­ ations. The data from the cvalu used the new forms. However, Rcv.John P.S,hlegel,S.J., vice auon and some departments in th e rooms. at.ions 1s cons1dcrcd to be qu1te due to unstated reasons, a follow prCSidCnl of acadcrn ICS, IS open lO Uni versity dO not USC any. This In add ILion, student input can he helpful 10 the deans in faculty up cvaluauon of the proposed a student evaluauon process. structure does not allow lor th e a fac10r Ill dCCidlng the Status or review '"hen cons1dcring tenure, system was not carried out. "There should be a place for full benefits of studcm input on professors 1n terms ol tenure, sal­ promouon. and m some cases It IS qucsuoned whether or not studentmput," sa1d Schlegel. classroom instrucuon. ary, and promotion. salary, according to Derr. student's remarks arc an accurate Un1vcrsny-w1dc evaluauons of T he potcnLJal benefits of stu­ R 1chard L. Derr, ass1stanL dean "It l'i ~lleved that the data 1s measure of a teacher's compe­ some type should be 1ntrod uced to dent mput and analys1s should be for academ1c afla1rs 10 the col­ important for the 1mprovcmcntof tency.
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