Rob Stokes eMarketing The Essential Guide to Online Marketing textbook final layout.indd 2-1 6/30/08 7:03:49 AM advance quotes about eMarketng: the essential guide to online marketing “Qurk’s eMarketng handbook covers all the most mportant concepts whch are necessary for eMarketng excellence today. I would hghly recommend t as both a study gude and a practtoner’s reference manual. Congratulatons to the QurkStars on all the thought, research and work that has obvously gone nto ths.” Dave Duarte, founder and drector of Nomadc Marketng, UCT Graduate School of Busness “WOW! It s an nspraton to see such a well wrtten and truly essental gude to onlne marketng beng wrtten by South Afrcans! eMarketng: The Essental Gude to Onlne Marketng should be read and referenced by every smart marketer who s dealng wth the complcated world of eMarketng.” Bronwen Auret, Onlne Marketng Specalst, South Afrcan Toursm “The perfect startng pont for anyone enterng the world of onlne marketng…. truly mpressve.” Stafford Mase, Country Manager, Google South Afrca “I’ve known Qurk for many years and t’s very exctng to see all ther experence dstlled nto ths textbook. Furthermore, ther contrbuton to Open Educaton by lcensng ths book under Creatve Commons s an ntatve I strongly support. Read ths book.” Scott Gray, Interactve Marketng, BMW South Afrca textbook final layout.indd 2-3 6/30/08 7:03:49 AM eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing By Rob Stokes Compled by Sarah Blake Frst publshed 2008 by Qurk eMarketng (Pty) Ltd. © Copyrght 2008 Qurk eMarketng (Pty) Ltd. Ths book s publshed under the Creatve Commons Attrbuton-Noncommercal-No Dervatve Works 3.0 Unported Lcense. Ths means that you can share and dstrbute ths work and you can even modfy t, as long as you do not use t for commercal gan, you share all modficatons and you credt Qurk eMarketng (Pty) Ltd. For more nformaton, you can vst www.creatvecommons.org or www.qurk.bz/emarketngtextbook. ISBN: 978-0-620-41135-6 Book desgn and typesettng by Solveg Bosch. Cover llustraton nspred by Crag Raw and eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing desgn and llustraton by Peter Lehto. by Rob Stokes We’ve used the font DIN n ths book and t s prnted n South Afrca on recycled paper by Shuman Prnters (www.shumanprnters.com). compled by Sarah Blake Trademarks All terms or names used n ths book that are known to be trademarks or servce marks have been approprately captalsed. Qurk eMarketng (Pty) Ltd cannot attest to the accuracy of ths nformaton. Use of a term n ths book should not be regarded as affectng the valdty of any trademark or servce mark. We have also made every effort to obtan permsson for and to acknowledge copyrght materal. Should any nfrngement of copyrght have occurred, please contact us and every effort wll be made to rectfy omssons or errors n the event of a reprnt or new edton. You can contact us on [email protected]. Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make ths book as complete and accurate as possble, but no warrantes regardng ts contents, whether fact, speculaton or opnon, are made nor s fitness for any use mpled. The nformaton provded s on an “as s” bass. The author, compler and Qurk eMarketng (Pty) Ltd shall have nether lablty nor responsblty to any person or entty wth respect to any loss or damages arsng from the nformaton contaned n ths book. Full detals of Qurk eMarketng (Pty) Ltd may be obtaned va ts web ste (www.qurk.bz) or may be requested drectly at [email protected]. v v textbook final layout.indd 4-5 6/30/08 7:03:50 AM preface When I started Qurk almost 10 years ago, t was yet another one of my crazy Snce Qurk’s ncepton, we have been steadly buldng a huge amount of nformatve entrepreneural adventures. I had lttle dea back then of what Qurk would grow content around the varous elements of onlne marketng. Ths turned nto our nto today. eMarketng 101 seres, almost a mn verson of ths book. When I read about the Open Educaton Declaraton n September 2007, I knew exactly what Qurk should do. We There are key moments that stand out for me as havng shaped Qurk. I could count needed to take all our knowledge, experence and educatonal content and create a the jonng of Crag Raw and Janne Carpenter and the experences learned n buldng textbook that we could share wth the world by lcensng t under Creatve Commons. our first emal applcaton n the early days of Qurk as two of them. But there s one The Open Educaton Declaraton was sgned n Cape Town and t ams to accelerate ncdent that started a journey for me personally; n 2001 a fantastc man named Coln efforts to promote open educatonal resources, technology and teachng practces. Palmer nvted me to gve a talk on emal marketng at a Drect Marketng Assocaton Qurk has always been an agency whch s fanatcal about Open Source technology, breakfast. It was my first real publc speakng experence and I was scared wtless, but and ths seemed a perfect fit. It’s almost a culmnaton of everythng we stand for as I had a lot of fun. an organsaton. But t was Coln’s next nvtaton when the educaton bug really bt me. He nvted me So here we are wth a book that I’m terrbly proud of. It’s been much harder than we to lecture to hs thrd year Busness Scence Marketng students at the Unversty of thought to put t together wth many late nghts and mssed deadlnes, but every mnute Cape Town I had been n that very class only two years before, so I began the lecture has been worth t. In partcular I should pont out the treless work of the lovely Sarah wth mxture of nerves and exctement. Two thngs happened at the end of the lecture Blake. Wthout her ths book could not have come together lke t has. Not only dd she that changed me. The first was the questons from the students. Some were easy, but wrte a huge amount of t, but she has been nstrumental n ensurng that we can make some really challenged me and I found myself havng to thnk n ways I ddn’t expect. ths contrbuton to educaton wth the confidence that we are dong somethng of the The second was a student who came up to me and thanked me for the lecture, and told hghest qualty. me she had learned somethng valuable. That s stll one of the greatest experences I have ever had. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank my team and everyone who has helped to make ths dea a realty. I’ve been nvolved wth many exctng clents and projects over Sadly, Coln passed away a few years later, but I learned a huge amount from hm n the lfetme of Qurk, but I can honestly say ths s the project I am most proud of. Ths the tme that I knew hm and for that I am very grateful. He showed me how rewardng book s a dstllaton of all of Qurk’s knowledge and to be able to offer t to all wthout t s to gve someone knowledge; t was enlghtenng. Thank you, Coln. boundares and lmtatons s a prvlege. I can only hope that others follow across all spheres of educaton and understandng. I beleve educaton s the one thng that can From that day on I was hooked. I am passonate about onlne marketng and I wanted change the world and n partcular my South Afrca. It’s up to those wth knowledge to to tell the world and have them share my passon. Ths has led me to all manner of do what they can to put t n the hands of others. teachng experences, from awesome post graduate marketng schools lke Red and Yellow n Cape Town, to conferences on the other sde of the planet. Please enjoy our book and share t wth others… Over the years, Qurk has become a busy agency and unfortunately my tme has Rob Stokes become more and more scarce. Ths has meant I’ve been able to embrace fewer of the teachng and speakng opportuntes than I would have wanted. Thankfully I seem to have nfected many of the QurkStars to carry the torch wthout me and Qurk has become a company where we are all passonate about sharng our knowledge. v v textbook final layout.indd 6-7 6/30/08 7:03:50 AM The Cape Town Open Educaton Declaraton s the product of a meetng n Cape Town of a coalton of educators, foundatons, and Internet poneers n September 2007. The meetng was organsed by the Open Socety Insttute and the Shuttleworth Foundaton. Lnux entrepreneur ve Commons ve Mark Shuttleworth sad, “Open sourcng educaton doesn’t just make learnng more accessble, t makes t more collaboratve, flexble and locally relevant.” The Declaraton’s prncples of openness n educaton and the sharng of knowledge resonate strongly wth us. To show our commtment to the Open Educaton Declaraton, all of the contents of ths textbook are freely avalable, as are supportng materals for lecturers and for students. We know how and the Creat quckly thngs change when t comes to the Internet, so we are commtted to regular updates of ths resource.
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