LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 26th February 2013 Report of Contact Officer: Ward: Enfield Assistant Director - Planning, Aled Richards Tel: 020 8379 3857 Highway Highways & Transportation Andy Higham Tel: 020 8379 3848 Mr S. Newton Tel: 020 8379 3851 Application Number : P12-02803PLA Category: General Industry/Storage/Warehousing LOCATION: 33, JEFFREYS ROAD, ENFIELD, EN3 7PW PROPOSAL: Erection of a two-storey detached analytical laboratory building to south of site with a furnace and extract flues to approx. height of 23m. Applicant Name & Address: Agent Name & Address: Johnson Matthey Nick Yeates, 33, JEFFREYS ROAD, Yeates Design LLP ENFIELD, 74, Clerkenwell Road EN3 7PW London EC1M 5QA RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions. Application No:- P12-02803PLA BRAITHWAITE ROAD BRAITHWAITE ROAD LB 1 Depot Redburn House Depot 6 Leaside Ind Estate Tks E U N FB E V A N O S I L L O M P P P P P WB T a n k s Depot Hoppers s nk Ta Works Tanks T a n k s Depot J E Depot F F R E Y S Tank R Depot O A D Tanks Works 1 3 Tank Tank Foot Bridge WB Tank Riverwalk Business 3 Park 2 Works 6 2 Tanks 5 2 Crane Works 3 3 4 Works 2 El Sub Sta L Twr RIVERWALK ROAD Depot 1 2 El Sub Sta 1 8 7 3 Riverwalk Business Park 1 6 1 1 5 1 9 3 2 1 7 1 1 2 14.6m D A O R S Y 0 E 1 8 6 R F F E J L Twr 9 11 Trafalgar Trading Estate Posts Depot 4 1 L Twr SM Works 7 Development Control 0 1 2 300m Scale - 1:2500 Time of plot: 12:19 Date of plot: 12/02/2013 © Crown copyright. London Borough of Enfield LA086363,2003 1. Site and Surroundings 1.1 The application site is an area of land within the Johnson Matthey precious metal refinery site in the Brimsdown Industrial Area. The Brimsdown site houses the platinum group business of Johnson Matthey, a recycling business which reclaims platinum group metals from items such as catalytic converters and mobile phones. 1.2 The application site is near to the main security entrance for the wider site and is also adjacent to the security entrance. 1.3 The site itself is currently vacant and enclosed by hoardings, as it previously contained an analytical laboratory which was burned down in a fire in April 2011. 1.4 Along the eastern boundary of the Johnson Matthey facility is the recently developed Riverwalk Business Park, which comprises of x7 large units for use within B1, B2 and B8 Use Class. The land upon which these building were erected previously belonged to Johnson Matthey. 1.5 Beyond the Riverwalk Business Park, is the River Lee Navigation and beyond this, the Chingford Reservoirs, which are within the Lee Valley Regional Park and Green Belt. 1.6 The site is access via Jeffreys Road, which in turn connects with Mollison Avenue, a classified road. 2. Proposal 2.1 Permission is sought for the erection of a two-storey detached analytical laboratory building to south of site. 2.2 The proposed building will have a maximum length of approximately 48m, 32.6m wide, 9.4m in height to the top of a flat roof and 10.25m in height to the top of a handrail screen. Furnace and extract flues, which will be centrally sited near to the southern edge of the roof, will project a further 13m above the handrail screen. 2.3 The proposed building will have two component elements, that is, the main part of the building, which will have a gross internal area (GIA) of 2312.9sqm (ground floor 1174.6sqm, first floor 1138.3sqm), and which would accommodate x6 operational laboratories, sampling and furnace rooms, plant area, staff facilities, meeting rooms and offices. The second element, which will have a GIA of approximately 280sqm will contain plant rooms. 2.4 A biodiverse roof and some landscaping is proposed. 3. Relevant Planning Decisions 3.1 There is an extensive planning history relating to the site. The most relevant are considered to be the following: 3.2 TP/06/1066 - Erection of two buildings providing 6No. units, with 8700m2 gross floor area, for use within Classes B1, B2 and B8 with associated loading bays, parking and vehicular access from new road to be known as Riverwalk Road. – granted with conditions 20 July 2006. 3.3 TP/06/2239 - Erection of two buildings providing 10 No. units, with a maximum of 8,995 m2 gross floor area, for use within Classes B1 (business), B2 (general industry) and B8 (storage/distribution) with associated offices at mezzanine level, loading bays, cycle and car parking and vehicular access from new road to be known as Riverwalk Road. – granted with conditions on 20 February 2007. 3.4 TP/07/1413 - Erection of 2 units comprising 4,358sqm for use for any purpose within Classes B1, B2 and/or B8 (Business, General Industry or Storage/Distribution) together with ancillary service yards and parking accessed from Riverwalk Road. (Phase 2) – granted with conditions 28 September 2007. 3.5 P12-01077PLA - demolition of east end of block 20 and erection of a single storey extension to provide a 12m high building with integral crane 4. Consultations 4.1 Statutory and non-statutory consultees 4.1.1 The Environment Agency The Environment Agency advises that they are pleased to note the inclusion of a brown roof and a landscaped strip, although consideration should be given to using permeable paving around the building. There are no objections subject to the imposition of conditions to ensure the protection of groundwater. 4.1.2 Environmental Health It has been advised that there are no objections to the development. 4.1.3 English Heritage (GLAAS) The Archaeology Advisor considers that due to the limited groundwork involved, there is no need for archaeological intervention. 4.1.4 Traffic & Transportation No objections are raised. 4.1.5 Economic Development The following comments have been received: 'This proposed replacement analytical laboratory would help to anchor this major local employer and successful FTSE 100 business with a long established history in Enfield. It would also provide a fantastic working environment in an impressive modern, sustainable building and would be a very welcome stunning, yet elegant, feature to an industrial estate which is currently otherwise predominantly home to metal clad sheds. We would ask that best endeavours are used to engage local construction contractors and sub - contractors to undertake the works and am pleased that, in principle, 4 apprentices are to be engaged during the construction phase. This positive action together with the potential additional 15 skilled analysts to be employed in the laboratory upon completion is to be welcomed and is seen as a most meaningful commitment to the area.' 4.1.6 British Waterways (BW) It has been advised that the development falls outside of the notified area for its application scale. Therefore, there is no requirement to consult with BW. 4.1.7 Natural England Natural England advises that the site is in close proximity to the Chingford Reservoirs Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). However, given the nature and scale of this proposal, Natural England is satisfied that there is not likely to be an adverse effect on this site as a result of the proposal being carried out in strict accordance with the details of the application as submitted. Natural England therefore advises that this SSSI does not represent a constraint in determining the application, however should the details of this application change, Natural England will need to be re-notified in accordance with Section 28(I) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). 4.2 Public response 4.2.1 No comments have been received. 5. Relevant Policy 5.1 Local Development Framework CP13: Promoting economic prosperity CP14: Safeguarding Strategic Industrial Locations CP16: Taking part in economic success and improving skills CP20: Sustainable energy use and energy infrastructure CP21: Delivering sustainable water supply, drainage and sewerage infrastructure CP22: Delivering sustainable waste management CP24: The road network CP25 Pedestrians and cyclists CP26: Public transport CP30: Maintaining and improving the quality of the built and open environment CP31: Built and landscape heritage CP32: Pollution CP36: Biodiversity CP40: North east Enfield CP46: Infrastructure contributions 5.2 Saved UDP Policies (II)E13 Opportunities for attainment of measures arising from B1, B2 & B8 proposals (II)E15 Noise generated by industrial and warehouse premises (II)GD3 Aesthetics and functional design (II)GD6 Traffic (II)GD8 Site access and servicing (II)T20 To give full consideration to the needs of cyclists 5.3 The London Plan Policy 2.17 Strategic Industrial Locations Policy 4.1 Developing London’s economy Policy 4.4 Managing industrial land and premises Policy 5.1 Climate change mitigation Policy 5.2 Minimising carbon dioxide emissions Policy 5.3 Sustainable design and construction Policy 5.4 Retrofitting Policy 5.5 Decentralised energy networks Policy 5.6 Decentralised energy in development proposals Policy 5.7 Renewable energy Policy 5.8 Innovative energy technologies Policy 5.9 Overheating and cooling Policy 5.10 Urban greening Policy 5.12 Flood risk management Policy 5.13 Sustainable drainage Policy 5.16 Waste self-sufficiency Policy 5.17 Waste capacity Policy 5.18 Construction, excavation and demolition waste Policy 5.19 Hazardous waste Policy 5.21 Contaminated land Policy 6.3 Assessing the effects of development on transport capacity Policy 6.9 Cycling Policy 6.12 Road network capacity Policy 6.13 Parking Policy 7.1 Building London’s neighbourhoods and communities Policy 7.2 An inclusive environment Policy 7.3 Designing out crime Policy 7.4 Local character Policy 7.14 Improving air quality Policy 7.15 Reducing noise and enhancing soundscapes Policy 7.19 Biodiversity and access to nature Policy 7.20 Geological Conservation Policy 8.2 Planning obligations 5.4 North East Enfield Area Action Plan Interim Direction Document 5.4.1 The North East Enfield Area Action Plan (NEEAAP) Issues and Options Report was issued in 2008.
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