STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EDITION OF 2019 Approved for June 1, 2019 Andy Barber, P.E. State Highway Engineer KYTC Mission Statement: To provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound and fiscally responsible transportation system that delivers economic opportunity and enhances the quality of life in Kentucky. Copies of this publication may be obtained from: Transportation Cabinet Office of Human Resource Management Organizational Management Branch 200 Mero Street, 6th Floor West Frankfort, KY 40622 (502) 564-4610 i TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 100 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 101 Definitions and Terms 102 Bidding Requirements and Conditions 103 Award and Execution of Contract 104 Scope of Work 105 Control of Work 106 Control of Materials 107 Legal Relations and Responsibility to Public 108 Prosecution and Progress 109 Measurement and Payment 110 Mobilization and Demobilization 111 Value Engineering Change Proposal 112 Maintenance and Control of Traffic During Construction 113 Quality Assurance Program DIVISION 200 - EARTHWORK 201 Staking 202 Clearing and Grubbing 203 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 204 Roadway and Drainage Excavation 205 Borrow and Excess Excavation Sites 206 Embankment 207 Subgrade 208 Chemically Stabilized Roadbed 209 Ditching and Shouldering 210 Embankment Drainage Blankets 211 Final Dressing 212 Erosion Control 213 Water Pollution Control 214 Geotextile Construction 215 Treatment of Open Sinkholes 216 Settlement Platforms DIVISION 300 - AGGREGATE BASE COURSES 301 Traffic-Bound Base 302 Dense Graded Aggregate Base (DGA) and Crushed Stone Base (CSB) 303 Pavement Drainage Blanket 304 Geogrid Reinforcement for Subgrade and Aggregate Base Courses ii DIVISION 400 - ASPHALT PAVEMENTS 401 Asphalt Mixing Plant Requirements 402 Control and Acceptance of Asphalt Mixtures 403 Production and Placement of Asphalt Mixtures 404 Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC) 405 Asphalt Seal Coat 406 Asphalt Curing Seal and Asphalt Prime and Tack Coats 407 Asphalt Mixture for Pavement Wedge 408 Asphalt Pavement Milling and Texturing 409 Asphalt Mixture Using Reclaimed Materials 410 Asphalt Pavement Ride Quality 411 Asphalt Wedge Curbs and Mountable Medians 412 Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) 413 Microsurfacing DIVISION 500 - PCC PAVEMENT AND NON-STRUCTURAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 501 JPC Pavement, PCC Base, and JPC Shoulders 502 Dowel Bar and Tie Bar Placement 503 Diamond Grinding JPC Pavement 504 Breaking and Seating JPC Pavement 505 Concrete Sidewalks, Steps, and Entrance Pavements 506 Concrete Curbs and Gutters 507 Concrete Mountable Median and Standard Barrier Median 508 Permanent Concrete Median Barriers 509 Temporary Concrete Median Barriers 510 Sealing and Patching Concrete with Epoxy Resin 511 Grouting and Epoxy Bond Coat 512 Hook Bolts with Expansion Anchors DIVISION 600 - STRUCTURES AND CONCRETE 601 Concrete 602 Steel Reinforcement 603 Foundation Preparation and Backfill 604 Bearing Piles 605 Prestressed and Precast Concrete Products 606 Bridge Restoration and Waterproofing with Concrete Overlays 607 Structural Steel Bridges 608 Concrete Bridges 609 Reinforced Concrete Bridge Slabs 610 Concrete Box Culverts and Concrete Headwalls 611 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Sections 612 Structural Plate Soil Interaction Structures 613 Retaining Walls 614 Maintenance Cleaning and Painting Steel Bridges iii DIVISION 700 - DRAINAGE, TRAFFIC, AND ROADSIDE CONSTRUCTION 701 Culvert Pipe, Entrance Pipe, Storm Sewer Pipe, and Equivalents 702 Slotted Drain Pipe 703 Slope Protection and Channel Lining 704 Underdrains 705 Cored Hole Drainage Box Connector 706 Encasement Pipe 707 Tunnels by Use of Steel Liner Plates 708 Filling and Capping, Safeloading, and Plugging Abandoned Underground Structures 709 Flume Inlets and Paved Ditches 710 Small Drainage Structures 711 Prefabricated Vertical Wick Drains 712 Pavement Markers 713 Permanent Pavement Striping 714 Durable Pavement Striping 715 Panel Traffic Signs 716 Roadway Lighting Systems 717 Intersection Markings 718 Object Markers 719 Guardrail 720 Metal Handrails 721 Fence 722 Removing, Resetting, or Replacing Fence 723 Signal Systems 724 Planting Vines, Shrubs, and Trees 725 Crash Cushions 726 Right-of-Way Monuments DIVISION 800 - MATERIALS DETAILS 801 Cement 802 Admixtures for Concrete 803 Water 804 Fine Aggregates 805 Coarse Aggregates 806 Asphalt Materials 807 Joint Materials 808 Waterproofing Materials 809 Structural Plates for Pipes, Pipe Arches, and Arches 810 Pipe and Pipe Arches 811 Steel Reinforcement 812 Structural Steels 813 Miscellaneous Metals 814 Guardrail Systems 815 Geogrid Reinforcement 816 Woven-Wire Fencing Materials iv 817 Chain Link Fencing Materials 818 Wood Products 819 Tunnel Lining Materials 820 Timber Poles 821 Structural Coatings 822 Elastomeric Bearing Pads 823 Concrete Curing Materials 824 Masonry Materials 825 De-Icers 826 Epoxy Resin Systems 827 Erosion Control Materials 828 Masonry Coating Materials 829 Hardware for Timber Structures 830 Retroreflective Materials 831 Construction Zone Temporary Marking Tapes 832 Sign Posts 833 Sign Substrates 834 Lighting 835 Electrical Traffic Control Devices 836 Durable Preformed Pavement Markings Type I Tape 837 Extruded Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Materials 838 Flexible Delineator Posts 839 KY Type I Glass Beads 840 Pavement Markers 841 Latex Admixture 842 Pavement Striping Paint 843 Geotextile Fabrics 844 Mineral Admixtures for Concrete 845 Fabric Wrapped Backfill Drain Materials 846 Durable Waterborne Paint Appendix A Tabulation of Construction Tolerances Appendix B Index v DIVISION 100 GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 101 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 101.01 GENERAL. These Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction are written to the bidder, before the award of the Contract, and to the Contractor after award. The sentences which direct the Contractor to perform work are written in active voice- imperative mood. These directions to the Contractor are written as commands. For example, a requirement to provide cold weather protection would be expressed as, “Provide cold-weather protection for concrete,” rather than “The Contractor shall provide cold weather protection for concrete.” In the imperative mood, the subject “the bidder” or “the Contractor” is understood. All other requirements to be performed by others have been written in active voice. Sentences written in active voice identify the party responsible for performing the action. For example, “The Engineer will determine the density of the compacted material.” Certain requirements of the Contractor may also be written in active voice, rather than active voice- imperative mood. Sentences that define terms, describe a product or desired result, or describe a condition that may exist are not written in either active voice or imperative mood. These types of sentences that describe a condition use verbs requiring no action. For example, “The characteristics of the soils actually encountered in the subgrade may affect the quality of cement and depth of treatment necessary.” 101.02 ABBREVIATIONS. The following abbreviations, when used in the Contract, represent the full text shown. AAN American Association of Nurserymen AAR Association of American Railroads AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ADA American with Disabilities Act ADT Average Daily Traffic ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACPA American Concrete Pavement Association ACI American Concrete Institute AGC Associated General Contractors of America AI Asphalt Institute AIA American Institute of Architects AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AN Advance Notification ANSI American National Standards Institute APD Appalachian Development Highway System Program APWA American Public Works Program AQ Air Quality AQR Air Quality Report ARTIMIS Advanced Regional Traffic Interactive Management and Information System ARA American Railway Association AREA American Railway Engineering Association AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association ASA American Standards Association (now ANSI) ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects AST Above Ground Storage Tank System ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATSSA American Traffic Safety Services Association AVL Automatic Vehicle Location 101-1 AWPA American Wood Preservers’ Association AWWA American Water Works Association AWS American Welding Society BA Biological Assessment BDR Bridge Development Report BHR Bridge Hydraulics Report BMP Best Management Practices BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics CAAA Clean Air Act Amendment (1990) CAD Certified Agricultural District CADD Computer Aided Drawing and Design CAP Communicating All Promises CBD Central Business District CDE Chief District Engineer CE Categorical Exclusion CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CIO Chief Information Officer CMAQ Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement Program CMS Changeable Message Sign CO Carbon Monoxide COA Class of Action COE US Army Corps of Engineers CORS Continuously Operating Reference Stations CR County Road CRA Cultural Resource Assessment CSRP Conceptual Stage Relocation Plan CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CTP Comprehensive Transportation Plan CVO Commercial Vehicle Operations DAQ KNREPC, Division for Air Quality
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