THE WEATHER Feieeoat ef 0. 8. Watber BnMNN, Hartford ndr. colder In central and east pertkms tmright; Friday partly liamlirBtrr lEiirning eleady. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS'^ ASTMtMag Ml rage u.). MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934. MONARCH IS NEEDED CONTINUE NRA PRESIDENT TO WORK FOR YEAR, SAY TO WAGE U. S. WARS j TRAM CHIEFS WITH BUSINESS HEADS -A LABOR TROUBLES Snggest That It Be Not State G. O. P. Leaders Ready to Examine Op Ito TOCLOSEPLANT Forced Upon Industry But Merits Program for R^ Be Accepted as Voluntary Study Foe*s Dispute co?ery Agreed Upon ky Loyal Employees Get An Ex- Action. Captams of Industry — Hartford, Dec. 20.— (A P)—Speedy•!> Developments, however, were said tra Week’s Pay Before the action by Republican leaders to to depend on the attitude of the Washington, Dee. 20.—(AP) — White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., take advantage' ot their strategic eight Senators who t’lough voting Governors Score Plan to position resulting from the break Irenee Du Pont told the Senate Dec. 20.— (AP)—America’s "big against Senator William E . munitions committee today "the Shutdown. between Governor Cross and the business” dispatched Its suggestions Old Guard bloc of Democratic Sen- Hagearty for the party leadership Place Relief Barden On only way to wage n war la to have today to President Roosevelt for ators was reported as Inevitable to- supported Raymond J. Devlin and Joseph P. Cooney, nominated for an absolute Monarch at the head of Soutbbridge, Moss., Dec. *20.- "the revival of the normal process- day. the government.” Though no Republican was able president pro tempore and clerk, States. (AP)—An extra week’s pay—gift of es of industry and trade,” decided respectively. If these eight are The powder manufacturer made upon In three days of intensive to state at this time that his party the Hamilton Woolen Compaiiy to Its was preparing moves enabling it to bound by the action of the caucus this observation while being ques- study by some 90 prominent execu- and refuse to repudiate the slate (Copyrisht. 19S4 by Associated Press) tioned about the advb<ablUty of con- loyal employes—today helped keep tives. o'ganize the Senate, there was talk of Immediate neg-'tlations with va- under any conditions, tbe Republic- Washington, Dec. 20 — (AP) — scripting Industry in time of war. alive the C%ri8tnuLii spirit dimmed The 11-polnt report which will be ans will be forced either to seek the Du Pont added that conscription by the recommendation of the mill’s presented possibly today was draft- rious elements. President Roosevelt was pictured , Three courses are now said to be aid of the Socialists or deal with of industry would bring "a terrible directors that the oompeny be ed by such leaders at John J. Ras- the Old Guard. by high authorities today .as ready amount of lost motion and con- liquidated. kob. a former Democratic National open to the Republicans. They can Battered by a fierce storm, the crew of the British steam-ship Usworth seek an agreement with the three Old Guard leaders were assuming to examine "on Its merits” the pro- fusion." It was, perhap.s, the final pay day clung to the foundering vessel, scanning a leaden horizon for the rescue committee chairman and now a di- that the caucus action was binding gram for recovery which captains "We will have a hell of a time In for the 670 workers who remained rector in General Motors; Henry 1. Socialists, which, if reached, would ships. The S. S. Ascania hove to and sent out a lifeboat that took off give the two groups a majority of and that no Democratic Senator of industry are bringing here after case of war, whatever the system," at their looms during the recent nine men. Here the return of the lifeboat over swelling seas is shown Hacriman, president of the (Cham- would rescind his caucus vote. Un- Du Pont testified, standing with his ber of Commerce; Owen D. Young, eighteen Senators. They can com- three days’ conference at White strike. in a picture snapped from the Ascanla’s <leck. Fourteen were drowned bine with the Old Guard Democrats less Governor Cross pressed them pipe in his left hand. Last night, after an all-day meet- when a boat from the S. S. Jean Jabot capsized. General Electric Company, and C. to Join him In some other arrange- Sulphur Springs. L. Bardo and Robert L. Lund, chiefs In a division of the patronage spoils ing in Bokton, the board of directors Including . committee assignments ment, perhaps with a group of Re- The opirlon expressed in official PROBE INCXIME TAXES announced it had voted to recom- of the National Association of publicans unwilling to deal with the quarters was that the President Manufacturers. and Senate officers, or they can Washington, Dec. 20.—(AP) — mend the liquidation of the company seek an arrangement with Gover- Old Guard, it was considered un- would be glad to receive any “co- The Senate munitions committee and hod arranged to. call a sp^ial The National Industrial Recovery nor Cross and his Senitc group to likely that Devlin or Cooney would operative suggestions" from busi- said today it had under scrutiny the meeting of the stockholders. Act furnished most of tbe argu- freeze out both the Goclallsta and lose any of the seventeen votes In ness, labor, farmers and other MOB BURNS COURTHOUSE; ments. The conference’s position on hiB party. groups, as he puts bis Ideas on war-time Income tax returns o. There have been three strikes at Old Guard. Hugh S. Johnson, the late Alexan- the mill since last summer, the most It was the last to be adopted. More paper for the Congress meeting than 1,000 of the approximately 4,- der Legge, Joseph F. Ouffey, Sena- recent ending when Richard Lenni- January 3. 000-word report dealt with this Many commentetors viewed the tor-elect from Pennsylvania and han, president of the corporation de- clared the plant "permanently clos- TWO KILLED IN RIOTING knotty problem for the Industrial- platform of tbe "Business Confer- others who held high positions dur- ists, who "compromised” the stand ing the conflict. ed owing to labor troubles.” ence for Recovery” as conciliatory The Hamilton inills have an an- of the more outspoken leaders by BANDITS HOLD UP 60; In tone, although clashing In cer- Meanwhile, it continued an In- recommending its continuemee for a tain respecte with ideas of some quiry into the destruction of Income nual payroll of |1,(X)0,000 and em- Troops Ordered Out to Pre- ploy one fifth of the town’s 6,000 ATLANTICSTORMS year, with the suggestion that it high New Dealers and with some tax returns of high war time gov- workers. not be fo~ced upon Industries but New Deal trends. ernment officials, with Senator rather be accepted by “voluntary ESCAPE WITH $40,000 While the White House, awaited Clark (D., Mo.) sajrlng there was Little Hope Left vent Lynchmg of Negro, action.’’ ot There was still hope, however, HOLD UP LINERS a copy of the platform the 90 ‘’nothing out of the ordinary" about C. B. Ames, chairman of the con- business leaders, expected to be the procedure. that the stockholders might vote ference, and George Mead, chair- brought here today or tomorrow by against liquidation. Chairman of the Fire Into Crowds— Town d ark, a member of the commit- man of NRA’s Industrial advisory Two of Those Held Up Bee-1 S T A T E R E S I D E N T S C. B. Ames and George Mead, sev- Southbridge Selectmen, J. Edouard board, are to present a more com- eral New Dealers on Cfipitol HiU tee, presented an explanation from Demers, sold town officials would plete report than the summary re- the Internal Revenue Bureau which Quiet Today. Gales Over the North Atlan- took shots at the progfntm. Many not give up until the final action was leased to tbe President. ognize Leader as Escaped IN BIG RFC SUIT Including high Republicans, with- destroyed the records. taken. He said the town was In ex- The report Includes: “I am advUed,” d ark said, "there held comment for the time. cdlent financial condition and there Bhelbyville, Tenn., Dec. 20.— (AP) tic Hold Back Many Relief: Not properly a function Many governors, noting the busi- was nothing out of the ordinary of the Federal government x x x Shyer— Employes Being —Six hundred National Guardsmen ness men's suggestion that the re- routine for returns of an earlier (OsnttaMd Page Two) Steamers Dne Today. with retu-n to the states as soon as lief burden should be returned to year to be In existence and returns marched Into town today after dis- practicable of the burden, x x x The Paid Off. Stockholders in Chicago the states, said the time for that for later years not to be In ex- orders of the past 24 hours In which creation of pub>lc works for the was not yet arrived. Some assailed istence.” . the court bouse was burned and two p rpose of providing relief Invites the proposal. For inatanee, Gover- d ark sxplalned ft was not the men were killed In a racial out- London, Dec. 20— (AP) — Gales waste and definitely defers a bal- Bank Are Defendants Over Philadelphia, Dec. 20.—-(AP)—A nor Bryan of Nebrasl;a called ' it bureau’s practice in any case to 's- MOTHER ASKS LIFE break. over the North Atlantic flung up anced budget. "unfair and unpatriotic." stioy returns about which tt e The troops were ordered here by further barriers for shipping today, Unemployment Reserves: We robber band of five, one of whom Tbe capita] noted with Interest might be further dispute.
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