=?®f? •?iiw r’,.y:"r;\Jf k - »<- ■'1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, iVti • :,n PAGS FOBfnMX>UR iianrI|^Bti?r Sttrnins Ifi^rtilb m Most Manchester Stores Open U n til 9 0 *Clock • '4 t Z:.yb, 1 A b o u t T ow n MeskiU Makes It Real; Taday. • - ««•»«»•• - - b*ll« • . ^ School Board Denies C iw m i S a it. Sow 30e 66 Va Roloii. >\ i ' VI H m liu ter’s dub will preside Lottery Number The Weather for tito Felloworoft degree at New Song Is Official • Showers, possibly few heavy ntenUhlp Lo4ge of Ifaaons to­ Three Grievances 74500 thunderstorms with strong, morrow at 7:S0 p.m. at the Ma­ The Board of Education Monday night heard three Ha r t f o r d ( a p ) — G ov. ^ gusty wijuls likely tonight; low f y sonic Tratple . Walter Bedford, grievances during the regular meeting. ^ were denied ^ near -70. Showers ending FYlday And no matter where I raam leg ^ 017) Page 8 Tice president, wiU proside. NOW of LAMB «UounaM «t. SSL in forenoon; Mgh about 85. Dress for the presiding team is I lore tha hills of my Oon- Mancheater^A City o f ViUage Charm hnstnees suits, and for lodge nacUcut, Windsor, retained 'by the Man- niust be submitted to the Board M!SM~SSBiwme ************ **** officers, summer formala. Conneotlout, my home. DO YOU t *^*****^ •«“*•*• **** “** M es^s^oice of tha song VOla XCI, NO. 218 (THIRTY.TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1972 (Oasslfled Advertising on Page St) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS said that he represented a^ t the second. .^tten yaars ago by tha late TVyouta for the Summer Teen 00 teachers who felt that their _____ ___ OooMnunlty Players' production rieaktn said that tha ------- supervldon^ ^er-achool ^jh adminjatratora calls n^^ed'b^'^weelT Stage II Opens of "Tou're a Oood M i^ Chariie UvlOes Trtt^ compen^ra ^ governor's selection eap- Brown," will be held tonight was discriminatory. He argued Coffee House To Roast Leg of Lamb from 8 to 10 at the Nike Site creaae the first year and five ^ ,tata song contest which that the nature of the assign­ per cent the second, with no produced no contenders ca- Rub Lamb with lemon Juice, *Teen Center. Take Kenney St. ment, rather than the time, - »_ UAU w^neaw — The Stage n Oottea House, at to Garden Orore Dr. and follow cost-of-Uv^ clauses. TOe o| vrtnnlng the approval Manchester Grera In the for- saaspn with salt and pepper. should determine compensa­ agreemenc between the ooara ^ state aits commissloii^s Besslnl Bros. buU<Ung» Is the signs to the Teen Center. tion. R oa st in op en pan in 800* Another Jetliner The agreement between the P««^ «* >‘***^ openlTff tomorrow night and will oven. Roast a i to 7% Ib. The Ftailosopheia Open For­ boardhnarri and teacnerateachers states matthat same***■ **thealth benefits given to ahead andrvameetieut'' picked "Theanv- be <^n every Thursday night, T.amh Leg approximately from 8 to midnight. Featuring um will meet tomorrow at JO ••Miirftt'inght duties,diiHea weekend assign­aasin- teachers. “ *** “ ^ oonnecucul any* houre. Bigelow St., Bast Hartford. Ed­ ments, and vacation assign­ w ay. individual m u s i c i a n s and ward Peach of CaUfornla, who In other bustneas, the board: his executive order Issued groups, it offers folk musie and ments, such as dances, rallies, —Adopted a school pcdicy to TViesday said: “It la appro- writes occult books under the and athletic events, shall be free coffee for a 80 cents ad- implemenit Public Act 216 on j^iate our state • have a n _______ ________________ ALL WHITE HEAT name of f^ihlel, will q>eak. Hie mlssion charge for young adult* Down in Orient considered exclu^ve of the IJINDO* LAKES chUd abuse, which defines key offiolal state aong to be played q| the M anch^er area, oTMit is <^>en to the public. school day." words and criteria for severe jp OonnecUeut's homes, at offi- Appearing at tomorrow's open- Wilson E. Deakin Jr., assis­ by RICHARD PVLB provincial town bt Cheo Reo in But military sources later said negleot and establlahes guide- occasions, and at na- ing will be Mark Staknls; the Turlwy Roll Ihe Sunset dub will meet tant superintendent of schools Associated Press Writer the highlands. all the wreckage apparently lines for procedures to effect tional and intarnational funo- trib of Dave i-urMon, Jamie Si OB. Froaen Friday at 1:90 p.m. at the Sen­ for personnel, commented that SAIGON (AP) __ A Cathay fYh® crash was first an- was of the Convair. the ptdicy. tlons." Olcott and Lois Steele; and Joe ior dUsens Crater. Members the arbitratora removed after­ Pacific Jetliner with 82 persona nounced in Hong Kong by civil After double checking, the are reminded to bring canned sch ool events fro m the 1971-72 —Authorised Allan Che^i> ijhg giovenior, a graduate of Hogan and his Hull House p k g . 3 .9 8 aboard crashed In South tfiet- “If officials. They said the u.S. Air Force In Saigon said ton, dlreotor of state and fed- lyiwity College, his Group. agreement wording. He added nam’s remote central highlands Cathay Pacific plane was over- all American aircraft were ac- foods for a kitchen social. eral funds for Manchester, to that he felt "The wording was search for a state aong after •» today, apparently after coming du* beUeved to have counted for. CSiecks with South apply for about $186,000 under tiring of hearing ''Boola apart in the air, officials said. coUlded with a second plane Vietnamese military and prl- The Marine Corps League and not by accident." Thle I and PubUc Act 35. Most WUh ibis Iwaffliig. It’s no soorta that PtMtaUfat meat people have n m i » » * * Auxiliary will have their monthly The other grievances involv­ Boola," ■ the Tale flg^ aong, Vernon UB. heUcopter crews who lo- i.. vate and commercial firms also of the money will be for sal­ played when he was introduced you on emaU 8Vi to 7H lb. Oennlno Spring U.S. Oholoe Lamb I^ga. M w w i W aw m iiw meeting tonight at 8 at the ed class loads. Sheila Brown of tendereet, beet flavored Lomb, yon’M shop Plnehurst for tUo g o v w t ^ e ir tp a d o d ^ » cated and i-nHAd at the crash Simultaneously, m i l i t a r y turned up no missing planes. aries of teachers and para- sources in Saigon reported an niera was no immediate in- Marine Home. The auxiliary Buckley School read a board at out-of-state banquets and Elks To Hold AMEKIOAN OENUINB SPRINO l a m b . Save «8 o U»., too, en Fancy MHN l a m b c w w n scene reported finding some , . , .. , . professionals in remedial read­ other funotlons. bodies btaro survlv^ around airooUlsion in the WgWands. dlcaUon of what else might will elect officers and several statement on flexibility and In­ ing programs and early child­ when yea boy them here at $L79 Ib. matters concerning the annual dividualised instruction. She ^ ^ MesklU said he will ask the Flag Day Event the wreckage of the four-engine ctHllslra reports a p ^ have caused the plane to crash. hood education In public and cvnvBir BOO mlUtarv aourcea arose from the fact that there was no report of military State Convention will be dis­ added that UiU year, die felt ‘^ .p ^ u c schools! 1973 G eneral A ssem bly to adopt that her class of 29, one of "The Hills of My Connecticut" state Comptroller Nathan G. U.S. CHOICE - g-id ’ trackers watching the activity in the area, uhleh is cussed. Refreshments will be —^Voted to request the B oard os! ~ proeress over South about 60 miles northeast of whom is emotionally disturbed as the official state aong. Agostinelll will be the principle served after the meetings. of Directors to add $1,200 to a speaker at the Flag Day cere­ GENUINE SPRING Vietnam aaw one bUp, then the heavy highlands and three are remedial reading washout account f(«' a summer "Until such time, or until the problems, have been short­ legislature chooses another monies to be held tomoRtav, Miembers of the Manchester work Etady program at MHS. sponsored by the Rockville changed by being deprived of song,' The HUls of My Con­ Elmblem du b will serve refredi- —Voted to request the di­ Lodge of Elks. " * searchers then reported galg^'um e, about three adequate conference time and necticut' will be used as the of­ ments at the Manchester Lodge rectors to establidi an $11,200 Ebcalted Ruler Frank Sleia- to siSWing a silver aircraft taU utra^r the Cathay Pacific individual attenUon. ficial state song," he said in his of Elks Flag Day program to­ washout account to fund the kowski, asslEted by the lodge flown to the scene to proviae ^hlcfa was beUeved to have night at 8 at the E3ks Home. Judy Rohlfs, also of Buckley, fourth consecutive year of ProJ- executive order. officers, will conduct the Hag LAMB overnight security. come from the second plane. (Se Page Nineteen) Implied that there were 30 in eot TAP (teacher aide pro­ The three stansas of the lyric day ritual. Boy Scouts and Girl It was the second'crato of a ber cltss wtaHe others In town gram), conducted in conjuni^lon are: Scouts will participate in the commercial airliner , in Asia in on the same grade level had with Manchester community "There's a place that's near- portion of the program on the two days.
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