Stephen K. Stacey, DO A practical guide to the care Peak Vista Family Medicine Residency Program, Colorado of ingrown toenails Springs, Colo [email protected] The author reported no Choose either a conservative or surgical treatment potential conflict of interest approach based on severity. The Vandenbos procedure, relevant to this article. described here, is an effective surgical option. CASE u PRACTICE A 22-year-old active-duty man presented with left hallux pain, RECOMMENDATIONS which he had experienced for several years due to an “ingrown ❯ Consider conservative toenail.” During the 3 to 4 months prior to presentation, his therapy as first-line pain had progressed to the point that he had difficulty with treatment for patients with mild to moderate weight-bearing activities. Several weeks prior to evaluation, he cases of onychocryptosis. A tried removing a portion of the nail himself with nail clippers and a pocket knife, but the symptoms persisted. ❯ Surgical interventions A skin exam revealed inflamed hypertrophic skin on the are more effective than nonsurgical interventions medial and lateral border of the toenail without exudate in preventing the recurrence (FIGURE 1A). The patient was given a diagnosis of recurrent ony- of ingrown toenails. A chocryptosis without paronychia. He reported having a similar occurrence 1 to 2 years earlier, which had been treated by his ❯ Offer the Vandenbos primary care physician via total nail avulsion. procedure to patients with severe or refractory How would you proceed with his care? onychocryptosis because it is definitive and has a good nychocryptosis, also known as an ingrown toenail, is a aesthetic outcome. B relatively common condition that can be treated with several nonsurgical and surgical approaches. It occurs Strength of recommendation (SOR) O when the nail plate punctures the periungual skin, usually on A Good-quality patient-oriented evidence the hallux. Onychocryptosis may be caused by close-trimmed B Inconsistent or limited-quality nails with a free edge that are allowed to enter the lateral nail patient-oriented evidence fold. This results in a cascade of inflammatory and infectious C Consensus, usual practice, opinion, disease-oriented processes and may result in paronychia. The inflamed toe skin evidence, case series will often grow over the lateral nail, which further exacerbates the condition. Mild to moderate lesions have limited pain, red- ness, and swelling with little or no discharge. Moderate to se- vere lesions have significant pain, redness, swelling, discharge, and/or persistent symptoms despite appropriate conservative therapies. The condition may manifest at any age, although it is more common in adolescents and young adults. Onychocryptosis is slightly more common in males.1 It may present as a chief complaint, although many cases will likely be discovered inci- dentally on a skin exam. Although there is no firm evidence of MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 4 | MAY 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 199 causative factors, possible risk factors include drip infusion, the catheter from an 18-gauge tight-fitting shoes, repetitive activities/sports, or larger needle (with the needle removed), poor foot hygiene, hyperhidrosis, genetic or a filter straw. This tube can be affixed with predisposition, obesity, and lower-extremity adhesive tape, sutures, or cyanoacrylate.7 edema.2 Patients often exacerbate the prob- ❚ Patient-controlled taping. An adhesive lem with home treatments designed to trim tape such as 1-inch silk tape is placed on the the nail as short as possible. Comparison of symptomatic edge of the lateral nail fold and symptomatic vs control patients has failed to traction is applied. The tape is then wrapped demonstrate any systematic difference be- around the toe and affixed such that the lateral tween the nails themselves. This suggests that nail fold is pulled away from the nail.8 treatment may not be effective if it is simply ❚ Medications. Many practitioners use directed at controlling nail abnormalities.3,4 high-potency topical steroids, although evi- dence for their effectiveness is lacking. Oral antibiotics are unnecessary. Conservative therapy One disadvantage of conservative thera- Conservative therapy should be considered py is that the patient must wait for nail growth first-line treatment for mild to moderate before symptom resolution is achieved. In cases of onychocryptosis. The following are cases where the patient requires immediate conservative therapy options.5 symptom resolution, surgical therapies can Conservative ❚ Proper nail trimming. Advise the patient be used (such as nail edge excision). therapies focus to allow the nail to grow past the lateral nail fold on allowing the and to keep it trimmed long so that the over- nail to grow past growing toe skin cannot encroach on the free Surgical therapy the lateral nail edge of the nail. The growth rate of the toenail Surgery is more effective than nonsurgical fold and keeping is approximately 1.62 mm/month—something therapies in preventing recurrence2,9 and is it trimmed long you may want to mention to the patient so that indicated for severe cases of onychocryptosis so that the he or she will have a sense of the estimated du- or for patients who do not respond to a trial of overgrowing ration of therapy.6 Also, the patient may need at least 3 months of conservative care. toe skin can’t to implement the following other measures, While there are no universally accepted encroach on the while the nail is allowed to grow. contraindications to surgical toenail proce- free edge of ❚ Skin-softening techniques. Encourage dures, caution should be taken with patients the nail. the patient to apply warm compresses or to soak who have poor healing potential of the feet the toe in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes a day. (eg, chronic vasculopathy or neuropathy). ❚ Barriers may be inserted between the That said, when patients with diabetes have nail and the periungual skin. Daily intermit- undergone surgical toenail procedures, the tent barriers may be used to lift the nail away research indicates that they have not had from the lateral nail fold during regular hy- worse outcomes.10,11 giene activities. Tell the patient that a con- The following options for surgical ther- tinuous barrier may be created using gauze apy of onychocryptosis are considered safe; or any variety of dental floss placed between however, each has variable effectiveness. the nail and the lateral nail fold, then secured Each procedure should be performed under in place with tape and changed daily. local anesthesia, typically as a digital nerve ❚ Gutter splint. The gutter splint consists block. The toe should be cleansed prior to any of a plastic tube that has been slit longitudi- surgical intervention, and clean procedure nally from bottom to top with iris scissors or precautions should be employed. Of the pro- a scalpel. One end is then cut diagonally for cedures listed here, only phenolization and smooth insertion between the nail edge and the Vandenbos procedure are considered de- the periungual skin. When placed, the gut- finitive treatments for onychocryptosis.5 ter splint lies longitudinally along the edge of ❚ Total nail removal without matricec- the nail, providing a barrier to protect the toe tomy. In this procedure, the nail is removed during nail growth. The tube may be obtained entirely, but the nail matrix is not destroyed. by trimming a sterilized vinyl intravenous The nail regrows in the same dimensions as 200 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE | MAY 2019 | VOL 68, NO 4 INGROWN TOENAILS it had previously, but during the time it is quired.7 When properly performed, the nail absent the nail bed tends to contract longi- will be narrower but should otherwise main- tudinally and transversely, increasing the tain a more-or-less normal appearance. The likelihood that new nail growth will cause re- use of phenolization for the treatment of ony- currence of symptoms.5 Due to a recurrence chocryptosis in the pediatric population has rate of > 70%, total nail removal without ma- been found to be successful, as well.14 tricectomy is not recommended as mono- ❚ The Vandenbos procedure. This pro- therapy for ingrown toenails.9 cedure involves removing a large amount of ❚ Nail edge excision without matri- skin from the lateral nail fold and allowing it cectomy. This procedure involves removing to heal secondarily. When performed correct- one-quarter to one-third of the nail from the ly, this procedure has a very low recurrence symptomatic edge. This procedure takes little rate, with no cases of recurrence in nearly time and is easy to perform. Recurrence rates 1200 patients reported in the literature.15 The are > 70% for the same reasons as outlined cosmetic results are generally superior to the above.9 (Often during preparation for this other surgical methods described here5 and procedure, a loose shard of nail is observed patient satisfaction is high.15 It has been used puncturing the periungual skin. Removal with similar effectiveness in children.16 of this single aberrant portion of nail is fre- Full recovery takes about 6 weeks. Over- quently curative in and of itself.) Patients typ- all, the Vandenbos procedure can definitively ically report rapid relief of symptoms, so this treat the condition with a good cosmetic out- Approximately procedure may be favored when patients do come. (See “How to perform the Vandenbos 6 weeks after not have the time or desire to attempt more procedure” on page 202.) the Vandenbos definitive therapy. However, patients should procedure, the be advised of the high recurrence rate. CASE u wound should ❚ Nail excision with matricectomy us- Due to the chronic nature and recurrence of be healed ing phenol (ie, phenolization). In this pro- the 22-year-old patient’s symptoms, he elect- completely cedure, the nail is avulsed, and the matrix is ed to undergo definitive therapy with the with the nail destroyed with phenol (80%-88%).9,12 Typi- Vandenbos procedure.
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