THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 46, ISSUE 92 | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Bringing parents home Council Junior Parents Weekend offers families a look into everyday life at Notre Dame reviews By MEL FLANAGAN News Writer discipline More than 1,300 juniors and seniors spent this past week- end providing their parents Observer Staff Report with an intimate look into their lives and experiences at The Campus Life Council Notre Dame at Junior Parents convened Friday afternoon to Weekend (JPW). conduct a process review of resi- Junior Parents Weekend dential life and rector-student allows students to both cel- relationships, incorporating ebrate with their friends and student feedback with input give their parents inside ac- from University officials, ac- cess to their academic, social cording to the minutes from the and professional activities. meeting. “[My parents] live down the The Council discussed the road from Notre Dame, so I possibility of different settings see them enough and they for disciplinary meetings, the know campus very well,” ju- need for communication with nior Grace Hatfield said. “But students and the role of hall showing them the lab I am a staff, the minutes stated. The research assistant at, intro- KIRBY MCKENNA | The Observer guiding themes for the revised ducing them to my favorite Mothers pose Friday night at the Opening Gala for Junior Parents Weekend in the Purcell Pavilion. The Office of Community Standards professors and just hanging event featured music, dancing, appetizers and dessert. will be transparency, educa- out where I love and study weekend’s events with an Joyce Center Fieldhouse. hall. University president Fr. tion and a foundation in the were things I’ve never been Opening Gala held Friday Saturday’s events includ- John Jenkins celebrated JPW Congregation of Holy Cross. able to do before.” night in the Purcell Pavilion ed collegiate workshops for Mass on Saturday night and The group planned a Hatfield and the other at the Joyce Athletic and the individual colleges and JPW participants began the Convocation Center and luncheons in each residence see JUNIOR PAGE 4 see COUNCIL PAGE 3 Graduate students celebrate ‘MMMBop’ inaugural Appreciation Week fundraiser returns By CHARITHA ISANAKA By JILL BARWICK morale committee mem- News Writer Saint Mary’s Editor ber for the marathon, also worked toward the imple- This week’s first an- Diners at the Noble Family mentation of “Stop the nual Graduate Student Dining Hall were treated Bop.” Appreciation Week offers grad- to the song “MMMBop” by “Between this past ‘Stop uate students the opportunity popular 1990s boy band the Bop’ and the next one, to develop their professional, Hanson during lunch hours which is scheduled for the academic and social lives in an Feb. 11 — all of the lunch Monday before the mara- effort to help them feel more hours. thon [which is schedule for included in the Notre Dame Junior Annie Kennedy, March 23], we hope to col- community. morale committee chair for lectively raise $500,” Hurley Mimi Beck, program direc- Dance Marathon, was the said. “Once we reach $500, tor of Graduate Student Life, driving force behind the the song will stop playing said the graduate population Marathon’s new fundrais- on repeat.” often feels invisible at Notre ing event, “Stop the Bop.” Kennedy said the Dance Dame, a place whose identity “We’re playing Hanson’s Marathon organizers is defined by the undergradu- song ‘MMMBop’ on repeat wanted to try something ate experience. until we meet our fundrais- new to garner the atten- “The hope is that our post- ing goal,” Kennedy said. tion of the Saint Mary’s baccalaureates — who com- “The premise of the fund- community members who prise nearly a third of the raiser is that people will get had yet to donate to Dance Notre Dame student body — STEPH WULZ | The Observer so annoyed with the song Marathon. The first “Stop will come to feel as welcome, Beck said. ends Sunday with an Oscar that they will be willing to the Bop” kicked off Dance as valued and as much a part The week opens today with Night Party at the Fischer donate in order to turn off Marathon’s Riley Week, and of the university community as free coffee and donuts in the the song.” any other student on campus,” C1 and D2 parking lots and see GRADUATE PAGE 4 Senior Bridgid Hurley, see BOP PAGE 5 FUNDRAISING PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 9 SCENE PAGE 11 MEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 20 MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 20 2 THE OBSERVER | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Amanda Kotey Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager sophomore Dre Smith Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak McGlinn Hall sophomore Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Duncan Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Sam Stryker “Samoas.” News Editor: John Cameron News Editor: Kristen Durbin “All-About-Me’s.” Viewpoint Editor: Dan Brombach Sports Editor: Chris Allen Scene Editor: Courtney Cox Saint Mary’s Editor: Jillian Barwick Photo Editor: Suzanna Pratt Graphics Editor: Brandon Keelean Devlin Anes Naomi Igboanugo Multimedia Editor: Sarah O’Connor Advertising Manager: Monica McCormack sophomore sophomore Ad Design Manager: Sara Hilstrom Controller: Peter Woo Keenan Hall Lyons Hall Systems Administrator: William Heineman “Shortbread.” “I have never had one.” Office Manager & General Info Ph: (574) 631-7471 Fax: (574) 631-6927 Advertising (574) 631-6900 [email protected] Editor-in-Chief (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Shanice Cox Tim Pusateri Managing Editor sophomore freshman (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Walsh Hall Sorin College Assistant Managing Editors (574) 631-4541 [email protected] “Peppermint Patties.” “Tag-A-Longs.” [email protected] Business Office (574) 631-5313 News Desk (574) 631-5323 [email protected] Viewpoint Desk (574) 631-5303 [email protected] Sports Desk (574) 631-4543 [email protected] Scene Desk (574) 631-4540 [email protected] Saint Mary’s Desk [email protected] Photo Desk (574) 631-8767 [email protected] Systems & Web Administrators (574) 631-8839 Policies The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper published in print and online by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary’s College. Editorial content, including advertisements, is not governed by policies of the administration of either institution. The Observer reserves the right to refuse advertisements based on content. The news is reported as accurately and objectively as possible. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the majority of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Assistant Managing Editors and department editors. Commentaries, letters and columns present the views of the authors and not necessarily those of The Observer. Viewpoint space is available to all readers. The free expression of all opinions through letters is encouraged. Letters to the Editor must be signed and must include contact information. Questions regarding Observer policies should be directed to Editor-in-Chief Allan Joseph. Post Office Information The Observer (USPS 599 2-4000) is published Monday through Friday except during exam and vacation periods. A subscription to The Observer is $130 for one academic year; $75 for one semester. The Observer is published at: 024 South Dining Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-0779 Periodical postage paid at Notre Dame and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: WEI LIN | The Observer The Observer P.O. Box 779 024 South Dining hall More than 200 musicians of the Concert Band, Symphonic Winds and Symphonic Band perform in the grand finale of the Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 “Symphonic Dance” concert. The musicians performed in the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center’s Leighton Concert Hall on Friday The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved. as part of the Junior Parents Weekend festivities. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? News Sports Mel Flanagan Jack Hefferon Email [email protected] Carolyn Hutyra Brian Hartnett THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Nicole McAlee Alex Wilcox Graphics Scene Steph Wulz Courtney Cox Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Photo Viewpoint Suzanna Pratt Dan Brombach Blood Drive Engineering Seminar Laughter Yoga Sewing Circle “Train Your Inner Rolfs Sports Geddes Hall St. Liam Hall Snite Museum of Art Jedi!” Recreation Center 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. 1 p.m.-2 p.m. 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m. St. Liam Hall Corrections 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Presentation by Part of the Wellness Artist Marie Watt 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Give blood and receive Professor Xueying Wednesdays series. hosts a day-long Use biofeedback tools The Observer regards itself as a free t-shirt. Deng. All are welcome. sewing circle. to manage stress. a professional publication and strives for the highest standards “Keeping Calm and Four:7 Catholic Bengal Bouts “Band of Sisters” “Shadows of the of journalism at all times. We do, Carrying On” Fellowship Quarterfinals DeBartolo Performing Reef” however, recognize that we will make St. Liam Hall Cavanaugh Hall Joyce Center Arts Center DeBartolo Performing mistakes. If we have made a mistake, please contact us at (574) 631-4541 so 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. 6 p.m.-10 p.m. 7 p.m. Arts Center we can correct our error. Workshop for grad Student-led Catholic The men’s boxing Documentary by Mary 7:30 p.m.
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