. f " ..;J,~ .,I • • ,, . - ,_ ._.__ !If~- IJIII.t . Favorabl~~hiher Brightens Outloo~ At the County Fair Good weather has bl'ightened prospects fol' reachln~ tt)e breal<·even point at the cqunty fair. There nl'e 2 big ~~ys ahead and if the · weathet• holds ·good the financial report should show a pmflt, Secretnt'Y'Hart·y Spenny said. ' There was a sharp showe1• Tuesday noon but It did not slacken attendance. The sun cam'e out In plenty of time to attract youngstet·s and theh· ill~l'ents to children's day·. Wednesday night's thuncjerstorl.')l came after the night. rae· Jog pt•ogram had been COO}· pletcd and most of the people on the midway had started home, Vote Canvass· Up to Thursday morning the attendance at the fair had run Doesn't Alter about 10'/o ahead of the same period last yeor, Spenny said. CHAMPION MILK DRINKER at the fair is Bruce Myers of STICKING TO WATER, Dale Glynn's Guernsey heifer be11t BETTY DeCAMP OF BUNKER HILL is one of the most be­ First Returns Williamston. Inspired by ihc i~vitation that ha could have all he Paid 11 ttendance at Tuesday the record of the Myers boy. In both open and 4-H classes, . ribboned girls at the fair. She not only won ribbons in 11ll 4-H night's races was 800 with the could drink for IOc, he drank copiously. His score and the There were changes here and the cattle, hogs and sheep at the fair bespeak the progress food clones, she carried off top honors in open claues, At J 5 Wednesday night program draw­ record so far was 14 cups- IC-ounce cups- over 4 quads. made in agriculture in Ingham county. ·she won first on cakes, pies, and bread. Ing about 1,000. An afternoon and there, but the olt!clal canvnti~ niGht of raelng Thursday wlll end merely 'contlrmed the unofficial the track program. Friday night count carried by newspapers Iaiit the annual 4·H talent show Is ex· weclt. No primary contest In peeled to draw a crowd. Canadian Ingham was close enough to· oo. Hell Drivers, a thrill show, Is changed by the canvass. · · scheduled to return Saturday An East Lansing prec:lnct night for the fair ftnale. They put which on election night failed to The Ingham County News on a good show Monday night. tally about 200 votes for RepUb· The big parade of 4·H llvestoclt llcan candidates for prosecutor, Ninety-Seventh Year, No. 33 Mason, Michig11n, Thursd11y, August 16, 1956 and floats is scheduled for Frl· sheriff and clerk added to can· 4 Sections- 26 Pages day afternoon with a repeat per. vass totals but made no change formance plus 'open class live· In comparative standings o! candidates. Nominees Pick Newman for Chairman . PI 5 ·h · 1 B · • stock and farm machinery on ·c 00 egms D . M Friday night. The Ingham bonrd of canvas·. P t Sale of Books Horsc.pulllng contests are on sers completed its offlc:lal count avlng. an alrymen ap Wednesday. Mrs. Eleanor Smith Friday and Saturday afternoons, ·of LatJsing, James B. Mcintee·ot Ingham Republicans Change Leader . Texlboolts can be bought and ans to et the heavyweights on Friday and Dunlter I·IJI! and Mrs. Sara Rob· GOes UP fOr · sold through the school book PI G the llghtw.eights ·on Saturday. bins of Mason 1ven; the can VIIS· }'lreworl's Including the an· I yet these DcmoC'rnts thought that and Mrs. Virginia Wrook, dele· N H• h store at Mason, beginning Mon· f lk Saturday there will be a rc· sers. Mrs. Robbins substituted !o·r nounccmcnt of a firing and hlr· was just fine." gales, and George Butler and ew lg way day, announced Supt. James H. More or M.l peat performance of children's Harry'Spenny, gmnted a leave ot ing · ?! county chairmen and a I Hughes was short on gibin>: Mrs. Goldie· Holmes, alternates; Vander Ven. ' . day, with reduced prices on the absence during the fair. · · canrlldacy nnnoLmcement for sec·' Dcmocmts· and Ion>: on humor Ingham, Wheatfield and White \Those with used texlboolts may · midway up to 6 o'clock. The On judge of probate Robert L. 1 rctary of slate made 'the Lime anrl Republican progress. He Oak, David Diehl, delegate, and Going up on the former Rus· tal<e them to· the ,.school,• where Members of 4 Ingham locals price for"chlldrcn's rides will be Di-alte lost one vote and RtiUt . fly at t.he Ingham Republican pointed with pridP to sueh things Paul Baur, alternate; · · sell Warner farm on Ingalls road, tlley wlll be· offered for · sale. of Michigan Mlllt Pt·octucers ·as· 15c· Rasmussen lost 18 from tile ronventwn In Mason Wednesday as new.roumt national integrity Leroy and Locite, Phillip Millis, Leslie, arc bins and other equip· When and if sold,· the purchase soda lion will be urged to support ,A little of everything is iri· newspaper count. William , H. night. anrl prlrle, a balanced budget and delegate, and Charles Porter, aJ. ment fQr laying the concrete slab price will be returned to the sell· a $5.25 demand for Class I milk eluded in Fr!..iay night's 4·H tal· Wise lost 14, Arthur L. Kramer In a prepared statement, Eu· the fact there is no hot war as tcrnate; Leslie, Ed Blacltmore; on new US·127. The equipment is crs. at a meeting in Mason Monday ent show. Wilfred Wardowsld of g'ained n· and John L. Leighton gene Houdt, county chairman for there was before Republicans delegate, and Donalp Crakes, al· being hauled In from Rolling Boo!< store hours are from 9 night. Glenn Lalte, president of Leslie and Roylyn Voss oi Dans· was on the nose. That's how c:lc:ise a year and a half, declared he took office less than 4 year~ ago. ternate; Stoc:ltbridge and Bunl1er Prairie, Indiana, where the s. .1. to 12 in the forenoon and from 1 MMPA and a Lapeer county ville arranged the show and wlll the uno!Yicial vote was to· 'thi! does not have the approval of County dele~ales elected fiO to Hill,· Lawrence Llndemer, de!e· Groves & Sons company is finish· to 4 in the afternoon. dairy farmer, wlll attend the present it. Mrs. Adeline Snyder oll'fc:lal canvass on most' olllccs. the entire elected officials of Ing· attend the state cnnvenlion in gate, and Mrs. Rose Dancer, al· ing a big job. meeting along with other assoc:la· of the county extension staff .. as· Here are the official Ingham ham ,county. He said that be· -------------- ····-· ___ ....... -·-·- ternate; Williamstown· township From the plant on Ingalls road A ·~· , lion directors. sis ted. · · totals: . :·, cause of It, he was asl<ed to step DE!UOCRA'l'S WIJ.I. 1\IEE'l' and Wllliamston city, Earl Lee· wlll come the materials to keep ure IUS an.s s . Horses will be'used in a:sklt by JUd"e of probate, Dral<e. D,71S·, down for !~red Newman, Lansing Inghnm Denuwmts will man, delegate, and .or. Edward the paving macllln~s t'n "tearly 8 hlppers to Detroit now receive the Ol<emos club The Tomlinson " . I attorneY,. Houcl; did not offer connn~ .nr tl II' I r <"IIIII ty con· R cy.no Il< s, a It erna.te, Mer idl an, op~rat'Ion once the~ job ust'arts. p ~ Q- • k' $5.00 for Class I milk. Dairymen club has a skit The' Service. lub. .Rasmussen, 5,41.5·, Wise, 3,5.41·, specific reasons for his dismissal vtm'ti on \''• et I """tayl n I g It1 , R usse 11 Phllll ps, J une Storm an.d Paving~ is now scheduled to start . ar~· . ~, .. _ r1n. 1ng . and proces_so. rs agreed to the "'~5 wl~l present ·'a. dance featuring.c Leighton. • 268:5·• • Kramer• 2·665.::•,. ,. , , ·· and county officials didn't offer Au~ust. 22, at II In Uw cnnrt Jerrold;· Keyworth, delegates, ana September 4. .... , .• 1 ...~~ • · • -~ .•• figure in the spring. Wilfred Wardowsld, Elaine ·F.rild· . Go.vernor, (R) Coho, 13~~4;2; nny. New.man .hmLLhc .. .Job .of J1'ousc l.n 1\Jnsrm. (Sec>, REI'UDUCANS, P.age 3) _Or!· I .· 11 tl . c:h . I .... n··l·d··; PJ~u.ckers.tm.long,er pei·mlttcd Lalte has rec1uested Weblx'r.- eri.cl(, ArL'Webster,. Beth.t:Weh· .~lln~~g,. .5:J.~~L ,.·q)).... Willlams,. organizing Ingham Republicans --------------- _,______ · · g na Y lc sc ~cue1 ca c :to ·ar!nk peer or other alcoholic ville, :Stocl{bridgc, ·Lansing and ster, suzanne Thompson,. Jolt •,,:."\,:·:~' "'"'~ ;; ·- iur the coming generill Grand Rapirls 31 and Sep· !or th: .start. ('fpav•.ng, by in co. unty p.arlts will Mason locals to formulate ideas c A d H d · ·· ut t (R) Reid· ei~Jctipn. Augu~t ~~ .~u'.~ :~~X~£1;14;e,s, 1 11 .. I"···~ " ..... t~mber 1 At lllr' sl·•te meetln" gust Heavy sprm ralns•nll"" tn"' "• .a " 1 A l on wllat·. PI'lc·e to demand and f.or oy, u .rey. awt1 ns an -M~.!It' 5.7 .•..on. !1. ·~overnor, ,.' A majority of cand!cates·wh'o ~ · · · ~· '! ..·~ ''! ·t!!·"~'••,l,.::;·r,w' ~~s s m ure 1us town· Benne. , . ·~·. '· 1., (0) Hart, 4,791. .. ; were :Huccessful In the ,primary th~y ·and dclc~ates _Imm ~ther Ch k· B • ~JUchd· ral~ dufmg. " June anfd Jhuly· ship 'pari< or other township how long ·a. period. Solo numoors wlll be·presented Congress, CRl.
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