»JS» BAKE An Idml n*» *# AU tto Hem ot Located oa tbs BwstStel , BSD BAH K Shrewsbury Blw», on* hM* and Buironndlnj Towns from New Verb and provttt Fearlessly ana Without Bias lag every city conveaSemst, limed WMklr. Intend u gMond-CUu HatWr at ti» FoiU ( Subicrlptton Prloi Out Year 82.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 28. offlco et Hod Banfc N. J, nndu tilt Act of Uueh I, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 , 1936. 3U Monthi 11.00. Slngla Copy to. PAGES 1 TO a,. Middletown Building Loan BITTEN BY A BOAR. Little Silver Boro "Welcome Wagon" ALL BILLS PAID. Tempest In Teapot Deeper Waterway John frnnhUn of Now Monmouth Rarltan Township Ends Year In Township Dinner Matures Shares ratnfuUy Injured Last Week. Buys New Pumper Arrives In Town Good Financial Condition. About A License Now AJ*ossibil% ohn Franklin of New Monmouth At the annual settlement meeting Event AVM Held at Port Second Series of Sea Bright-Rum- was bitten on hia leg by a boar while Purchase of Fire Apparatus Ap- It Will Break Down Barriers of the Rarltan township committee, The Council Finally Decide to War Department at WatMni Monmouth Monday Afternoon son Association Represents engaged in ppigg killing on Dr. Gor- ' proved by Mayor and Council For Those Moving Here From Chairman Thomas Brennan announced Grant Sanders Cohen's Appli- May Soon Advertise for _ $18,800 in Cash and Two ' farf m at NeN w MonmoutMthh Fri-Fi —Cort is $13,175, Les» Five :hat this year all bills were beinj,' cation "Subject to Commis- With United States Senator day. The boar was savage, and Mr. Other Places—Mrs. Marjorie For Improving Channel ta W. Warren Barbour as Hott. Canceled Mortgages. Per Cent for Cash. PI Hammond Hostess. aid without the- usual method of sioner Burnett's Approval." Red Bank. Franklin, who was helping Edward ransfcrririg any funds from one ac- Tho annual Battlement day inset- The Sea Brlght-Rumson Building Downes of Fort Monmouth with the The Little Silver mayor and coun- Those who move to Red Bank and count to cover another. Bills to the Unfavorable action was taken by hog killing, had the hind legs of the A deeper wntens^bor tho NoTUS [Ing and township family dinner par- nd Loan association matured Its cil last Friday night voted to buy a Immediate vicinity from other places amount of $5,080.02 were ordered the mayor and council of Red Bank branch of the Shrewsbury river t* BSI of the township committee of econd series of 104 shares a few animal tied together as a precaution. new Amerlcan-LaFranco 1,000-gallon wllf have tho_barrlirs broken down last Thursday night on an applica- Despite being trussed tho boar man- paid. Of this amount $2,000 was di- assured fact, according to reliable Irn ddletown township was held Mon- lays ago, mailing out checks pumper to replace tho present fif- by the '"Welcome Wagon," which will rected to be paid to • the Haritan tion made by Sander Cohen of Rnh- formation received during tho paai Tho committee met during tha .mounting'to approximately $16,800 aged to turn around and attack Mr. teen-year-old apparatua. The. propo- way for a license to conduct a store Franklin, who at the time was on his arrive soon after they reach here. tcwnshlp school board for school dis- week by Tho Register, and prsp»M ornlng to wind up the business of nd cancelling two mortgages of sition to buy a new truck had been "I know I'm going to enjoy living trict taxes. The past- year has im- for the sale of alcoholic beverages in atiuns are under way to advertise foil he township for tho year, and tha knees repairing come equipment A. the former Second National bank ;2,B00 each, There were eighteen boar haB long, broad teeth and Mr.approved by the voters at the elec- in this aectlon." This la what Mrs. proved financially more than in sev- ludu for this work within a very short Unner party was held In the oftor- ihaceholders. tion In November. Newcomer will be saying, and the building on Broad Btreet. The vote time. The deeper waterway, whsnj loon at Charles Stava's White House Franklin received a deep wound eral years. The committee had The association recently opened Us chances are that her remark will be funds through the year to reduce was 2 to 2. Councilman Joseph F,. completed, will provide a channel six eotaurant at Port Monmouth,.iront- which bled profusely, The animal Tho apparatus will cost $13,175, Irwin and Kenneth M. WyckolT were 22d series. The fourteenth annual re- was beaten off by Mr. Downes. Mr. less five per cent for cash within prompted by the fact that she has outstanding notes. The committee is feet in depth and approximately ISA „ on Rarltan bay. This was for-port made a short time ago showed Just received a, visit from the "Wel- 1 in favor of granting the license nnd feet. In width from the Oceani bll Jmerly the residence of the late Ben-' Franklin was laid up several days, thirty days and the company will al- hopeful that the present year will Councilmen Thomas M. Gopaill and ,377W shares In force, Including the but he is now able to be out. comi> Wagon." ', enable,the township debt to be fur- U . , westward to tha borough dock* •jamin Grlggs, who was for many low $100 on the-old truck. Otto F. Only those who have moved from Alber( VanScholck vot(!d nst .04 shares just matured, ,, The assets Beutell of Fair Haven, representa- ther the toot of Broad, street and Map •years tax, collector of Middletown of the company at tho last report a city where thej* had a cluster of reduced, • 'it- Mayor Charles R. English did avenue. It la hoped that bids jtownship. tive of the Amerlcan-LaFranco con* friends to another place where they 1 >"*** [not vote, stating that he believed it wore $272,030.82, as follows: pany, attended the meeting and be awarded in the early sp Tho dinner differed from similar Mortgage loans with pledge of Protest Against knew no one can appreciate just how 'besbest that ththemtee matterr sshould go over th i lt l enta of the past in that it was shares J156.4OO.0O promised delivery in 45 days. lonely a person can be—that h, until Business Of The I until the next meeting. Councilman the dredging completed fivcn by United States Senator W. Share loans' 200.00 All the councilmen voted for the they have built a new circle/in their James S. Parkes was abse :t. Coun- the cruising season Is at lts| Varren Barbour. Heretofore the Real entate acquired by fore- Gasoline Taxes apparatus except George White, who new place of residence. cilman Harry G. "Degenn;;!: was de- Commissioner Joseph C. 3 closure or deed 73,83fl.8O Rumson Council barred from voting because ho is en- lias been very active aq j louts have been the members ot the leal estate, sold under contract 17.182.20 declined to vote either way. He stat- The "Welcome Wagon" T>wnshlp committee and other town- 'axoB and insurance advanced Meeting of Dealers Held at theed that while he was'not opposed to tence to break down gaged in the alcoholic beverage hm;i- the- committee on this . hip officials. Senator Barbour is a niortgasors 445.01 American Hotel at Freehold the purchase of a new flre truck he make .acquaintances easier. For Annual Reports of Health and way proposition, urhlture. and. fixtures ,.. .258.00 questioned the financial condition of Building Inspectors — Parmly Lawyer Theodore j. Lob'recqu>\' tlons have bee^-aild* jssldent of Locust Point and a metn- >ucs in arrears on shareB C72G.4H Friday—Organization Formed more than two years this plan has of the Republican executive Returned checks 5.00 and Officers Elected. the American-LaFrance company. been working very successfully in Property Taxes Paid^—To Buy representing a number of liquor, deal- , v*-eks getting "area* nmlttee^of Middletown townahlp. ^egal fees advanced.... , 883.0!) Both Councilmen Frank Dean and tho northern part of the state and Snow Fence for Ridge Road., ers, urged that the license .'be not I fill wriiclj will be pumped! (fe was formerly mayor of Rumson, nterent in arrears , 2,387.24 Protesting against the high gaso- Edward C. Fiedler replied that a this week It makes its bow to Red granted. He claimed there was no the Uecjtcr channel* ?Ines In arrears At last Thursday night's meeting need for muro liquor selling places much of this necessary | The township family dinner, party is Demand or time deposits—ac- line tax now in effect in this state very satisfactory report had been re- Bank and vicinity. In old Institution. tive : 1,688.65 as well as the other taxes and fees ceived after an Investigation of the It will Introduce brides and new-of the Rumson mayor and council and that many of the owners of secured. VH. L. bonk stocli 2,300.00 Elmer J. Pearsall, building inspector, liquor businesses were barely getting Quite some time ago < J Several years ago at "such a party, 1 paid by motor vehicle owners and concern's financial standing. comers to neighbors, churches, club3, demand or time deposltc—In- societies, reputable merchants, bank- submitted his report of building ac- along. propriated the necei»»ry"<8 •store Mr, Barbour became senator active 1,002.26 operators and registering opposition Councilman Victor Sattcr suggest- laah on hand and in bank 8,847.99 to, diversion of gasoline tax revenues ed Including tho entire cost of tho Ing facilities, the' homo newspaper, tivities in the borough in 1035.
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