Where Is California Tech Ragnarok? Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology Volume LXX Pasadena, California, Thursday, January 16, 1969 Number 13 Coffeehouse Academic Change in Black With Institute Help R.A. Becomes Dean One of the greatest economic A student revolution is sweep­ here are interested in this new miracles in Caltech history took ing the country! Surprise? The direction of education. He cites place recently when the four public, however, misapprehends the Research Project as an ex­ managers of the ASCIT Coffee­ the nature of the revolt and cellent example of student dis­ house submitted their financial overly rea c t s to publicized satisfaction. "Students today are report for first term: for the first violence. The revolution is a unwilling to postpone (academic) time ever, the enterprise realized good thing. Students are refusing gratification," he believes. a net profit. to accept dogmatic policies; they Open Suggestion Box The report states a $0.60 per want education to be more rele­ How does a dean of students night profit, not counting the vant to life's problems - This fit into this academic trend? transactions made at football is how Dr. Robert A. Huttenback, Huttenback thinks that he should games, the ASCIT Rock Concert, who will become Dean of Stu­ be a kind of receptacle for stu­ or the like. This figure is pheno­ dents next September, views the dent requests. The administra­ menal compared to a $5.18 loss academic climate. tion should be sympathetic to per night for third term last Huttenback decries people who such proposals·. A dean shouldn't year. Actually, however, expen­ ignore students' proposals. All be a guy to talk to just when a ditures topped sales by $125.95. over the country student con­ student gets a blue-slip, or acts This was because $337.66 in in­ ceived programs are proving improperly, or has some other ventory (enough supplies for the youth's competence. "Students specific problem - he should be rest of the year) was purchased demand to be involved in their someone to come to with gripes and stored during the term. own education," Huttenback (and not just complaints about The figures, however, are de­ says. He feels the Caltech com­ the food service). ceiving. Although the Coffee­ munity should join more in this Huttenback would like to be house is doing better than ever revolution. Not enough students an advocate of the students, a before, credit for this achieve­ person able to implement their ment is due only to the effici­ ideas. But he wants more ideas ency of the managers and the "Know Thyself" from students, because as Master generosity of the Institute. This of Student Houses he has often year the Institute absorbed the -photo by Ctein Theme of YMCA been the originator of changes. cost of electricity, gas, and water Observing that the Dean's office at the Coffeehouse. At the same Dr. Huttenback, new Dean of Students presides in the throne room of his is rather remote from student time, the managers were pro­ new office. Note Royal Groom in attendance. Psych Program quarters, he feels discussion may vided with free housing facili­ "A JOURNEY INTO SELFI be improved by olive-walk talk­ ties in the second floor of the AN ENCOUNTER WITH ins. Coffeehouse. These advantages, Threepenny Opera Picked; OTHERS" is the way the Cal­ He would like to destroy the coupled with a 25% increase in tech YMCA is billing a series of authoritarian myth, and empha­ profit over last year's figures, programs· beginning this term. size that a dean is an agitator are what really made the dif­ Tryouts to Start T uesday They offer the opportunity for for change, not just a person en­ ference. a variety of experiences in see­ by Tom Markert clusively to Caltech students. forcing an already existent The critical problem right now ing oneself, in trying new kinds policy (although that is part of is lack of interest in the Coffee­ Caltech's production of The There is a challenging list of of behavior, and in communi­ major parts as well as a number the job). He is opposed to physi­ house. In the words of the re­ Threepenny Opera is progressing cating more intensely wit h cal violence, but this' does not port: "Student interest in the rapidly. The ASCIT Board of of small but important roles to others. Leadership is the finest, be filled. eliminate drastic change through Coffeehouse is at a new low. Directors has budgeted 700 dol­ drawn from such pioneering in­ verbal confrontation. Business per night is only three­ lars to produce the play, the The tryouts will be conducted stitutions as Esalen, Kairos, and The Human Scientist fifths of what it was last year, PCC Drama Department has by Leonidas Guibas (Ru) and Western Behavioral Sciences In­ Huttenback wants more in­ and less than half what it was agreed to supply the necessary Bob Lewis (FI), co-directors of stitute. volvement in informal education upon opening two years ago, actresses, and the production the musical; Glenn Prestwich The first of the seven pro­ at Caltech, a greater discussion when the losses were the larg­ staff has been chosen and at (L1) and Dan Nemzer (B1), grams is Journey Into Self (Jan. of the human arts and interper­ est they have ever been. In work for more than a month. vocal directors; and Dr. William 28), with Bill McGaw from sonal communication. He pro­ short, financial manipulation by Initial casting of the ASCIT Cozart, faculty adviser to The W.B.S.l. It is in part a microlab, poses a greater integration of the managers and sacrifices from Musical will begin next week Threepenny Opera. Tryouts· for moving towards the same levels undergraduate and graduate stu­ the Institute have enabled a followed soon by rehearsals. The acting and singing will be held of sharing and intimacy some­ dent bodies. tenuous balance to be struck in performances will take place on at 4:00 p.m. and after dinner on times arising in longer encoun­ Huttenback was chosen for his the Coffeehouse finances, with May 23 and 24 in Beckman Audi­ January 21, 22, and 24 in Culbert­ ters, also using fantasy, physical new post on the recommendation cteclining student interest." torium. Next week's tryouts, for son Hall and on January 23 at 4 contact, and audio-·visual stimu­ of a special faculty committee (Continued on pa,ge 2) male roles only, will be open ex- p.m. in Culbertson and at 7:30 lus. (which consulted somewhat with p.m. in Winnett Clubroom ]. The second is The Creative students). Another (the same?) Cheerleaders of Anarchy Time Creeps In Human Encounter (Feb. 11), committee is still busy finding Although the play is set in with Pat Rice frolU The c.enter his successor. England in the 1830's, before and for the Study of the Person at Dr. Paul Eaton, whom Hutten­ during the coronation of Queen La Jolla. It includes discussion back will replace, plans on tak­ ASCIT Brings Mimers Vic tor i a, the characters in and an excellent film as well as ing a six-month leave of absence Sponsored by ASCIT, the San The Troupe has not updated Brecht's satiric masterpiece are (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 2) Francisco Mime Troupe will the text, as it does with most virtually timeless. The men of perform its new commedia dell' plays: "We have kept the anti­ the musical are thieves and beg­ By George! arte satire, "The Farce of Pate­ quated details," says Troupe di­ gars, totally disreputable people lin," Sunday, January 19, 2:00 rector R. G. Davis, "to point up whose cynical view of the world p.m. on the Athehaeum Lawn. the ironic fact that, in essen­ is an indictment of our society Tickets, $1.00, are on sale at the tials, this play is as true now as and whose way of life is a bit­ The Shaw Must Go On Beckman ticket office and in the it was in the 15th century - in ter parody of our ideals. The NEW YORK - The original tute of Technology and ends Houses. The play is adapted from terms of people's motives and "hero," Macheath (Mac' the producion of the London-Broad­ January 25 in Seattle at the Uni­ a 15th century French farce the way they operate, humani­ Knife), is a suave, tough adven­ way stage comedy hit "By versity of Washington. (anonymous) and was directed ty hasn't made a lot of progress." turer, the most successful ban­ George," starring the distinguish­ The "By George" tour is be­ by Sandra Archer. An original (and unusually pre­ dit of the London streets and ed British actor Max Adrian as lieved to be the first time a Brilliant sented) narrative framework, the most enthusiastic supporter George Bernard Shaw, will be business firm has sponsored an PateIin tells the story of however, provides a modern of' the London brothels. He is presented by TRW Inc., the original cast Broadway play on two schemers, each of whom, in point of view. The production both smooth and cruel, an ardent evening of January 21, at Beck­ college campuses. trying to cheat the other, gets emphasizes grotesque elements, lover and a talented murderer. man Auditorium. Sponsorship of the play by caught in his own web, and a but keeps the broad farcical Another significant character is Part of a new experiment in TRW has' been described as a simpleton who turns out to be style of the commedia dell'arte, Jonathon Jeremiah Peachum, the business-education relations, the "new approach in educational the master schemer.
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