ORE Open Research Exeter TITLE Recreating the Pulsilogium of Santorio: Outlines for a Historically-Engaged Endeavour AUTHORS Bigotti, F; Taylor, D; Welsman, J JOURNAL Bulletin - Scientific Instrument Society DEPOSITED IN ORE 05 September 2017 This version available at http://hdl.handle.net/10871/29195 COPYRIGHT AND REUSE Open Research Exeter makes this work available in accordance with publisher policies. A NOTE ON VERSIONS The version presented here may differ from the published version. If citing, you are advised to consult the published version for pagination, volume/issue and date of publication Recreating the Pulsilogium of Santorio: Outlines for a Historically-Engaged Endeavour Fabrizio Bigotti, David Taylor and Joanne Welsman Abstract tis medicis (‘On Medical Instruments’): a Between 2015 and 2016 a series of seminars task that, unfortunately, he was not able to on the history of early modern technology accomplish during his life. Consequently, and medicine were held at the Centres for many descriptions related to his instru- Medical History and Biomedical Modelling ments are partial or too general. Moreover, and Analysis of the University of Exeter. As previous attempts at reconstructions have a result of that work we laid down the basis subsequently been found to be either not for the first historically accurate reconstruc- historically informed or in some cases com- tion of a seventeenth-century instrument, pletely misleading. From this standpoint, the pulsilogium of Sanctorius (1561-1636). the reconstruction of Santorio’s instru- Previous copies were in fact either simple ments represents an essential task for any models for display or lacked any commit- historian or philosopher of science. ment to historical accuracy. This short Relying on a new assessment of Santorio’s contribution explores some of the results works as a whole, as well as on experimen- we obtained from the recreation of this de- tation and in some cases on new documen- vice and experiments we recreated which tary proofs, we were able to define some shed new light on the early application of key principles that laid down the basis for the pendulum as a scientific instrument. A the first historically accurate reconstruc- fuller and much more detailed account of tion of Santorio’s pulsilogium (Fig 2a-b). these discoveries will be given in a forth- coming contribution edited by Filip Buyse 1.1 Background for a special issue of the Journal of Social Experiences with, or referring to the pen- and Political Science. dulum, have a long history in science, being notably witnessed in the works of Nicole 1. Santorio and the Emergence of Fig. 1 Santorio Santori (1561-1636). Opera Omnia Oresme (1320-1382), Giovanni Marliani Early Modern Science Portrait from the in four th volumes (Venice 1660). (end of 15 century), Leonardo da Vinci The emergence of modern science be- (1452-1519), Gerolamo Cardano (1501- tween the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- 1576), and Giovanni Battista Benedetti tury had in medicine an important field of mention and possible application occurs in (1530-1590).1 Galileo’s famous studies on development, thanks especially to the work 1602 as part of a book on the pulse (De pul- the pendulum, started at around the ninth of Santorio Santori (1561-1636) (Fig. 1). sibus) written by a colleague of Santorio in decade of the sixteenth century, would not Padua. It probably constituted a source of lead to any serious outcome until well after Mostly known for his contribution to the inspiration for, rather than being an inven- 1602. Galileo himself, in fact, seems not to study of metabolism, Santorio developed tion by Galileo, and sparked an entire path be making any practical use of such a de- or invented several types of instruments, of experiments in seventeenth-century vice up to the time of publication of his among which was a device named pulsi- Europe. Santorio presented his inventions Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche logium (literally: ‘an instrument that mea- as rough engravings in his Commentaria intorno a due nuove scienze (‘Two new sures the pulse’) which represents the first in Primam Fen Primi Libri Canonis Avi- sciences’, 1638). application of the pendulum to physiology cennae (‘Commentary to the Canon of and the first instrument of precision in the Avicenna’ - Venice 1625) promising soon to Like Galileo, contemporary astronomers history of medicine. The earliest known publish another book called De instrumen- and physicians were concerned with the Fig. 2a-b David Taylor and the Recreation of ‘Pulsilogium A2’ (January 2016). 30 Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society No. 133 (2017) devices of increasingly complex design meant to convert vital parameters into mea- sure (see Figs 4-8), which for our purpose we have classified according to letters and numbers [TABLE 1]. In his first description – dated 1603 – Santorio states that an in- strument he invented and which he called pulsilogium was able ‘to show all the dif- ferences in equal movements’ that is to say that it could mark equal intervals of time.3 Although, it was only in 1625 that Santorio would reveal that such an instrument was pendulum regulated, there can be little doubt that it was the same instrument used by him since 1602. Even though the exact theoretical path lying behind Santorio’s studies on the pendulum remains uncer- tain, Santorio’s remarks prove that he had identified correctly the fundamental prop- erty of the pendulum which allowed him to painstakingly collect, record and com- pare various data resulting from the mea- surement of the pulse. In the simplest of his devices (Fig. 4), by suspending a leaden ball over a graduated bar, the physician had only to synchronise the swing of the pen- dulum with the frequency of the pulse, take note of the result and subsequently com- pare it with previous records. In a slightly improved version of the same device (Fig. 5) the same measurement is achieved by using a horizontal beam at one end of which a tapered peg controls movement of the linen thread; a small wooden bead fixed to the thread indirectly indicates pendulum length on a scale engraved onto the beam. Santorio or Galileo? All the scholars who dealt with Galileo and his studies on motion, simply assumed that Santorio’s pulsilogium was a direct outcome of the former’s research into the properties of the pendulum. Unfortunately, Fig. 3 Quadrans Muralis seu Tichonicus from Brahe, Astronomiae instauratae mechanica there are many major problems with this (Nuremberg 1602). hypothesis. The most important of which is Table 1 problem of attaining an exact measurement at rest.2 Such a calculation, however, is not of time. pursued by adopting any precision device and accordingly it fails to consider fluc- In the frontispiece of his Astronomiae in- tuations of the pulse frequency that are a stauratae mechanica (Nuremberg 1602), consequence of the slightest change due to for instance, Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) dis- environmental factors and/or psychologi- plays his endeavours to obtain a precise cal conditions in the patient. The solution value of the time elapsed in his astronomi- to this problem came, much earlier, from cal observations by measuring and register- the field of medicine and was due to the ing the results provided by three different work of the Italian physician Santorio San- types of wall clock in attempts to compen- tori (1561-1636). sate for the notorious lack of reliability of mechanical devices (Fig. 3). Unlike Brahe, 2. Functioning and Purpose Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) still consid- At first Santorio seemed to introduce the ered the pulse’s record as a reliable time- pendulum to discriminate between regu- keeper for astronomical observations, and larity and irregularity and record the pulse tried to assess the number of pulse strokes frequency. For this he invented a series of per minute by using those of a healthy man Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society No. 133 (2017) 31 Fig. 5 Pulsilogium Type A2. Fig. 6 Pulsilogium Type B1. Fig. 4 Pulsilogium Type A1. Fig. 7 Pulsilogium Type B2. Fig. 8 Pulsilogium Type C. that it takes no account of Santorio’s words in Santorio’s account a year later. In 1603, 1607), but does not suggest any practical and further assumes the primacy of Gali- in fact, Santorio published his own descrip- application for it, as – and this is essential leo’s over Santorio’s studies that is histori- tion which revealed that he had already to our understanding of Galileo’s studies – cally groundless. had enough time to experiment exten- he had not found a mathematical proof for sively with his instruments and had found the isochronism of the pendulum. He refers In his research, Dr Bigotti found that the at least 133 specific differences related to having performed experiments (esper- first quote referring to Santorio’spulsilo - to the pulse, a detail that – coupled with ienze) and describes a mere mechanical ex- gium was published in Padua in 1602 at Rudio’s description – suggests a much ear- planation (senza trasgredire i termini del- the time in which Galileo was teaching lier development of the pulsilogium, pos- la meccanica) for his observations.4 In all mathematics there. The book, published by sibly between 1590 and 1600. Galileo, on likelihood, Galileo’s experiments were re- a colleague of Santorio, the physician Eu- the other hand, refers to his experiments awakened by Rudio’s announcement of the stachio Rudio from Belluno (1548-1612) an- on the pendulum in a letter dated Novem- new possibilities opened up by Santorio’s nounced the creation of an instrument by ber 1602 to Guidobaldo del Monte (1545- invention although the latter, in turn, had Santorio in a few words that are amplified 32 Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society No.
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