Advanced Study list for - 2013-14 Emirates Spelling Bee Page 1 of 109 No. Word Pronunciation POS LOO Definition Sentence A The city council passed a law allowing periodic bans on the burning of wood, paving the way for further 1 abatement /ә'bātmәnt/ n L > F the act or process of reducing in degree or intensity. pollution abatement. deviation from the natural state or from a normal Jane’s outburst at the meeting was a shocking behavior 2 aberration /,abә'rāshәn/ n L type. aberration, for her manner is usually so reserved. L > F + [has homonym: obeyance] cessation or suspension Use of the swimming pool was put in abeyance until a 3 abeyance /ә'bāәn(t)s/ n Ecf (as of a customary practice). new lifeguard could be hired. In the 60s many young people abhorred the thought of 4 abhorred /әb'hŏ(ә)rd/ v L detested extremely : loathed. going to war. [has near homonym: adience] tendency to Claudia’s painfully shy brother gave a perfect illustration 5 abience /'abēәn(t)s/ n L withdraw from a stimulus object or situation. of abience at the school assembly. Evelyn is abstemious by nature and never orders 6 abstemious /abz'tēmēәs/ adj L sparing in eating and drinking. dessert. [Note: Could be confused with adjective acanthous.] any plant of a genus of prickly herbs of the Mediterranean region whose broad leaves are frequently represented in sculptured architectural The column’s capital featured ornamentation 7 acanthus /ә'kan(t)thәs/ n Gk ornaments. representing the leaves of an acanthus. of, relating to, caused by, or having the Acarian parasites have saclike bodies unbroken by 8 acarian /ә'ka(a)rēәn/ adj Gk > L characteristics of a mite or tick. segments. [has near homonym: exceeded] expressed approval Jan was glad when Mrs. Taft readily acceded to the 9 acceded /ak'sēdәd/ v L or gave consent. proposal that the two parties attend the event together. the act of attaining or coming to high office or a The best seller chronicled the accession of the new 10 accession /ik'seshәn/ n L > F position of honor or power. prince. any hawk of the genus Accipiter (as the Cooper’s 11 accipiter /ak'sipәd.ә(r)/ n L hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, goshawk). Calvin spotted an accipiter darting among the trees. Mr. Weston immediately accosted Emma with 12 accosted /ә'kŏstə̇d/ v L approached and spoke to. questions about her health. acidity of temper or tone : astringency or sharpness Rosemary remarked with acerbity that her son’s chores 13 acerbity /ә'sәrbәd.ē/ n L of manner. hadn’t been done in days. 14 acescent /ә'sesᵊnt/ adj L turning sour or tending to turn sour. Natalie spit out the acescent milk. Advanced Study list for - 2013-14 Emirates Spelling Bee Page 2 of 109 No. Word Pronunciation POS LOO Definition Sentence [Note: One of alternate pronunciations has homonym: ascetic.] relating to or producing a colorless liquid acid with a pungent odor Morris enjoyed teasing his mom by accusing her of 15 acetic /ә'sēd.ik/ adj L > F constituting the chief acid of vinegar. putting acetic acid in his food. At the top of each column there was a crude, aciniform 16 aciniform /ә'sinә,fŏrm/ adj L + Ecf shaped like a cluster of grapes. pattern. a disorder of the arterioles of the exposed parts of the hands and feet intensified by exposure to cold Jane had acute acrocyanosis after being stranded on the 17 acrocyanosis /,akrō,sīә'nōsə̇s/ n Gk and resulting in bluish mottled skin. snowy hiking trail for hours. the most prestigious language variety of a The British acrolect is defined by the speech of the royal 18 acrolect /'akrә,lekt/ n Gk + Gk community. family. No actor was spared in the reviewer’s aculeate 19 aculeate /ә'kyülēə̇t/ adj L marked by incisiveness : stinging, pointed. criticisms. typical or suggestive of one affected with The critics panned the tenor, whose voice was terribly 20 adenoidal /,adᵊn'ŏidᵊl/ adj Gk abnormally enlarged glands in the back of the throat. adenoidal and breathy. Shelly enjoyed serving as an adminicle of the local Girl 21 adminicle /ad'minə̇kәl/ n L support, auxiliary. Scout troop. Copt > The hut made of adobe sagged sideways in the middle 22 adobe /ә'dōbē/ n Ar > Sp building material of sun-dried earth and straw. of the field. a physiological breakdown of the rind of citrus fruit causing a reddish discoloration—called also “red All the oranges in the crisper suffered from one stage or 23 adustiosis /ә,dәstē'ōsə̇s/ n L + Gk blotch.” another of adustiosis. /'a(ә)rә,plaŋktәn The backyard barbecue was almost spoiled by pesky 24 aeroplankton / n Gk + Gk small airborne organisms (as flying insects). aeroplankton. Miss Smith was delighted with the affability with which 25 affability /,afә'bilәd.ē/ n L sociability. Miss Woodhouse had treated her all the evening. a small dog having a stiff red, gray, or black coat; pointed ears; and bushy eyebrows, chin tuft, and Erica’s affenpinscher escaped when she opened the 26 affenpinscher /'afәn,pinchә(r)/ n G mustache. door. solemnly promised (oneself or another) in marriage The ruler of Austria affianced his daughter to the king of 27 affianced /ә'fīәn(t)st/ v L > F > E : betrothed. France. spontaneous self-giving love expressed freely without calculation of cost or gain to the giver or The question “What’s in it for me?” is unheard of in 28 agape /ä'gä,pā/ n Gk merit on the part of the receiver. agape. Advanced Study list for - 2013-14 Emirates Spelling Bee Page 3 of 109 No. Word Pronunciation POS LOO Definition Sentence the medieval chemical science and speculative Gk > Ar philosophy whose aims were the transmutation of The wizard’s apprentice was determined to learn 29 alchemy /'alkәmē/ n > L > F base metals into gold. enough alchemy to turn lead into gold. By digitizing thunder and traffic noises, Georgia was 30 aleatoric /,ālēә'tŏrik/ adj L characterized by chance or random elements. able to compose aleatoric music. While studying in England as an exchange student, Judith developed a taste for fried potatoes with salt and 31 alegar /'aligә(r)/ n E + L > F sour ale or vinegar made of ale. alegar. To avoid publicity the movie star used an alias when 32 alias /'ālēәs/ n L an assumed name. registering at the hotel. Alison’s science fair project was a study of the 33 aliphatic /,alә'fad.ik/ adj Gk of, relating to, or derived from fat. effectiveness of the aliphatic compounds used in soap. the repetition usually initially of a sound that is usually a consonant in two or more neighboring 34 alliteration /ә,lid.ә'rāshәn/ n L + Ecf words or syllables (as in “daring deed”). Poor writers rely on alliteration when lacking ideas. [has homonym: illusion] an implied indication or Gwen’s essay made much of the author’s use of biblical 35 allusion /ә'lüzhәn/ n L indirect reference. allusion. one who distributes charitable gifts, often for In his role as the king’s almoner, Jared tossed a few 36 almoner /'almәnә(r)/ n L > F > E another. pennies to the audience. Prescription drugs such as minoxidil have had limited 37 alopecia /,alә'pēsh(ē)ә/ n Gk loss of hair, wool, or feathers : baldness. success in treating alopecia. /,al(,)tō'kyümyәl a fleecy cloud or cloud formation consisting of large The altocumulus consisted mostly of small, supercold 38 altocumulus әs/ n L + L whitish globular cloudlets with shaded portions. water droplets. 39 alveolate /al'vēәlə̇t/ adj L + Ecf pitted like a honeycomb. The porous sandstone had an alveolate surface. Ar? > L > Because mercury will form an amalgam with most other 40 amalgam /ә'malgәm/ n F an alloy of mercury with another metal. metals, it can be used to extract them from ore. During the six weeks that Chrissie’s arm was in a cast, /ә,manyә'wen(t) one who is employed to write from dictation or to she completed her homework with her mother as her 41 amanuensis sə̇s/ n L copy what another has written. amanuensis. dimness of sight without apparent change in the eye structures associated especially with the toxic effects of certain drugs or chemicals or with dietary The doctor told Henry to quit smoking if he wanted his 42 amblyopia /,amblē'ōpēә/ n Gk deficiencies. amblyopia to improve. Advanced Study list for - 2013-14 Emirates Spelling Bee Page 4 of 109 No. Word Pronunciation POS LOO Definition Sentence readily brought to yield or submit : responsive, 43 amenable /ә'mēnәbәl/ adj L > F tractable. Horst is amenable to any ideas for the prom’s theme. F > AF > the infliction of a penalty at the discretion of the For the officer’s neglect of duty the court imposed an 44 amercement /ә'mәrsmәnt/ n E court; also : the penalty thus imposed. amercement of two weeks’ pay. [Note: Could be confused with singular form.] Gk > L > specimens of a clear purple or bluish violet variety The jeweler emptied a small bag of amethysts on a 45 amethysts /'amәthәsts/ n pl F > E of crystallized quartz much used as a jeweler’s stone. velvet pad, and Anna selected the one she liked best. the ascending node of the Moon’s orbit with the Lars waited for the Moon to reach its anabibazon so he 46 anabibazon /,anә'bibә,zän/ n Gk ecliptic. could confirm his findings. syntactical inconsistency or incoherence within a 47 anacoluthon /,anәkә'lü,thän/ n Gk sentence. Anacoluthon can make dialogue sound more natural. repetition of a prominent word, usually the last in a phrase, clause, sentence, or verse, at the beginning Anne read the second member of the anadiplosis louder 48 anadiplosis /,anәdə̇'plōsə̇s/ n Gk of the next phrase, clause, sentence, or verse.
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