University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-5-1966 Kabul Times (March 5, 1966, vol. 4, no. 283) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 5, 1966, vol. 4, no. 283)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1185. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1185 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _-....--"-"....... -..... .. ';" PAGE 6 MARCH 3, 1966 WUlBU rouc.&aor6 1'<I.orft...~_"'I;luo COpy IStudents Complete I u.s. Apparently Mediating India, Pak Cortlmunique Max. +IOoe . oct,. Saturday Edition I Sun sets to<by at p.m.. '(' 18 Between DAR, Saudi Arabia Education Abroon Stresses Need For Peace Sun rises tomorrow -* 6:21 a.m. BEIRUT. March 3, (DPA).­ KABUL. Marcb J.-Aasadullah" RAWALPINDI, March 3, (AP).­ Tea........ OaUooIt: .i:loaQ THE United States is mediating between Saudi Arabia and Hoshang and Mohammad Yusuf ~ India·Pakistan ministerial conference on implementing' ',' SD the United Arab Republic on tbe Yem~n problem. the Dean relurned to Kabul from the the Tashkent Declaration ended here Wednesday night. A US. Wednesday aher completing VOL. IV, NO. 283 usually well·infonned Beirut daily "Alhayat" reported Wednes· joint communique stated: "Both sides agree that all disputes • day. their studIes in marketing and lib· . rary scIence. between India and Pakistan should be resolved to promote and }'hf' 1'~itC'd States has denied it '1 Iy denied that Saudi Arabia had Also. Sayed Yakuh Wasiq,wbo stu- strengthen peace between the two countries". Education Ministry Studies Royal IS play.ng a mediation role.. asked for U.S. military aid in case died journaltsm In. West Germany; Both sides made proposals for clarifying the issues involved", the Ghana Closes Embassy .In But (he newspaper pointed Qut the Yemeni conflict reerupted Sha Alik Akbar Shahrestani, wbo stu­ discussion and setllement of subjects Icommunique said. KA!lUL, March S.-During the that uo:h the speaker o[ the OAR \\'ith UAR "'participation. died finance and financial publica- [hey considered of high priority in _ fn New York ·United Nations Proposals From UN, USAID week ending March 3 the followiog in His Conakry, Expresses Shock NatIOnal Assembly Anv.'ar Sadat Last August's Jidda agreement lions in France; and a group of the Interests of peace and good nei· Secretary General U Thant has KABUL, March 5.­ were received audience by and S"wdl Arabian Defence "Mi­ Majesty the King: between King Faisal of Saudi nine teachers and officials of !.be ghbourly- relatioris, the communi· Icabled thanks to tbe Indian and JOINT proposals made by Ihe representatives of the United nl~h.·r ?nnce ~Su1tan Ben Abdul­ The Int<rior MlDiJler, Abdul Solar Over Nkrumah's New Post Arabia and UAji President Carnal departmenl or vocational education que said. Pakistani governments on the com- Nations and AID concerning review of their cooperation a:-Is Simultaneously had talks in Abdel N~sser, which was to have of the MinIstry of Education who J:he Pnkistan side pointed out plelion of the mutual withdrawal of ShaJizi: Army Chief of Stall, Qea ACCRA, IUarch 5, (DPA).- \rashll1):um. paved !he way for peace in the bad gone on a six week·s tour of the special importance_ of reaching their troops to pre-August 5 posi- In edncation and preparation of textbooks were studied hy the Ghulam .Farouk: Afghan Ambassa- r-llANA'S National Llberatio n Council Friday closed th~ "Alh'Fat"' said that both bad Yemen, has ~o far failed to bnng the schools and literacy courses to a settlement of the Jammu and lions. Edncation MInistry Thursday. doc . Desl~~ m .Delhi. Ataullah la.iI-conntr'y's embassy in Conakry, ::IS a consequence of the bel'n e~p:')\\'ered bY' thei·T govern­ results. I I ran, returned here Wednesday. Kashmir dispute. Bolh sides ag· Two telegrams by th~ Secretary The proposals were made upon team will help the Ministry of Nasu Zla, Ambassador ~ deposed Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah'i alliance with ment tn r:egotiate on the Yemen a request by the Ministry of Edu· Education in preparing textbook Peking, Dr. Mohammad Asif. • reed Ihat all disputes should be re- I General 10 Indian Prime Minister SuhalJ' Governor of Pakthia, Oea Presidenl Sekou .Toure of Gumea. l)uC'Sllon soNed to promote and strengthen; Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Pakistani cation. and tedching materials, The' White -House and U.S. Moha~mad Azim; President of the The council requested the Guin- from Ghana under Nkrumah's co­ peace. I President Mohammad Ayub Khan In a meeting attended by the A commission of the represen· I I Helmand Valley Authority 8.Dd G<> can government to allow the GbaDa gune_ - St.-t!C Dc>partment had now mere- '·Considerable progress was made 1 were published here Tues.d3y. officials of the Ministry, represen­ tatives o{ the Ministry of Educa­ tatives ot the United Nations tion, United Nations Development vernor of Hc.Imand Provmee. Abdul ambassador and his- staff now !lOde! A Reuter dispatch from Abidjan Programme and USAID Karim Hakimi' .Commanda.nt of house arrest Ul Coo.a.k.rY. to- return. said the government of the Ivory Development Programme and US was ~darme Nkrumah... appcinted to study the propcsals Police and forces, Air home as soon as pos51bIe. Coast, Ghana.'s western neighbour, AID. The propcsals were stuwed. Q~ Coun~il anno~ced Adventure In Arabian Sands Dr. Mohammad Osman Anwari, further. Dr. Anwari,. expressed apo. dul Shukur; and Abdul Kadir The compwoed thaC this Friday tlJet .it had formal • ~~- recogw~ ~ew (Contd. from page 2) hide his -own shortcomings when the· Minister of Education presid. preciati0n for the help given by a student who bas juSt rcturned to C?wnean acuon VI013.ted all If decided .. to . the ~n pn~ ways. He endured unbelievable he does not measure up to their cd . the meeting. the UN and tbe USAID to Afgha­ Kabul after comP1ctina his studies tiona! agreements dJplomaqc yhana regune, .. hardships with thepl especially standards, especiaUy in the· mat­ An Education MinistrY source nistan's educational institutions. at the University of Pennsylvania. vl1eges and thar It represented a· Recogwtlon was contauled 10 a "notonous crimc", • messagc senL by President Felix those vf hunger and thirst in the ter of unstinting nomad hospitali­ said in order to make the most blisteri'1g heat of the day and ty. He describes a large number of the aMistance rendered by the The National Liberation -Council Houphouet-Boigny of the Ivory expressed its .shod over Se.kou CoaSt,' to .General Josevm. Ank:rah, the numbing cold of the night, of their habits and customs clear­ UN Development Programme and Rusk Gets Added 100 Teachers Draw during their extended trips across ly and objectively within the con­ improve coordinatiop of teacher Toure's decision to make Nk.ruma.b bead of Gbana's· new NatiooaJ. th~ President of Gwnea term1.D& it Ltberation Council '·Empty Quarter", that appro- text in which they are practiced, training, it was decided ~t the Responsibility In Credit From Fund pnately named stretch of endless thus making them understand­ United Nations' role in primary "bJghly undiplomatic and crurunal". The _message said the Ivory sand which rises and falls in able and acceptable to those who .... teacher training should be ex­ Anmad Sekou Toure annQunced Coast's deciS-ion had been taken -in wave after wave of bare, forbid- follow ether ways, panded. U.s. Government During Last Year that the ousted Ghana.taD. PrtslC1ent agreement -With me governments of ding dunes. Arabian Sands is an excellent Nkrumah bas been given prCS1aenual the other d'entente council COUD- It was also decided that the ~ .T.h~ug~ amusing anecdote and introduction to a group of people USAID through the Columbia WASHINGTON. March S. I KABUL, March S.-The Tea- powers in Guinea. triel." . (Reuter).-President Johnson has cbers' Fund. estab1isbcd five years VIVId Inctdent the author reveals who have become an enigma to Team advise the Ministry of The Council said the Ghana- (Another of the d'entente COUD- given the American Secretary of ago. bas' loaned· one and a half mil­ t~e _complex ch~racter of the the. rest of the world, as they Educatbn in revising primary Gwnea UD10n had long been dJs-. tries, Niger, arinounced its recogni­ State Dean Rusk added responsibi-- lion Afgb.a.i:lii to teachers, 10 far. ~ou SImple, unassummg Arab for continue to live in their 'lbitter schools curricula. solved when Towe bad tound tion; the other three members of kno~ lity in the conduct of foreign The fund aims at cxtending help whom he has so much admira- dessicated land which The scurce said the Columbia U.S. ·out that It could not work. because this council of :Freach·speahng AI:.. tion: His general summing up of nothing of gentleness and ease affairs. to the teacbciS who arc not well off of Nkrumahs- dictatorial ambItiOns. ncan states are Upper Volta. !.be Bedu is thaI it is characteris· but wh~re men have lived since : r He direct<d Friday that Rusk tinanciaJJy. The statement .said the Council Dahomey aCId Togo,) tic of them "to do things by ex-· earliest times (and are) the lineal ., China Takes Part should assume overall control and Teachers can draw from the fund beLeved· that 1IoIkrumah and Sekoll TIie Ivory Cout lies between tremes, to be either wildly gene- hei}s of a very ancient civilisa­ • supervision of the foreign ac- from two to five thousand Afghanis.
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