Tolkien Bibliography This bibliography includes those entries in the MLA bibliography that contain the word “Tolkien”. Since the full title of Mythlore is Mythlore: A Journal of J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and the Genres of Myth and Fantasy Studies and of Mallorn is Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society some of these titles are not about Tolkien. Still, it may be useful to have it. Aadnanes, Per M. "Diktekunsten og eventyrlandet." Edda (1977): 227-35. Abbott, Joe. "Tolkien's Monsters: Concept and Function in The Lord of the Rings (Part 1): The Balrog of Khazad-dum." Mythlore 16.1 (59) (1989): 19-26. ---. "Tolkien's Monsters: Concept and Function in The Lord of the Rings, II: Shelob the Great; III: Sauron." Mythlore 16.2 (60) (1989): 40-47. Adderley, C.M. "Preliminary Matters: The Neglected Preludes to Charles Williams' Arthuriad." Mythlore 21.1 (79) (1995): 23-28. ---. "Meeting Morgan le Fay: J. R. R. Tolkien's Theory of Subcreation and the Secondary World of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." Mythlore 22.4 (86) (2000): 48-58. Agoy, Nils Ivar. "Mr. Bliss: The Precursor of a Precursor." Mallorn 20 (Sept. 1983): 25-27. ---. "Tolkien in Norway." Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur and Ästhetik. 3 (1985): 159-67. ---. "Quid Hinieldus cum Christo? New Perspectives on Tolkien's Theological Dilemma and His Sub-Creation Theory." Mythlore 33.2 (80) (1996): 31-38. Aldrich, Kevin. "The Sense of Time in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." Mythlore 15.1 (55) (1988): 5-9. Algeo, John. "The Toponymy of Middle-Earth." Names 33.1-2 (Mar 1985): 80-95. Allen, Elizabeth M. "Persian Influences in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." The Transcendent Adventure: Studies of Religion in Science Fiction/Fantasy. Ed. Robert Reilly. Westport: Greenwood, 1985. 189-206. Allen, James. "Genesis of The Lord of the Rings: A Study in of Saga Development." Mythlore 3.1 (1973): 3-9. ---. "Tolkien and Recovery." Mythlore 3.2 (1975): 12-13. Anand, Valerie. "Where Eagles Dare." Amon Hen 120 (Mar 1993): 17-18. Anand, Valerie, and Dale Nelson. "Tolkien – Why Is He Important Today." Mallorn 39 (2001): 38-40. Anderson, Angelee Sailer. "Lord Dunsany: The Potency of Words and the Wonder of Things." Mythlore 15.1 (55) (1988): 10-12. ---. "The Nature of the City: Visions of the Kingdom and Its Saints in Charles Williams' All Hallows' Eve." Mythlore 15.3 (57) (1989): 16-21. Anderson, Neil S. "Dior – Mortal or Elven." Amon Hen 129 (Nov 1994): 8-9. ---. "The Durable Durins." Amon Hen 126 (Mar 1994): 10-12. Apenko, E.M. "Sil'marillion' Dzhona Tolkina: K voprosu ob zhanrovom eksperimente." Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seriia 2 1 (Jan 1989): 41-46. Appleyard, Anthony. "Tolkien and Space Travel." Mallorn 34 (Dec 1996): 21-24. Appleyard, Mark. "What Have We Brought on Ourselves? Tolkien and Space Travel, II." Mallorn 35 (Sept 1997): 54-59. Arce-Argos, Javier. "Tolkien y la parodia: Analisis de Egidio, el granjero de Ham." La parodia; El viaje imaginario. Actas del IX Simposio de la Sociedad Espanola de Literatura General y Comparada; Zaragoza, 18 al 21 de noviembre de 1992 Vol. II. Ed. Tua Blesa, et al. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 1994. 15-23. Armstrong, Helen. "It Bore Me Away: Tolkien as Horseman." Mallorn 30 (Sept 1993): 29-31. ---. "The Singer, Not the Song." Amon Hen 123 (Sept 1993): 4-5. ---. "Unbridgeable Chasm, My Big Toe! Or: Fairy Rings and the Quendi." Amon Hen Nov 1994: 13-14. ---. "Good Guys, Bad Guys, Fantasy and Reality." Mythlore 33.2 (80) (1996): 247-52. ---. "And Have an Eye to That Dwarf..." Amon Hen 145 (May 1997): 13-14. ---. "There Are Two People in This Marriage." Mallorn Nov 1998: 5-12. Arthur, Elizabeth. "Above All Shadows Rides the Sun: Gollum as Hero." Mythlore 18.1 (67) (1991): 19-27. Askew, Margaret. "'Lord of the Isles': No, Sorry Mr Giddings, I Mean 'Rings'." Mallorn 21 (June 1984): 15-19. Attebery, Brian. "Reclaiming the Modern World for the Imagination: Guest of Honor Speech at the 19th Annual Mythopoeic Conference." Mythlore 15.2 (56) (1988): 24-31. ---. "Tolkien, Crowley, and Postmodernism;." The Shape of the Fantastic. Sel. Essays from the Seventh Internat. Conf. on the Fantastic in the Arts. Ed. Olena H. Saciuk. New York: Greenwood, 1990. 21-32. Auden, W. H. "Good and Evil in The Lord of the Rings." Critical Quarterly 10 (1968): 138-42. Bailey, Mark. "The Honour and Glory of a Mouse: Reepicheep of Narnia." Mythlore 5.2 (18) (1978): 35-36. Baker, Martin. "Wrecking the Reckoning." Amon Hen Nov 1993: 8-9. ---. "The Reckonings of Middle-Earth." Amon Hen 128 (Aug 1994): 11-13. Ballif, Sandra. "A Sindarin-Quenya Dictionary, More or Less, Listing All Elvish Words Found in The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Road Goes Ever On by J. R. R. Tolkien." Mythlore 1.1 (1969): 41-44. Barber, Dorothy Elizabeth Klein. "The Structure of The Lord of the Rings." DA (1966; 27: 470A) 27: 470A. ---. "The Meaning of The Lord of the Rings." Mankato State Coll. Stud. 2 (1967): 38-50. Barbour, Douglas. "'The Shadow of the Past': History in Middle Earth." University of Windsor Review 8.1 (1972): 35-42. ---. "J. R. R. Tolkien." Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror, 2: A. E. Coppard to Roger Zelazny. Ed. Everett Franklin Bleiler. New York: Scribner's, 1985. 675-82. Barkley, Christine. "Donaldson as Heir to Tolkien." Mythlore 10.4 (38) (1984): 50-57. ---. "Point of View in Tolkien." Mythlore 33.2 (80) (1996): 256-62. ---. "The Realm of Faerie." Mythlore 33.2 (80) (1996): 253-55. Barkley, Christine, and Muriel B. Ingham. "There but Not Back Again: The Road from Innocence to Maturity." Riverside Quarterly 7.2 (Mar 1982): 101-04. Barnfield, Marie. "Celtic Influences on the History of the First Age." Mallorn 28 (Sept 1991): 2-6. ---. "More Celtic Influences: Numenor and the Second Age." Mallorn 29 (Aug 1992): 6-13. ---. "Turin Turambar and the Tale of the Fosterling." Mallorn 31 (Dec 1994): 29-36. Bartlett, Sally. "Invasion from Eternity: Time and Myth in Middle-Earth." Mythlore 10.3 (37) (1984): 18-22. Basney, Lionel. "The Place of Myth in a Mythical Land: Two Notes (Converging)." Mythlore 3.2 (1975): 15-17. ---. "Tolkien and the Ethical Function of 'Escape' Literature." Mosaic 13.2 (1980): 23-36. ---. "Myth, History, and Time in The Lord of the Rings." Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives. Ed. Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1981. 8-18. Bauer, Hannspeter. "Anmerkungen zu Tolkiens Wortschatz." Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 10 (1992): 103-09. Bazell, C.E. "Six Questions of Old and Middle English Morphology." English and Medieval Studies Presented to J. R. R. Tolkien on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Ed. Norman Davis and C. L. Wrenn. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1962. 51-62. Beach, Charles. "'Courtesy' in Charles Williams' The Greater Trumps." Mythlore 19.1 (71) (1993): 16-20. Beach, Sarah. "Mythopoesis." Mythlore 13.1 (47) (1986): 29. ---. "'A Myth for Angle-Land': J. R. R. Tolkien and Creative Mythology." Mythlore 15.4 (58) (1989): 31-36. ---. "Fire and Ice: The Traditional Heroine in The Silmarillion." Mythlore 18.1 (67) (1991): 37-41. ---. "Loss and Recompense: Responsibilities in Beowulf." Mythlore 18.2 (68) (1992): 55-65. ---. "Harriet in Rehearsal: Hilary Thorpe in The Nine Tailors." Mythlore 19.3 (73) (1993): 37-39. ---. "Breaking the Pattern: Alan Garner's The Owl Service and the Mabinogion." Mythlore 20.1 (75) (1994): 10-14. Beach, Sarah, and Glen GoodKnight. "A Centennial Retrospective on Charles Williams." Mythlore 13.2 (48) (1986): 13-21. Beare, Rhona. "Tolkien's Calendar and Ithildin." Mythlore 9.4 (34) (1983): 23-29. ---. "Time Travel." Mythlore 21.3 (81) (1996): 33-34. Beatie, Bruce A. "Folk Tale, Fiction, and Saga in J. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." Mankato State Coll. Stud. 2 (1967): 1-17. Beatty, C.J.P. "J. R. R. Tolkien's 'Darkling Thrush'." The Thomas Hardy Journal 8.2 (May 1992): 68. Becker, Alida, et al., eds. The Tolkien Scrapbook. Philadelphia: Running, 1978. Begg, Ean C.M. The Lord of the Rings and the Signs of the Times. London: Guild of Pastoral Psych, 1975. Bell, David. "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields: An Impossible Victory." Mallorn 19 (Dec 1982): 25-28. Bell, Judy W. "The Language of J. R. R. Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings." Mythcon I: Proceedings. Ed. Glen GoodKnight. Los Angeles: Mythopoeic Society, 1971. 35-40. Bennett, J.A.W. "Climates of Opinions." English and Medieval Studies Presented to J. R. R. Tolkien on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Ed. Norman Davis and C. L. Wrenn. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1962. 280-305. ---. "Nosce Te Ipsum: Some Medieval Interpretations." J. R. R. Tolkien, Scholar and Storyteller: Essays in Memoriam. Ed. Mary Salu and Robert T. Farrell. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1979. 138-58. Bentinck, A. "Tolkien and De la Mare: The Fantastic Secondary Worlds of The Hobbit and The Three Mulla-Mulgars." Mythlore 15.3 (57) (1989): 39-43. Bergmann, Frank. "The Roots of Tolkien's Tree: The Influence of George MacDonald and German Romanticism upon Tolkien's Essay 'On Fairy-Stories." Mosaic 10.2 (1977): 5-14. Bergvall, Ake. "A Myth Retold: C. S. Lewis' Till We Have Faces." Mythlore 11.1 (39) (1984): 5-12. Berman, Ruth. "Here an Orc, There an Ork." Mythlore 1.1 (1969): 8-10. ---. "White Knight and Leech Gatherer: Poet as Boor." Mythlore 9.3 (33) (1982): 29-31. ---. "Dragons for Tolkien and Lewis." Mythlore 11.1 (39) (1984): 53-58.
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