THE WESTF1ELD LEADER THE UADING AMP HOST WIDELY CHtlULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPE* IN UNION COUNTY .. la* Second Class Matter -NINTH VEAI-No. 51 Post Office. Weetfleld. N. 1. Published WE8TFIEU), NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEB 1, 1949 Every Thursday. Boro School Bus 11 New Teachers Join Faculty Warns Against Jiina to be Topic Schedule Ready Of Iest6eld Public Schools Polio Scare Doerr To Head The Westfield public schools will open with a full staff on To Start Thursday Wednesday under the direction of Dr. S. N. Ewan Jr., supervising In Westfield _4t Adult School principal. There have been 11 new teachers, one new nurse and one new secretary employed for this school year. Seven of these are in United Campaign Two BUM* to the elementary field, one in the junior high school and three in the Carney Reports 3 China Institute Director Leader of Transport Pupils senior high school, Two former More Infantile Budget Committee For October Drive Special Count, All Chineae Faculty On Four Routes teachers will return from leave of 2500 Dividend absence. Miss Melissa Fouratte Cases This Week Appointed by Samuel Kinney Dr. Chih Menu, director of China Institute in America, baa or- Two buses, each to maintain two returns to Roosevejt Junior High nniwd «special courie tot tbe Westfield Adult School under the title School after a year in Scotland as Two more Westfield familes were Charles A. Doerr, 26 Fair Hill road has been elected general routes, will be provided by the affected by poliomyelitis this week, chairman of Weetfleld's 1949 United Campaign. Announcement of oj "CMna "> Tr»n»ition." It will be presented by eight Chinese lec- Somerset Bus Co. for transporta- Forms Given Out an exchange teacher, and Miss Ada turers, Met one a recognised authority in his particular field. The Grillo to the Benjamin Franklin according to Andrew H. Carney, Mr. Doerr's election to head the drive was made last night by Samuel tion of Mountainside School pupils, executive officer of the Board of M. Kinney, 251 East Dudley avenue, president of the board of trus- purpose of the China Institute is to promote education and culture in it was announced today. School school after study for her doctor's ot literature, science, history and Persons Limited degree. Health. They are the Young fam- tees of the group of six social agencies collecting their annual budget will open next Thursday. ily of 814 Harding' street, whose funds in one great drive, iched- other subjects among Chinese and The bus for morning route No. To 3 Applications Bernard O. Thomas of Wood- Americans and to cultivate • mu- bury will teach English and jour- two sons, Nils, seven years old, uled for October. 1 will start at 8,15 a. m. at -Mose- nalism in the senior high school in and John, four years old, were tak- Mr. Doerr ha a formerly served tual understanding between China man's, near the Somerset Bus Co., About 2,500 applications for div- mi tit United Stages. The Insti- place of Robert Dartt. Mr. Thom- en to Muhlenberg Hospital Sunday as the chairman of the businesi and wil) proceed to Springfield idends to be paid by the Veterans as has taught for three years, is with infantile paralysis, and section of the Westfleld United tute owns and operates China •venue, making pickups on Spring- Administration on''National Serv- gouie, 185 East 65th street, New a graduate of Muhlenberg College Joseph Fedorka Jr., 23 years old, Campaign. President of the Doerr field avenue around 8:15 a. m.; ice Life Insurance have been dis- and has his master's degree frpm of 117 Hardwick avenue, who was Co., investments, in Newark, he fork City, a building given by the Mill lane, 8:20; corner Highway tributed this week at the Westfield Beniy Luce Foundation in mem- the University of Pennsylvania. employed in Elizabeth and was re- has long: been active in Westfield 29 and Summit road, 8:23; pro- Post Office, Postmaster John H. He spent four years as vocational moved to Muhlenberg Hospital civic affairs. A member of the rty of the late Dr. Henry Win- ceeding up Summit 'road making Traynor revealed yesterday after- fcrs luce, who devoted 40 years counselor and psychologist in the Friday after becoming ill at work. Echo Lake Country Club, Mr. stops at Schmidt's and Heckle's; noon. The local office had » sup- United States Army. Mr. Fedorku's case is described as Doerr has also been serving on the tl hi! life to the promotion of mod- Sunny Slope road, top of Summit ply of about 4,000 Monday morn- m (dwation in China. Emerald D. Dillen comes to the serious while the Young children Republican State Finance Commit- road and Summit lane at 8:30 a. m. ing, when the forms were first senior high school commercial de- have mild cases. The only other tee. Dr. Meng is also director of The bus will proceed on Summit available for distribution. Local Westfield case still in isolation at China Imtitute of New Jersey and partment from Bridgeton. He is Mr. Kinney, at the 'same time, 1 lane to COICB avenue, making pick- veterans will begin to receive divi- MuhJenberg Hospital is Edward etch iumnwi organizes an inten- a graduate of Rider College with announced the personnel of the ups at Bayberry lane, Evans' at dends in January, the Veterans a master's degree from Rutgers, Genz, three years old, of 1734 Bou- budget committee which has been sive 1U*1 course on China, for 8;36; Tanager way., Anderson's, Administration has announced. levard, whose case is also described tttcbtn, given by a Chinese fac- He has taught four years in Clay- reviewing: the budgets submitted 8:38; down Deer path making a Postmaster Traynor said that ton and Bridgeton and spent three as mild. by the agencies participating in ulty it tat Montclair State Teach- stop at Fox trail at 8:40 and pro- each person is limited to no more ers Collere .'or college credit years in the United States Army. Mr. Carney warned against the 1840 United Campaign. Un- ceeding to schonl. After unload- than three applications. Requests He replaces Mrs. Olive Timberlake state of alarm in Weitfield der the chairmanship of former "CWn» in Transition" will be ing at 8:45 a. m., the bus will pro- for a large number of the forms cause of the number of polio canes Mayor Robert S. Purvis, 529 First offered from 8 until 9 p, m. with a< who has retired. ceed to Mountain avenue. should be submitted to the regional Miss Catherine V. Flannelly will reported this year. Of the 10 In- street, the budget committee in- IK olV for the «ntire series. The On this route (route No. 2), the offices of the Veterans Administra- cluded in the report of the board, cludes Miss Nancy F, Reynolds, lim of this course is to achieve replace Miss Doris M. Acker in bus will make pickups at Nolte's, tion. Local veterans organizations the senior high school physical ed- only three are expected to still be 658 Boulevard, partner in Reynolds fundamental understanding of this Chrone's parking area near Wood- also have supplies of the applica- hospitalized by this weekend. & Fritz, realtors; Charles W. An- brge and important part of the ucation department while she is on land avenue, corner of New Prov- tion blanks. leave of absence. Miss Flannelly's new cases have been reported since derson, 1060 Wychwood road, «• mrid, China, whose courses of ac- UH, CHIH MEIM1 idence road and Woodland avenue Since the number of Wcsffteld Sunday. Wentfleld HtuJlos ecutive vice president of American tion have exerted and continue to home is in Staten Island. She is CH.tHMOH IIIIKHH and then proceed to school. veterans is well under the 4,000 a graduate of Russell Sage Col- Miss Edith Oppenheimer of 802 Machine A Metals Co.; Lester P. lint far-reaching influence on the On morning route No. 3, the bus mark, it is expected that the num- Phllp, 820 Standlsh avenue, assist- future of other nations. lege with a US degree. Shudowlawn drive, another polio, Survey Reveals will start at the corner of Part- ber at the post office here will be The vacancy in the junior high victim, is still in critical condition" ant to the chairman, American The topics and lecturers follow: ridge run and Deer path at 8:20 sufficient for the town's needs. at Monmouth Memorial Hospital, Car and Foundry Co.; Frank J. Oct. 10, "China, the Land and school English department caused Firemen Continue a. m., making pickups of pupils by the resignation of Miss Vir- Long Branch. Although a West- Pet urn, 535 Highland avenue, of People," Dr. Chih Meng. All-Day Parkers living on Deer path and Partridge field resident, she is not considered Cities Service, who is president of :t 17, "The Birth and Growth ginia Bendt, will be filled by Miss lun. The bus will proceed down Center to Begin Ruth Cherrington of Princeton. a Westfleld case since she has been To Seek Signers both the Westfield Federal Saving* he Chinese Civilization," Dr. New Providence road, stopping at living at (be shore all summer and & Loan Association and the Echo •Ching Chen, professor of psy- Miss Cherrington has taught a to- North Side Area Whippoorwill >vay, Wood Acres tal of seven years in Wilmington, no official report has bttn Lake Country Club; Albeit E. M«- Echology and education, National drive and Orchard road. After un- Fall Program Petition Deadline der, 44 St.
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