June 13, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5561 time, passed, and the motion to recon- pionship without the hard work and Whereas Kobe Bryant was named to the sider be laid upon the table, without dedication of the entire team: Rick 2001–2002 All-National Basketball Associa- any intervening action or debate. Fox, Derrick Fisher, Robert Horry, tion First Team after averaging 25.5 points The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Brian Shaw, Devean George, Lindsey per game, 5.5 rebounds per game, and 5.5 as- Hunter, Samaki Walker, Mark Madsen, sists per game during the regular season; objection, it is so ordered. Whereas Kobe Bryant averaged 26.8 points, The amendment (No. 3846) was agreed Slava Medvedenko, and Mitch Rich- 5.8 rebounds, and 5.3 assists during the 2002 to, as follows: mond. National Basketball Association Finals; On page 7, line 9, strike ‘‘(a)(4)’’ and insert I also want to congratulate team Whereas Coach Phil Jackson won his ninth ‘‘(a)(2)(A)’’. owner Dr. Jerry Buss, General Manager National Basketball Association title, tying On page 8, line 9, strike ‘‘209(b)(2)’’ and in- Mitch Kupchak and all the others who the record of legendary Boston Celtics coach, sert ‘‘209(b)(3)’’. put in the time and effort to bring an- Red Auerbach; The committee amendment in the other championship to the City of An- Whereas Coach Phil Jackson won his 156th gels. And, most importantly, I would postseason game, surpassing former Lakers nature of a substitute, as amended, was Coach Pat Riley to become the winningest agreed to. like to thank the Laker fans in Los An- geles and throughout the state for playoff coach in National Basketball Asso- The bill (H.R. 1209), as amended, was ciation history; read the third time and passed. being there for the team every step of Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers epitomize the way. f the spirit of their hometown with their de- The 2001–2002 Los Angeles Lakers termination, heart, stamina, and amazing CONGRATULATING THE LOS have written another chapter in the comeback ability; ANGELES LAKERS history of one of the National Basket- Whereas the support of all the Los Angeles Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask ball Association’s storied franchises fans and the people of California propelled unanimous consent the Senate proceed and will certainly go down as one of the Los Angeles Lakers to another National Basketball Association Championship; and to the consideration of S. Res. 286 sub- the greatest teams of all time. They have made the City of Los An- Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are poised mitted earlier today by Senators FEIN- geles and the State of California proud. to win a fourth straight National Basketball STEIN and BOXER. The Los Angeles Lakers are a team Association Championship next season: Now, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The with a tremendous amount of heart, therefore, be it clerk will report the resolution by Resolved, That the Senate commends and stamina, determination and a clear congratulates the Los Angeles Lakers on title. will to win. I have no doubt that this The legislative clerk read as follows: winning the 2002 National Basketball Asso- team stands ready to make a run at a ciation Championship Title. A resolution (S. Res. 286) commending and fourth straight championship and add f congratulating the Los Angeles Lakers for yet another banner to the rafters of the their outstanding drive, discipline, and mas- Staples Center. ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2002 tery in winning the 2002 National Basketball Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask Association Championship. Mr. REID. Madam President, I was pulling for the Sacramento team. I unanimous consent when the Senate There being no objection, the Senate have to say, as much as I dislike the completes its business today, it ad- proceeded to consider the resolution. Lakers, they sure came through in the journ until 9 a.m. Friday, June 14; that Madam President, I rise today with clutch. They really know how to win. following the prayer and the pledge, my friend and colleague from Cali- You have to admire them for that. the Journal of proceedings be approved fornia, Senator BARBARA BOXER, to I ask unanimous consent the resolu- to date, the morning hour be deemed commend and congratulate the Los An- tion and preamble be agreed to en bloc, expired, the time for the two leaders be geles Lakers for winning the 2002 Na- the motion to reconsider be laid on the reserved for their use later in the day, tional Basketball Association Cham- table, and any statements relating and there be a period of morning busi- pionship last night. thereto be printed in the RECORD, with- ness until 9:35 a.m., with 20 minutes Clearly, the Lakers are one of the out further intervening action or de- under the control of Senator MURRAY, most distinguished franchises in the bate. and the remaining time under the con- history of professional sports. In The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without trol of the Republican leader or his des- sweeping a talented and game New Jer- objection, it is so ordered. ignee; further that at 9:35 a.m., the sey Nets team, the Lakers won their The resolution (S. Res. 286) was Senate resume consideration of the ter- third straight championship and their agreed to. rorism insurance bill. fourteenth overall. The preamble was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Led by coach Phil Jackson, Shaquille The resolution, with its preamble, objection, it is so ordered. O’Neal, and Kobe Bryant, the Lakers reads as follows: f S. RES. 286 could not be denied. Shaquille O’Neal PROGRAM dominated the Finals and won his third Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are 1 of straight National Basketball Associa- the greatest sports franchises in history; Mr. REID. Madam President, the tion Finals Most Valuable Player Whereas the Laker organization has won 14 Senate will conduct two rollcall votes award after scoring a record 145 points National Basketball Association Champion- beginning at approximately 9:35 a.m., in a four game series. ships; first on passage of H.R. 3275, the Sup- Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are only pression of Terrorism Convention, and Another superstar, Kobe Bryant, the fifth team to win 3 consecutive National averaged 26.8 points, 5.3 assists, and 5.8 the second on the Allen amendment to Basketball Association Championships and the terrorism insurance bill regarding rebounds during the Finals series after the seventh team to sweep the finals 4 games frozen assets. being named to the 2001–2002 All-Na- to none; tional Basketball Association First Whereas the Laker organization has fielded f Team. In addition, he delighted fans such legendary superstars as George Mikan, ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9 A.M. with his usual collection of highlight Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, TOMORROW material plays. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Earvin ‘‘Magic’’ John- son, and now, Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Mr. REID. Madam President, if there Coach Phil Jackson also had a record Bryant; is no further business to come before breaking night. He won his ninth Na- Whereas Shaquille O’Neal won his third the Senate, I ask unanimous consent tional Basketball Association title, straight National Basketball Association the Senate stand in adjournment under tying the record of the legendary Bos- Finals Most Valuable Player award, joining the previous order. ton Celtics coach, Red Auerbach. In ad- Michael Jordan as the only player to win 3 There being no objection, the Senate, dition, he won his 156th post-season consecutive awards; at 8:50 p.m., adjourned until Friday, Whereas Shaquille O’Neal scored a record game, surpassing former Lakers coach June 14, 2002, at 9 a.m. Pat Riley to become the winningest 145 points in the 2002 4-game finals series; Whereas Shaquille O’Neal’s 59.5 percent ca- f playoff coach in National Basketball reer field goal percentage in National Bas- NOMINATIONS Association history. ketball Association Finals games is number But it should be pointed out that the 1 all-time and his 34.2 point scoring average Executive nominations received by Lakers could not have won the cham- ranks second; the Senate June 13, 2002: VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:31 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S13JN2.REC S13JN2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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