' r 9* _ ; ■ , ' - TUESDAY, AUGUST 28,198t ' it/ : r . m m a x iKattrlif^Bt^r Unralb ik*V ■•■ ■ W w -X, said the arrest today canie afUr Manchester Escaped Disn^ter-fHelp FlotM VictimSf Give to .aitlifMigw it to imuaual to imld Hydrant Brokpn Emcrgtncjr Doe|on WllltmahUc police rejwtedorted aaChsv- Oiev- M r W tight 9«kldy a vM ^aTM bla aohool at tMa Um* Find Chappell ririet truck missing thereers Isst night svith MOROAL tka saw apM tha acbool to a ^ o n Leavoi Post iftm y S h r, Phyaiciana of the Manchea- about 10 p.m. ttetog ktok eatoito fbai aknili ^mia weak at tha O owant Oon^e- By Truck ‘Here ’ state Trooper Kenneth. Hayden aMBL VltaaHM Rl. aattonal Church haa attracted ter Medical Aa«i. who will re­ In Mansfield A w m f s D«U t N o t P iS M Run n u i l ^ at * spond to emergency ' calla to­ •nf the Stafford barracks received B it. Gae« far tka . Itor Uw Wo4 M ioi T b o W o n tliw BO childrm from kln- information a man waa Weeping to eklM ar aM t. GaaS dargartaq to eighth gcadera. insult was almcist added to in­ morrow afternoon and evening ' i- Aormt Sib loss |toiiwo|.or V. R. W M fek are Dr, Howard Lockward a truck in Mahefield thia mominc. aitoaa to caaMag, jury at 3:45 p.m., yesterday when Takes Truck Without ____ _ _______I of H4n- tadulta only), Tel. Ml 9-3243 It turned out to be Chappell. nerta/ar la kevtoagea. SMB s A. Thomaa r. Moriarty Jr„ aon of a hydrant was neatly broken Oft poonS. 1 1 . 3 3 3 r«wr-#< Ow «n*a*wrw. Mr. and Mra. Thomaa r. Moriarty. and Dr. Elmer Diskan, Tel. Permission o f Owner; IJcenee Suspended, in the North End. an area where MI 9-1551. I aiiwi-Plaa* ^ tho f Strickland St., who haa been some flood damage has already oc­ Police said he admitted taking WELDON INIU» CO. r sf Iko AoiR ■kMKi. " I w a l 9 ^ " wUch Uo touring Europe for the peat thbae curred. But the water was shut off Warrant Issued .Here the triiclr without permission from M t SIAIN 8T. I W CtoeotottoB the owner, for whom he had once Idanckester-....A City o f Village Charm \ to to Octobtr. montha In company with two of quickly. hia claaamatea. .all grOduatea of Patrolman Bmaniiel Motola said A Hartford man still wearing a worked. Investigation showed his ' . V.'. Moa OaCtaribal.'canv M VotUr Pipvldence College, in June, ia at a projectlng part of a, ttviiik driven' cast covering his right foot as the driver’s license to be suspended St, baa a aWit Uoonlii« c«nus Hospital Notes also, police said. (CTaaMflad AdvaeOMag m thoa « ) PRICE FIVE CENTS tThaa a pnaant to lUly. A card juat re­ by William R. CorUm, 22. East result of a bullet wound inflicted letustEF YOL. LXXIV, NO. f 7§ (TWBNTY-rOUR PAGES—* ^ 0 'SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, AU G USf 24,1955 BUUit Which aho, conMantly ax- ceived from him waa written high A warrant was .ordered for his Hartford, caught on a Manchester by a Manchester policeman in June Y o w W « l ^ ntetM wOl unfold two of tu baantl- iu> on the balcony eg the “Leaning Water Co. hydrant on North St., PntienU Today; 1M. arrest, by the, Msn$hester coutje: MVoaaoBM to^iht arotmd t Ibwer Of Piaa." The trio haa snapping it oft almost le>'el with ADMITTED YESTERDAY; Wil­ wea arrested this morning by State and will be. served after disposi­ IR 30 o’doek. H m Snt ooa bhiaaomad toured England, Prance, with atopa liam Blaxenaky Jr., 59 Clinton St.; Police In Mansfield and charged tion 6f Chappell's case In Wens- laatalaht M ta Oarr artU walcoma the sidewalk. • In Paria and'Madrid :,|8pain, rRome Harry Straw of the water com­ Mra Edna Wiliis, 33 Delmont St.; with taking a motor vehicle with' fleld. How , Where to Give Manda lataroatad ia aaaiag tba He is scheduled to appear in the Official Jet and other placet in_^taly. pany said the rushing stream waa Wiliiam Mercer,' 92 Autumn St.; out the owner’s permission and op­ apaetacla. turned off quickly and no damage Melvin G. Miller. East Hartford; Mansfleld Justli'e Court Thursday mifcm Pvt. Frank J. Zanottl, aon / of erating while his license li-sus and Is being held at the Stafford ________ 118 .■i from flooding resulted. Albert Mieht, 68 HqlHster St.; MIm Marllni IfeCMihy^ Mr. and Mra. E. Zanottl of Colura- •1? Motola estimated damage to the Mrs. Louiss Vietto, 2 Regan St., pended. State Police berrackt pending A sclenGfle priatag raearS aiaSa Flood Relief Funds noraaca St, ____iaiicaI jo t John Wada- •hla, la receiving baaic training poating of a $500 bond. electronically will teU yaa tka Mark Sfeen wotih, waa hpoorad with anothar hydrant's! J150. however.. Rockville Mrs.' JaneU Eagleson. Elmer Chappell. 21. forfeited a with the Third Armored Dlvialon He Investigated two other ac­ 54 Mount Nebo 1^1.; Robert Jaepar, $500 bond in court here yesterday Police agreed Chappell must true oaBdlUea and n ia a( yaapr thewar laat aTaainf at tba homa ai Fort Knox, Ky. cidents yesterday also. Wtpping. I when he did not appear to face have had some difficulty driving watch. of H n. rioranea L. Stwln, mothar with the cast still on hit leg. EXP|ERT WATCH RRPAIRS About 10 a.m.. a camp trailer ADMITTED TODAYf Mrs. An­ charges of resisting arrest and Set by U.Sl ’ To givo to Hm Moocliosfor drivo to coBoet t t Mr. Wadaworth. who waa aa- Mr. and Mra. Charlea F. Wyman PROBfFT aiatad by Miaa. Carol Wadaworth drawn by a vehicle driven by na Schuls. 3 Bunce Dr.; Joseph larceny. end daughtera, Beverly and Janet, Roth Simdatrom Kostyfi NaumSc.- .30, Columbia, ECONOMICAL SERVICC Flood RoBof foods for Hm Amoricoo Rod of Longmaadow. Maaa. The brida* Prefsumarita, Hartford. The charges were made June 30 |vc Wttthington, A u g., 24 (JP) have moved from Sd Starkweather br^ke loose as it went over the when police said he was shot in X elaet raealved many uaaful. appK- St., to their new home, M South- Miaa Ruth Sundatrom, pariah BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A GIVE HER •—Art Air Force plans ii ?*" Crow, yoo 0Bi7 do oo* d f Nro tMogs. aneaa fbr kltehan uaa. About ' 20 railroad .tracks on W. .Middle daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William the right leg while attempting ee- weat Avc., Wlndaor Locka. worker at the Covenant Congre­ Tpke.. and smacked into a pole. cape from questioning by Patrol-, ported to have aot the firat guaaU attaadad from thia and Luckily, no one wa.s hurt Lopes. 34 Dr. B; a son to Mr. and CHANEL NO. i nearby towna. ' gational Church for the paat year, Mrs. Willard Begley, 48 Bunce Dr.; man John Cavagnaro about a stol­ official world’s sp<^ record 1. MoR yoor cliocfc, poyoblo to Mra. Eleanor Martin, preaident -although Motola reported the trail- en suit. Hospitalised then, he wore available at •■y of the Second Congregational will terminate her dutiea next ler traveled free about 80 feet be; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. .Ekl- for an airplane flying faster K. Rlmoro. Flood.Rolldf Troosoror. Kaaehaater SeropUmUU anjoy- ward Steele. RFT> 3, Coventry. a cast on his leg after Kis release Women’a League, urgently re- weel^ at the church, and will be fore the pole stopped it. He esti­ from the hospitiU under $500 bond than aound. ad a ataak roaat laat arenlnc on qtMtta the membera of the League DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: WELDOtrS ”s^h^7 Rod Cross. 49 Cootor St., Moochostor, Cooo. tha paUo at Mra. Julia MeCar> honored with a reception tomorrow mated damage to the trailer at for court appearance here. 991 MAIN STREET 785 MAIM ST. An induatiy. publication. Amari- and othera to bring to the church about 875. John Sullivan, 216 E. Middle Tpke.; State Police in Stafford Springs can Aviation Daily, aaid today It New Chapters 1^ thy’a homa S3 School St, Rock­ evening following • the mid-week Linda Stauty, 71 Wells St.; Mrs. Maps ville, with IS of the membera tomorrow from 1 o’clock oh, ar- Just after 1 p.m., a car driven by ' had laarnad a North Amarican 2. Toko yoor doootioo. lo Forsoo. to tW " tlclca of clothing for men, women aen'Ice at 7:30. , David Rosenstein, 40. West Hart­ Bertha Taylor, 28 Foxhill Dr., Fioec piloted by- C6I. Horace A. preaant Mra. LUUan Ouatafaon, Rockville; Mrs. Thelma Merritt. Aniorieoo Rod Cross offko at 49 Cootor St. In Flbod Story tha new preaident praaldad at a and children, or toya for little onea. She haa aerved aa an efficient ford. struck the rear of an auto­ Haljea hid set the mark last Sat­ Theae will be collected by the Sal­ leader in the youth w o r k ^ the mobile operated by Harry E. Ham­ Windsor Locks; Mrs. Doris Om- urday In hfa third attempt. For EfcUing brief bwamaaa aaaalon, at which vation-Army and diatrlbuted to the church, particularly in the Aunday stem And daughter, RFD 1, Storrs; (Tko Rod Ccess ollico Is lo tfco Nttlo boRdiog \ plana for tha coming aaaaon'a. ac- ilton. 58. Batavia. N.'-Y.. stopped "Tha forced apead will have to Farmington, Aug. 34 Up—Dla- tlvltlea were dlacuaaad. Tha next flood .Sufferera. and the Vacation Blble/Schoola.
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